The NCR Rangers. | New California Rangers. File Under Repair. |  The NCR Rangers. |
 | NCR Ranger Insignia; Star and stripes and the bear and star. |
People |
Founded By: | Seth Of Shady Sands. |
Leaders: | Chief Elise (2241) Chief Hanlon (2281) |
Locations |
Primary Range: | New California Republic (NCR). |
Headquarters: | #3 East Street, Shady Sands, NCR. |
Ranger Stations: | Alpha (Boulder City) Bravo (Bitter Springs) Charlie (Novac) Delta (Camp Forlorn Hope) Echo (north-east of Camp Searchlight just past the Coyote Mines) Foxtrot (Red Rock Canyon) Mojave Outpost (old US-50) "Camp Golf" (north shore of Lake Las Vegas). |
 | Standard NCR Ranger Uniform Patch. |
We're the NCR Rangers- We make the world a better place. | The New California Republic Rangers are an elite outfit of the New California Republic Army. The Rangers are a volunteer special force renowned as much for their shrewd reconnaissance capabilities as their bravery and combat prowess.The Rangers were founded by Seth after Tandi and Aradesh created the New California Republic and eventually, by 2241, became one of the most powerful military forces in the wasteland. Forces on NCR territory were particularly concerned with the problem of slavery and actively fought it by any means necessary. In early years, the burgeoning republic was faced by a large volume of threats- From slavers and raider tribes, to roaming gangs and to the Wasteland itself. The Rangers were instrumental in protecting the frontiers, using their expertise to tip the balance in favor of the Republic when numbers and resources may not have been on their side.Rangers were also the first to scout out Nevada and the Hoover Dam. In 2271, the Desert Rangers signed the Ranger Unification Treaty with the NCR Rangers at the Mojave Outpost, in which they agreed to become part of the NCR military in exchange for protection of Hoover Dam and Nevada from Caesar's Legion.In 2277, Rangers under the command of Chief HANLON were pivotal in turning the tide of the First Battle of Hoover Dam. In a cunning trap laid by them and NCR's 1st Recon, they lured the best fighters of Caesar's Legion into Boulder City. When enemy troops entered the city, it was blown up. In the aftermath, the remaining Legion survivors were gunned down by snipers. Although the NCR forced the Legion to retreat, the losses they sustained in defense of the dam prevented them from following up on their success.By 2281, the NCR military had become well-established within the Mojave Wasteland. Operating from a large number of stations across the area, the Rangers remain ever vigilant for Legion raiding parties, as well as common brigands. However, despite the enormous threat posed by the Legion, many of the organization's best members had been reassigned to other posts off the front lines. A few were given the "prestigious" task of becoming bodyguards for the current President of the Republic, Aaron Kimball; others were sent off to Baja on an unknown mission.Despite their ongoing dedication to their duty, even the Rangers are finding it difficult to retain their hold on a territory as expansive as the Mojave. Under the command of General Lee OLIVER, the New California Republic Army adopted a confrontational posture, entrenching itself on the banks of the Colorado River while facing Legion positions on the opposite side. Given ongoing manpower shortages and overstretched supply lines, this only made the Republic's strategic situation even more precarious than before.HistoryAround 2279, a faction of "Brothers Of Steel" departed the BOS bunker at Lost Hills; They technically took nothing with them, simply resigning and nothing more. They technically took nothing with them; However, they had secretly stockpiled metal armor, assault rifles, laser pistols, tents, and thumb drives on how to manufacture these and combat armor and maintain vehicles, along with a dozen vehicles, and immediately proceeded to Shady Sands.The Rangers first formed ad hoc from volunteers across what would soon become the NCR to face off against the rising "threat" of the Brotherhood Of Steel. This organization quickly became a very power policing force across the California deserts, doubly influenced by the fact hat they also brought many practical solutions to the various survivor villages (such as digging wells and rebuilding pumps).The Rangers started out simply as anti-slaver and raider patrols around Shady Sands; Success in this arena led to requests for assistance by other villages, most notably Necropolis and Boneyard, who gravely feared the Brotherhood's power- And, in the case of Necropolis, feared the Brotherhood's attitudes on their people, since their exposure to radiation had deformed them so gravely. Harassment even by The Hub and Junktown had created a truly paranoid state in Necropolis, a siege mentality to still has never fully lifted. (The Brotherhood would later short-circuit the Shady Sands- Necropolis "love fest" by hiring Necropolitans to work in specialized conditions that they were best suited to, splitting Necropolis into the BOS-favoring south side of town versus the NCR-favoring north side of town.)As their success built, they were able to "influence" several other areas to join the NCR, with Junktown, then Vault City, then The Hub, and finally The Boneyard joining the NCR; Modoc, The Den, and Redding would eventually side with the BOS, with Necropolis and San Francisco split between the two.Relations between the BOS and NCR would eventually improve, but in the meantime the Rangers pushed east over the mountain ranges, gaining effective control over most of Nevada, parts of Arizona and Utah, and even as far as New Mexico. With the rise of the Redding-based New California Republic, the BOS and Rangers were brought back under the same house, but largely left to handle their matters themselves- Provided they didn't cross Big Mike.TrainingIf it doesn't suck, we're not doing it right. | Ranger training was based loosely on the United States Army Rangers; "Loosely," as in on videos and what very few books could be found. As a result, the Rangers "rarely" flunk out a candidate, choosing instead to allow someone who WANTS to be there to stay until either they die or they successfully complete the training cycle in question.A candidate is in processed, put through a basic 2 week army training course during which they must complete a 5-mile