Fehran: |
 | Fast Facts: |
Catagory: | Core Worlds. |
Status: | Interdicted (Limited). |
Sector: | Sentinel Special Security Sector. |
System: | Fehran System. |
Sun: | Fehran. |
Moon(s): | 2: Bador and Ronay. |
Rotation Period: | 20 standard hours. |
Orbital Period: | 322 standard days. |
Physical |
Diameter: | 20,000 miles. |
Atmosphere: | Oxygen/Nitrogen mix, (compatible for most life). |
Climate: | Temperate. |
Gravity: | 1.1G (slightly over standard). |
Terrain: | Plains; Forests and Rain Forests; Some Deserts; Canyons. |
Points of Interest: | Fehran Drive Yards (planetside); Kuati Shipyards (orbital); Planetary Gardens; Bacta Farms; Vratix Ranchs; Kashyyyk Rain forests. |
Societal |
Native Species: | Fehrans (Atorians); Endorians (intelligent); Kashyyykians (semi-intelligent). |
Official Language: | Standard; Fehran. |
Population: | 1.26 billion (high of 3.6 bill). |
Major Cities: | Siverst City (capital). |
Affiliation(s): | United Galaxies Coincil, under garrison; Chaos March Collective. |
 | Fehran from space; this picture was taken shortly after the Atorian Empire's Defeat to the UWA, and therefore the ring of the Kuati Shipyards are not visible, since they'd been disassembled under the terms of the Capitulation. It has since been rebuilt. |
 | Kuati Shipyards Ground Connect Station Closeup (©Aleander PREUSS). |
 | "Ferhas Last Stand" (By Angus McKIE)Depicts An Then Obsolecent QUEEN GOTTERBREG-Class Frigate Lurking IN An Equally Obsolescent Industrial Area, Waiting For UWA Landing Craft To Land. Unfortunately, This Ship Was Sited From Orbit And The Area Was Avoided. (This is one of the few wartime portraits created by Mr McKIE that he did not actually see himself under fire, but a few days later when he was ordered to get "a quick look" and tell his superiors what he saw.) |
PlanetFehran is a Core World, that is a world upon which intelligent life developed. Though there is some question, it is believed that the Fehran Species, like the Endorians and Kashyyykians, developed without interference. (The lack of Haydonite artifacts supports this, though it was based on the geologic and archeological record.)Fehran is located in the Fehran system, in the Sentinel Special Security Sector. The system itself is in the Heredare Arm. It is a planet of rain forests and forests, plains, and some deserts, with an ubdulating terrain that forms extensive canyons planetwide; There are continents, but no major oceans. Fehran has two moons, Bador and Ronay.HistoryPre-Galactic EraOver thousands of years, Fehrans fought each other for dominance of their world, until the advent of inter-planetary travel reduced the strain upon the planets resources. Then they set out across the galaxy, at first teaching other civilizations. Then came the Corporate Wars.Coporate WarsAs the Fehrans spread across the galaxy, an economic downturn on the homeworld hit most nation-states hard; Several space missions, some in progress, were cancelled.Only the Nation-State of Atoria was unaffected; Their matriarchal society had remained insular since their defeat in a long-completed Drug Wars (when a rival nation forced them to accept imported narcotics). After the defeat, the male-dominated (patriarchal) system was overthrown, sometimes violently.After their rival's space programs collapsed, the Atorian Space Agency was established, purchasing second- and third-tier spacecraft from other nations. The excuse provided was to rescue the crews stranded in space and elsewhere; The actual excuse was to claim the starships (too large to land planet-side) as "abandoned" and therefore legal salvage. (Fehrans off-world were rescued- When it wasn't inconvenient to the Atorians.) From Fehran, they sent out colonies of their own. For example, the Fehran Explorer (formerly a Nazzizi ship, claimed by the Atorians after her crew were 'rescued') colonized Alsakan in 260 BA (Before Atoria, or the founding of the Atorian Empire). A cabal of wealthy families, known as the Ten, joined together to create the largest shipbuilding concern on the planet, using the quasi-illegal abandoned spacecraft as their models.'Republic' EraThe Atorians grew in prominence and power as their shipbuilding abilities