Ryloth Defense Forces. | Chir'daki ("Death Seed"). |  Ryloth Defense Forces. |
Chir'daki ("Death Seed"). |
 | Production Information: |
Manufacturer: | The Twi'lek system, using Incom Corporation X-Wing and Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Fighter parts. |
Model: | Twi'lek Chir'daki. |
Class: | Starfighter. |
Technical Specifications: |
Drive/Power/ Thrust Plants: | SFS P-s5.6 Twin Ion Engines; Quad 4L4 Fusial Thrust Engines. |
Hyperdrive System: | Equipped. |
Shielding: | Equipped. |
Armament: | Twin SFS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons; Quad KKX-12 Laser Cannons. |
Crew: | Pilot; Astromech Drone. |
Passengers: | None. |
Other Systems: | S-Foils (2 pair). |
Usage: |
Eras: | New Republic Era; UGC Era. |
Affiliation: | Twi'lek (Ryloth); About 200 other unaffiliated systems and groups; About 20 various mercenry groups. |
 | Two Views (port and dorsal). |
"I envy you your ship."An REF Veritech Fighter Pilot to a Twi'lekian upon being introduced to the Chir'daki. | The Chir'daki (Death Seed)The Chir'daki (Twi'lekian, Death Seed) was a unique type of Starfighter developed by the Twi'lek; For many decades, the Chir'daki was employed exclusively by this reclusive species.The Chir'daki is everything, at every level, that the TIE-Wing is NOT- Amongst other things it's not a flying coffin.DevelopementThe Chir'daki was developed shortly after the REF came to the Twi'lek's homeworld. The Gahmmoriens militry system was being disassembled piece by piece by the REF, and literally millions of TIEs (Fighters and Interceptors) were suddenly available. The Stenierian Empire's long-surplus X-Wings were also available, and the Twi'lek's purchased just about all of them outright- They hadn't joined the UGC, and really didn't want to at that time. The REF was all too happy to practically give the fighters to the Twi'leks, provided they agreed to leave the Hyperspace Drives un-installed; The Twi'lek accepted this condition, and the fighters, gratefully (especially since the REF had taken the Stenerian boot off their neck).The Twi'lek realized one of the lesser issues of the X-Wing and the TIE-Series had been power to system; That is, while the X-Wing produced lots of power, they didn't put out very much. A big boy, but unable to hit for much at all.The TIE had the potential to put out a lot of power, but couldn't generate all that much.The Chir'daki combined the absolute best of both, without integrating hyperspace drives or any other wasteful system; It's primary rival is the X-Ceptor, which really is the Chir'daki backWards. The two, when paired up, make a pretty mean combination, when paired against each other have a tendency towards mutual annihilation. CharacteristicsThe fighter was actually an "Ugly" design, having been assembled from parts of both the TIE Fighter and the X-Wing. Unlike typical Uglies, which were haphazardly cobbled together from whatever parts were available, the Chir'daki was built according to a specific design and apparently had no more variation from one fighter to the next than would a factory-built craft.The S-foils of the X-Wing fighter were attached to a gyroscopic mount which was then mounted onto the main pod of a TIE Fighter, similar to the design of the B-Wing starfighter. The Death Seed used the twin ion engines of the TIE for propulsion, and relied on the X-Wing engines to power the lasers, hyperdrive and shields. The resulting craft had a bit better maneuverability than the standard TIE, but was a little slower.In the image to the right, the Chir'daki "appears" to be rotated into a 'standing' position; However, it's really that the S-foils have been rotated around the cockpit 90 degrees from the starting position.The S-foils gave the Death Seed all the laser power of an X-Wing, giving it more firepower than a TIE/ln. The Twi'leks decided not to incorporate any concussion missile or proton torpedo launchers into the design, as those weapons were very difficult to acquire. All in all, comparing the Death Seed to other uglies, it was well built and a competent starfighter.DeploymentThe Chir'daki are typically deployed with the X-TIE/In Fighter; The Chir'daki brings the power, while the X-TIE brings the cover, like the sword and shield.Unfortunately, the REF doesn't like combination units; Lose one of the two, and you have to either link up with a team that already has your component, or wait for a member of your squadron in your same platform to die and take their place in another flight. Fortunately for this clever little platform, RDF's are more-or-less at their discretion as to what they use, and therefore Chir'daki/X-TIE/In teams are fairly common; Terra even has one such wing (331ᶴᵀ).Strategic Implications And FutureThe strategic implications of the Chir'daki are pretty inconsequential; The Twi'lek were fully capable of manufacturing the fighters before the UGC entered their existential bubble, so the rise of the fighter, while significantly advanced, was not terribly surpising. The numbers they've been built in is 'a bit' surprising, but not significantly enough so to cause concern. The Twi'lek are also not terribly aggressive as a species, and are more likely NOT to prosecute a conflict. Indeed, this is a minor concrn in and of tiself for the Council; The fear that Ryloth could be invaded again, and the fighters and their schematics and manufacturing equipment would fall into unfriendly hands. As a bulWark against this, the UGC has a Yankee Station in the Ryloth system, ostensibly as a diplomatic mission but in reality as a tripwire. (That it's an open secret isn't the problem; in fact, it was part of the solution. Letting the Twi'lek know the UGC's true purpose there relieved their leaders of concerns of UGC