Lucrehulk-Class "Battleship." |
 | Production Information: |
Manufacturer: | Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc. |
Product Line: | Lucrehulk-Series. |
Model: | LH-3210 Cargo Freighter. |
Type: | Improvised Battleship. |
Technical Specifications: |
Length: | 3,170 meters. |
Maximum Acceleration: | 3,000 G. |
Maximum Speed (atmosphere): | 500 km/h. |
Engine Unit(s): | Rendili StarDrive Proton 3 (primary); Proton 12 (secondary). |
Hyperdrive rating: | Class 2.0; Backup: Class 10. |
Power Output: | Peak (shields): ~1,08 times 1025 W. |
Armament: | Pre-Clone Wars refitting:Quad turbolaser batteries (42).Clone Wars refitting: Ring Carrier:Point-defense quad laser batteries (164); Assault laser cannons (472); Turbolasers (48).Core Ship:Point-defense quad laser batteries (21); Assault laser cannons (48); Turbolasers (3). |
Complement: | C-9979 landing craft (50); Vulture droid starfighters (1,500); Troop carriers (1,500); Multi-Troop Transports (550); Armored Assault Tanks (6,250); B1 battle droids (over 329.600). |
Crew: | 150 to 350. |
Passengers: | 100,000+. |
Cargo capacity: | 5 million tons. |
Consumables: | 500 days. |
Usage: |
Roles: | Battleship; Carrier; Command ship. |
Eras: | Rise of the Empire era; New Jedi Order era. |
Affiliations: | Trade Federation; Confederacy of Independent Systems; Separatist holdouts; Trade Federation resistance; Galactic Empire; Corporate Sector; Independent merchants; Alliance to Restore the Republic; The Colony. |
The "Lucrehulk-Class Battleship" was the primary capital ship of the Trade Federation's Trade Defense Force. Most Lucrehulks were modified from enormous cargo haulers. Upgraded and modified versions were later used by the CIS Navy, the Alliance to Restore the Republic, the Corporate Sector Authority and the Killik Colony.NOTE: The UCG does NOT consider the Lucrehulk-Class to be a battleship, since the design is a modified cargo ship and the Confederation Of Independent Systems is not a legal authority.CharacteristicsAt over three kilometers in diameter, the enormous vessels resembled a donut-shape missing a section of its circumference and with a central sphere containing the ship's bridge and reactor assemblies. The forward holds of the craft held two mammoth docking bays on either side, lined with forward docking "claws." These gigantic cargo vessels had been built for many years by the Trade Federation to haul cargo between planets and were an important asset to their enterprise.Housed in the stern of the hull were the main reactors, each connected to one of the three main engines, as well as to secondary engines and each other. The central sphere housed its own reactor/power generator assemblies.Lining the equatorial bands in batteries of three, were quad turbolaser cannons capable of rotating inwards when not in use. Their limited coverage of the hull made the early battleships vulnerable, and made them rely more on the massive number of starfighters carried, to defend the ships against enemy starfighters. This was, however, rectified with later ships whose armor and shields proved too strong for starfighter firepower, the fact becoming quickly apparent at the Battle of Naboo.Clone Wars-era battleshipBattleships fighting in the Clone Wars had less trouble with weak spots, as they were augmented with gun batteries and much stronger shielding. Batteries of long guns and heavy guns complemented the additional quad turbolaser batteries added to the Lucrehulk superstructure when the war erupted.Each ship was also now so powerful due to the increased amount of power devoted to offensive and defensive systems that a whole flotilla of Republic Star Destroyers was needed just to bring down its shields.HistoryOriginsWhen the Trade Federation began creating its military, the Executive Board realized the need for large cruisers to transport their weapons across the galaxy, battleships to defend against starfighter attacks, and flagships for controlling their vast legions of battle droids. Reluctant to spend the credits necessary to construct and purchase a fleet of military vessels, the Trade Federation began modifying its existing Lucrehulk-Class freighters into warships.Invasion of NabooThe Trade Federation used a substantial fleet of Lucrehulk-Class battleships to enforce the invasion of Naboo, led by the flagship Saak'ak. The most important vessel in the Trade Federation's blockade was the Droid Control Ship. When the rest of the blockade dispersed after Naboo was successfully occupied, the Neimoidians left the Droid Control Ship in orbit to coordinate their droid forces. The Control Ship was later destroyed by the young Anakin Skywalker, resulting in the deactivation of the Droid Army.After the Invasion of Naboo, the Republic ordered the Trade Federation to disband its military forces. The crafty Trade Federation pretended to comply with this command by apparently disassembling most of its battleships, only to transform their centrispheres into detachable core ships capable of carrying supplies.Later, some of these vessels were used to try to destroy Outbound Flight. Chiss Commander MITTHŔAWŃIRUODO (commonly called THRAWN) destroyed all but one of the Lucrehulks, allowing her to surrender.The Clone WarsCore ships were used during the Battle of Geonosis where they carried legions of battle droids. In retreat, the Core Ships were found to be able to reattach themselves to the outer ring. These vessels saw continued use during the devastating Clone Wars, transporting military equipment and troops to countless worlds, and