advanced; Before a decade was out, the Atorians had build a cargo ship as wide as prior vsls were long.As the economies of their rivals continued to collapse, the Atorian economy remained stable, and little by little, City-States tried to join them. The Atorians were more than happy to oblige, but their original State-Nations objected, and would attack the 'rebel' factions. The Atorians would counter by supplying their new allies with as many weapons as they could- Which was usually more than they needed. This left the City-States indebted to the Atorians, which they paid off by supplying raw materials to the Atorians, including new candidates for the space program and slaves to build the ships. (Atoria was one of many slave states.) As Atoria became the dominate party of Fehran, they transferred 90% of their manufacturing capabilities off-world to the Kuati Shipyards and terraforming Fehran to serve their wants. The Fehran Drive Yards were the only factories kept on-world to manufacture ship components, and some of the former factory sites were converted to Bacta Farms and Vratix Ranchs, but 75% were simply converted to the massive Planetary Gardens; Old buildings, when possible, were torn down, though a few thousand were kept to serve the gardens. | A Fehran Aristocrat |
In 23 AA (After Atoria, after the founding of the Atorian Empire), local protestors opposed to the Atorians policies marched on Atoria's capital, Ator, but were massacred by the Fetts (a local militia that had been supporting the Atorian's policies, partly because they were being supported by the Merchant Houses).During the Imperial Era, Fehran could only be accessed via three ports within the main Fehran Traffic Zone, which was along the Hydian Way; a passenger port, a freight port, and a Imperial transfer port. Information on Imperial Port was and still is classified (see below).UWA/Atorian Empire WarThe Atorian Empire had been a perpetual collaborator; When the Robotech Masters came, they had offered to join the Tiresians, offering their services as the Master's agents in the systems they controlled in exchange for keeping their empire- And therefore their holdings- Intact. The Masters saw the advantages; They would be able to control more worlds at basically no cost to them. It was then that they changed their name from the Atorian Empire to the Atorian Conglomerate. As the Tiresian/Invid War swung in favor of the Invid, the Atorian switched sides; In exchange for Invid "protection," the Atorians would govern and police their worlds on behalf of the Invid. This had NOTHING but upside for the Regent; He would now rule VASTLY more systems, at no real cost, receiving slaves and raw materials. Only the occasional Clam ship would have to be dispatched as a show of strength, and maybe a parade of Scouts and Troopers down the capital's main street as a reminder of Invid militry power.With both the Tiresians AND Invid gone, and the REF embroiled in a civil war AND an invasion of their home world, the Atorians believed now was the time to throw off all outsider powers. They had had hundreds of years of building capital ships, and the better part of 50 years of basically NO masters of any sort; They believed themselves MORE than a match for what they called a "pitiful band" of some 150 or so warships, and maybe a million troops, racially and politically divided and simultaneously at war with OTHERS.They couldn't have been more wrong if they'd planned it that way.The Secretary of Diplomatic Missions, Domillion Kazianna HESH-TULL, was instructed by Chairman Hunter to send an ambassador to Fehran to "offer" the Atorians a place in the IPA, and to do so in a way that the Atorians would NEVER agree to:- To demand they turn over all off-world assets other than ships to the host world;
- To demand the Atorians release all slaves, and transport them back to their home worlds (or other world of choice) at the Atorians own cost;
- To demand a stand-down of all Atorian Spacy and other military forces;
- To demand reparations to worlds and peoples harmed by the Atorians;
- And if all else failed, to make some other impossible demands, especially something that would infuriate the Atorians.