run in less than 8 minutes, then begins training to be a Ranger; A brutal 400 day regimen of classroom training, field exercise, physical training, Ranger history, map and chart reading (yes, despite mostly operating in the desert the Ranger have boats, and use them), airborne operation (jump school itself is 5 weeks) and fast rope, hand to hand and unarmed combat, water survival, basic seamanship course, 6, 8, and 10-mile road marches and a 20 mile run (time allotted is 5 hours).There is a 6 mile field-kit run every day; If you don't do 200 pushups over the course of any given day, the instructors will "help" you with that. (Most do 50 in the morning, 50 during noon meal, 50 during evening meal, and 50 just before hitting the rack, "if they're ALLOWED to hit the rack.")These are premier war fighters; They are technically better than the regular UGC Army.OrganizationThe New California Republic Rangers are volunteer elite special forces renowned as much for their shrewd reconnaissance capabilities as their bravery and combat prowess. | The Rangers are recruited from the best of the NCR military and even then, 80% do not finish training and drop out. This training is not restricted to the male gender as women can be Rangers too, and it's not uncommon for them to do so with success. Their training and conditioning is said to be as nearly as intense as that of Caesar's Legion, albeit only more forgiving. The fruits of this intensity may vary as was the case with one female ranger who was able to best an elite centurion with her bare hands. Those that finish and are awarded the badge have proven that they are "quieter than a shadow and more ferocious than a deathclaw." Their superior training, superior weaponry and assortment of pre-War and post-War technology allows them to tip battles in NCR's favor even when a situation may see them outnumbered and outgunned.The NCR Rangers operate almost entirely outside of the normal NCR army. The organization relies on the leadership of its veteran, more experienced Rangers, like Chief Hanlon. They do not follow normal military ranks and their known ranks are:- Ranger Recruit
- Ranger
- Veteran Ranger
However, a ranger by the name of Balmoral referred himself as a staff sergeant while he was in the Divide.It is unknown how the Rangers are organized strategically. Chief Hanlon explains that the Ranger stations across the Mojave are tasked with patrolling the NCR's territory. They then report to the Ranger station, who then transmit the message to the Rangers base (Camp Golf in the Mojave) who will then analyze the threat and directly call reinforcements from the regular army.According to Balmoral's report in the Divide, it seems the Rangers are divided in battalions, then in companies, and finally in platoons, much like the regular army.Members2241Various unnamed NCR Rangers make up patrols that circulate both around NCR itself and along major slave trafficking routes. They wear combat armor and carry several high end weapons like miniguns, assault rifles (ex. H&K CAWS), and sniper rifles. Around the NCR Capital, they can be found fighting random hostiles like super mutants and raiders, whereas on the slave routes they can be found killing slavers.2281- Bryce ANDERS
- Chief HANLON
- Ranger DOBSON
- Ranger GHOST
- Ranger GOMEZ
- Ranger GRANT
- Ranger JACKSON
- Ranger KELLER
- Ranger STELLA
- Ranger STEVENS
- Ranger MILO
There are also unnamed NCR Rangers and NCR Veteran Rangers present.Relations with the outsideThe Rangers, especially the Veteran Rangers, have a fearsome reputation with outside factions, as well as within the regular NCR military. In the Mojave, posters can be seen of them and some NCR troopers believe they "chew nails and spit napalm."TechnologyThe distinctive black ranger combat armor consists of the Desert Rangers' traditional trench coat worn with pre-War riot armor. Ranger patrol armor is hand-manufactured in the NCR. | Rangers employ high end equipment (namely combat armor, various small arms, heavy weapons and occasionally, scavenged vehicles). Their regular patrol armor is hand-made in the NCR, while the elite black armor used by Veteran Rangers are based on pieces of pre-War LAPD riot armor. Ranger combat helmets are old pre-War gear that have built-in optics for low light conditions.While the level of technology employed by the Rangers is quite impressive by the standards of the wastelands, it is still far behind the state-of-art equipment utilized by the Brotherhood of Steel and Enclave. Nevertheless, it is a testament to resources of the New California Republic that the Rangers are able to be so uniformly well-equipped, and even a Ranger on non-combat duties will easily defeat a group of Legionaries.Relations With Non-RangersNCR Rangers can be randomly encountered throughout the NCR and will usually leave others alone, only attacking if they are a slaver. Outside of the NCR, where their authority to operate is "nominal" (such as the Mojave), they tend to stay at their various outposts and camps, venturing beyond "as requested."Friends and foes alike are afraid of them, making comments about running away from them and their black armor. |
 The NCR Rangers. | New California Rangers. |  The NCR Rangers. |
The NCR Rangers. |
General InformationName: New California RangersColors: NoneSymbol/Crest/Banner: NCR Bear.Owner: Secret (but not much of one, everyoen knows it's Shady Sands).Commanding Officer: NCR Chief.Tactics: Varies by situation; Generally a defensive entity.Size and Orientation:Large Mercenary Army (500)Features: |
A: Sponsorship: | B: Outfits: | C: Equipment: | D: Vehicles: |
Secret (Government front, Shady Sands). | Utility Outfits (5); All Initiates are issued a blue jumpsuit. Rangers are issued Ranger Armor or Power Armor. More 'can' be issued upon assignment. | Electronic Supplies and Good Gear (5);Medical Clinic (20); The Brotherhood doesn't have unlimited funding, but they get their people the best they reasonably can. More than one Brother Of Steel has been shipped to the far side to the UGC rom medical treatment for one thing or another… | Company Fleet of Vehicles (10); Again, the Rangers don't have unlimited funding, but there's always company car available to those working on company business. |
E: Weapons: | F: Communications: | G: Internal Security: | H: Permanent Bases: |
