Clingohn Alliance.
Clingohn Alliance (n'ee Clingohn Empire).
Clingohn Alliance.
Subject Species
Clingohn Alliance.
Cigil Of The Clingohn Alliance.
Founded:9th Century.
Location:Beta Quadrant.
Capital:First City, Qo'noS.
Head of State:Emperor of the Clingohn Empire.
Head of Government:Chancellor of the High Council of the Clingohn Empire.
Legislature:High Council of the Clingohn Empire.
Major Species:Clingohns.
Military:Clingohn Defense Force.
Intelligence Service:Clingohn Imperial Intelligence.
"May' vISuvqang HochDaqDaq, wo'vaD!"
("I will fight any battle, anywhere for the Empire!")
General (later Chancellor of the High Council) MARTOK.
The Clingohn Allaince (formerly the "Clingohn Empire") is the official state of the Clingohn people, founded in the 9th Century by Kahless the Unforgettable, who first united the Clingohn homeworld of Qo'noS. Since then the Clingohn Empire expanded its sphere of influence by conquering numerous systems and incorporating them in the Empire.
Officially, the Clingohn Empire was a feudal monarchy, with power residing in the Emperor, who was traditionally a descendant of Kahless. In reality, however, power lay with the Clingohn High Council. The position of emperor was abandoned (but not officially abolished) in the mid-21st Century, but was revived in 2369 when a group of clerics created a clone of Kahless, who was accepted as the new Emperor, albeit only as a religious figurehead.
The Chancellor, the true leader of the Empire, was head of the High Council, which consisted of twenty-four members representing various Great Houses (tuqmey, essentially, the nobility). The Chancellor was protected at all times by the Yan-Isleth (lit "Brotherhood of the Sword").
Various factions almost constantly challenged the leadership of the Empire, and so over time the Clingohns developed a strict and rigorous Rite of Succession to determine their leader. According to tradition, one was permitted to challenge the leader on the grounds of cowardice or dishonorable conduct and fight in single combat. Should the challenger slay the incumbent, he assumed the role of the new leader.
Because of the Clingohn propensity for violence, shrewd Clingohn chancellors redirected hostilities outward, where they would otherwise cause a civil war. In this way, the chancellors focused the blame for certain internal problems on an external cause.
Aside from challenges to the primary leadership of the Empire, there was also frequent feuding between the various Great Houses. Most often, the challenge was made on the floor of the High Council and resolved on the battlefield. However, on occasion, some "dishonorable" House leaders chose to make more insidious attacks by undermining the standing of their enemies.
Having been at war as long as it was, the Kilingon Empire's economy was geared very heavily to heavy manufacturing and fabrication, with limited agricultural or other industry. After annexation by the UGC, this tradition continued; However, this industrial production was turned to consumer goods. Also, as the tempo of manufacturing was no long so high as it once was, labor conditions and environmental concerns suddenly became more important. This was aided along by the UGC getting hostile about the matter.
"A Clingohn's honor means more to him than his life!"
- Kurn, 2366
The Clingohns are a humanoid warrior species that originated from the planet Qo'noS (pronounced Kronos), an M-class planet. One of the major powers of the galaxy, the Clingohns were a proud, tradition-bound people who valued honor and combat. The aggressive Clingohn culture had made them an interstellar militry power to be respected and feared. Clingohns believed that they had the instinctive ability to look an opponent in the eye and see any intent to kill.
"Even half drunk, Clingohns are among the best warriors in the galaxy."
-The Doctor
Clingohn society was extremely complex. Before its decline in the mid 22nd Century and again in late 23rd Century Clingohn society was based on a feudal system organized around traditional Great Houses of noble lineage, to which various parts of the population owed fealty. The Great Houses are traditionally represented in the Clingohn High Council, which is led by a Chancellor.
The decline of Clingohn culture is demonstrated in the acts of the Clingohns themselves. They stopped caring about their weapons to the point that they let them rust and even stopped caring for true honor. Sometime after the augment virus took hold of the Clingohn Empire a new regime took control turning the Empire into a fascist state that kept tabs on all who served. The old ways returned in the latter 23rd and early 24th Centuries respectively.
Males traditionally dominated public life in the Empire, assuming the leading roles in politics and the military with only rare exceptions. A notable exception to the prohibition of women serving on the High Council came when Azetbur became Chancellor of the High Council after her father, Gorkon, was assassinated in 2293. Women, in turn, traditionally dominated the household and the management of the family's affairs. Clingohn women were treated as equals except in politics and matters of inheritance. They were prohibited by law from serving in the High Council and cannot take control of their Houses unless they have the money and no male successors of the lineage. Otherwise, Clingohn women were expected to exhibit the same physical prowess and lust for blood and honor as the men.
Clingohn society functioned through a system of family reputation and honor. Tradition was an integral part of their lives and breaking from observances was considered a grievous insult to society, an insult that is not forgotten easily. An offense usually brought shame to the offender's name for several generations. The highest shame was discommendation, an action by the High Council to officially strip a Clingohn of his personal or family honor. Bloodlines and relations were also taken very seriously by any "true" Clingohn. Lines comprise more than mere family members.
An integral part of tradition was the various rituals that mark milestones in a Clingohn's life or the history of the Empire. Most notable of the rites was the Rite of Succession, which a future leader of the Empire must complete with a valid Arbiter of Succession overseeing the proceedings. Before the Rite can begin, there was another elaborate ceremony needed to confirm the death of the previous leader. This was known as the Sonchi ceremony, in which the leaders of the Great Houses ceremonially kill the dead Emperor by stabbing him with a shock the body with petqaDnaQHom (painstiks), declaring to the deceased, "Qab jIH ngIl" ("Face me if you dare"). Painstiks give such intense pain that even a weak Clingohn would react to it, and no honorable Clingohn would refuse a challenge to combat. A lack of reaction was considered confirmation of the death, whereupon the pronouncement "Sonchi" ("He is dead") was given.
Individual Clingohn warriors were expected to go through the Rite of Ascension to be recognized as a full adult. If the house that an individual Clingohn belongs to is dissolved or falls into dishonor, he can be adopted into another house through the R'uustai or alternative ceremonies that symbolically mark the joining of kinship and allegiance.
Clingohns were extremely territorial. According to the first known Clingohn linguist, there was no such thing as an "insignificant corner of Clingohn space."
The most distinctive feature of Clingohn anatomy (except in those individuals afflicted with the Augment Virus) was a sagittal crest, beginning on the forehead and often continuing over the skull. The cranium was encased in an exoskeleton, which possesses a feature known as the tricipital lobe.
On average, Clingohns were larger and physically stronger than Humans, though they possessed a much lower tolerance for cold weather. They also lack tear ducts.
