The GS-8 Neopolis is the most widely used troop/cargo militry glider in the UGC's inventory; They development was heavily influenced by the US Army's WWII-Era CG-4 Waco. Flight testing began in 2092. GS-8 Neopolis Assault Glider. |
Production Information: |
Manufacturer: | UGC. |
Type: | Militry Glider. |
Manufacturer: | Many. |
Maiden Flight: | 2112. |
Mass: | 3,790 lb (1,719 kg). |
Technical Specifications: |
Length: | 99 ft 3 in (30.25 m). |
Wingspan: | 203 ft 5 in (62 m). |
Height: | 8 ft 2 in (2.4892 m). |
Mass: | 3,790 lb (1,719 kg). |
Armament: | Typically none. |
Crew: | 2. |
Engines: | Johnson 31 Interlockers. |
Usage: |
Status: | Active. |
Primary Users: | UGC MarineUGC Aero-Space Forces. |
A GS-8 On The Ground After A Training Mission. |
They were finally rated flight-ready in 2112. Fifteen companies contributed to the development of the GS-8s; Over 2,000 manufacture them. The primary user is the Robotech Expeditionary Forces Marine, who use them for insertion, typically in preparation for a larger follow-on force, and the ASF, which occasionally uses them for Air Liaison Officer (ALO) insertion.Design And DevelopmentThe GS-8 is constructed of polycarbonates and some metal and is crewed by a pilot and copilot. They can carry up to 20 power armored troops and their equipment or most armored vehicles (other than Mecha) or even field artillery (such as rail launcher), loaded through the upward-hinged nose section. AC-130's are usually used as tow aircraft for in-atmosphere deployment, though they are typically launched from warships in orbit (most commonly AZONIA-Class Responses ships) through their normal launching capabilities (much of which is classified, though the use of rail launch tubes is public knowledge, and happens to be wrong in the case of the Neopolis, which isn't exactly as secret as the IPA or successor powers would have liked).The most critical aspect of the GS-8's development is that variant of the GC-4 used in the development; 2 XPG-2B's were built, but never flown, by the US Army. These were equipped with twin R-775-9 engines. Though the REF elected not to install the engines themselves, the concept did, in part, catch on, as even the original, mass-produced CG-4 had a small, gas-powered generator. This is accomplished using Johnson 31 Interlockers, which uses ducting and docking mounts to transfer exhaust from the Mecha being carried to the wings, tailerons, and rudder (wings only once in atmosphere) and an electrical cable which plugs directly into the Mecha on-board.Rather than install even the generator, necessary to maintain even simple aeronautical and control surface elements, the GS-8 was rigged to tap electrical power from the power armors they carried (even a single pilot's power armor is sufficient to handle the GS-8's needs), and to bleed exhaust thrust from the power armors as well; This made them technically powered aero-spacecraft, not unpowered gliders.Though it is more efficient to deploy infantry, armor, artillery, and Mecha on standard assault shuttles (such as the PLANETMaster-Class), it can take as much as 48 to de-orbit an assault shuttle; The minimum time to do so is 12 hours (even an uncontrolled crash landing take 6 hours, usually enough time for the crew to abandon ship). The GS-8, from orbital insertion to final unload, can take as little as one hour, depending on pilot's skill and courage, and the orbital aspect of the mothership. This gives a shock and awe scale that even most Invidia, well-known to be borderline psychotic, often can not stand against. In the same fashion as the 271ST , the pure shock and awe of even a half-dozen Hovertanks suddenly crashing at one's headquarters or, more often, supply bases has been known to secure the surrender of all but then most hardened enemy forces.The GS-8, or an equivalent, will likely be in UGC service till the end of time; Even if sci-fi 'transporters' are ever developed (highly unlikely, barring the discovery of a whole new aspect of science itself), the GS-8 will probably still be around.One of the single most unusual aspects of this already pretty rare breed of birds is the cockpit; Normally, aircraft and aero-space craft locate the cockpit as far forward as possible, and usually at the very nose; Not so on the GS-8. The pilot and co-pilot actually sit at the very REAR of the craft, allowing the passengers to jump out more easily, and permitting the pilot and co-pilot to stay on board until all to the troopers are off; Most often, they will ride the glider down to the ground, unless she looses a wing or is on fire. The pilot and co-pilot also have their own doors, on the sides, at the rear of the aircraft- These are able to be lifted out if necessary. Most pilots remove them at about 1,000 feet, letting them drop to the planet below, so they can't get trapped (they are also known to trick out the front hatch to "drop off" a few dozen feet above the ground, so it can't get stuck either- the practice is called "bombing" and is technically illegal, but only investigated if civilians of sufficient importance are killed that people actually make a stink about it- Then it's usually listed as "unintentional collateral damage resulting from battle damage").One thing the Neopolis is, is silent. In fact, because of the materials they use and the fact that they produce so little noise or heat of their own, the Neopolis has a stealth of 45% until it's within 10 miles- By which point the passengers have bailed out and the pilots may well have.Operational HistoryThe GS-8 was an early innovation of the United Worlds Alliance, predating even United Galaxy Council. Its development was spurned on by lessons learned from the Invid Wars, most especially the slightly reckless actions of the dragoon divisions, such as 271ST Dragoon, which used wingboards to insert heavy ground Mecha, most often the Veritech Hovertank, into a combat zone quickly and with devastating effect; However, these wingboards were not very effective in their own right, especially when launched from obit. Though they could re-enter an atmosphere, they were prone to tearing a wing, occasionally clean off, causing the Mecha to tumble to the