Maximum Firepower (60); In some cases, the local BOS Garrison can out gun the RDF. Fortunately, this hasn't been tested. | Full Range Systems (15); The BOS has its own satellites over particularly strategic worlds, but no inter-stellar satellites. Still, the only group realistically capable of listening in on an encrypted communication is the GIB- Which owns Global Dynamics. Which owns the Brotherhood. So… | Impregnable (60); NO infiltrators have happened to date. Fortunately, with the transfer to GD, the BOS's profile has also dropped. Only ONCE has the Brotherhood been betrayed from within, and that traitor paid dearly indeed- He was machinegunned in his own stronghold. | Fortified Headquarters (20); The Brotherhood now claims ownership of Mariposa, Lost Hills, WesTek, and Navarro. These claims have gone unchallenged for quite some time.The Lost Hills Bunker is he corporate headquarters, while Navarro was their main training facility, until this was moved to Ceres. |
I: Intelligence Resources: | J: Special Budget: | K: General Alignment: | L: Criminal Activity: |
Scout Detachment (5);Special Military Operatives (10). | Big Bucks (45); Global Dynamics can well afford to put a lot of money on the BOS. In fact, BOS tests most GD products to one degree or another. They also clean up a lot of GD's messes. | Scrupulous and Principled (8); Unscrupulous, unprincipled, and other disloyals find the doors closed on them very quickly- And often permanently. GD has the authority to KILL its own people, and they do so. | None (0);Cyber-Doc (20);18 Smugglers and Sellers of Contraband (15);Expert Assassin (150);Special Forces (20);Safecracker/Locksmith (25). |
M: Reputation/Credentials: | N: Salary: | Personnel: |
Famous (50); Everyone's heard legends. However, not everyone BELIEVES the legends- Many believe the Brotherhood is a work of fiction. | Excellent Salary (20). | Corporate Officers:High Elder;Paladin Lord.Command Officers:See Officer Ranks Of The RDF and REF. | Field & Line Officers:See Enlisted Ranks Of The RDF and REF.Corporate Enlisted (secretaries, etc):Senior Scribe; Reports directly and only to the High Elder. |
Standard Weapons and Equipment: | Transport Vehicles: | Combat Vehicles: |
See Below. | The Brotherhood has the TUATHA-Class General Purpose Ship. They also own a few hundred thousand unarmored and lightly armored vehicles. | The Brotherhood can 'generally' acquire any type of non-Mecha type vehicle that can be named. They had a few hundred GMP Battloids for a while, but have since given those up; They're not interested in getting back into the Mecha game. |
Brotherhood Assets:NOTE: Except as indicated, this only reflects what they had at Founding, not later on. Multiplying the list by a factor of 100 would give some rough approximations of what they have just at their corporate headquarters. |
VC-22 Osprey C-130 Hercules HH-1 Huey= 5 Centaur Hover Tank= 1 | B-1d Construction Robot See Also ReconstructionSmall Arms= Hundreds Body Armors= Dozens T-51a Power Armors= 20 |
 The NCR Rangers. | New California Rangers; Equipment. |  The NCR Rangers. |
All equipment listed here refers to Rain of Death-period materials; After about 5 years, the Brotherhood had Wolverine Assault rifles and other "advanced" equipment. Though this was at the time illegal, nobody was going to stop it; The Brotherhood had proven too valuable an ally. The Brotherhood never got RDF full body armors nor the Micronian Power Armor (didn't want them), but did for a long time accept the RDF Light Body Armor. |
Brotherhood Robes Brotherhood Jacket Brotherhood Leather Brotherhood Metal
| Combat Armor Ranger Armor Brotherhood T-51a
| Brotherhood Spear Laser Pistol Brotherhood Plasma Torch Dessert Eagle Brotherhood .223 Pistol Colt .223 Hunting Rifle | AR-15 Assault Rifle 20-gge. Combat Shotgun Brotherhood Laser Rifle Brotherhood Plasma Grenade Brotherhood Electro-Magnetic Pulse Grenade Brotherhood PM-214 5.56MM (.223 cal) Minigun |
Ranger ArmorUnlike Brotherhood Armor, Ranger armors Can not be stacked, but they still absorb only part of the impact, not all of it. |
Ranger Metal Armor: | Ranger Combat Armor: |
The Rangers started making a suit of metal body armor "barrowed" from the Brotherhood out of scrap metal early on; The distinctive "Spiked Plastron" has become a product standard. Protection: Convert MD to SD point for point (ie, 20 MD becomes 20 SD); 1/4 damage. Weight: 10 lbs. MDC: 30 Prowl Penalty: -05%. |  | Protection: | Full; The wearer does NOT feel the impact beyond a hard push. Energy weapons are not felt at all. |
Weight: | 40 lbs. |
MDC: | 80 |
Prowl Penalty: | None. |
This very advanced version of Combat Armor provides the greatest degree of unpowered armor protection possible; However, it is restricted to Rangers only. Those wearing NCR Ranger armor are almost universally respected for their anti-slavery activities; That is why the discovery of a certain Mika A NOIRE, operating mostly in the Klamath area, using Ranger armor became such a "shocking" scandal. It would later be discovered she had friends of friends in the Rangers, and may have obtained said armor through those means. In any event, a Ranger engaged in slaving sent shockwaves throughout the region that are still being felt, in the form of the western regions (Klamath, Redding, The Den, and Modoc) aligning with the BOS. |
 The NCR Rangers. | New California Rangers. |  The NCR Rangers. |
This is a collection of Ranger weapons, most made by and for Rangers. |
Melee Weapons: |
Brotherhood Spear: | Ripper: |
 | Standard Spear. |
 | Brotherhood Style Honor Guard Spear. |
based on the spea issued to each member of the Brotherhood (mostly ceremonially), they are made out of vibro knives expertly mounted to shovel handles (complete with metal ferules). Ranger spears are undecorated. Purpose: Ceremonial Damage: Initiate Spear: 1D6 SD; Honor Guard Spear: Convert Initiate version to MD. Attacks per melee: Per users attacks per melee. Reach: 4 feet Weight: Initiate Spear: 10¾ lbs. Honor Guard Spear: 2.25 lbs. Payload: The Honor Guard Spear's e-clip has 10 hours continuous use; E-pads extend this to unlimited. Cost and Availability: 20credit for the knife, 10credit for the handle and cap, and about 8credit in labor each; Always available at The Exchange; The distinctive Brotherhood decorative effects aren't on, but the materials for this are available for about 5credit. Honor Guard Grips materials cost another 3-4credit.
