Terran United States Army. | P-40 Warhawk Fighter. |  Terran United States Army. |
Fundamentally flawed as a fighter, the P-40 has insufficient range to make it truly effective in that role; It's limited flight range means it can't stay up as long, and therefore it's patrol  | A Pair Of P-40's In Action Of FBX-21555320. |
time is shorter than that necessary for an effective front-line fighter.However, field experience shows that what it loses in range, it has MORE than make up for in speed and flexibility; As fast as the P-51 and able to strafe ground targets AS WELL AS duke it out in the air, the P-40 has turned what promised to be a short career as a concept prover into a HIGHLY productive career as an attack fighter.Typically, these planes are posted at the center of a zone, or "Area." P-38's patrol the larger "District" looking for trouble. Once an incursion is detected, the P-38's will loiter for the 30 to 45 minutes needed to get the P-40's on scene; They blast away at ground targets while the P-51's provide air cover.They are, however, the par excellence ground attacker; They can blast anything on the ground, even going toe-to-toe with L-08 Rail Launchers and Escalators, Valiants, and Raidar X's and shrugging the attacks of (or so it seems).Name: WarhawkModel Type: P-40Class: Fighter/AttackCrew: OnePassengers: NoneM.D.C. By Location: |
Fuselage- Cockpit- Wings (2)- | 150 80 100 | Tailerons (2)- Rudder- Props (4)- | 75 75 80 each |
Speed and Statistical Data: |
Flying: 500 MPH. Maximum Height: 50,000 Feet. Range In The Air: 2,000 miles; Can not be refueled in the air. Service Ceiling: 7,500 feet Climb Rate: 3,400 ft./min. Height: 14 feet 8 inches Wingspan:Wings Down: 40 feet 9 inchesWings Up: 25 feet Length: 40 feet, 1.125 inches Weight: 17,500 lbs/8.125 tons. | Cargo: Pilots supplies only. Power Systems: One Johnson & Stevens HH 3,100 Hydrocell Turboprop Engine; Output: 3,000 hp at 1,800 KWh Flight Systems:Primary: Anti-Grav PodsSecondary: Aero-Foil Effect in emergency. Cost and Availability: 90,000credit to authorized purchasers; Always available to authorized purchasers. Black Market Cost and Availability: 9credit to 90 MILLIONcredit- Fluctuates WILDLY; Rare.
Weapons Systems: |
1. Six .50 Caliber M-3 Machineguns: The general purpose weapon of the Warhawk series; A fully automatic, heavy machine gun has been around since the early 20th Century on Earth, and nearly identical ones have existed just about everywhere. In all mechanical functions, the Regult Series Battle Pods auto-cannon is so similar that some would call them identical; Only the caliber is significantly different (and thus, the engineering is SLIGHTLY different). The addition of Depleted Uranium rounds to the available inventory has added to the lethality of the .50's significantly. Also, during the War with the Regent, Plasma-662 propellant was developed; The charge was reduced to exactly emulate the effect of Cordite propellant, so it does NOT effect the damage. Purpose: Anti-Personnel/Armor Damage: Lead (Ball) shot: 7D6 Per round; Depleted Uranium rounds: 1D6 times 10 MD per round; Burst fire only. Rate of Fire: Burst fire only; Fires a 10 round burst per pilots attacks per melee. .50's used on the Warbird series were specially modified at the factory to be burst fire only. Range: 600 feet Payload: 50,000 rounds are normally carried- That's 10,000 bursts. Weight: 50 lbs Cost and Availability: 5,000credit; Occasionally available. Highly sought after, and made by a wide number of black marketeers. Ammo Cost and Availability: Ball rounds: 800 to 1,000credit for a box of 50; Routinely available. DU rounds: Up to 100 thousandcredit for a box of 50; Rare. Highly sought after. | 2. Wing Mounted Weapons Systems: The plane can