Clingohn blood can contain ribosomes that are compatible for transfusion with a Remulous.
Internally, Clingohn anatomy was markedly different from that of Humans. There is a great deal more multiple redundancy in their organs, a principle they call Brak'lul. This allowed Clingohns to survive severe injuries in battle. They had twenty-three ribs, two livers, an eight chambered heart, three lungs, and even redundant neural function and multiple stomachs. Some geneticists believed that the extra organs, notably the third lung, evolved to give Clingohns greater stamina on the battlefield. Surprisingly, Clingohns had relatively little knowledge of their own biology and their medicine was very poorly developed. This was largely due to their warrior traditions - a Clingohn who is wounded was expected to be left to survive through his own strength, die, or to undergo the hegh'bat, a form of ritual suicide.
It is interesting to note that, despite the anatomical and physiological differences between Clingohns and Humans, the two species had very similar nutritional requirements: As one doctor noted, "What kills us, kills them."
Clingohn pregnancies normally ran thirty weeks, but with mixed species, gestation times were shorter. The odds against Clingohn-Human conceptions were rather high; However, when successful, Clingohn and Human metabolisms sometimes clashed, causing biochemical fluctuations in the mother, which may lead to fainting. Clingohn traits remained dominant for several generations, even with a single ancestor; Therefore, a child even ¼ Clingohn still possessed forehead ridges if he or she carried the gene.
Clingohns had ridged spines, chests and feet. After birth some Clingohn infants experienced a pronounced curvature to the spine, which was correctable by surgery. This "defect" tended to run in Clingohn families, especially among females. Federate medicine, fortunately, advanced beyond that, allowing an additional choice of treatment involving genetic modification.
Clingohn children matured far more quickly than Human children. At the age of only one Earth year, a Clingohn child had the appearance a Human child had at about four. By the age of eight Earth years, a Clingohn attained the maturity a Human did not reach until about age sixteen. When Clingohn children began growing into adults, they went through jak'tahla, a Clingohn form of puberty. Like other mammalian species, Clingohn females were capable of lactating to breast-feed infants.
Clingohns tended to live for over 150 years, but even into advanced old age, they tended to still be strong enough for combat.
It has been once sarcastically noted that the natural odor produced by Clingohns was comparable to an "earthy, peaty aroma with a hint of lilac."
Clingohns say they had the instinctive ability to sense the decision to kill by looking into the eyes of their opponents. While this is not true, they do seem to sense who around them would most likely mean them harm.
Religion And Tradition
Ritual was a very important element in Clingohn society. While the Clingohns were not a religious people as such, they did believe that deities existed at one time. However, Clingohn warriors supposedly slew their gods as they were considered to be more trouble than they were worth. Clingohns did not believe in fate; However, they did appear to believe in some form of luck.
Once a Clingohn died, the spirit was considered to have exited the body, leaving behind a worthless shell to be disposed of. In the Clingohn death ritual, it was traditional for those on hand to howl into the sky as a warning to the afterlife that a Clingohn warrior was about to arrive. In some cases a funeral dirge was sung in memory of the deceased, or friends sat with the body to protect it from predators, a practice known as ak'voh.
Furthermore, a Clingohn who was unable to fight, and hence is unable to live as a warrior anymore, had the traditional obligation of committing the hegh'bat, which was the Clingohn ritual suicide. Tradition dictated that the eldest son or a close personal friend must assist. That person's role was to hand the dying Clingohn a knife so that he can plunge it into his heart, remove it, and then wipe the blood on his own sleeve.
The Clingohn afterlife was supposedly divided into two branches. The dishonored were taken to Gre'thor aboard the Barge of the Dead, a vessel captained by Kortar, the first Clingohn. Kortar was supposedly the one who had originally killed the gods who created him and was condemned to ferry the dishonored to Gre'thor as a punishment. Once in Gre'thor, the dishonored were watched over by Fek'lhr, a vaguely Clingohn-esque figure. While it may be tempting to view Fek'lhr as the Clingohn equivalent of the Human devil, according to Kang, the Clingohns have no devil.
Those who die honorably supposedly went to Sto-vo-kor, where Kahless was said to await them. However, should a noble warrior die in a manner that might not merit a place in Sto-vo-kor, such as being assassinated in a surprise attack, he may still earn a place if others dedicate a great battle to his name, thus showing that he has earned respect among the living.
Clingohn rituals included the R'uustai, a bonding ceremony which joined two people together in a relationship similar to brotherhood. Clingohn tradition holds that "the son of a Clingohn is a man the day he can first hold a blade."
If a Clingohn warrior struck another Clingohn with the back of his hand, it was interpreted as a challenge to the death. Clingohn warriors spoke proudly to each other; they did not whisper or keep their distance. Standing far away or whispering were considered insults in Clingohn society.
When going into battle, Clingohn warriors often sang the traditional warriors' anthem, which was essentially an invocation to Kahless and a pledge to win a good death in battle.
When choosing a mate, it is traditional for a female Clingohn to bite the male's face, allowing her to taste his blood and get his scent. Clingohn daughters traditionally are given a piece of jewelry called a jinaq when they become old enough to select a mate.
The Star of Kahless.
The Star Of Kahless.
The Order of Kahless, named for Kahless the Unforgettable, is one of the most prestigious groups in the Clingohn Empire. The recipient is awarded the Star of Kahless from the Clingohn Chancellor.
In 2375, Martok was inducted into the Order of Kahless for his actions in the Dominion War in a ceremony aboard Deep Space 9. Chancellor Gowron presided over the ceremony. After the Battle of Chamra Vortex, 217th Fleet Commander Jesancia HORV'TH was similarly honored, one of relatively few non-Clingohn Empire members to be so honored. (Admiral HORV'TH would later reperecnt the UGC when the Clingohns sued to enter the UGC; Her reputation with the Clingohns was bolstered by the fact that she had a wickedly ugly scar from this very battle.)
The Great Houses
The Tuqmey Dun (Great Houses) were a Clingohn feudalistic social organization that dominated the Clingohn Empire. Each House was usually led by the eldest male of the ruling family for whom the House was named. His wife was the Mistress of the Great House, who usually oversaw the running of the household and approved all marriages into the family. Traditionally the ruling family was of noble descent, although in the late 24th Century that was not always the case. The Great House also included various properties and holdings, and commanded military forces. The rulers of the 24 most powerful Great Houses formed the Clingohn High Council.
When the head of a Great House died, either in battle or of natural causes, leadership of the House passed to his heir, usually his son. If he was defeated in honorable combat, his wife also had the right to choose his victor as the new head of her House. If the head of the House left no male heir, the High Council could arrange special dispensation for someone else to rule the House, such as the Mistress. It was possible for individuals unrelated by blood to join a Great House, by consent of the House's head.