The Atorians answered with a very polite, but very firm, "Not a chance in Hell."The REF then garudaformed a planet in a disputed system for Garudans. Garudan air, being toxic to all others, made the planet uninhabitable to the Atorians, who then simply responded by dropping an anti-matter bomb of the main colony. The entire surface of the planet was made barren and uninhabitable, an irradiated glassy rock with no atmosphere.4 days later, after confirming the Atorians WERE responsible for the attack, the REF declared total, immitigable war on the Atorian Empire.The Atorian Uprising (as historians now call it) lasted 5 years, during which the Invid would join the IPA as full members. During that time, the REF lost a total of 50 battle wagons (of which only 2 were destroyed out right). The Atorians lost 500 THOUSAND. The REF lost approximately 500 Spacers and Marines in combat, and maybe another 25 to 100 to post-combat injures and illness. They had no MIA/POWs. The Atorians lost 200 THOUSAND killed in action, and 500 MILLION taken as POW. And it's still not known how many were MIA/Body not recovered. Every year, mass graves of Atorian Empire warriors are uncovered, with as many as 150-2,000 bodies in them.One of the mistakes made by the REF was to believe the Atorians were stronger than they really were. The Atorians has S.D.C. ships, and a few MD weapons, mostly nuclear and anti-matter (which they used EXTENSIVELY, especially towards the end of the war). The missiles which carried these warheads were easily destroyed by REF Laser Batteries, and few ever got through to strike their targets. The ease of the war, in fact, scared the IPA and the REF; This was supposed to be a showpiece war, as a warning to others; As the Atorians once used the Cerus as an example to others of the folly of fighting the greatest empire in the galaxy, the REF was supposed to show the galaxy the folly of fighting the IPA. "Fight us and lose" was to be the message; "Resistance- Is futile" was the war's motto. The war lasted 5 years because after the first round of victories, the REF itself recoiled at their own success, and stopped on their own for a year. It was during this first year that the Atorians suffered their greatest KIA rate, as the REF had not realized how MUCH greater their own power was compared to the Atorians. Numerically, they SHOULD have suffered a perfectly acceptable 15% loss to Atorian 25-32% losses, and still won. They were suffering less than 0.1% losses, and the Atorians were suffering between 86% and 92% losses. (It's now believed they actually suffered FAR higher losses that were never accounted for, possibly as high as 99.8% losses.)As the REF closed in on the Atorians capital World of Fehran, a faction of Atorians made a desperate and cowardly move- They left their home worlds behind as fled into the galaxy to parts unknown. (See "Fehran Malcontents.") One Empress was among with them, as she ordered these same ships to sally out to fight the "invaders" (in fact, it was this order which the "Exodus Forces" used as their smoke screen). This, too, extended the war (to the REF and IPA's limited relief), as the REF was forced to re-deploy assets to encircle the empire to prevent another such escape. As many as 200 ships are known to have escaped; It is believed as many as 2,000 more many have joined them.The Atorians were offered what Chairman Sterling (who succeeded Chairman Hunter 6 months before the war ended, as Rick wanted to give his friend, confidant, and wing man the glory of being "the" leader at victory) called "Excellent terms, under the circumstances":- Striping of the term "Atorian" from their collective name, and use of the term "Fehran" from there on;
- Surrender of the Spacy and all weapons, power armors, robots, fighters, and etc;
- Confiscation of all off-world assets, less one freighter with no FTL drive to serve as a space station for others to trade with the Fehrans;
- Internment on Fehran for 100 years (they could leave ONLY with IPA approval on medical and educational business with other worlds, and diplomatic business with the IPA on Capitol Station);
- Permission to man their ONE single space station;
- Return of their prisoners of war (being held in prison ships, built out of their own warships anchored off Mars), less the 5 captured and surviving Empresses, and any surviving Duchess or Lady, or any other nobility (who would continue to be interned at Pella Internment Camp 21, which was formerly the Atorian Battleship Seltina'or, named for a former Empresses and converted to a prison ship);
- Economic sanctions for 10 years, during which time they could trade with other systems ONLY for humanitarian needs (this was to be paid for by the IPA using a blank-check, low-interest loan);
- Repatriation of ALL Atorian slaves, or transfer to whatever world they wished at Fehran expense (paid for by the same fund that would pay for their humanitarian needs);
- Reparations to worlds and peoples harmed by the Atorians (also paid for by the aforementioned humanitarian needs fund);
- Dismantlement of all Fehran-controlled gateways;
- Confiscation of blueprints for ALL Fehran technologies, from toasters to Anti-Gravity Pods to whatever else there is (this was "assisted" by REF Marines securing industrial complexes and corporate facilities before the surrender was accepted;
- And impounding of all Fehran spacecraft save 6 shuttles, none of which had FTL capability.