| The RipperTM is a melee weapon consisting of a thin blade corralling a rotating chainblade connected to an unusually powerful (5 hp) planetry motor for its size (2 inches thick but 6 inches in diameter) and using rare earth or similar magnets (off-brand copies used lesser magnets and/or smaller motors, and often were good for little more than trimming hedges, and crudely at that). Powered by small energy cells, it can saw through people with relative ease, even with heavy armor.It took its name from the company that invented it, Ripper Inc., even though they marketed it as "The Hand Saw." It was intended as a brush-clearing tool, but in the chaos of the post-Rain of Death and Invid Invasion period the tool took on an ominous notoriety; One faction of "survivors" from Glasgow used the Ripper to butcher meat- Specifically, humans. Alive. There is at least one example of a ripper being mounted as a bayonet, though the example was supremely sub-standard (and may have only been intended as a joke in any case). Purpose: High-powered cutting implement Damage: 2D6 MD Attacks per melee: Per users attacks per melee. Reach: 2 feet Weight: 2.25 lbs. Payload: Each e-mag give 10 hours of continuous use; E-pads are not available. Cost and Availability: 100credit each; Always available at The Exchange. |
Non-Explosive Throwing Weapons:Darts: |
Dart |
 | Damage: | 3 - 6. |
Damage Type: | Normal. |
Range: | PS times 5 feet. |
Weight: | 1 lbs. |
"It's a dart. It could get under the skin and cause a nasty infection."- Brotherhood Weaps TraMan. | Darts are a type of throwing weapon; They don't deal very much damage compared to grenades but in large numbers they can be troublesome. They are easy to fabricate even in trenches, cheap, usually reusable, and can be tied to rockets and missiles in some cases, adding shrapnel to an already pretty nasty weapon.The single most effective use of darts was the loading of about a thousand onto a Vertibird (a variation of the V-22 Osprey) and dropping them out the back. This "bombing raid" tore apart a raider faction known as "Bang Bang Smash," though another such raid was used later on to lesser effect against a raider faction known as "Ultra Violence." They were latter used on "The Khans" in a coordinated air/land strike to much greater effect. | Side Arms: | Laser Pistol: | Dessert Eagle: |
A basic laser pistol. Exactly like the RDF Laser Pistol except stylistically. Purpose: Self-defense. SD: 4D6 per blast; Scribes would eventually improve the design, to include and MD setting of 1D6 per blast. Rate of Fire: Per users attacks per melee. Range: 200 feet Weight: 1.5 pounds (.7 kg). Payload: 10 blasts per e-mag. E-pads are not available, but expanded e-mags are (15, 20, 30, 35, and 50 blast). Cost: 250credit each. Availability: Routinely available. |  | A Dessert Eagle. |
This dual-action only (DAO) semi-automatic pistol comes in two varieties; .357 and .50 caliber AE. A supremely silenced version based on the Welrod's silencer is often used for "special duties" (wet work, assassinations). Purpose: Defense. SD: 4D6 per blast. Rate of Fire: Per users attacks per melee. Range: 200 feet Weight: 1.5 pounds (.7 kg). Payload: 15 rounds per mag; Expanded mags are available (15, 20, 30, 35, and 50 round). Cost: 450credit each. Availability: Routinely available. | Long Arms: | Discussion:Unlike the Brotherhood, the Rangers have made absolutely ZERO attempt to reduce the degree of violence on "lesser combatants"; A wandering tribal or a powered armored trooper, Rangers treat everyone exactly the same. As a result, the only way you'd see a Ranger engaging an enemy with their pistols is because their rifles have become unserviceable for some reason (including running out of ammo). The Rangers are ONLY sent out with both the M-16a5 AND Combat Shotgun in sub-posed configuration.The Rangers strictly restrict their long arms to 5.56 by 45MM caliber for logistical support reasons, with the exception of 25MM precision rifles (mainly as anti-material rifles, but to a lesser extent as sniper rifles as well). They do not use support weapons with infantry squads, only the Barrett M-109 is available, and this is kept in camp unless specifically called for. All are configured for Plasma-662. | M-16a5 Assault Rifle: | Combat Shotgun: |
The Knight's general-purpose weapon; Generally chambered for the .223 caliber/5.56MM rifle round, but can be chambered to anything less than 7̶.62ᴍᴍ in diameter AND 55ᴍᴍ in length without alteration; | M-16 Assault Rifle. |
 | Exploded View. |
Anything above either restriction must be side-loader only.The "a5" variant, which is the Brotherhood's standard, is configured as both box mag feed (as standard) AND as belt-feed (using PM-214 compatible B-14 Disintegrating Belts) with 4 trigger settings (safe, semi-auto, 5-round burst, and automatic). Like the Brotherhood, the Rangers can (and have, on occasion) produced upper receivers for all major calibers in both box mag and belt-fed (except .22 pistol belt-fed, they couldn't get the feed mechanism to work with the belt required for those), they don't routinely issue such calibers as it is cost prohibitive. Purpose: Offense Damage: Single Fire: 4D6 SD; Burst Fire: 4D6 MD. Rate of Fire: Single or Burst Fire: Per user's attacks per melee. Range: feet Weight: 8 lbs Payload: Cost: 6,500credit each. Availability: Only available to Knights and Wanderers.
