The UGC Clariont Flag.
The UGC Clariont Flag.
 A typical UGC Battle Group is comprised of six main components:
 The Strike Force, which arrives ahead of the Task Force (if applicable);
 The Intelligence Component, one third of which arrives ahead of the Task Force and half of which arrives with the Task Force;
 The Main Battle Fleet;
 The Reserve Battle Fleet;
 The Support Fleet; and
 The Assault Force.
 The Main and Reserve Battle Fleets, Support Fleet; and Assault Force are collectively referred to as the Task Force. Part of the Intelligence Component arrives with the Task Force as part of the Support Force. Not every component is always sent all the time, though it is fairly rare that any given component is NOT sent.
 In the event of "Incident Response," that is large scale disaster (such as a multi-regional tsunami or major earthquake) and/or insurrection (such as the FBX 2155320 scenario), an advance component, the Strike Force, is sent. The Command Ship of a Strike Force is always an AZONIA LAPLAMIS-Class. Around her is constructed the rest of the Strike Force; At least TWO ANDROMEDA-Class, a KHYRON KRAVSHERRA-Class, 2 Galactica-Class or BATTLESTAR-Class, a DAVID ESTEP-Class, and a TERRA-Class comprise this part of the mission, as well as ADMIRALTY-Class, BLOCKADER-Class, MAX STERLING-Class, MIRIYA PIRANO-STERLING-Class, FOLSOM-Class, HUNTER-Class, and Forger-Class vessels. The exact combination at this stage depends on the nature of the mission; An insurrection will draw mostly combat vessels and a FOLSOM-Class, whereas a humanitarian aid mission will draw more civilian materials vessels. (The largest single mission to date had FOUR HUNDRED Forger-Class and TWENTY ESTEP-Class vessels, as well as about a dozen ANDROMEDA-Class for security.) Fortunately, incident response is about 90% of the total UGC Spacy action, and disaster response is about 90% of these actions. To avoid stepping on often VERY big toes of the local System administrators (usually the title is Governor or President), the Strike Force usually keeps in orbit, landing at most the KHYRON-Class to ferry whatever supplies are requested (and to run their engines, which can't run in space for very long). Just knowing that the UGC has their back if they need it is often enough support for the locals to maintain control and recover from the situation effectively. On a "routine" disaster event, the Intelligence Component is composed of Galactica-Class vsls. In the event of insurrection, BATTLESTAR-Class vsls are dispatched. The first order of business at this stage is to account for any surviving RDF and local agency personnel that can be of assistance in the emergency. It should be noted that no matter what, the REF WILL respond to an emergency, both to monitor the situation and respond if necessary (response usually isn't necessary, but RARELY unappreciated).
 In the event that isn't enough, a full Task Force can respond in 1 to 3 weeks. This force includes the Flagship, always a Super Dimensional Fortresses (most often a PIONEER-Class SDF) or a BREETIA TULL-Class Ultra-Dimensional Fortress (90% of all Flagships remain SDF's, despite the impression that UDF's make). This force includes the four elements (Main and Reserve Battle Fleets, Support Fleet, and Assault Force) discussed earlier (and that will be discussed in-depth later). At this point, the Strike Force is either relieved and sent back to home port (usually) or tasked to the Support Fleet as security (only done when really desperate, since the vsls of the Strike Force will be at the their endurance limits). The exception to this rule is the Intelligence Component and any Forger-Class vsls, which transfer to the Task Force when the Strike Force is relieved. Also, the Strike Force Commander is USSUALY the full fleet commanding officer, the Fleet Flag Officer. This ensures a steady command over the course of the event.
 The Main Battle Fleet comprises the Flagship, three IKAZUCHI-Class, each with three CONSTELLATION-Class, two VEROCHA-Class, and four to six GARFISH-Class; The IKAZUCHI'S, CONSTELLATION'S, and VEROCHA'S are assigned 3 to 4 BLOCKADER-Class Picket Ships, the Flagship 10 to 12. The GARFISH'S are not typically assigned any BLOCKADER'S. This is the SMALLEST assembly that will ever be assigned, regardless the mission. A larger force can easily be assigned if the mission requires it, but will follow this same pattern; As such, a major Task Force might have 10 IKAZUCHI'S resulting in THIRTY CONSTELLATION'S twenty VEROCHA'S, and 40-60 GARFISH'S; The number of BLOCKADER'S, likewise, are proportionately increased (and may be increased over that as well).