The Fehrans are now little more than galactic beggars due to the breadth of their punitive damages from the war, though they are rebuilding. Their century-long imprisonment ended almost a century ago, and the FIRST thing they did was attempt to re-claim their in-system colonies. Many of them were still abandoned, though some were not; These were not returned, despite several attempts to the contrary. They've also established minor toeholds in other systems, but few, if any will allow them entry, and the UGC refuses to allow them to settle any system not already settled by someone.After the Fall of Fehra, a male by the name of Jhebdy PWOE declared himself Chief of State with the imprisonment of the Empress.' He began moving the command structure of the Defense Force to Fehran, but was forced to flee for his life when the self-declared Senate 'dismissed'; The scandal of a male trying to exercise power, of all things, set off the populace, and they were ready to hang PWOE and his Cabinet. REFer's spent a week trying to put down the insurrections. During the UWA-Atorian Wars, 2,000 Atorian Senators signed a petition against the war; Their liberal, galactically minded principles were not popular with Fehran aristocrats, who had them removed and incarcerated. After the fall of Fehran, this prison was found by the REF. All the detainees had been murdered. | The surface of Fehran | After the war, the IPA occupied the shipyards, dock yards, and planetside militry bases, and aero-space ports. In an attempt to prevent either the Alliance or the Empire from taking over, a male slave by the name of YOURICK  | Princess Ananda, Author Of The Protest Of War Articles; Her body was identifiable only by DNA (she was stripped as an act of humiliation). |
 | Admiral Leonard "Lenny" BEVELSK REF Spacy. |
 | General Amanda DAALA, REF Aero-Space Force. |
 | A Telbun in ceremonial robes. |
(no given name ever determined) attempted to blow the aero-space ports up, although he was only partially successful; Part of the explosives were disabled by the Fetts. The UWA (the IPA had changed over during the war) soon gained control of the yards and the planet, and Admiral Leonard "Lenny" BEVELSK came to lead the overall garrison command; Under his very heavy boot, all dissent was quashed, the Fetts disbanded, food and other commodities and utilities were rationed, the press was strictly under government control, movement was restricted (with papers only), and on and on. Admiral BEVELSK'S policies, however, were in no way in a vacuum; He knew the heavier his boot was, the lighter his successor's boot would feel- No matter how heavy it really was. While in command of Fehran Internment Command, Admiral BEVELSK also commissioned a design team to develop the ECLIPSE-Class Battle Cruiser, which was cancelled in favor of the MIYRIA PIRANO-STERLING-Class. The large UWA garrison on the planet was soon reinforced from five Corps to twenty.It would be an irony, therefore, that he was relieved of his command after 35 years not because he was too harsh, but too lenient; He was replaced by General Amanda DAALA, an Atorian (Father)/T'sentraedi (Mother) New Blood REF Aero-Space Forces veteran. Her boots were so much heavier than Admiral BEVELSK'S that an actual rebellion broke out- Which was exactly what she was sent there to do. After crushing the mini-rebellion, she was relieved of her own command and replaced with the far more lenient Ambassador Dranin HESH-TULL (son of Kazzianna and Breetia).As this buildup continued, Jimmy TYBER infiltrated the dock yards in order to steal the unfinished ECLIPSE-Class Battle Cruiser plans, and a working example if possible (the ECLIPSE herself was finished, but had not yet been slipped) and other information about the UWA from computers in their vaults. TYBER was successful in stealing the ECLIPSE, making it as far as the outer planets, but decided that she was be too big of a target and left with the vault's contents. His wherabouts are unknown, but it is believed he linked up with Tiresian forces.The CapitualtionThe "Capitulation" is a continuing black eye to UGC Public Relations; Even the name, 'capitulation', makes potential allies and enemies of the UGC nervous, and with good reason; The Atorians were to, as Miyria PIRANO-STERLING put it at the time, "Bend over and take it in the ass. From My husband and his buddies." This line lead to scandalous stories related to Chairman PIRANO-STERLING'S intentions, including stories that she'd actually taken an Atorian Empress taken prisoner at the close of the war to her husband to do, 'exactly as she said she would,' and that when he couldn't rise to the occasion, she did it herself. (The story is, of course, untrue; Max would never have touched another woman, and Miyria would have killed, in painful and creative ways, any woman who was ever near her man.)However, the name stuck because of the extent of the purely punitive measures included what Chairman PIRANO-STERLING (who succeeded Chairman HAYS-HUNTER 6 months before the war ended, as Lisa wanted to give her friend, confidant, and 'wing man' the glory of being "the" leader at victory) called "Excellent terms, under the circumstances":- Striping of the term "Atorian" from their collective name, and use of the term "Fehran" from there on;