|  | Combat Shotgun. |
 | Superposed Version. |
A 20-gge, burst or single fire smooth-bore shotgun with a 20- or 50-round detachable box or drum clip. A 200-round double-drum clip is also available to Wanderers. The shotgun could also be mounted under the AR-15's barrel. Purpose: Assault/Security Damage: Single Fire: 4D4 SD; Burst Fire: 1D4 MD. Rate of Fire: Single or burst fire modes; Per users attacks per melee. Range: 25 feet Weight: ¼ Payload: 20, 50, and 200-round detachable box or drum clips are available. Cost: 8,000credit each. Availability: Upon assignment.
| Thrown Explosives: | |
Plasma Grenade: |
The Ranger's only hand grenade, the "Holy Hand Grenage" is really just a normal one, dressed up in white paoint and with a cross-shaped tab at the top of the spoon. Troops in the field cut the cross off so soften the Ranger Command eventually took the hint and made it a screw-on accessory.Note; They really DO treat these as if they're some sort of religious icon. Purpose: Anti-Personnel/Vehicle MD: 1D4 Rate of Fire: Range: Per throwers range. Weight: 1/4 lbs. Payload: Once only. Cost: 50credit each. Availability: Routinely available. |
Support Weapons: |
The Rangers only use the M-109 in 25MM configuration with either high explosive armor penetrator or incendiary rounds. Attempts were made to develop a belt-fed version, but these universally failed. In any case, the gun is more than powerful enough to even threaten the UGC's much-vaunted Veritechs and even the VHT; What more is NEEDED? The Rangers can made this weapon themselves, using mostly readily available materials (much of their raw materials are in fact bits of broken buildings), it can take out a power armor at over a mile, and it gives absolutely ZERO FUCKS. At the ranges in question, even a bolt-action rifle (which the Rangers WERE able to make functionally viable in a belt-fed configuration) would be "good enough." |
Barrett M-109: |
Type: | Precision High Explosive Anti-Materiel Rifle. |
Place Of Origin: | United States. |
Production History: |
Designer: | Ronnie Barrett. |
Manufacturer: | Originally: Barrett Firearms Manufacturing; Currrent: Various parties. |
Specifications: |
Weight: | 33.2 lb (15.1 kg). |
Length: | 46 in (120 cm). |
Barrel Length: | 17.6 in (45 cm). |
Cartridge: | 25 by 59MM. |
Action: | Semi-Automatic, short recoil. |
Feed System: | 5-round detachable box magazine. |
The Barrett M-109 is a anti-materiel rifle chambered for 25 by 59MM HEAP and incendiary rounds first developed by Barrett Firearms Manufacturing in 2002, capable of defeating light armor and equipment out to 1.2 mi (2km).OverviewThe M-109 is a semi-automatic anti-materiel rifle designed primarily for engagement of light armored vehicles and similar targets. The upper receiver of the M-82 rifles can be replaced with an M-109 upper receiver to form a fully functional M-109 rifle, if so desired (though not by the Rangers, who expressly forbid their use or possession).Despite the much bigger bore (25MM v. 12.5MM), the M-109 uses a much shorter barrel (17.6 in/45 cm v. 29 in/74 cm). In the original specification, the small amount of propellant and heavy projectile resulted in unacceptably high recoil due to limiting the effects of the weapon's muzzle brake, with a recoil force of over 60 foot-pounds compared to 36 for the M107. The solution the Rangers found worked for them was a dual-propellent system; The bullet ITSELF carries a small propellent package that activates at around 2/3 of the way down the barrel (due to the amount of time needed simply to ignite versus the movement down the barrel), giving it increased momentum to the target. Other groups have tried increasing the barrel length and improving the muzzle break system; These have met with "mixed" results.Operational UseThe Rangers keep these weapons under very strict lock-and-key, restricted to operational bases until called for in the field; The Ranger's attitude of "Zulu Foxtrots" very much applies, but the weapons simply draw too much attention and, as a result, the Rangers keep them out of sight, out of mind as much as possible. |
Mines:Unlike the Brotherhood Of Steel, the Rangers not only use mines in defensive postions but only are known to string landmines on trails known to be used by those they hunt; As a result, innocent civilians occasionally trip over one. The results are almost always catastrophic. |
T-45SE: | Remote Detonator: |
T-45SE Mine: |
The T-45SE mine will do massive amounts damage to a small vehicle and kill personnel. It also deals great damage to larger creatures (e.g. Deathclaws, T'sentraedi, etc.), and RPA's.The T-45SE can be dangerous to handle; Accidental activations have happened inside of BOS bases by inexperienced Brothers, sometimes resulting in deaths, very often in dismembership and other permanent injuries, this even with powered armored troops.The weapon also suffers some reliability issues; They're reasonably easy to de-activate by hostile parties, and difficult to boobytrap against such tampering, and suffer from sympathetic explosions if within 12 feet. Brothers in the field have found the best way to defeat them is by shooting them; This causes them to prematurely detonate.They can be rigged to remote detonators, but rarely are. Purpose: Anti-Personnel/Vehicle. MD: 1D4 times 5. Rate of Fire: Once. Range: 4 feet. Weight: 4 lbs. Payload: Once only. Cost: 450credit each. Availability: Routinely available. | Remote Detonator: |