 The Reserve Battle Fleet is largely a mirror image of the Main Battle Fleet, with two important exceptions; The number of GARFISH'S and BLOCKADER'S, are increased disproportionately; GARFISH'S tend to take the brunt of main warship damage, and BLOCKADER'S, being tasked to fighter/missile/shuttle interception, take an extremely high amount of damage as well. While awaiting orders to head to the Main Battle Fleet, the Reserve Battle Fleet serves as security for the Support Fleet. As any given ship on the line is damaged beyond effective combat ability, she is replaced by a reserve ship (their BLOCKADERS remain with their own mothership). In a major engagement, one can ALMOST guarantee one of each type of vsl being withdrawn (except BLOCKADERS; They have a tendency to take "terminal damage" all at once and explode with a loss, usually, of all hands). Once withdrawn, the damaged vsl replaces the vsl that took their place on the line, while undergoing whatever repairs are necessary to put them back into action if necessary.
 The Support Fleet Command Ship is a ROIL TILUVO-Class Shuttle, who's only real mission is to serve as a kind of traffic control, ensuring that the vsls don't collide into each other unless they WANT to. Around this are a collection of MONTGOLIFIER-Class, ESTEP-Class, TERRA-Class, Renorby-Class, HUNTER-Class, ADMIRALTY-Class, BLOCKADER and ALLIANCE-Class, MAX STERLING-Class, ANDROMEDA-Class, Forger-Class, Sojourner-Class, and MULE-Class, and ONE each EMPORER-Class C3I and FOLSOM-Class Detention ships, The exact number will again vary based on the mission, though the largest number is ALWAYS MULE'S at the total combined fleet times 3, and after that Pickets at the total number of fleet vsls less MULES times 1 and a half. The EMPORER, FOLSOM, and MAXIMILLIAN-Class are the smallest in number; The EMPORER, and FOLSOM-Class are RESTRICTED to one (the FOLSOM-Class are required to withdraw from the war zone if ¾ full, and the EMPORER-Class serves EXCLUSIVELY as the Fleet Intelligence Nerve Center). Occasionally, two MAXIMILLIAN-Class are assigned, but more often there is only one assigned, and any persons rescued are either transferred to other vsls, usually an ESTEP for treatment; In point of fact, more than one MAXIMILLIAN-Class is only assigned on a large-scale SAR case (such as the search for Nightime Star). During an invasion (or, more often, counter-invasion), the Strike Force phase is not even factored in; For all it's power, an AZONIA simply can't go toe-to-toe with anything more powerful than a couple of SLAVE MASTER'S or FEHRAN MALCONTENT'S or a THUVERL SALAN or TOU REDIR. Even a full Strike Force really wouldn't be able to take on such a force; Lambs to the slaughter, nothing more. In such a case, the Strike Force is either left behind, or taken as part of the Support Fleet security and as action support (mostly hauling stricken vsls off the line and rescuing REF/RDF personnel).
 As the Task Force relieves the Strike Force, the Intelligence Component, be it Galactica or BATTLESTAR-Class, transfer in chain of command from the Strike Force Commander directly to the Fleet Intelligence Officer (aboard the EMPORER-Class). NEVER does anyone ask him or her to DIRECTLY contact a BATTLESTAR-Class (it is SOLELY the FIO's decision what asset is used to collect the data requested). The FIO is NOT the EMPORER'S Commanding Officer, but is SOLELY in charge of the Intelligence Analysis Unit aboard her. S/He reports ONLY to the Fleet Intelligence Liaison, a GIB agent (and therefore not even military) who is not even WITH the fleet (or is aboard the BATTLESTAR). In the event that Galactica's are assigned, even the lowliest bum on the street, with access to an internet connection or receiving radio, can get weather updates, etc. Any person in the legitimate authority can OPENLY contact them and request whatever information they require. (Many cases of Galactica's inadvertently jamming cb's, tvs, and other short range communications equipment, happen during any given mission, though care has been taken to ensure that Police, Fire, EMS, and RDF comms aren't.)
 Once any space borne threat has been cleared away and the spaceways are secured (for example, destroying/disabling Ator Malcont ships in orbit), the final element is brought to bear in the effort. Once again, REF training allows the Assault Force to be deployed either as combat troops or as rescuers (including as temporary law enforcers; The UGC Articles of Incorporation does NOT prohibit Military Personnel from being used to restore order under certain conditions).