intentions.)On the small scale, especially for Ryloth Defense Forces, the Chir'daki's future looks good indeed; The Twi'lek have not formally entered the UGC, and unlikely to soon. Even if they do, the Defense Forces would be able to retain the fighters for quite some time; As long as the Ryloth government was willing to support them without UGC funding, to be precise.On a slightly larger scale, Chir'daki's future doesn't look too bad either; The Twi'lek have been able to export some to non-UGC affiliated groups in some numbers, and a few others have reverse engineered the design themselves.Long and wide term prospects are not so good, however; Ryloth may be pressured to join the UGC, at which point they won't be able to export the fighters to non-UGC groups (unless it's a carrot to get them to join the Council), and UGC affiliated groups are shying away from non-native or UGC designs (since the Council will pay for UGC designs, and they can make native designs themselves).Name: Chir'daki Ugly.Model Type: Aero-Space Fighter.Crew: One.Drones: None.Passengers: None.MDC By Location: |
Fuselage/Cockpit- Wings (4)- Engines (4)- | 200 100 each 150 | Shields- Laser Cannons (4)-
| 200 100 each
Notes: Usual penalties apply.Speed and Statistical Data: |
Speed: Up to 25 Mach in space, Mach 8 in atmosphere. Range: The powerplant is solar-powered; The fuel tanks can hold up to 20 years of constant acceleration. Hovering Height: 10 inches. Height: Solar Panels: 8 feet. Fuselage: 5.5 feet. Span: 30 feet. Length: 16 feet. Weight: 15 tons. Hover System: Grav pods. | Drive, Power, and Thrust Plants:Primary: Twin SFS P-s5.6 Ion Engines; Output: 175 Gigawatts at 900 Newton's nominal; Lifespan: Tot he edge of the solar system.Secondary: Quad 4L4 Fusial Thrust Engines; Output: 153 Gigawatts at 1,500 Newton's nominal; Lifespan: 18 months. Cargo Capacity: Pilot's supplies only. Cost and Availability: 100 millioncredit and 18 months to build; Not cheap, not easy. Black Market Cost and Availability: 100 BILLIONcredit and could take a year or more to aquire; Again, not cheap, not easy. |
Weapon Systems: |
1. Quad SFS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons: Originally designed for the TIE-Interceptor, these are still chin-mounted; This is the pilot's most common weap, and the one most preferred for it's cycling design. Purpose: Dogfighting. MD Per Laser: 1D4 per blast. Rate of Fire: Four times pilots attacks per melee; Each time the trigger is pulled, one of the lasers fire one after another, effectively negating an enemies dodge bonus. Range: 2,000 feet. Payload: Unlimited.
2. KX12 Laser Cannons: Originally designed for the StealthX. Purpose: Dogfightering/Anti-Armor. MD Per Laser: 3D6 per blast. Rate of Fire: Per pilot's attakcs per melee. Range: 1,500 feet. Payload: Technically unlimited; Capacitors allow the weapon to be fired indefinitely, up to 30 melee; Then they need 3D6 melees to recharge. | 3. Shields: Exactly the same as any other variable full-force barrier field. Purpose: Defense. MDC Per Panel: 200 each. Number of Panel: 8. Coverage Characteristics: A full 360 degrees coverage area around the craft. Notes: Requires only one melee action to raise or change densities; Can be slaved to fire-control to raise/lower automatically upon firing. In Action. |
Features: |
- Video Recorder: Records from sensors and the cockpit itself. 500 hours of recording available.
- Radar: Combat grade radar. Range: 200 miles, can track up to 250 individual targets. 95% reliability (24% against unfriendly stealthed vehicles).
- FLIR/SLIR: Forward and Side Looking Infrared. Allows pilot and weapons officer to get visuals on targets at night.
- ESM: Radar Detector. Passively detects other radars being operated.
- AJP: Active Jamming Pod. Causes -25% to detection but when it is active, other vehicles/bases can detect that it is jamming, and some missiles will home in on jamming signals. Jamming also causes a -4 penalty to all radar guided weapons.
- Full Range Sensory Suite: Infrared, ultra violet, Magnification, night sight, color filters, thermal imager. Range is about 2,000 miles for MOST sensors.
- Motion Detector: Activates a loud wailing when an object is coming at the user fast, and a soft ringing if it's coming slowly. Activation ranges must be specified by the pilot.
| - Anti-Jamming System: Reduces Electronics Countermeasure by 3/4 (decrease skill level appropriately).
- Electronic Counter Measures (ECM): These systems disrupt enemy radar and tracking systems, making it difficult for them to lock onto the ship with weapons. The countermeasures give the fighter a +3 to dodge, +2 to strike and +1 on initiative in combat.
- Fire Resistance: Fires external to the craft have no effect on it.
- Grav Clamps: Reversing the polarity of grav pods in the landing struts allow the unit to adhere to the hulls of Warships and the exteriors of SOME buildings.
- MRA 6 Radios: Allows real time, continuous radio link up with friendly forces in the area via satellite relay over laser radio signals, preventing jamming, and automatically encrypts/decrypts same to prevent eavesdropping.
- Type-11 wide band radios: Effective 10 mile range, auto encrypt/decrypt. Works on standard radio band wavelengths, so it can still be jammed (if the enemy knows the frequencies).
Combat Profile for the Chir'daki Aero-Space Fighter: Actually, it's exactly the same as the X-Ceptor, except that the Chir'daki's bonuses are against fighters in attack mode. The Chir'daki's strength is pursuing enemy fighters as the wing leader, or as the wingman (defending against fighters) against ships. All bonuses at +1 IN THE APPROPRIATE ROLE, except attacks per melee.- +4 attacks per melee.
- +2 Initiative.
- +4 Strike.
- +4 Parry, Dodge, and Roll.