 |  |
Damage: | 2D4 SD. |
Damage Type: | Explosive. |
Weight: | 1 lb. |
Cost: | 500. | Remote |
The remote detonator was used by the Brotherhood in conjunction with other explosives; A matching three digit number on the remote and the detonator is entered, the package is planted where desired, remote is activated. If the remote is lost or damaged, the detonator could still be set to a timer.The detonator itself isn't really a "bomb," though C-4 is usually installed as an anti-tampering defense. Instead, they are usually rigged to a larger device, such as the aforementioned C-4. Just about any explosive will work, though, just some work better than others; As a stand-alone explosive, it causes 2D4 SD, but combined with an explosive will cause whatever the explosive's damage is; It will set off ANY explosive. There are no known exceptions (and the BOS has gone looking). |
 The NCR Rangers. | Ranger Vehicles. |  The NCR Rangers. |
Like all factions, the Rangers and their members need vehilces. |
The Chryslus Motors Corvega recently hit the market, a fairly solid touring vehicle of limited realistic working capabilities but comfortable and fast, with surprisingly decent off-road capabilities.It's thought by most people that "Chryslus Motors" is a new underground car company, and in a real sense they are; It's actually a front company for the Brotherhood, both to make money (by entirely legitimate means, no drugs or guns or anything else like that), and to collect intelligence on the goings-on in the Brotherhood's area. Each vehicle has a tracker on it, and while this in no way gives the Brotherhood an idea of what the owner is doing, it does give them a reasonably good idea of where the vehicle is, thus giving them a trail to follow. Jefferson State "employees" seem to like them, but they are a status symbol in any case, and this is hardly surprising. More seem to be heading towards Boneyard or Vault City- In other words, where the money is. Many also seem to be heading out of the region, a curious development the Brotherhood intends to follow up on.Currently, the only authorized purveyor of "new" Corvega's in a man named Gordon who lives and works with his daughter, Tamira, in an old gas station about 1/3 of the way between Reno and the coast.MSRP: 200,000Seats: 4Top Speed: 120 mph on flat level road. | The Scout is a fair car, sold by many people and built by an unknown faction. They have "limited" amphibious capabilities, being able to cross rivers, streams, and even some lakes, but they aren't cabable of handling open water; In fact, they can't even cross any body of water with swells above 2 feet.The Scout is 'odd' in the sense that they are clearly new manufactures, not pre-war rebuilds, using proprietary technologies not known to anyone else. No one has yet been able to unlock their secrets, despite the fact that the design itself isn't all that dramatic; Even a shade tree mechanic can easily repair one, and many have been rebuilt to various specifications (racing, cargo, "amphibious landers" capable of operating at sea, light combat vehicles [usually consisting of additional armor plating on top and mounting a heavy machinegun on a rail turret], etc.).The Scout was originally being secretly manufactured in limited quantities by the BOS in an intelligence-gathering operation, seeing who buys them, how many, and to what purpose they seem to be getting the most use; However, their utility caught on very strongly, and the Brotherhood was "forced" to begin manufacturing them in much greater quantities, selling them as "used" via various outlets. They themselves sell "used" Scouts quite a bit, right from Maxon. They represent the most common non-professional vehicle after the Motorcycle, forming about 75% of the vehicles available.MSRP: 20,000Seats: About 4Top Speed: They can get up to 250 mph on flat level road.Cargo: A 5' by 3' by 3' area (2' by 3' by 3' if the rear seats are being used).Fuel Economy: About 20 miles to the gallon. |
Motorcycle: | Truck: |
 | A Motorbike, probably. |
Base Price: 10,000 caps | Seats: 2 (3 with a side car). | Cargo: A 5' by 3' by 3' area (2' by 3' by 3' if the rear seats are being used). | Max. Range: 800 miles. | Fuel Effeciency: 30 miles to the gallon. | Top Speed: 80 mph. | The Woodacre Junkyard (north of San Fran) builds and sells these primarily (Green Steel produces some as well). The engines are usually rebuilt, but the frames are new, custom-designed (in the Woodacre design, it's actually formed from steel tubes on semi-automated machines).A motorcycle is an two-wheeled motor vehicle. In the wastes, they're designed as off-road touring, with a heavy frame and wide seat, but easy to stand up on as well (to reduce injury on deeper drops and higher rocks).Motorcycles are strictly utilitarian, with lower prices and much greater fuel economy.Woodacre only produces one style, but once they leave the TOOD Family's lot, they are often re-built; In fact, 1 out of every five is grafted to a cart (above) to form a trike. The TODD Family also produces left and right sidecars, and at least one motorcycle had one of each (with the mountings for the sidecars actually connected around the main frame connection).So popular are motorcycles that in the BOS's Core Region they outnumber even