 In the event this is an Assault, the Assault Force Commander, a Spacy Captain, transfers his or her Assault Troops to Cheron-modified ELEPHANT-Class Landships. The rest of the force lands as best as is possible, though MOST UGC Landships are equipped with some degree of reentry capability. A large number of FRANDLAR TILUVO and ROIL TILUVO-Class are used to supplement the other landing craft, though these are usually returned to orbit nearly immediately after the landing is complete. When available, LIEWNEUATZS-Class Shuttles are also used, though these are more often used for Medivac purposes (medivacs squadrons SWEAR by them) and to ferry down supplies.
 The Assault Force is centered around a HAYES-Class Aero-Space Carrier, around which is a minimum of 2 FOLKER-Class Battleships, an EMIL LANG-Class Repair Ships, and 2 MULE-Class Fleet Tugs. These vessels are assigned to Assault Fleet Support; The FOLKERS can be detached as mobile fire bases, and the LANG and MULE'S are used to recover/repair stricken Landships. The HAYES-Class Carrier has, at minimum, an AWACS Wing (4 God's Eye, 12 Raptors, and 4 Veritech, usually a Shadow Alpha), a JSTARS Wing (9 Malcorn JSTAR Guardians, with 3 Raptor assigned when necessary), a Medivac Wing (6 Phantoms, 3 Raptor, and 3 Angel Medivac Shuttle; Occasional ROIL TILVO, FRANDLAR TILVO, and LIEWNEUATZS-Class shuttles can be assigned, and PLANET MASTER Assault Shuttles can be dispatched from the Support Fleet if needed), a Air Support Wing (varies, but typically heavy on the A/FG-36 Hornets); These are assigned PRN to Destroid Companies, an during an attack operate under the Command of the Destroid Company Commander, usually a Army or Marine Captain; The individual Air Support Flight is typically led Lt Commander), and an Air Supremacy Wing (varies, but generally heavy on the A/FG-44 Raptors).
 Beyond this are a series of a minimum of 2 additional LANG-Class, which are used as the Assault Force bases; These vessels service the Mecha and vehicles (there's usually too much work for them to do to concentrate on vessel support). Temporarily attached to them are usually a couple of ELEPHANT-Class, though these are really nothing more than litters for the Mechanized Divisions; It's the LANGS that serve as the command center, on account of the repair facilities are so critical. The ELEPHANTS, on the other hand,can be dispatched to move other materials and personnel around. The personnel on the ELEPHANT'S are usually military personnel, and regardless the mission (disaster relief or combat
operations), take with them their full complement of tanks, Mecha, and etc. In fact, the equipment is strapped down at the home port well in advance of any given incident (this is part of the reason it takes 2 to 3 weeks for the Task Force to arrive).
 Each ELEPHANT delivers 2 Mechanized Divisions, each consisting of 4 to 6 Mechanized Companies; Each Division is dropped off at a specified location (the same as the LANG'S), dictated by the Assault Unit Commander, usually a 3-Star General (though sometimes a Brigadier General is assigned the billet). Each Mechanized Company is composed of 6 Destroids, a forward Infantry Element (6 Mounted Infantry, usually Micronian MkII Power Armors with various hovercycles, with a Sergeant mounting a Cyclone), 6 Armored Squads (2 recon tanks, 2 MBT's, and a tank killer, with a reserve recon tank, all six of which have reinforced infantry squad of 5 power armor troops, usually Cycloners), and 6 Reinforced Squads (an APC with 5 Power Armor Troopers, all of them Micronian MkII's with 2 on Hovercycles riding shotgun), and a Supply Detachment (2 MBT's, 3 Liter Vehicles such as the XM-111, with 2 Recon Tanks assigned to the liters as a flanking force). The Mechanized Division has it's own reserve element of a Dragoon Division (40 Centaur Hovertanks and 10 VHT's, plus a Supply Detachment of 3 Liter Vehicles such as the XM-111, and 4 Recon Tanks), usually on a SEPARATE ELEPHANT-Class (the UGC is reviewing a plan to develop a new Landship, tentatively dubbed the CHERON-Class, exclusively for Dragoon insertation).
