| The dragon is a large, serpentine creature that appeared in the folklore of many cultures around the galaxies. It turns out these stories are so common because they can fly through space- Even intergalactically (though this is a once in a lifetime trip).Stories about various heroes slaying giant dragons are found in every major society, though planets with atmospheres incompatible with humanoid life are less common.In all major cultures, dragons are portrayed as monsters to be tamed or overcome with ravenous appetites (often for virgin sacrifices) and to live in caves, where they hoard treasure.In reality, dragons are predatory carnivores, but humanoids are not popular food sources. The “treasures” they hoard are the armor of the heroes sent to kill them, which they do hoard to signal a den to their own kind.Dragons have a gland in their throats that produces a flammable substance; Nobody can figure out exactly what world dragons first evolved on; Several ideas have been floated, including Flyjt and Mordor, Terra (the archological evidence is against it), Tirol, Remulous, Atran, Coruscant, Tarn-Vedra, Mimbar (the Mimbari deny it), and several others. The simple fact is, nobody really knows. | Attributes: |