hovercyles about 5 to 1, and all other vehicles by an average about 3 to 1. The closest competitor, the Truck, is what keeps that average up, with a 4 to 3 ratio (without that, the motorcycle would outnumber the next three combined). The TOOD family are "considering" getting into the trike business, since they have materials available. | A lot of factions build various 18-wheeler and heavy-duty truck rebuilds; Only the Brotherhood has the ability to build new trucks from the frame up. Their extensive cargo capabilities make them idea for many applications. A common arrangement is to simply bolt a short shipping container to the frame, although the example depicted uses a simple deck with wood rails. Fuel economy on these trucks is POOR, but they can carry as much as 10 times as much cargo, and as such more than make up for the 'loss' incurred.Base Price: 100,000 capsSeats: As many as 10, depending on configuration.Top Speed: Most can get up to 85 mph on flat level road.Fuel Economy: Not very good; They generally get only 8 to 10 miles to the gallon. |
Brahmin Carts | Bus: |
 |  | Large Cart | Medium Cart |
Range: | About 1000 miles. | Range: | About 1000 miles. |
Cargo: | 870 tons. | Cargo: | 690 tons. |
Passengers: | 10 | Passengers: | 10 |
Brahmin-drawn Caravan Carts consisting of a car trunk or small truck pulled by a brahmin, mainly use is to carry large amounts of stuff or for trading at once.They are also often configured as trailers, and a few have been grafted onto other vehicles (such as the extended truck, extended scout, and the trike).Brahmin carts were a common sight for many years, and aren't "uncommon" today, though their popularity as primary vehicles has dropped significantly over the last few years, being primarily relegated to farm and factory use. Variants include twin-axled, dedicated trailer, hard and soft covered, and even a floating version (primarily used with Scouts). | Teh Rangers recovered a large fleet (around 1,000) pre-Invid school buses, armored and arming these. Mony have cattle catchers in the front fabricated from grader blades and reinforced with steel.Most pre-Invid states limited the size of the vehicles by width; After the arrival of the Invid, however, this requirement was ignored, and often flaunted. The Brotherhood in particular would leave their cattle catchers unaltered (although unlike some groups, they didn't deliberately ram their vehicles into other people's homes, and usually would shoot those who had if they could catch them). |
 The NCR Rangers. | Ranger Robots. |  The NCR Rangers. |
The Brotherhood deploys a few robots. |
Defensive Gun Turret. |
The auto-cannon is an automated turreted defensive system that appears at two Ranger facilities, their main Headquarters at the former Vault 15 and their Forward Operating Base Mohave, equipped with twin minigun cannons  | A Basic Gun Turret. |
 | Gun Turret Diagram View. |
(PM-214's) and relatively heavily armored. They are usually part of a larger automated defense system. These systems are ever-watchful of their domain. Just like most other robots, however, Gun Turrets are susceptible to electro-magnetic pulses.They are usually arranged in the area of a main entrance, so that they can provide mutual fire support. Experience has shown that units positioned where they are not supported can be far more easily disabled or destroyed outright, creating a "window" for an aggressor to exploit in such situations.Despite being highly effective, they are limited by two issues; First, their ammo ballast (the actual container for ammo) is limited to 800 rounds (this is supposed to be upgraded eventually). Second, their sensors are HIGHLY vulnerable to marksmen. Without this, they're firing blind unless tied to a larger network, in which case they will still loose all bonuses to fire.Contrary to popular belief, the Rangers did NOT steal this technology from the Brotherhood, but rather rebuilt over a hundred units to create the 10 they currently have in service; They don't actually know how to build them, and aren't really sure how to maintain them. As a result, the units are actually powered down for the most part, since the Ranger are (with good reason) concerned the units will fire on them. If the Ranger's larger dreams of destroying ALL slavers comes to fruition, they may be able to take one such unit off-world and have it analyzed for replication. | MDC By Location: |
Head- Torso- Upper and Lower Legs- Upper and Lower Arms- Power/Back Pack- | 200 400 150 each 100 each 160
Weapons Systems: |
1. PM-214 Miningun: While the Gun Turret "could" (at least conceivably) mount most types of weapons, the PM-214 Minigun is the standard used. Purpose: Suppression fire. MD: 2D6 Rate of Fire: 5 bursts per melee max; Can not exceed the users attacks per melee. Range: 2,000 feet. Payload: 2,000 rounds. |
Features:Both automated turret systems use the exact same features; In fact, the parts are interchangeable. |
- Radar: Militry grade radar. Range: 10 miles, can track up to 100 individual targets. 95% reliability (0% against unfriendly stealthed vehicles).
- Smoke dispensers (8): Throws out smoke flares capable of covering a 90³ foot area. Special chemicals in the smoke obscures IR and heat sensors, and defeats visual tracking of the vehicle. Note that it DOESN'T make the unit invisible, but simply negates bonuses to strike.