engaging Republic fleets in combat.During the wars, the Lucrehulk-Class received a massive upgrade in terms of firepower, with the addition of hundreds of long guns, quad guns, and heavy guns dotting the surface of both the core ship and the surrounding cargo arms. They, along with the other capital ships of the Confederate Navy, also proudly wore the colors and insignia of the Confederacy. A few dozen participated in the attack on Coruscant towards the end of the war.LegacyDuring the Imperial Period, some militarized Lucrehulks remained in operation, fighting on the side of Separatist holdouts or early Rebel Alliance units. A few battleships kept in Imperial surplus stock were also sold to the Corporate Sector or to wealthy merchants.One of several Alliance Lucrehulks, the FORTRESSA, served as a starfighter carrier, carrying a complement of hundreds of T-65 X-wing starfighters. In 0 BBY, it participated in an assault on the first Death Star and was destroyed by the battle station's superlaser. In 36 ABY, dozens of Lucrehulk-Series freighters were appropriated by forces allied with The Colony and used as carriers for Dartship swarms during the Swarm War.Strategic ImplicationsThe Lucrehulk-Class per se is not especially impressive; In an 8 on 1 battle between "rogue" Palpatinian forces and an REF Spacy VEROCHA-Class frigate, the Lucrehulks wer utterly devastated; With the VEROCHA sustained heavy damage and had to eventually spend 2 years in a dockyard, the Lucrehulks were utterly annihilated, with even their fighters (top of the line Royal TIE Interceptors, equipped with FTL drives that "should have" allowed them to escape) completed destroyed. The VEROCHA sustained 50% fighter fleet loss, and no permanent casualties.In short, militrily the Lucrehulk is NO match for the UGC.However, industrially speaking it's a potential threat; First, it demonstrates how easily a civilian cargo ship can be converted to militry duties as a gun- and fighter-platform. More importantly, the blueprints for the Lucrehulk is everything BUT a secret; The Neimoidians released the blueprints far and wide, in the hopes others would rise up and, using their ships, return them to their "rightful" place. Thus, numbers are a concern; The UGC has no idea how many of these ships are out there, and neither does anyone else. These is known to be at least three abandoned fleets, totaling over 1,000 ships, collecting dust and dents. There may be even more that were stolen from the anchorages that no one really knows about. Pirates are fond of the design, since it's easy to upgrade the firepower compared to some designs, and the cargo bays provide more than enough space for hundreds of fighters and shuttles; Over 2,000 large shuttles were carried in the original configuration, and nearly as many robot fighters as well. One would be very hard pressed to find a pirate fleet with so many members, let alone a single ship, though the Atorian Fessors are capable of this (they have over a dozen of these ships, but even the GIB isn't aware of this, since the Fessors don't think of them as real ships but rather prizes to eventually be sold).At the moment, the Lucrehulk-Class isn't causing the UGC any particular concern, but like a metaphorical bad dog that lives down the street, they watch the equally metaphorical fence, "just in case." |  |  | A Wartime Lucrehulk-Class Battleship Bearing The Markings Of The Confederacy Of Independent Systems. | A Hangar Bay With MTTs. | Three Quad Turbolaser Batteries On A Trade Federation Battleship. |
 |  | Droid Control Ship Schematics. | A Lucrehulk-Class Battleship Of Tthe Confederate Navy. |
Lucrehulk-Class Core Ship. |
 | Production Information: |
Manufacturer: | Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc. (basic core ship); Baktoid Combat Automata (Separatist Droid Army control core). |
Product line: | Lucrehulk-class. |
Model: | Modified Lucrehulk-class LH-1740 modular control core. |
Class: | Core ship; Cruiser (standard classification); Capital ship (standard classification). |
Technical Specifications: |
Width: | 696 meters. |
Height/depth: | 914 meters (when landed, minus transmission mass). |
Maximum acceleration: | 300 G. |
Power output: | Peak (reactor): 3 times 1024 W; Peak (shields): 6 times 1023 W. |
Armament: | Pre-Clone Wars refitting: Point-defense light laser cannons. Clone Wars refitting: Point-defense quad laser batteries (21); Assault laser cannons (48); Turbolasers (3). |
Crew: | 60 Trade Federation supervisors; 3,000 droid crew; 200,000 maintenance droids. |
Passengers: | 60,000 (stateroom capacity for delegates). |
Cargo capacity: | c. 66,000,000 m³. |
Consumables: | Supplies for 3 years. |
Usage: |
Roles: | Freighter; Command ship; Destroyer (modified version). |
Eras: | Rise of the Empire era; Rebellion era. |
Affiliation: | Trade Federation; Confederacy of Independent Systems; Separatist holdouts; Corporate Sector; Merchants. |