 Finally, the Assault Force has another Reserve Detachment consisting of 4 to 6 Mechanized Divisions, 2 Dragoons, and 4 Infantry Divisions; The Mechanized Division is exactly the same as the one's already planetside, and in fact which Mechanized Divisions are sent in the Assault Force are selected vaguely randomly (based on which ones are at, above, and blow strength, overall morale, which ones have seen action recently, training, and then finally just selecting and directing which ones go). The Dragoon Reserve is made of 3 Dragoon Divisions. The Infantry Divisions are composed of 10 Infantry Companies, comprised of 4 Mounted Infantry Squads (5 Micronian MkII Power Armors on Hovercyles and a Cycloner), 1 Calvary Squad (all Cycloners), and a Heavy Weapons Squad (all Micrnian MkII's WITHOUT Hovercyles). This entire reserve force is kept on a ship in the Support Fleet, most often a PLANET MASTER-Class Assault Shuttle or YOUNGER-Class Troopship. Every Division is kept on a separate ELEPHANT-Class until the decision to deploy them planetside comes.
 Even in a completely peaceful humanitarian aid mission (such as Jove Colony 757, or as FBX 21555320 began as) the FULL COMPLEMENT is deployed; However, during humanitarian aid missions, Most Mecha and all heavy weapons are left on their assigned ELEPHANT-Class; Only Power Armors are used, and at this only as needed for heavy lifting. Though many P-90's, H-90's, and T-21's can be seen, and constintina nets are formed around UGC personnel perimeters (patrolled by Army and sometimes Marines in Battle Armor, though not usually packing anything more than the aforementioned weapons), the REF tries to keep a low-military profile. They WANT people to understand that the REF can AND WILL protect themselves and Humanitarian Aid workers if necessary, they prefer the hungry get fed, the naked get dressed, the sick and injured get treated, and the homeless get sheltered (and all the above HAVE happened- Especially very strangely the nakedness part).
 The REF does everything practical to wrap up the mission as quickly as possible, however a limited body count is always preferred; In the event of insurrection, the Task Force Commander has full authority to speak on behalf of the UGC, preferably simply as a moderator during talks between the System Administrator and a representative from the rebel faction(s). In the event of disaster relief, however, the REF will stay as long as is necessary to relieve the populace. The worst example to date has fortunately been the Tirol/Terra reconstruction efforts (mostly hampered by the fact that BOTH worlds were being rebuilt at the same time with less than 100 ships).
 Post action results: The REF routinely leaves behind Forger-Class Agricultural Ship, Indomitable-Class Shuttle, ELEPHANT-Class Cargo, EMIL LANG-Class Repair, MULE-Class ships. Additionally, if necessary, VENGENCE-Class one-man Shuttle (usually disarmed into Justice-Class Shuttles) Indomitable-Class SSTOS, Galactica-Class Exploration Vessel, and Sojourner-Class Cargo Vessels can be left behind, or at least some of them can, if requested by the local authorities.
 The REF's Strategic Advantage, the manufacturing and logistical capability to go to war and be able to replace lost vessels almost limitedly, Theater Advantage, having a reserve force in theater seemingly continuously, and Tactical Advantage, going directly into a space battle (the most important battle to win, since control of space means a planet can be interdicted forever if necessary) with a fleet that easily equals most empires entire space fleets, has meant the difference of victory and defeat for the UGC more well more than 250 years; Without these advantages, the UGC would have been forced to fight a much harder war every time since the collapse of the Atorian Empire in 2047. (It doesn't hurt that the Robotech Masters had sabotaged the Atorians technology, giving them armor and weapons more than equal to a police force, but far inadequate to take the Masters themselves on- And thus even less than equal to the REF.)
 A complete list of standarized UGC Vessels for reference:
UGC Ships of the Line:
  • ADMIRALTY-Class Patrol Ship
  • BLOCKADER-Class Picket Ship
  • MIRIYA PARINO-STERLING-Class Interdiction Ship
  • PLANET MASTER-Class Assault Shuttle
  • ALLIANCE-Class Fleet Picket
  • ANDROMEDA-Class Medium Cruiser
  • CONSTELLATION-Class Battleship
  • ARMOR-Class Cruiser
  • VEROCHA-Class Frigate
  • YOUNGER-Class Troopship
  • IKAZUCHI-Class Battlecarrier
  • HENERY J. GLOVAL-Class SDF (ship mode version)
  • EXEDORE FORMO-Class SDF (attack mode version)
  • MACROSS-Class (EXEDORE FORMO-Class WITH a pair of Reflex Cannon arms)
  • PIONEER-Class SDF (the semi-organic version)
  • ZOR-Class SDF (fully transformable UES MACROSS SDF-1)