Great Houses which were gravely dishonored by the actions of their rulers could be disbanded, and their holdings claimed by other Houses; Individual members of these houses not involved in the matters that brought down the house would usually be accepted into another house.
Of interesting note are the 03 non-Clingohn House; House of Horv'th (Terran/T'sentraedi), House Of S'rek (V'lkahn), and House of Quark (Feng).
House of Antaak
The House of Antaak was a Clingohn Great House. The members of this house were traditionally in the warrior caste. One notable exception to this was the Clingohn doctor Antaak, who was disowned by his father for wanting to practice medicine.
House of Duras
The House of Duras was one of the Great Houses in the Clingohn Empire which by 2366 had become highly influential in Clingohn politics, so much so that its leader Duras (son of Ja'rod) was considered in 2367 for the position of Chancellor of the Clingohn High Council.
A forefather in this house was Duras, son of Toral. In 2153, he died in battle trying to capture and enemy vessel at the edge of the Delphic Expanse.
In the 24th Century, the House of Duras was engaged in a blood feud with Huraga's House.
In 2346, Ja'rod had betrayed his people to the Remulene, providing them with the codes to lower the defenses protecting the Clingohn colony on Khitomer. When evidence of this surfaced in 2366, then-Chancellor K'mpec sought to protect the Empire against a possible civil war by blaming Mogh, the father of Worf. Worf challenged this, but when he learned the truth he agreed to accept discommendation, for the good of the Empire.
With the death of K'mpec in 2367, Ja'rod's son, Duras, sought the leadership of the council, standing against Gowron. When Worf discovered that his mate K'Ehleyr had been murdered by Duras, he immediately transported to Duras' ship and challenged him. Duras proved to be no match for Worf, and was killed, leaving House of Duras without a leader as Duras had no legitimate heir, and Gowron free to take his place as Chancellor.
However, several months later Duras' sisters Lursa and B'Etor discovered that Duras had an illegitimate son, Toral. Though only a boy, Toral was made head of House Duras and inherited his father's claim to leadership of the council. The Arbiter of Succession chose to reject Toral's claim, causing those council members loyal to House Duras to withdraw from the council, plunging the Empire into civil war. With this, Chancellor Gowron restored Worf's good name and his family honor. He gave Toral's life to Worf, but Worf chose to spare the boy, who had merely been used as his aunts' pawn.
Although Toral was technically its leader, effectively the House was being controlled by Lursa and B'Etor, who were in turn working in collusion with the Remulene. When this was proven and the Remulous supply convoys aiding the Duras' forces blocked, support immediately fell away and Gowron's forces stood victorious. The Duras sisters continued, however, to fight a private war against the Empire.
Lursa and B'Etor surfaced once again on Deep Space 9 in 2369, selling bilitrium to Bajoran Kohn-Ma terrorist Tahna Los in order to fund their continuing efforts to gain control of the Empire. As they had committed no crime against the Bajorans they were allowed to go about their business and were not apprehended.
An attempt on Worf's life in 2370 was suspected to have been the work of the Duras sisters, but this proved not to be the case. At this point, however, it was revealed that Lursa was pregnant with another heir to the house Duras.
In 2371, Lursa and B'Etor began working with El-Aurian scientist Dr. Tolian Soran, stealing trilithium from the Remulene in order to assist him in the development of a trilithium-based weapon. They kidnapped a Fedeartion officer to discover the modulation on a Federate ship shields in order to critically damaged her. Unfortunetly, their Bird Of Prey's Cloaking mechanism was deactivated, and a single photon torpedo was enough to destroy the Duras' ship, killing them in the process. However, the Duras sisters may have gotten the last laugh as the damage they had inflicted to the Federate ship was enough to rupture the magnetic interlocks to the warp core, leading to a warp core breach which completely destroyed the stardrive section of the vessel and crippled the saucer module. Worse, it is probable that the Duras' escaped death outright by getting into an escape pod.
Toral, the son of Duras, was defeated in battle with Worf in 2372 in the Gamma Quadrant, when he assaulted Worf, Dahar master Kor and Jadzia Dax on a planet believed to once have been a stronghold of the Hur'q, ancient raiders who reputedly stole the Sword of Kahless.
Restoration Of The House of Duras
The House of Duras was restored to honor, "naDHa'ghach", after Ja'rod served the Empire for 30 years, even fighting a heroic battle against the Remulene. More importantly, he presented himself as a sacrfice before the then ruling leader of House of Mogh, Alxndier, and begged forgiveness and an end to the fighting between the houses- He also confessed the sins of his forefathers (some of which were not known). Alxndier very wisely accepted the proffered appologies and commended Ja'rod before the Chancellor.
House of Horv'th
The House of Horv'th was founded by UGC Admiral Tranquil HORV'TH. Unique amongst the Houses, this house was founded by a female, a non-Clingohn, and was invited into the alliance. This unheard of honor was a direct result of her heroic struggle against the Beorge, where she and her fleet destroyed a half-dozen Cubes.
Admiral Tranquil HORV'TH was the granddaughter of 217th Fleet Commander Jesancia HORV'TH.
House of Konjah
The House of Konjah is a Clingohn Great House. On a mission to expose a Founder at the highest levels of the Clingohn Empire in 2373, Miles O'BRIEN'S alias, Pahash, was a member of the House of Konjah.
House of Kor
The House of Kor was a family of high social and political rank and one of the Great Houses in the Clingohn Empire.
The House of Kor, led by Kor, son of Rynar, was descended of the Clingohn Imperial family. Kor was the last son of the House of Kor, and his death in 2375 marked the end of the House
House of Martok
The House of Martok is one of the Clingohn Empire's most powerful and respected Great Houses, led by Martok and his wife Sirella. Martok himself had not been high-born, as he came from the Ketha lowlands on Qo'noS, although his house gained significant influence and power thanks to his brilliant military career. In 2373, Martok formally invited Worf to join the House of Martok, after Worf played a critical role in the success of his first mission commanding the IKS ROTARRAN.
The following year, during the Dominion War, Alexander ROZENKO also joined the House of Martok after he reconciled with his father.
However, when Worf and Jadzia DAX decided to wed the same year, Sirella, Mistress of the House, opposed Jadzia's joining the House of Martok. Sirella believed that by allowing aliens into her house, it would threaten their identity as Clingohns. She went as far as canceling the wedding after an altercation with Jadzia, although she changed her mind after Jadzia apologized and begged forgiveness.
After Jadzia's death in late 2374, Martok and Worf decided that Ezri DAX was a fitting successor to her and would continue to be a member of the House of Martok.
House of Mo'Kai
The House of Mo'Kai was a Great House in the Clingohn Empire.
