Even the highly disciplined REF had occasions of personnel committing crimes, ranging from minor (dereliction of duty by "nipping off" for a smoke on watch) to very serious (rape, FOLSOM-Class Detention Ship. |
 | Production Information: |
Manufacturer: | United Galaxies Council. |
Type: | Detention Ship. |
Technical Specifications: |
Length: | 28,548 feet (8.8m). |
Shielding: | Equipped. |
Armament: | 4 frag cannons, 5 medium pulse cannons (1 dorsal, 1 port, 1 starboard, 1 keel, 1 forward), 20 small pulse cannons, 200 defensive pulse turrets, 2 torpedo launchers. |
Complement: | - 7 ROIL TILUVO/DESTRIN/TILUVOSEN-Class assault corvettes (2 are still armed);
- 2 LISTRDIN-Class light orbital transport;
- 5 HORIZONT-Class;
- 12 Indomitable-Class SSTOS;
- 8 CSS-228 Raptor Combat Shuttles;
- 12 F/A-18 Hornets;
- 3 F/A-22 Raptor Stealth Fighters;
- 6 ASF-14 Viper Starfighters;
- 6 SA-43 Hammerheads;
- 20 GS-8 Neopolis;
- 8 T-95 X-Wing Fighters;
- 8 Spacer II Space Fighters;
- 8 TIE Interceptor Fighters;
- Up to 100 TIE Drones;
- 2 MG-8 Phantom IIIs;
- A/FG-36 Hornet IIs;
- EAG-81 Malcorn JSTARS;
- 6 F-4U Corsair Fighters;
- 4 B-25 Mitchell III Bombers;
- 5 VT-01 Workers;
- 5 VT-02 Constructions;
- 12 PV-07 Police Veritechs;
- 2 Veritech Hover Tank 2.0s;
- 2 OBP Z-4s;
- 3 SVA/F-18 Sol Space Veritechs.
Crew: | 50,000 (approx.), including correctional staff and other personnel. |
Passenger: | 500,000 (inmates). |
Cargo Capacity: | 8,000,000 tons cargo. |
Usage: |
Year Introduced: | 2091. |
Role: | Detention Ship (prison). |
Affiliation: | UGC |
murder, drug dealing, profiteering [selling REF equipment and materials without authorization], etc.). To hold these miscreants, 14ᵀᴴ Fleet's 1138ᵀᴴ Militry Police Battalion modified a T'sentraedi RIN NADOW LOJM-Class Monitor to a detention ship with 2 inmates to a "cell" and named her UES FOLSOM (for the Terran Prison). She had been equipped with more defensive features (improved shields, more anti-weapons defenses, etc.) due to the fact that she was used to hold those who could not defend themselves in the event of an attack, but was essentially unarmed offensively. Later on, she was refitted with a standard Reflex Cannon, but again for defense only. However, some 200-odd years ago she was attacked and destroyed, an incident that continues to haunt the UGC.The FOLSOM-Class Detention Ships came about as a result of this attack, serving as a mobile base of operations for Militry Police units; They are immense ships with a crew complement of about 50,000.FOLSOM-Class ships are NOT front-line warships, but are powerful battleships in their own right, armed with four Synchro Cannon Mk IV (2 fore, 2 aft), each with a 360 degree traverse and 180 degree arc of fire and a powerful defense screen, and are quite fast; Many a ship has engaged FTL or even spacefold drives to make good an esacpe, only to discover their pursuer was only minutes away- If not already there. No ship has ever actually outran a FOLSOM-Class unless the CO has elected to let them go. This is partly because unlike most other classes of ships, FOLSOM-Class ships keep their spacefold and FTL drives on-line at all times. This enormous drain on power is compensated for by the largest powerplant even installed on a ship of this size- In fact, the RTT-Z44-4 is the fourth largest powerplant installed on any ship other than a space station, putting these ships in the highest power-to-weight ratio in recorded history. That this is a fusion powerplant, meaning it uses standard hydrogen (specifically H³ 3) fuel, rather than the typically more powerful (but also far more difficult to obtain) Protoculture, makes it significantly more remarkable. They also have the usual array of solar panels and reserve batteries.The building of the FOLSOM-Class was somewhat revolutionary; In the past, prison ships were typically "reserve fleet" vsls (those that had been decommissioned from their original purpose, usually luxury liners, due to unprofitability) converted to prisons. In the case of the FOLSOM-Class, the Spacy actually started with the mission profile personnel for their specification recommendation- IE, they asked prison guards, militry and civilian, for what they thought made for a good prison. Most of these ideas were incorporated to one degree or another; For example, the idea of installing electromagnets in the overhead to forcibly remove metal tools (most especially weapons) was implemented. Some ideas, for legal or technical reasons, could not be implemented; For example, one prison guard from Lehon suggested stun collars, in case the inmates began to revolt, fight, etc. The Spacy determined that the idea was not technically feasible, then reviewed it and determined it was not legally possible. However, they still tested the concept, using real prison inmates who waived their rights in this regard in exchange for sentence considerations (most got double-time on their sentences- the six months they participated in the program converted to one year on their sentence). The idea, while effective in some regards, was too difficult to apply to specific inmates in an emergency, and guards were forced to stun everyone in an area. Also, it was very quickly determined that using the stunners in machine shops was too dangerous, since a stunned inmate could drop tools and/or fall into