"Each one carries an army large enough to threaten an entire planet."― Mace WINDU. | The Lucrehulk-Class core ship was a modified command core module used as an autonomous transport by the Trade Federation and later the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars as well as the Separatist holdouts during the Imperial Period.CharacteristicsWhile fully capable spacecraft in their own right, the core ships were also able to reattach themselves to the outer ring hull of a Lucrehulk battleship and thus could resume their role as command cores. Thanks to their modular design, the spherical vessels could also be attached to a number of other Federation ship-designs, like cruisers, destroyers, tankers and container vessels.DimensionsThe hierarchical arrangement of living quarters on a core ship resembled that of Neimoidian hives. The command bridges, executive suites and treasuries were located in the core ship's upper pole and towers. Lower levels were for junior managers, publicists and droid storage, and on at least some variants, much of the hull above the ship's equator served as a single vast hangar bay and flight deck.The lowest levels were given over to engineering areas and conference rooms, areas habitually shunned by high-ranking Trade Federation officials, who preferred to use droids to perform the demeaning and difficult responsibilities of dealing with outsiders or complex equipment.Propulsion SystemsCore ships were designed to be capable of planetary landing, and equipped with massive repulsorlift suspensor units installed on their ventral section. In addition to these repulsorlift units, a ventral ion-thruster allowed for rapid take-off and escape from orbit. The core ship was also equipped with numerous landing legs, though the landing gear required repulsorlift assistance to support the hull in launch posture for any length of time.Offensive And Defensive SystemsThe basic type of core ship was a transport equipped only with point-defense laser cannons, designed to carry supplies around the galaxy. It had a sensor array at the top of its command tower that was similar in style to the sensor globes on the later Star Destroyer models.History
 | Core Ships On The Surface Of Geonosis. |
 | Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery (SPHAs) Concentrate Fire On A Fleeing Core Ship. |
 | Modified Lucrehulk Core Ships Exchange Fire With ACCLAMATOR-Class Assault Ships During The Battle Of Rendili. |
The core module design was at least a century old by 22 BBY, and had undergone few changes throughout that time.However, after the Invasion of Naboo, the Galactic Republic ordered the Trade Federation to disband its military forces. The crafty Trade Federation pretended to comply with this command by apparently disassembling most of its battleships, only to transform their centrispheres into Lucrehulk-class core ships.During the Battle of Geonosis, core ships successfully withdrew legions of battle droids from the planet's foundries in the face of the Republic assault, and during the Clone Wars, they transported military equipment and troops to countless worlds. During the battle, some core ships were brought down by Republic SPHA-T walkers.Towards the end of the Battle of Geonosis, a squad of Republic Commandos was able to infiltrate a disabled core ship and retrieve its launch codes. This allowed the Republic to prevent any more Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS) ships from leaving the planet.During the Clone Wars, core ships underwent upgrades and modifications which led to a variety of internal and external configurations. Some of these were combat-capable variants, destroyers equipped with heavy weapons and droid starfighter swarms that could match the Republic's medium capital ships.In 21 BBY, the Separatist force deployed to secure Spaarti Creations on Cartao consisted of a core ship equipped with three C-9979 landing craft and around five thousand battle droids.Later on in the Clone Wars, a ship of this type, the Gahenna, was involved in an orbital duel above Honoghr and subsequently crashed on the planet, while two more participated in the Battle of Rendili, where they proved an equal match for two Acclamator-class assault ships. When a third Acclamator and five Dreadnaught-class cruisers of the Rendili Home Defense Fleet had their firepower added to the battle, the two were destroyed.At least one core ship, the Unlimited Projection, was modified for long-term planetary deployment as a semi-permanent surface base on Utapau as the headquarters of General Grievous. Another core ship was left derelict on Geonosis during the Galactic Civil War.Following the end of the Clone Wars, the few remaining Lucrehulk battleships and core ships were sold to the Corporate Sector and to wealthy merchants. |
The Veliv colony on Jav is particularly interesting, since they were NOT members of the former Trade Federation nor the Confederacy Of Independent Systems.Despite this, and at EXCEPTIONAL cost, they spent a generation procuring three dozen Lucrehulk-Class ships with the fully complement of C-9979 Landing Craft (aka Trade Federation Landing Ship or the Separatist Landing Craft) and Multi-Troop Transports, then another generation procuring the equipment to build more of the later two, ensconcing them in a heavily fortified underground bunker factory on Jav.The Veliv build unarmed C-9979's and lightly armored or completely unarmored MTT's, using the later as business and warehouses, the former as homes, and Platoon Attack Craft (PAC's) were often seen in use as various types of heavy-lift vehicles, with the "Troop Deployment Rack" replaced with whatever equipment might be needed for that particular vehicle (including an enclosed containment system [as in delivery truck]). STAP's are often seen for personal transportation, though enclosed craft are equally common.The Veliv continue to purchase Lucrehulks as they become available, though they do prorate the price based on condition, and have rejected offers in the past (particularly for significantly damaged hulls). |  |  | A C-9979 Schematic View. | An MTT Schematic View. | Platoon Attack Craft Of The Battle Of Naboo. |