    UGC Auxiliary Ships:

  • TERRA-Class AOE
  • EMPORER-Class AGF (C3I)
  • Renorby-Class AS
  • FOLSOM-Class Detention Ship
  • ATORIAN-Class Prison Ship
  • HUNTER-Class Picket

    UGC Space and Starships:

  • Forger-Class Agricultural Ship
  • Sojourner-Class Cargo Vessels
  • Galactica-Class Exploration Vessel
  • Presidential-Class Executive Transport

    UGC Intelligence Ships:

  • BATTLESTAR-Class Spyship
  • CS/A-013(a) Communications Satellite

    UGC Shuttles:

  • ROIL TILUVO-Class/LISTRADIN-Class Light Shuttle; Variant include the QUEL, LUHOUTZS, LIHINAL, DESTRIN, TILUV, and OSEN
  • QUILTRA DRAENITZS-Class Cargo Vessel
  • TAUL DETREL-Class Tiresian Destroyer
  • LIEWNEUATZS-Class (T'sentrædi Shuttle Pod)
  • VENGANCE-Class one man Shuttle
  • Justice-Class one man Shuttle
  • Indomitable-Class SSTOS

    UGC Landships:

  • ELEPHANT-Class Cargo
  • EMIL LANG-Class Repair
  • FOLKER-Class Battleship
  • HAYES-Class Aero-Space Carrier
  • MULE-Class Fleet Tug
  • CHERON-Class Assault (proposed)

    Other Assets:

  • U-2 Dragonlady Spy Plane
  • SR-71 Blackbird Spy Plane and XB-71 Aurora
  • X-29 Bird Of Prey
  • TR-2A Black Manta
  • LRV-707 Shadow Veritech Car
  • Neotech Factory Satellite
  • QUEL QUALLIE-Class Shuttle (AKA the Cyclops); Used mainly by Galactica and BATTLESTAR-Class ships
  • MOLLUSK-Class (used only in support of Invid Colonies)
  • CS/A-013(a) Communications Satellite
  • Megaroad-Class Colonization Ship
  • New Macross-Class Colonization Ship
  • Three Star-Class Factory Ship
  • Hollywood-Class Amusement Vessel
  • Einstein-Class Research Experimental Ship
  • Liberty II-Class Cargo Ship
  • Fraternity-Class Cargo Ship
  • SACPAK: Strategic Armor, Control, and Power Augmentation Kit.

  •  Until 2348, units were raised, then assigned to fleets. This lead to confusion as units with very disparate identifications were cross-assigned; For example, 14TH Fleet had 1138TH Militry Police assigned, while 14TH MP was assigned to 21ST Fleet.
     Starting with 23RD Fleet, the fleet's subordinate units were raised specifically to their UDF Flagship, ie 23RD Infantry, 23RD Air Group, 23RD Biomaintenance Engineering, 23RD Engineering Group, 23RD MP, etc. Further, the first THREE digits of their subordinate units is their Fleet number; IE, 92ND Infantry Battalion is fully 041-23ND Infantry Battalion.