- Surrender of the Spacy and all weapons, power armors, robots, fighters, and etc;
- Confiscation of all off-world assets, less one freighter with no FTL drive to serve as a space station for others to trade with the Fehrans;
- Internment on Fehran for 100 years (they could leave ONLY with UWA approval on medical and educational business with other worlds, and diplomatic business with the UWA on Capitol Station);
- Permission to man their ONE single space station;
- Return of their prisoners of war (being held in prison ships, built out of their own warships anchored off Mars), less the 5 captured and surviving Empresses, and any surviving Duchess or Lady, or any other nobility (who would continue to be interned at Pella Internment Camp 21, which was formerly the Atorian Battleship Seltinaór, named for a former Empresses and converted to a prison ship);
- Transportation of all off-world Atorians back to the homeworld at the Atorians expense (less prisoners of war);
- Economic sanctions for 10 years, during which time they could trade with other systems ONLY for humanitarian needs (this was to be paid for by the IPA using a blank-check, low-interest loan);
- Release and repatriation of ALL Atorian slaves, or transfer to whatever world they wished at Fehran expense (paid for by the same fund that would pay for their humanitarian needs);
- Reparations to worlds and peoples harmed by the Atorians and trillions in general restitution; (also paid for by the aforementioned humanitarian needs fund);
- Dismantlement of all Fehran-controlled gateways;
- Confiscation of blueprints for ALL Fehran technologies, from toasters to Anti-Gravity Pods to whatever else there is (this was "assisted" by REF Marines securing industrial complexes and corporate facilities before the surrender was accepted;
- And impounding of all Fehran spacecraft save 6 shuttles, none of which had FTL capability.
The Fehrans are now little more than galactic beggars due to the breadth of their punitive damages from the war, though they are rebuilding. Their century-long imprisonment ended almost a century ago, and the FIRST thing they did was attempt to re-claim their in-system colonies. Many of them were still abandoned, though some were not; These were not returned, despite several attempts to the contrary. They've also established minor toeholds in other systems, but few, if any will allow them entry, and the IPA refuses to allow them to settle any system not already settled by someone.In 20,00 AA 40 years after the UWA defeated the Atorian Empire, Viqi SHESH was elected Senator of Fehran. She was added to the UGC Defense Advisory Council, but betrayed the Council to the Yuuzhan Vong (a multi-planetary anti-UGC terrorist organization).During the Yuuzhan Vong Uprisings, Fehran would host numerous meetings of the REF and many RDF High Commands, as well as continue to supply warships to the Spacy and Patrol. Following the defeat at FBX 2155320, additional warships were dispatched to the planet to safeguard it and its extensive shipyards.SocietyThe Fehrans Society is still deeply matriarchal; Males are less than second-class citizens, regardless of species, and Fehran males even lower. Were it not that Ferhan male genes must be injected into the species from time to time, they would probably have been 'bred out' long ago. (As it is, T'sentraedi or Terran 'DNA Samples' are aquired, when practical, to expand the genetic base of the Fehrans; Atorians preffer the 'alien' men, since i allows them to abuse their own males more for 'casuing' their defeat in the war with the UWA.) The Fehrans are made up of ten Great Houses, founded by the 'ursuprers' to the thrones of the ten Empresses's of the pre-UWA era. (The fact that the surrendering Princesess arranged their successors in adanvce, and that their daughter's daughters were married back into the ruling class is something the UWA really could not control.)The great Fehran Houses are astonishingly wealthy. Often composed of a single extended aristocratic family, each house long ago devised a system to prevent the unfortunate political alliances that sometimes spring from ill-advised marriages. When an Ferhan House matriarch desires an heir, she purchases a young male slave, called a telbun, who has been raised from birth as a