Combat Profile For Gun Turrets:- 4 attacks per melee
- +3 Strike
Limited/Non-Combat Robots. |
These are robots that have limited or no use in combat. |
RoboBrain. | RoboDog. |
"Please come back. I'm sorry about all that recent unpleasantness."Robobrains (military alphanumeric serial numbers RB-3928) are multi-purpose robots. Their memories and programs are stored inside a synthetic pseudo-organic processor, contained in a domed shell atop their chassis. They are considered intuitively superior to most robots, as their "human-like" brains allow them a wider range of responses and functions. Their hands can operate most tools and weapons usable by humans. Robobrains were created before the war for the U.S. militry and for the civilian sector. They move on a tracked chassis (using dual 40 hydro-processor motors) on a flexible mount. In addition, to use consoles, operate levers, or engage targets with weapons, they have two flexible manipulators, ending in three point claws, on the sides of their torsos. Robobrains were going to be the next generation of robotic soldier in the war against China, but their production costs made it difficult to implement their introduction into the American militry. The robobrain's organic brain is suspended in pressurized bio med gel. Any damage to the casing or the brain itself can disrupt the robot's brainwaves and damage its neural connection to the rest of the body, affecting the robot's performance. Feeding the organic brain information about its surroundings are special sensors (typically with software written in 2076 installed), called Sensors '76..Apart from providing a real-time high resolution feed of the robot's surroundings, they are also capable of switching to infrared mode, in case the main sensors, for one reason or another, become useless for operating in unlighted areas. Robobrains, due to the nature of their pseudo-organic processor, can be programmed with much more complex and expansive instructions than typical robots. This also means they are superior to typical combat robots of Terra from their era in terms of their tactics and strategy. This makes it it is imperative that robobrains be routinely memory-wiped, as it is possible for the brain to break its own programming (CODE or other types) and develop serious personality quirks; This is hinted at by their battle cries of (but not limited to) "Please don't take this personally," "They could have programmed me to love, to forgive, but nnnoooo," and "When this is all over, I hope we can still be friends." However some seem to enjoy what they have been programmed to do, with disturbing remarks such as: "Don't be afraid, I've become quite good at killing."Brotherhood of Steel Outcasts have painted and re-programmed several robobrains for their own use. Interestingly, the frame of RoboBrain is exactly the same as Plasma Turrets; It's believed that one program may have come from the other, with perhaps an eye to develop a "mobile plasma turret." It could also have been merely a cost-cutting measure, since the is lots of space in a gun turret that is taken up in a RoboBrain. | "The life functions of my master appear to be terminated. Are you my new master?" The "K-9" series robot is an advanced cyberdog by a certain Dr. SCHREBER. K-9, unlike most robots, is fully sentient and vocal, allowing them to communicate verbally in several languages. Their high intelligence allowed them to develop their own sense of morality, which brought them at odds with their developer's unethical experiments.An attempt to destroy the K-9 series was thwarted later on; The NCR government used the attack as an excuse to confiscate the K-9's in order to learn more information about potential enemies as well as what makes the two of them "tick." Experiments on the first units destroyed them, but eventually a solution was found and K-9's roll off assembly lines- With memories of what was done to them intact. They don't like NCR at all.K-9's possess a sense of humor, and will sometimes make sarcastic and snide remarks during conversations. |
 The NCR Rangers. | New California Rangers. |  The NCR Rangers. |
The Rangers controls, outright, 10 facilities:
 | The Hubologist's "Temple" Hours Before The Massacre. |
"Effective Control"They also effectively control a critical faction of San Francisco, the Hubologists;The Rangers gained control over the Hubologists by outright invasion; Under a pretext of combatting slavery, the Rangers and another faction, The Bortherhood Of Steel, invaded the Hubologist's main stronghold. In the ensuing chaos, most of the Hublogists that were present were killed. Everything that proved their guilt (most especially, the bodies of over a dozen slaves killed in the firefight) were proudly displayed in Shady Sands. (The slave brand on their left breast was that of the Hubologist's emblem.) The Rangers split the facility with the Brotherhood, allowing the surviving Hubologists to rebuild their temple but under the very watchful eye of the two factions.The Rangers also have exploited the Brotherhood's "back door" program to the Shi; The Hubologists had discovered it and were using it to spy on their local enemies. Since it's discovery, the Rangers have been using it to spy not only on the shi, but on the Brotherhood itself- The same backdoor that allows the Brotherhood to "communicate" with (spy on) the Shi allows the Rangers large degrees of access to the Brotherhood. If the Rangers were willing to reveal their degree of the data breach, they could start building the more advance firepower and Veritibirds, but for the time being the Rangers are keeping quiet. |
 The NCR Rangers. | The Broken Badge. |  The NCR Rangers. |
The Ranger's reputation is one of courage and fighting slavers, but it ISN'T all fairytale bullshit; The Rangers got their start with technology and equipment stolen from the Brotherhood; While the Brotherhood fought off the threats to all of Humanity, the Rangers… Hunted slavers. The Rangers have done a lot to curtail raider groups- but by targeting their enemies with overwhelming superior numbers and firepower, and completely overwhelming violence. Rare does anyone in a raider camp survive, though children are usually not deliberately targeted.When the Brotherhood approached the Rangers about "reconciling" the Hubologists, the Rangers, at first, did... Nothing. Rumors about the Hubologist's mind-control ("slavery") methods were well-known; The Rangers had pushed the narrative themselves for over 10 years. When the Brotherhood RETURNED, bringing with them information about a possible "slave auction," the Rangers finally took action, despite openly saying they thought it was questionable. (The fact that "Chosen" was both a Ranger and a Sisterhood Of Steel member didn't hurt matters.)When the Brotherhood turned their eye to Vault City, the Rangers provided the mercenries (former slavers they contracted) to "protect" Gecko. Their internal reports also show they believed this exact scenario to be a possible plan by the Brotherhood, but to this day they've publicly said nothing.The Ranger's "dirty deeds" aren't 'as' bad as the Brotherhoods, but are so often tied to them that some speculate the Rangers ARE Brothers- And many are or were both. |