This house had an unusually high number of half-Cligohn, attributed to the rather liberal ideals of its founder. However, they made their collective reputation hunting down and killing the Hirogen- An obsession the House followed almost to its doom.
House of Mogh
The House of Mogh was a family of high social and political rank and one of the Great Houses in the Clingohn Empire until 2366 when false documents were produced which showed that Mogh had betrayed the Empire to the Remulene in the Khitomer Massacre of 2346.
In 2366, after his mother's death, Jeremy ASTER went through the R'uustai ceremony and became a member of the House of Mogh.
The House of Mogh regained its rightful honor in 2367 due to the assistance of Worf and Kurn, both sons of Mogh, to Gowron's ascendancy to Leader of the Clingohn High Council.
In 2372, the House of Mogh was again stripped of its honor when Worf refused to help Gowron attack the Cardassian Union.
After this second discommendation Kurn, who had been a member of the High Council, was close to suicide. His brother Worf instead had his memory wiped and asked a family friend, Noggra to take him into his house as a son.
In 2373, Worf joined the House of Martok and thereby regained his honor. He was followed a year later by his son, Alexander ROZHENKO.
Worf wore the emblem of the House of Mogh, until being accepted into the House of Martok, as a sign of remembrance of his past. Jadzia DAX thought it was a sentimental gesture on Worf's part.
House of Noggra
The House of Noggra was one of the Clingohn Great Houses in the 2370s. It was one of the smaller houses in the Clingohn Empire.
Noggra, the patriarch of the House, agreed to take Kurn into his house as a son after his memory engrams were altered to make him believe he was a different person named Rodek.
House Of S'rek
The House Of S'rek was founded by refugees fleeing the Remulene. Normally such as these would be lucky to be allowed to settle in some ignored corner of the Empire; However S'rek brought with him something of considerable value: The entire Remulous war plan. With this knowledge the Clingohns were able to blunt the Remulene's march across the former Federate, saving millions from the dictatorship of that empire (and placing them under the relatively kind dictatorship of the Clingohns). For this, S'rek received the Star of Kahless.
House Of Quark
The House of Quark is a Freng House, and has one of the most colorful of any house.
Quark, a Freng, had a confrontation with a drunken Clingohn, Kozak, in his bar; The Clingohn drew a dagger and attacked him, but stumbled and fell onto his own knife, killing himself.
In an attempt to drum up business, Quark lied about the incident, claiming to have killed the Clingohn in self-defense, but in a heroic battle. Ignoring law enforcement personnel's investigation, Quark tells a thrilling story for the benefit of the crowd, and quickly earns a great deal of notoriety; A story quickly supported by an "eye witness," Quarks brother and employee, Rom (later a Grand Negis).
Latter Quark was informed the Clingohn identity, and that he was the leader of a powerful Clingohn house. In the process he was warned that Kozak's relatives may come seeking vengeance.
Not long afterwards, a seething Clingohn by the name of D'Ghor arrived, claiming to be Kozak's brother. D'Ghor asks how Kozak died, and threatens to kill Quark if Kozak did not die "honorably." Quark tries to tell the truth, but quickly realizes that it is not what D'Ghor wants to hear. With a dagger at his throat, Quark assures D'Ghor that his brother died honorably in battle. Later that evening, Kozak's widow Grilka arrives in Quark's Bar, asking for him. No sooner does Quark offer her a refreshment than she lunged forward with a dagger. Terrified Quark dove over the bar and hid behind a serving tray. Grilka relizes a cowardly Freng would have been no match for her late husband, drunk or not, and asked if Quark wanted to revise his story. At this point, Quark admitted the truth, and Grilka tranquilized him with a hypospray and abducted him.
When Quark regained consciousness he was greeted by Grilka's advisor. Quark asked who the house belongs to, the older Clingohn solemnly tells him that their House "no longer has a name," since Kozak died without a male heir.
At this Quark asked why D'Ghor didn't inherit the House, and Tumek grew furious. Quark has been duped; D'Ghor is no relation to Kozak. Instead, he is an enemy of the house, who has been plotting to seize control of their land and property for years. Though he had been unsuccessful to date, his power and wealth had been growing, while Kozak's house had inexplicably been dwindling.
Tumek explained that Quark played into D'Ghor's hands: Had Kozak died in an "accident," and not in battle, the High Council might have granted a "special dispensation" and allowed Grilka to inherit the House, despite the fact she is a female. Now, with Quark having endorsed D'Ghor's story that Kozak died "honorably," no dispensation will be granted and D'Ghor is poised to seize control.
At this moment, Grilka barged into the room and tosses Quark a large ceremonial robe, demanding that he wear it. Tumek recites some chants, and as Grilka holds Quark by knife-point, she and Quark are wed.
Thus the House of Quark was founded. Later events would reveal treachery (D'Ghor had, in fact, been stealing Kozak's holdings by systemically de-valuing them for years; for this his house was disbanned, and many of the holding thereof transferred to the newly formed House of Quark).
The House Of Quark has now existed for over 1,000 years; They did through business what the rest of the Empire did through outright war, and for this their House has grown significantly over the Centuries. They do not, however, use anything vaguely like their typical tactics with other Clingohns; In fact, they generally avoid doing business with them.
Clingohn Alliance.
Clingohn Militry.
Clingohn Alliance.
The Clingohn Defense Forces (formerly the Imperial Clingohn Defense Forces) are the military branch of the Clingohn Empire. In 2373, the headquarters of the Clingohn Defense Forces was relocated to Ty'Gokor, a fortified planetoid located in an asteroid belt deep inside Clingohn space and site of the Hall of Warriors. The majority of Defense Force members are common warriors. In order to become an officer a candidate must pass the entrance exam. The prospective officer then must be approved by an oversight council who can reject the application. Officers usually serve on the Clingohn Empire's ships and warriors are sent into battle, whether it be on planetary assaults or when boarding other vessels.
The system of hierarchy aboard ships within the Defense Forces is highly structured. According to one of their systems, one that has operated successfully for Centuries, the first officer of any Clingohn vessel has the duty to assassinate his captain when and if the captain becomes weak or unable to perform. It is expected that his honorable retirement should be assisted by his "first." The second officer also shares similar duties with his "first."
The Defense Forces are capable of deploying a fleet of ships to destroy an entire planet. They have done so on several occasions, including an attempt to contain a mutagenic virus in 2154 and the successful destruction of the tribble homeworld.
The Clingohn militry worked, and still works, a little differently that the UGC's; Upon entry, one is being evaluated for potential advancement to Cadet; Cadets are also expected to be evaluated for potential advancement to higher ranks. As such, one advances from Sogh lagh, Non-Commissioned Officers, to Cadets, to Officers. Most Clingohns do not stay in the service long enough to advance to Lagh (Cadet), though few leave before advancing to Sogh lagh. All Klingons are both spacers and infantry, and as such there is no separation in rank structure. A Yo' 'aj (General) is also a Governor; A Wa'DIch 'aj is often a Lt. Governor.