breeder. Shortly after puberty, strong, intelligent males are tested for their genetic suitablitiy (to ensure they do not carry any genetic defects). Those that are suitable for breeding are sent to the Telbun Camps; Those that are not are made eunchs (their gentailia in it's entirety). All males deemed at birth to be unsuitable are made castrated immediately. (The UGC recently learned of these practices, and has imposed new sactions upon the Fehrans to end it; However, the new sanctions have not yet born fruit.)TelbunsTelbuns are raised to excel in athletics, culture, mental acuity, and good looks. If they are selected, they are accpted by an Atorian family, kept in a condition comperable to a favored pet. Their purpose is to provide the Lady of the house with an heir, then remain out of sight.He is kept in the House as tutor and guardian to the child (provided it is a GIRL child), but is never considered part of the family, and entiteld to no rights thereof. They are expected to die for the daughter if necessary, to ensure she grows up healthy, strong, and smart, and serve every other mere whim of their Mistress immediately. they are still slaves, and expected to conduct themselves as such.Points Of IntrestKuat CityKuat is a city located in the northern hemisphere. It was here that the origianl Kuati Ship Yards were located, and until the latter Tiresian Empire Period, was still the main factory location (the assembly of the ships themselves occured in the ship yard in orbit, also called Kuat). There is still a Space Elevator from the planet (at Kuat Shipyards Interplanerty Headquarters) to the Kuati Shipyards (access limited to company employees only).Kuati Orbital ShipyardsAn industrial point of great interest, Kuati Shipyards was the Atorian Empire's primary warships production facilities and manufactured the feared EMPRESS PALPATINE-Class Destroyers, the EXECUTIONER-Class Battlecruiser, and LUBSANKIA-Class Garrision Ships, as well as the Empress's secret Escape and Evasion vehicles.The Shipyards are actually a series of spaceships, many of them T'sentraedi, that have been converted to a 'ring' of interlocked space stations, each with a rotation giving them the equivelent of 1G. For more information, see Kuat Shipyards for more information.The Dune Sea and Jundland WastesOnce a large forest and plains region, a desert made of sand and the rocky border of the old Tusken Zone, not much of anything beyond krayt dragons, banthas, and occasional womp rats; Intermittent RDF outposts watch for would-be smugglers. See Dune for more details.Fehran MalcontentsExodus ForceThe escapees, referred to in Fehran mythos as the "Exodus Force," is another matter. They are known to be out there somewhere, and have not accepted the surrender. Many Fehran believe the Exodus Force will return one day to "liberate" them, and return to the Atorians what they believe is rightfully theirs. In truth, though, it's mostly a rag-tag pirate fleet, barely able to eke out a living by raiding worlds, taking as much booty as possible. See Atorian Malcontents for more information.Tusken ClanThe old Atorian system was centered around clans; One such clan was Tusken, founded so long ago nobody really remembers how or when. For failing to fully support the Atorian Clan in their bid for power over Atoria (very much pre-Imperial Era), the Tuskens were ostracized, refused even the privilege to found an off-world colony. They were to be 'interred' on Atoria (Fehra) like prisoners. During the rise of the Atorians Empire, however, Clan Tusken rebelled against the larger empire; In a coup attempt the Clan tried to seize control of the Capital.The army, however, defended the Empire, and the critical support promised by other disaffected Clans never materialized. The Tusken's capital, Tuscany, was attacked with an anti-matter bomb (the actual first use of such a weap in battle; the existence of the AMB had been a secret until then). The survivors were beaten back to semi-intelligent savages, until they ran afoul of the REF 20,000 years later. See Tusken Raiders.Other SpeciesEndorians (intelligent)The intelligent Endorians are 2 to 3 foot tall aboriginals in a samll part of one of the southern continents where the Kashyyyk Rain forests border the greater Bacta Farms on the eastern side of the forest. Once viewed only as 'vermin', UWA scientists began investigating the creatures at the request of REF Garrisoners, who were complaining about the creatures raiding local food supplies, yet were amazingly hard to hunt. See ENDORIAN RCC.Kashyyykians (smei-intelligent)The semi-intelligent Kashyyykians are cousins to the intelligent Endorians, They live mostly in the Kashyyyk Rain forests, where they border the Vratix Ranches (the opposite side of the forest) . See KASHYYYKIAN OCC. |