Emblem Of The Armies Of The Southern Cross.
Emblem Of The Armies Of The Southern Cross.
Power Armor
Core Unit.
Emblem Of The Armies Of The Southern Cross.
Emblem Of The Armies Of The Southern Cross.
This highly powerful power armor is the quintessential core of the whole system. It was specially developed for the Andaries R/PA. All Mecha involved in the Andaries routes through the Syseta, which takes its controls DIRECTLY from the
Syseta Core Unit.
Running:60 MPH.
Flying:Mach 1 in air or space.
Maximum Height:15,000 feet.
Underwater:80 mph.
Maximum Depth:3,000 feet (1.5 nautical miles).
Range Underwater:3 hours on main air supply (auxiliary air canisters can be carried).
Height:7 feet.
Width:5 feet.
Length:5 feet.
Weight:1.2 tons.
Weapons Systems:Hand-held only.
A Syseta Power Armor.Power System:TTX-483 heat pile system.
This makes it the core of the whole system. Based loosely on the Queadluun-Rau (Female Power Armor), its design incorporated the "Inertia-Vector Control System" from the original, which compensates for problems related to acceleration and propellant/fuel. Another special feature, also based on the Queadluun-Rau, is a high speed focusing sight built into the face plate. The unit itself was DEFINITELY engineered with micronian pilots in mind. The Syseta Power Armor is designed to withstand the rigors of space and atmosphere. Its excellent armor and great flight mobility make it a superior escape module. Each unit carries an assault rifle, though the type varies from individual to individual.
The Syseta isn't "technically" a powered armor; Instead it's actually a exo-suit covered by a softsuit, with hard plate over strategic areas. However, the softsuit is integrated to the exosuit, and once installed removing the hard plate is extremely difficult, and as such most users don't make the distinction between "exo-suit" and "power armor."
The helmet of the Syseta owes much to the Armies of the Southern Cross body armor motif, most especially the Cold Weather and Sea Squads, but is distinctly different.
The Syseta is the only part of the Andaries that can be mass-produced, and in fact is in limited quantities for use both by civilian and para-militry users. It has proven especially popular with the neo-Knight/neo-Samurai set, which use them (while mounting hovercycles and motorcycles) in semi-mock jousting/tournaments. The participants often wager the cost of their armor (which can be millions) on the outcome of their events which, while strictly speaking is illegal, is usually ignored (as long as no one really gets hurt). This is very much helped when these events are held on non-UGC worlds, which are at their leisure to make whatever laws they choose. Many of these power armors also saw action in the Mecha Su-Dia of Invid-occupation era Terra.
Name: Syseta Core Unit Power Armor
Model Type: Core Unit Power Armor
Class: Power Armor
Crew: One
M.D.C. By Location:
Main Torso-
Arms (2)-
Hands (2)-
Tri-barrel Laser Pulse Guns (2)-
50 each
40 each
30 each
Sensor Eye-
Engine Thrusters (3)-
Legs (2)-

70 each
75 each

Speed and Statistical Data:
Running: 60 MPH
Range On Land: No limit
Flying: Mach 1 in air or space
Maximum Height: 15,000 feet
Range In The Air: Unlimited
Underwater: 80 mph
Maximum Depth: 3,000 feet (1.5 nautical miles)
Range Underwater: 3 hours on main air supply (auxiliary air canisters can be carried).
Height: 7 feet
Width: 5 feet
Length: 5 feet
Weight: 1.2 tons
Cargo: None.
Power System: TTX-483 heat pile system
Flight System: Vector-Thrust control system (basically a very advanced rocket pack).
Cost and Availability: Unknown
Black Market Cost and Availability: Unknown

Weapons Systems:
1. Hand held weapons: The only weapons the unit can carry are hand held ones. The unit has no integral weapons system to reduce weight and size. 2 highly popular choices are the Gun Pod 16 and Laser Pistol 115. The Gallant H-90 is ALSO common, and coveted by those who can get them.

LP-115: Based loosely on the T'sentraedi Laser Pistol, but VASTLY scaled down for Human use.
Purpose: Defense
M.D.: 1D6 per shot
Rate of Fire: Per pilots attacks per melee
Range: 200 feet
Payload: Unlimited

GP-16: Based loosely on the American M-16 designed by Eugene STONER, but with reinforced barrel, bolt, and receiver due to the plasma-based propellant.
Weight: 8.79 pounds
Purpose: Assault/Defense
M.D.: 2D6 per single shot or 4D6 per 3 round burst
Rate of Fire: Per pilots attacks per melee
Range: 600 feet
Payload: 10, 50, 60, and 100 round magazines are available.
M-203: A lightweight, compact, breech loading, pump action, single shot grenade launcher. The launcher consists of a hand guard and sight assembly with an adjustable metallic folding, short-range blade sight assembly, and an aluminum receiver assembly which houses the barrel latch, barrel stop and firing mechanism. The launcher is capable of firing a variety of low velocity 40MM ammunition. The launcher also has a quadrant sight which may be attached to the GP-16 carrying handle and is used when precision is required out to the maximum effective range of the weapon. Originally meant as a replacement for the M-79 grenade launcher of the Viet Nam era, the M-203 can use CN/CS/OC tear gas rounds, smoke, non-lethal projectiles, signal and practice rounds as well as standard 40mm rounds. These are becoming more in vogue with security personnel and freedom fighters. They can also be attached to an H-90 by a competent armorer (-25% to armorer skill; if armorer also has jury-rig skill, the penalty is converted to a bonus).
Weight: 3 lbs (empty); 3.6 lbs (loaded)
Purpose: Anti-Armor/Infantry
M.D.: 8D6 per round
Rate of Fire: 1/2 the users attacks per melee
Range: 1312.4 feet
Payload: Single shot, one round at a time.