In the Clingohn Defense Force the Rank of General can be graded into positions. As such a General can have the authority of Admiral, or Fleet Admiral depending on the individuals position in the Clingohn Militry.
K'T'INGA-Class Battlecruiser
VOR'CHA-Class Battlecruiser
B'REL-Class Bird-Of-Prey
GALOR-Class Battlecruiser
Comparison Of Clingohn Military Ranks
Clingohn Rank
Equivalent UGC Rank
Yo' 'aj
Wa'DIch 'aj
General AND Admiral
Cha'DIch 'aj
Ra'wI' Sogh
Warrior 1ST Class
Warrior 3RD Class
Cadet, Clingohn Alliance Defense Forces
Warrior 2ND Class
Sogh lagh
Warrior 2ND Class
Sergeant/Petty Officer
Warrior 3RD Class
Warrior 3RD Class
Clingohn Alliance.
Clingohn Starships.
Clingohn Alliance.
K'T'INGA-Class Battlecruiser
VOR'CHA-Class Battlecruiser
B'REL-Class Bird-Of-Prey
GALOR-Class Battlecruiser
Par'tok-Class Freighter

Clingohn Alliance.
Clingohn History.
Clingohn Alliance.
A Painting Of Kahless On Boreth.
Early History
Birth of the Clingohn Empire
In ancient times, notably during the early part of the Zanxthkolt Dynasty, Clingohns practiced mummification.
Around the year 900 AD, Qo'noS was ruled by Molor, a tyrannical ruler who was generally unpopular among the people. Kahless the Unforgettable emerged as a champion of the people, and slew Molor in single combat using the first bat'leth, the Sword of Kahless, in the Battle of Qam-Chee. Here, Kahless and the Lady Lukara fought a pitched battle in the city's Great Hall against the soldiers of Molor. While the rest of the city's garrison fled before the 500 soldiers, Kahless and Lukara stood their ground and defeated the forces. Shortly after their victory, the two began what would become known as the greatest romance in Clingohn history. Kahless ruled together with his new wife as Emperor of Qo'noS, building his new empire and also defeating the Fek'Ihri, despite the fact that he was not of noble birth. Kahless proved to be not only a powerful warrior, but a wise and just ruler, establishing a code of honor that was to become the template for Clingohn society up to the present day. Moreover, the defeat of Molor continues to be celebrated in the Empire in the Kot'baval Festival.
Sometime after Kahless united all Clingohns he left. Claiming that he is going to Sto-vo-kor, he pointed to a star and said "Look for me there, on that point of light." The place Kahless pointed out to would later be called Boreth, becoming the most sacred place for Clingohns.
An Excerpt Of The Paq'batlh, A Large Series Of Ancient Clingohn Scrolls And Religious Texts, That, Among Other Things, Passed On The Stories Of Kahless.
Kahless was not just a warrior, but also a philosopher. During his rule, he established a strict warrior code that was adopted into Clingohn culture and tradition. His words are frequently invoked by warriors about to enter battle. Among his sayings are, "A leader is judged not by the length of his reign but by the decisions he makes."
The way to the modern Empire
Among Kahless' most decisive legacies is not just the creation of the Clingohn Empire, but also establishing the position of the Emperor, a title which would last over the following 1,100 years. Noted Emperors include Sompek, who became famous for his conquest of Tong Vey, where ten thousand of his warriors laid siege to the city. When Sompek had taken the city, he ordered the entire population massacred and the city burned to the ground. Emperor Mur'Eq, on the other hand, became known for introducing the use of blunted bat'leths for practice in order to make sure "his warriors kill their enemies and not each other."
In the 14th Century the Clingohns suffered a devastating conquest and sack by the Hur'q. The Hur'q were a powerful race from the Gamma Quadrant possibly using the Bajoran wormhole to reach Qo'noS. Although they did not stay long, either because of their nomadic way of life or because of fierce resistance from the Clingohns, they did not leave before taking many valuable cultural treasures, including the revered Sword of Kahless.
Also during the 14th Century, some social-religious changes took place within Clingohn society, which would later be described as "Clingohn warriors, who set out and slew all of their gods, because they were more trouble than they were worth."
In the beginning of the 16th Century, the Second Dynasty ruled over the Clingohn Empire, but was ended with General K'Trelan assassinating Emperor Reclaw then later putting to death all the members of the Imperial Family. During the next ten years, the Empire was ruled by a council elected by the people, which is referred to as "The Dark Time" by Clingohn historians. Following this period a new group of Clingohns, called the Third Dynasty, were given the titles and names of the original Imperial Family in order to create the illusion of an unbroken line since the true Imperial bloodlines were cut at the end of the Second Dynasty.
In the mid-21st Century the reign of the last Emperor ended after which the lead of the Empire fell to the Chancellor of the Clingohn High Council.
During the Second Empire, Chancellor Mow'ga sent a fleet to conquer the Breen, but it was never heard from again.
The Clingohn Capital On Qo'noS In 2151.
22nd Century
By the 22nd Century, the Clingohns were a major regional power, fielding a formidable military, the Clingohn Defense Force.
In 2133, a Clingohn starship attempted to enter the Delphic Expanse. When it reemerged, the entire crew was anatomically inverted but still alive. After this incident the Clingohn High Council forbade all ships from entering the Expanse.
In the late 2140s and early 2150s, the Clingohns were engaged in a fierce internal struggle that, while not amounting to actual civil war, threatened to become a more intense conflict. Numerous attacks had taken place throughout the empire that were blamed on various Clingohn factions; It was not realized at the time that the attacks had actually been launched by the Suliban Cabal, who were taking orders from a mysterious individual who was an operative in the Temporal Cold War.
Early contact with Humans
Although the Clingohns had had occasional contact with the Vulcans prior to 2151, they had not met Humans until a courier named Klaang crashed on Earth while pursued by two Suliban soldiers. After dispatching his two pursuers, Klaang was shot by a local farmer named Moore. Although Vulcan ambassador Soval advised that Starfleet authorities withhold medical treatment and allow Klaang to die, Captain Jonathan Archer intervened and insisted on returning Klaang to Qo'noS aboard his ship, the Enterprise NX-01.
Archer, however, did not understand the complexity or importance of Clingohn tradition, and did not realize that returning Klaang to Qo'noS was a grave dishonor and insult. However, Klaang carried with him proof that the attacks were in fact launched by the Suliban, which averted a civil war. For this service, Archer and his ship were allowed to leave peacefully. However, the incident fostered Clingohn enmity towards Humans and was widely recognized as setting the stage for decades of future war.