carry up to 3 pods.A) M-7 Rocket Launcher: 24 2-inch rocket tubes in 12 rows of 4 each. Each rocket tube has 4 rockets. Purpose: Heavy Assault M.D.: Each rocket does 2D6 M.D. Rate of Fire: Volleys of 6 or 12 times pilots attacks per melee. Range: 12,000' Payload: 96 per pod. Up to 6 pods can be carried.B) M-11 Torpedo Pod: An ASW torpedo pod. Carries the Mk-82 Airborne Torpedo essentially a modified version of the Mk-81 Submarine Launched Torpedo. The initial launch is by a nothing so complicated as releasing it from the latches that hold it to the pylon. The on board hydro-cell motor then takes over as soon as the torpedo splashes. Each pod hold 3 Mk-82's. Purpose: Offensive/Anti-Ship M.D.: 4D6 times 10 per torpedo Blast Radius: 40' Maximum Range: 80 miles Minimum Range: 5 miles Rate of Fire: 1 torpedo per pilots attacks per melee. Payload: Each pod holds 3 Mk-82's.C) M-12 Fuel Pod: Essentially a modified version of the M-11 Torpedo Pod. In this case, however, it is used as a fuel pod to double the normal range of the craft.D) C-441 Canister Pod: Basically a hollowed out version of the M-7 pod, used to drop highly sensitive and extensive messages. A nose-mounted device using GPS or laser detection guides the pod to within 1/8th of an inch of the intended target.
Features: |
- Radar: Combat grade radar. Range 100 miles, can track up to 200 individual targets. 90% reliability (no reliability against unfriendly stealthed air vehicles, 10% against unfriendly ground vehicles).
- GPS: Standard tracking device. Ties into the Blue Force Tracker.
- Full range optic sensory suite: Infrared, ultra violet, Magnification, night sight, color filters, thermal imager. Range is about 200 miles for MOST sensors.
- Blue Force Tracker: Identifies friend from foe. Overlays the information on both the radar and HUD, ensuring that friendly forces are not accidentally targeted.
- HUD: Displays targeting, airspeed, artificial horizon, and true direction information directly in front of the pilot.
- FLIR: Forward Looking Infrared. Allows pilot to get visuals on targets at night. Note: The sysems ONLY has forward looking infrared, not side looking.
| - Video Camera: 20,000 times zoom lens, records all data observed by the unit. 5,000 hours of recording available.
- Survival Pack: A pack of simpler emergency survival supplies: Pup tent, Sleeping bag, Black light, GPS, First aid kit (bandages, gauze, bandage tape, pads, antiseptic/analgesic), Plasma torch (for small repairs and starting fires), Repair kit (with M.D.C. Repair Spray), Sewing kit (a small spool of thread and 5 needles), 7 star flares (250' apogee), 100 feet of black or brown parachute cord (150 lbs tensile strength; This is in addition to several hundred feet from their parachute itself), 2-5 days rations, 2 gallons water, Water purification kit (good for about 10 gallons), Manual-inflating liferaft (for at-sea abandonment), Self-inflating lifevest (15# bouyancy). The liferaft can also double as a Pup Tent if so desired (though most pilots prefer to use a parachute for that, if anything, due to the fact that it is easier to hide).
Combat Bonuses from P40 Lightning Fighter Elite:- 4 additional attacks per melee.
- One additional Attack Per melee at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12 with any additional bonuses for the pilot.
- +3 Initiative.
- +4 Strike to aircraft, +2 against ground targets.
- +2 Dodge, +2 dodge ground-launched anti-aircraft missiles (in addition to normal +2 dodge).
- +3 Dodge to left/right (with propeller spin/in addition to standard dodge).
- +2 Dive Dodge (in addition to standard dodge).
- +2 Roll.
| Combat Bonuses; Automated Version for P-40 Lightning:- 4 attacks per melee.
- +4 Strike.
- +4 Dodge.
- +4 Roll with hit.