2. Hand to hand combat: The Syseta can easily engage in hand to hand combat.

  • Radar: Civilian grade radar. Range 10 miles, can track up to 25 individual targets. 80% reliability (5% against unfriendly stealthed vehicles).
  • Blue Force Tracker: Identifies friend from foe. Overlays the information on both the radar and HUD, ensuring that friendly forces are not accidentally targeted.
  • GPS: Standard tracking device. Ties into the Blue Force Tracker.
  • HUD: Displays maps, radar, targeting information, and any OTHER information the wearer wants directly in front of the user.
  • FLIR: Forward Looking Infrared. Allows pilot to get visuals on targets at night. Note: "Forward" is relative to the direction the pilot is LOOKING, not facing, therefore the pilot does NOT need to move his/her whole body to use the FLIR system.
  • Hearing Amplification: Can amplify sounds as quiet as 1 decibel at 1,000 feet, and in the ultra- and sub-sonic ranges.
  • Virtual Map: Displays a continuously-updating map of local terrain for the pilot. Takes data from and gives data to other friendly units in the area. Effective land navigation of 85% as updates come. Good to 50 miles. Specific range can be adjusted in 1 mile increments.
  • Loudspeaker: Amplifies voice 1 to 100 times. 100' in normal crowds.
  • CBR Protection: Complete chemical, biohazard, and radiological protection.
  • Video Camera: Records from the HUD. 50 hours of recording available.
  • Full range optic sensory suite: Infrared, ultra violet, Magnification, night sight, color filters, thermal imager. Range is about 200 miles for MOST sensors.
  • Mine Detector (in feet): Gives effective 85% Detect Mine/Trap OR increases skill by 10% for pilots that have that skill (whichever is more). Works on density composition, so non-metallic objects can't hide, and displays a visual assessment and danger probability (based on a mathematical formula) for the pilot on request.
  • Belt Keepers: Used to hold gun and other belts (normally the oversized, 2.5" wide variety) to the suit.
  • Telescopic Arms: The hands can actually telescope out of the arms up to 3.5 feet to grasp small, distant objects. The hand will fit in pipes/holes up to 6" across in the open (wider) position.
  • Magnetic Feet: Electro magnets in the pads of the feet allow the unit to adhere to the hulls of Warships and the exteriors of SOME buildings. Note: Despite the fact that Invid hives are NOT made of metal, there is usually sufficient metals in them that they can be scaled this way.
  • Chameleon System: The Syseta Power Armor publicly introduced the Chameleon System (installed after the ambush); Pleizio-ceramic tiles darkened or lightened as necessary to render the armor in distinct, but visible. These tiles, in conjunction with pleizo-plastic tiles, also make the wings, canards, tailerons, and the undercarriage skin of the fuselage VERY flexible, increasing the maneuverability of the aircraft. Minimum Effective Distance: 10 feet.
  • Variable Tint Helmet Visor: Adjusts tinting to light conditions, up to an including a black dot if the sun is directly on the pilots face (only covers eyes).
  • Smoke Grenades (6): Pilots carry up to 6 smoke grenades of ANY color, which creates a smoke field up to 100 cubic feet in calm weather; Special chemicals block IR sensors and radar signals (scatters them so the enemy cant get a good fix), however does not totally interfere with enemy sensors (enemy is -2 strike).
  • Type-11 wide band radios: Effective 10 mile range, auto encrypt/decrypt. Works on standard radio band wavelengths, so it can still be jammed (if the enemy knows the frequencies).
  • XTNDR/CS/A-013(a) Cable Port: Though the Syseta does not carry the XTNDR or CS/A-013(a) (the CS/A-013(a) is big enough that a Syseta could ride on it), there is a built-in port to plug into the cables that CAN be plugged into the CS/A-013(a) (and MUST be used with the XTNDR pod). The port is located on the front of the power armor, just under the left breast area, and cover by a rubber plug.
  • Survival Pack: A pack of simpler emergency survival supplies: Pup tent, sleeping bag, black light, GPS, First aid kit (bandages, gauze, bandage tape, pads, antiseptic/analgesic), plasma torch (for small repairs and starting fires), repair kit (with M.D.C. Repair Spray), sewing kit (a small spool of thread and 5 needles), 7 star flares (250' apogee), 7 white parachute flares (1,500 feet apogee), 100 feet of black or brown parachute cord (150 lbs tensile strength), 2-5 days rations, 2 gallons water, water purification kit- good for about 10 gallons.

    Combat Bonuses from Syseta Combat Elite:
  • 3 attacks per melee (plus those of the pilot).
  • One additional Attack Per melee at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 with any additional bonuses for the pilot.
  • +3 Strike.
  • +3 Parry.
  • +4 Dodge.
  • +2 Roll.