In early 2153, the Empire again encountered the Enterprise when the Human ship rescued a refugee ship from Raatooras that was attempting to flee Clingohn territory. Captain Archer chose to render assistance to the refugees, but failed to realize the ramifications of his actions, particularly the embarrassment he would cause the Clingohns. When the Clingohns demanded that the refugees be handed over for trial, Archer refused to comply. Captain Duras of the IKS Bortas intercepted the Enterprise and attacked it, unsuccessfully. Archer was later captured and brought to trial on Narendra III, a Clingohn colony, for being an "enemy of the state." In an incendiary tribunal, Archer's "interference" with Clingohn affairs earned him a life sentence to Rura Penthe. However, Archer managed to quickly escape from the prison, further embarrassing the Clingohns.
The Clingohns launched several further attempts to recapture Archer, including hiring bounty hunters and sending Duras himself to track the Enterprise and recapture Archer. However, Duras was unsuccessful in three different attacks against the Enterprise, and he was finally killed when the Enterprise destroyed his ship during the third attack on the edges of the Delphic Expanse.
Augment Crisis
The Clingohn Empire nearly went to war with Earth during the Augment Crisis in May 2154, when a group of Humans hijacked a Bird-of-Prey and ejected its crew into space. Planning to devastate humanity, the Augments tried to escalate the incident by annihilating the Clingohn Qu'Vat colony with a biogenic weapon. Fortunately, war was averted when Enterprise destroyed the rogue Humans responsible and saved the colony.
A short time later, the Clingohns found genetic material of the Human Augments within the wreckage of the hijacked Bird-of-Prey. Fearing that Starfleet may be attempting to create genetically-superior Humans to take over the Empire, they tried to adapt this genetic engineering to improve themselves. An unanticipated side effect was that the Augment DNA caused the Clingohn cranial ridges to dissolve. The test subjects did gain increased strength and intelligence, but then their neural pathways started to degrade and they died in agony. One of the subjects was suffering from the Levodian flu, which was modified by the Augment genes to become a deadly, airborne plague that spread rampantly within the Empire posing its gravest threat since the Hur'q invasion. In the first stage of this plague, a Clingohn's physiology mutated to become more Human, for which the degeneration of the cranial ridges was a symptom.
With the help of a Clingohn scientist named Antaak, Dr. Phlox of the Enterprise was able to formulate a cure that halted the genetic effects of the virus in the first stage, retaining the changes in appearance along with some minor neural re-ordering, but with no development of stage two characteristics, such as enhanced strength, speed, or endurance. This left millions of Clingohns, mostly in the warrior caste, without their ridges. As these alterations were even passed on to their children, Phlox and Antaak theorized, that surgical cranial reconstruction might become quite popular for Clingohns, who want to restore their outer appearance. Nevertheless, this whole incident embarrassed the Clingohns even further and the Empire no doubt began to feel much more contempt for Humans, who were responsible for creating the genetic material in the first place.
23rd Century
Clingohn-Federate Cold War
By 2223, relations had degraded to a point where the Clingohn Empire and the Federate were constantly on the verge of war. The Federate was quickly expanding, and its territory began to approach that of the Empire. Conflicts over ownership of various star systems arose, e.g. the inconclusive Battle of Donatu V in 2245. Other disputed worlds included Sherman's Planet, the Archanis sector, and Organia, but both sides refrained from committing to open warfare although numerous skirmishes were fought between the Federate Starfleet and Clingohn forces during this time.
However, in 2267 negotiations between the two sides broke down, and the Federate officially declared war against the Empire. The Clingohns launched an immediate offensive, seizing several planets including the strategically important Organia. Unexpectedly, the Clingohn-Federate War was brought to a sudden conclusion just days after it had begun when the Organians, a race of massively powerful noncorporeal beings, intervened and forced both sides to end hostilities. The Treaty of Organia was then imposed, establishing a neutral zone separating the two powers and instituting a procedure, to be overseen by the Organians, through which planets along the border could be claimed and settled by both sides.
In that same year, a brief but ultimately unsuccessful thawing in relations occurred between the Federate, the Clingohn Empire, and the Remulous Empire, with the founding of a jointly-managed colony on Nimbus III. Dubbed the "planet of galactic peace," the colony quickly became an embarrassing failure for all three governments, although regular meetings between representatives did take place at the colony for at least the next twenty years.
A number of skirmishes and hostile encounters between the Clingohns and the Federate occurred over the next decade, including encounters at Capella IV, Neural, Elas and Beta XII-A. In most of these confrontations, the Clingohns tried to gain strategic advantage and secure mining rights for valuable minerals, such as dilithium.
By 2268, Clingohn D7-class cruisers were used by Remulene, who retrofitted them with cloaking devices. By 2285, Clingohns had begun using cloaking technology themselves.
In 2271, Kor led the Clingohn Empire to a memorable victory over the Remulous Star Empire in the Battle of Klach D'Kel Brakt, and by 2292, Remulene were considered "blood enemies" in the Empire.
On two occasions over the following years, Clingohn vessels fell victim to Earth-bound space probes of at least partially unknown origin. In 2273, the entity V'Ger neutralised three K'T'INGA-Class cruisers whereas another mysterious probe disabled two Clingohn vessels 13 years later.
Tensions between the Clingohns and the Federate again came to a head in the 2280s with the revelation of the secret Project Genesis, a scientific program developing an advanced method of quickly terraforming worlds- But a method which also had great potential for causing destruction. The Clingohns sent a Bird-of-Prey to covertly obtain the secrets of the Genesis Planet, while at the same time negotiating openly with the Federate. The Clingohns planned to accuse the Federate of duplicity in developing Genesis as a weapon of awesome power and using the negotiations as a cover. However, the ship was intercepted.
Peace with the Federate
Although negotiations had proceeded intermittently since the imposition of the Organian Peace Treaty, no major progress was made in establishing any firm relationship between the two powers. The most notable meeting, however, were a series of negotiations at the Korvat colony in 2289. No lasting agreement was reached at this meeting, but the mediators themselves managed to gain grudging respect from the Clingohns and establish a lasting rapport.
The situation abruptly changed with the explosion of the Clingohn moon of Prax in 2293. The disaster caused major problems for the Clingohn economy and military, as well as a major ecological crisis on Qo'noS itself. The Chancellor of the Clingohn High Council, Gorkon, took the controversial move of proposing a full peace treaty and establishing a process for dismantling the military fortifications and outposts along their mutual border- The military emplacements and warships that the Clingohns could no longer afford.