an energized machine, which would probably kill them.Shooting at a detention ship is strongly discouraged. Only attacking a Hospital Ships is considered a greater insult, and ANY attack on the Detention Ships is considered authorization in and of itself for weapons hot for anything SHORT of reflex and nuclear weaponry (except in defense).AmenitiesIt may seem odd to discuss amenities in regard to a prison ship, but the simple liberties aboard ship keep morale from reaching critical levels; The same is true for prisons. When the two are combine, these simple liberties can become dangerously explosive.The single largest amenity is the theater; The amphitheater-style theater can seat every single inmate at the same time. Viewing is highly restricted, for example nothing sexually suggestive or with brief nudity, violence, etc. can be played, but a wide variety are played, 24 hours a day.The second is food; The food aboard a FOLSOM-Class is actually equal to a 3 or 4 star restaurant. This has occasionally led to scandals, for example the serving of Qued (the main dish normally reserved for Royal Dinners on Hurina, due to its high cost). These scandals usually go away rather quickly, however.The next is a library rivaling that of the Galactic Library at President's Point. Anything that isn't available in hard copy can be made available in electronic format, or for a very modest fee in hardcopy by request using print-on-demand technologies.Another amenity is a full educational program; While in prison, anyone can receive an education, up to and including a full doctorate. Inmates receive this education for free, staff for a vastly reduced cost (which, in the case of UGC and some other governmental ships, is paid for by governmental education programs), and books applicable to the program are free (the fee for printing is waived). The certificates and degrees are issued by the institution one receives the certificates and degrees by, and in the case of inmates transcripts reflect in-class attendance- only the inmate and those they tell normally will know they attended school while in prison. This advantage is not applied to staff, however, but it reflects "satellite campus" and not the ships' name- Again, only the staffer would know they got their degree while working in a prison. (This has been a specific point of controversy, since some entities do not accept or look less favorably on satellite campus degrees, since they sometimes have less oversight, though most employers don't care, and in the case of militry FOLSOM-Class it actually becomes a bonus.)Finally, these ships boast large gardens that simulated a planet's surface. This provides some food, but mostly recycles air.Ship's StaffThe crew of a FOLSOM-Class is divided into three main groups: The Ship's Crew, led by the Commanding Officer, (CO or Captain [regardless of actual rank, typically a Lt Commander]) assisted first by the Executive Officer (XO) and Operations Officer (Ops, Ops Boss, or Ops O), the Correctional Barracks staff (prison guards), with its own CO and XO, and the Flight Wing with its own CO and XO.However, things get a little complicated when "second hats" are worn; On 'most' FOLSOM-Class ships, the Ship's XO is also the Correctional CO, and the Flight Wing's CO is the Ship's Operations Officer. Sometimes these second hats are reversed (Ship's XO/Wing CO and Ship's Ops/Correctional CO), and in other cases the four different billets are assigned to other people, or any combination thereof.This is a reflection of the overall duties of the different positions: The CO must maintain the safe operation of the ship, first and foremost. This duty is so large, comprehensive, and finely detailed that even the most dedicated captain simply can not keep on top of it- An analysis by the research think tank Galactic Mindset, a non-partisan corporation under contract to the militry, determined that wearing both hats would take a 96 hour work week. (In so doing, they actually violated their contract- They were contracted to find a way to reduce the hours to not more than 85 hours while wearing both hats, and their final recommendation was to split the position into two different positions.)The XO manages day-to-day activities and as the Captain's "whip" getting the crew to do what the captain WANTS DONE. As such, they often must oversee the correctional unit, ensuring work related to that department is completed to the Captain's satisfaction. Very often, they place a large burden upon the Correctional Barrack's XO.The Ops Officer's duties are to oversee the ships' operations, including flight operations; By placing Flight Operations directly IN their control, it actually simplified their life that much more. They also plan the underway and operational schedule, make sure everything is lined up when pulling into port, sending underway messages and watch schedule on the bridge and inport duty schedule, and ensuring operational necessities, such as fueling, are completed.It doesn't always work out this way, of course; It's not even written that it is required, but it is written as "recommended."When not in use as a prison, a FOLSOM-Class can be used as a convalescent care facility (800,000 passenger/patients, with removal of inmate-related industrial equipment) or as troopships (1 MILLION soldiers/Marines). |