However, peace would not come easily. While en route to a meeting with the Federate president on Earth, Gorkon was assassinated by conspirators working in cooperation with Clingohn counterparts who also opposed any peace treaty between the two enemies. Gorkon's daughter, Azetbur, was appointed as the new chancellor in her father's place, and despite enormous pressure from her advisers to abandon the peace initiative, she chose to press forward and see her father's vision fulfilled. The ensuing Khitomer Conference resulted in the signing of the Khitomer Accords, a treaty which became the foundation for peace between the Federate and the Clingohn Empire.
24th Century
Ongoing d'etente
This relationship, however, remained rocky for the next several decades, although negotiations for a new peace treaty had begun by 2344. That same year, a single courageous act by the crew of a Federate starship would finally change relations for the better, when they responded to a distress signal from the Clingohn outpost on Narendra III, which was under attack by the Remulene. Despite overwhelming odds, the ship rushed to the rescue and was destroyed. The crew's conspicuous heroism and ultimate sacrifice in attempting to protect potential enemies left a lasting impression on the Clingohns, paving the way to further rapprochement towards the Federate.
In 2346, two years after its attack on Narendra III, but still at a time when it was supposed to be "an ally" of the Clingohns, the Remulous Star Empire attacked the Clingohn planet Khitomer and killed almost all of the 4,000 colonists. The raid was made possible by the traitor Ja'rod of the House of Duras, who supplied the Remulene with the codes of the colony's defense shields. With the USS INTREPID it was again a Federate vessel to be the first ship responding to the distress signal.
The mediator Riva gained fame for negotiating several treaties between the Federate and Clingohn Empire; Before Riva, there was no Clingohn word for "peace-maker." By 2353, the Treaty of Alliance was signed, finally establishing a firm friendship between the two former enemies - Just as the Organians had predicted almost eighty years before. Sarek of Vulcan and his son Spock were key figures in devising and negotiating the treaty. The Clingohns even joined the Federate in some fashion, some time after 2327 but before 2365.
Unspecified Battle Between The Clingohn Defense Force And A Beorge Cube.
Beorge Threat
In 2366, the Federate was attacked by a Beorge cube. Shortly before the ensuing Battle of Wolf 359, Starfleet requested Clingohn assistance for Admiral HHNANS' fleet awaiting the attacking Beorge Vube. Apparently, however, the battle began before the Federate fleet could be reinforced. After the destruction of HHNANS' taskforce, Locutus of Beorge stated that "the Clingohns will also be assimilated." The number of Beorge drones of Clingohn origin encountered by the crews of Federate ships is stark evidence that the Empire had its share of run-ins with the Beorge Collective. While the number and nature of these encounters are unknown, VOYAGER'S First Officer, during a neural link with the Beorge Cooperative, became aware of at least one pitched battle the Empire fought against a BEORGE cube of the same type that engaged Starfleet in the Battle of Wolf 359. The Clingohn Defense Force fared little better than its Federate counterpart in the unspecified battle.
Civil War
Despite the establishment of a full peace treaty with the Federate, the Empire would not remain at peace for very long. During the reign of K'mpec, the longest-lived chancellor in Clingohn history, two rival factions developed in the Clingohn High Council. One, led by Duras, who was also secretly allied with Remulous interests who were seeking to split the Federate-Clingohn alliance, advocated setting an independent and aggressive policy. In 2366, K'mpec, with the help of Worf, son of Mogh, even had to conceal the treason commited on Khitomer 20 years earlier by Duras' father, Ja'rod simply to avert civil war. The other faction was led by Gowron and favored continuing the peaceful relationship with the Federate. After K'mpec died of poisoning in 2367, the two factions were on the verge of starting a new civil war.
Although Duras was killed by Worf and his relationship with the Remulene exposed, Duras's sisters, Lursa and B'Etor continued the struggle in their brother's place. They presented Toral, the illegitimate son of Duras, to challenge Gowron for leadership of the Council. Because the majority of the Council had been corrupted by the House of Duras, they sided with the Duras sisters and walked out of the Council when Arbiter of Succession rejected Toral's claim, making official the division of the Empire.
The First City on Qo'noS burns during the Clingohn Civil War in early 2368.
The civil war, when it finally broke out, was as bold and bloody as any other conflict in Clingohn history. The warriors of the Empire threw themselves into the fight with typical zeal- For example, Kurn was heard to shout, "Our time for glory is here!" In the first three engagements, the forces allied with the Duras family decisively defeated Gowron's allies. However, it was not generally realized at the time that the Duras forces were secretly receiving material aid from the Remulous Empire. The Remulene hoped that a victorious Duras family would end the Federate-Clingohn alliance and create a new Remulous-Clingohn alliance to shift the balance of power in the quadrant.
However, interests in Starfleet recognized the probability that the Remulene were interfering in the conflict. A fleet of starships was dispatched to the Remulous-Clingohn border, establishing a blockade and preventing the Remulene from sending the Duras forces further assistance. When the Remulous connection was finally revealed, support quickly fell away from the Duras family, and Gowron successfully reunited the Empire under his leadership.
The "Return" of the Emperor
By 2369, the clerics of Boreth acquired the necessary technology to "recreate" a clone of Kahless the Unforgettable using DNA from the Knife of Kirom and imprinting Kahless' memories, as written down in the sacred texts (most likely the paq'batlh), in the clone's synaptic pathways. The cleric's plan was to counter the corruption and dishonor in the Empire by restoring a strong leadership and re-instating the position of Emperor of the Clingohn Empire. "Kahless'" ascension to this post should follow his faked return from Sto-vo-kor, however, worrying about his chancellorship, Gowron was able to expose the plan of the clerics. Lieutenant Commander Worf thereby suggested that the clone of Kahless be made Emperor, but only in the sense of a moral leader for the Clingohn people, and Gowron remaining chancellor of the Clingohn High Council.
Renewed Hostilities with Cardassia and the Federate
The Federate-Clingohn alliance would be sorely tested in the 2370s, after the Federate made First Contact with the Dominion in the Gamma Quadrant. The leaders of the Dominion, the Founders, had the express goal of conquering all of the powers of the Alpha Quadrant in order to prevent them from threatening the Great Link. In late 2371, the Dominion captured General Martok, a trusted adviser to Gowron, and replaced him with a shapeshifter impersonator.
The Changeling posing as Martok convinced Gowron that the recent civilian uprising in the Cardassian Union had been engineered and supported by the Dominion, and that the uprising heralded an imminent invasion by the Dominion into the Alpha Quadrant. To prevent this invasion from occurring, Gowron launched a massive assault against the Cardassian Empire in early 2372. Emperor Kahless condemned the invasion but was eventually overruled by Gowron, whose goal was to conquer all Cardassian territory to ensure that it could not be taken by the Dominion.
When the Federate Council protested Gowron's actions, Gowron took it as a betrayal of the alliance and withdrew from the Khitomer Accords, ending the Federate-Clingohn alliance. Although no declaration of official hostilities was made, a state of near-war developed between the two powers; The Clingohns even launched a preemptive attack against the Federate outpost Deep Space 9 in order to capture the remaining free members of the Cardassian Detapa Council. However, Deep Space 9 Commanding Officer pointed out to Gowron that a war between the Federate, the Clingohns, and the Cardassians was exactly what the Dominion wanted- A divided Alpha Quadrant that would be ripe for conquest in the future. Faced with this reasoning, Gowron called an end to the invasion and halted the attack against DS9.
However, peace would not return. The Federate had refused to fight alongside their allies and had actually sided against them in battle, and the Clingohns could not forgive or forget this transgression easily. A tense stand-off developed over the next year, with the Clingohns attempting to make political inroads against both the Cardassians and the Federate to justify their offensives.
Finally, in late 2372 and at the Martok Changeling's suggestion, Gowron demanded that the Federate relinquish claims to a number of territories along their mutual border, namely the Archanis sector, or face war. When the Federate Council refused the demands, the Empire launched an invasion with battles fought for Archanis IV, Ajilon Prime and Ganalda IV. The Federate-Clingohn War was brutal, but short- Only a few weeks after it began, Gowron called an end to the conflict after a Starfleet covert ops team revealed that Martok was actually a shapeshifter, and the entire war had been engineered to divide the two former allies. However, some hostilities continued after Gowron's ceasefire and were only ended when the Dominion began its invasion of the Alpha Quadrant.
The Dominion War
When the Dominion annexed the Cardassian Union in mid-2373, the Clingohns were quickly defeated by the Jem'Hadar and driven from all of their Cardassian conquests. Faced with the prospect of a larger war against a much more powerful enemy, Gowron agreed to re-sign the Khitomer Accords and renew the alliance with the Federate. In addition, a detachment of Clingohn soldiers was assigned to Deep Space 9, commanded by the real Martok, who had been rescued from a Dominion internment camp.
Clingohn forces relieve the Federate fleet during Operation Return in 2374.
The Empire and the Federate would ultimately fight side by side in the ensuing Dominion War that broke out in late 2373; Many of the most important engagements of the war were conducted in concert, including the Second Battle of Deep Space 9, the attack on Torros III, and Operation Return (the so-called "Sacrifice of Angels").
The anti-Dominion alliance gained new, unlikely allies in mid-2374 when the Remulous Empire declared war against the Dominion. Although the Remulene and the Clingohns both harbored deep hatred for the other, the two former enemies managed to put aside their differences in order to successfully fight the Dominion.
However, ultimate victory would eventually come at a very high price. When the Breen Confederacy entered the war in late 2375, the use of the previously-unknown energy dampening weapon effectively nullified the power of Starfleet and the Remulous forces, leaving the Clingohns to fight on their own, outnumbered twenty to one. Rather than fight a holding action, however, Gowron ordered that Martok launch a full-scale offensive against the enemy, claiming that they had the advantage of surprise.
Ostensibly, Gowron hoped to achieve quick victory against the Dominion and claim all of the glory for the Empire in winning the war without the assistance of the Federate or the Remulene. But Gowron's real plan was much more subversive and political. Gowron feared the growing popularity of Martok, who had commanded the Clingohn forces on the front lines and was rapidly gaining heroic status among the soldiers of the Empire. Gowron hoped to reclaim some of that popularity for himself by personally commanding the Clingohn war effort from Deep Space 9, and by discrediting Martok in sending him on numerous hopeless missions.
When no other Clingohns would protest, Worf challenged Gowron to single combat, claiming that Gowron was a coward for jeopardizing the very existence of the Empire (and indeed the safety of the entire Alpha Quadrant) in order to satisfy his need for political security. Worf killed Gowron in the fight, thus claiming the right to rule the Empire himself. However, Worf declined the position and nominated Martok instead.
With the signing of the Treaty of Bajor, the Dominion War is finally ended in 2375. Ultimately, the Empire shared in victory with the Federate and the Remulene after the final defeat of the Dominion at the Battle of Cardassia in late 2375. Section 31 estimated that the Clingohns would not recover from their losses from the Dominion War until about 2385.
25th Century
The Remulous-Federate War
When the Remulous Empire declared war with the Federate in 2402, the Clingohn Empire declared war on the Remulene in support of their ally. Though this conflict went very badly for the Federate, the same could not be said for the Clingohns; They ended up taking roughly half the Federate (though Vulcan did fall to the Remulene). With this, those systems that fell into Clingohns gains a sort of protection.
The K'Hardishuns-Clingohn War
The revelation that the Cardassians had supported the Remulene led to the declaration of war with that empire; Under massive attack from the Clingohns, without the support of the Dominion (which had already been forced to sign a peace treaty with the Clingohns amongst others), and sold out by the Remulene, the Cardassian Empire fell in a mere 3 years. Absorbed into the Kiling Empire was the only militry assets of any importance, the GALOR-Class Battlecruiser.
The spectacular arrival of the UGC in the mid 25th Century by defeating the Beorge compelled many factions of the Atran Galaxy to side with the UGC; The Clingohn Empire was, ironically, one of the first in this respect. With the Federate long gone at this point, the UGC provided a way forward that did not include a new alliance with the now supremely hated Remulous Empire, especially as the UGC agreed to allow the Clingohns to keep their pre-Remulous War territories.
Clingohn Alliance.
Clingohn Alliance.
"Only Qo'noS endures."
- Clingohn Death Chant.
Qo'noS is the homeworld of the Clingohns and capital of the Clingohn Empire, and houses the Clingohn High Council and other important institutions.
Astronomical Data
Using stanadrized star charts, Qo'noS is located at 135° on Galactic Plane, 180 light-years from the galactic core.
In 2293 the moon Prax (a key energy-production facility for the entire empire) exploded after an accident involving over-mining which sent out a subspace shock wave, causing severe damage to the planet's ozone layer. This event forced planning for the evacuation of the planet and led to the signing of the First Khitomer Accord with the Federate. This destruction formed the Praxs Belt.
Clingohn Alliance.
Subject Species.
Clingohn Alliance.
Over the centuries of war and conquest the Clingohns destroyed many species and worlds; Unfortunately only a few survived this. The annexation of large tracts of the Federate placed a few species within their sphere of influence, but this would have been small comfort to the many species they annihilated. Compared to the Remulites depredation, however, the Clingohns boot was insignificant.
After annexation into the UGC, the species of the Clingohn Alliance increased to include many more species.
  • Andoria
  • Arin'Sen
  • Bajoran
  • Clingohns (significant majority species)
  • Cardassian
  • Klaestron
  • Kriosians
  • Lissepian
  • Tellarites
  • Vulcans
  • Valerians
  • Xepolites