planet. Assault shuttles are far too big for anything resembling a stealth insertion, and defenders could easily form up to oppose the landing; Wingboards could come crashing down with practically no warning whatsoever, but the risks involved led REF engineers to seek a new method.One of these engineers, a Tiresian name Jonus VERMEEIR, looked over older Tiresian designs for inspiration, but finding none, and with her head hurting from the effort, she randomly grabbed a Terran history book to "take a break"; It was the singularly luckiest break in dragoon history, as she had grabbed a book on Terran Second World War aircraft. At first she only looked at the pictures, but a picture of a German glider plane caught her eye; Where were the engines? she wondered, and proceeded to read the text. It was here that she discovered an idea so ancient to the Tiresians they'd actually forgotten all about it- Unpowered gliders.Though she noticed the concept on the German designs, she keyed in on an American design, the CG-4 Waco, partly due to the fact that all of the statistical data was available, along with operational history- This wasn't available with other designs. With these basic concepts, she began working up the possibility of gliders as the delivery platform for the future.The prototyping process heavily involved 332ND Dragoon, assigned to Admiral HUNTER'S own Third Fleet, and had two diametrically opposite advantages; 332ND been badly mauled during the ill-conceived Haydon operation, and with only 25% of the unit having survived the assault, they had bitter veterans, but the unit had been rebuilt to 81% of full qualified manpower, bringing in hundreds of fresh minds, able to see the questions from a new angle, and more importantly learning the design from the ground up.The final design wasn't what anyone had in mind; The hope was to be able to put two VHT's and an infantry squad into a single insertion vehicle, but this was not to be. Nevertheless, the design that did come out put far more ability into the dragoons than was reasonably possible.The Neopolis was first deployed in combat well after the end of the Invid Wars, but in ample time for action on FBX 21555320, where they were involved in the only fully effective mass counterstrike against Ascension Supremacy, Operation Sickle, to force them out of the seaside city of Yar.The most recent additional duty of the Neopolis is flight training; Due to its easy and generally forgiving nature, a Pilot-Cadet's first flight is in a Neopolis, then advancing to a single-seater glider, then powered air/aero-spacecraft. This will also be the last time they fly a Neopolis, unless selected as an ALO candidate (all Neopolis pilots are ALO's, co-pilots ALO Trainees).Cargo CharacteristicsThe GS-8 can carry up to 02 VHT2.0's in transport mode; This is the smallest configuration possible. However, they are fairly vulnerable to attack, since the weaps are internal and the pilot is external in this mode.The cargo bay itself is 8 feet (2.44m) across and high by 36 feet (11m) long; Safe working limit is 60 tons. However, this is so close to the edge of capability that pilots are -20% to their pilot skill- This is gonna be one Hell of a ride.OperatorsThe single largest users of the GS-8 is the REF Marine, who use them to insert small units quickly onto a target planet, in much the same fashion as Higgins Boats or ROIL TILVU-Class Shuttles; These teams are referred to as Paratroopers, and with good reason; At 100 feet off the deck, THEY JUMP OUT of their nice, safely crashing plane and drop to the planet below, using only their thrusters or grav pods to slow their decent.As already discussed, all Neopolis pilots are ALO's (to increase the number of available air support and fighter pilots). Often ASF ALO's will fly Marines into combat, though more often Marines fly their own.One of the more unusual qualifications required for a GS Pilot is qualification as a bomber pilot; Bomber pilots are more comfortable with anti-aircraft fire, and therefore less likely to panic under fire (indeed, one qualification for bombers pilots is to survive "the coffin," a bomber cockpit simulator that rattles with the effect of simulated anti-air flak and missile strikes).Name: Neopolis.Model Type: GS-8.Vehicle Type: Infantry/Armor Insertation.Crew: Two, pilot and co-pilot.Passenger: Up to 20 Power Armored Troopers.M.D.C. By Location: |
- Radar: Civilian grade navigational radar. Range 100 miles, can track up to 10 individual targets. 95% reliability (24% against unfriendly stealthed vehicles).
- Type-11 wide band radios: Effective 10 mile range, auto encrypt/decrypt. Works on standard radio band wavelengths, so it can still be jammed (if the enemy knows the frequencies).
- HUD: Displays maps, radar, targeting information, and any OTHER information the wearer wants directly in front of the user.
- FLIR/SLIR: Forward and Side Looking Infrared. Allows pilot to get visuals on terrain at night.
- Charonina-7 Re-entry Kit: The Charonina-7 Re-entry Kit forms an energy shield that protects whatever is behind it from heat; These are primarily for atmospheric entry, though they protect what is installed from whatever is coming. They only provide 20 MDC, and only on the re-entry side, which is enough to enter even the most stubbornly dense atmospheres, but not enough for practical combat needs (fortunately, only the VERY longest range weapons can hit a craft in re-entry, and much fewer still accurately).
| - GPS: Standard tracking device.
- L.D.P. (4): The glider carries a dozen special pods that carries four advanced launchable decoy drones, located on the underside of the wings like bombs. These drones are specially designed radar lures that creates a radar image to mimic the glider. This system has been successfully deployed against SEVERAL alien radar-type sensors (including one that works off of sound). Unlike most LDP's, the pods are 'dropped' like bombs, then fire their rocket motors, like the old air-launched missiles.
- M.D.C.: 5
- Effects: The decoy has a 98% chance of fooling ordinary non militry radars and non smart guided missiles, and a 90% chance of fooling militry grade radars and advanced smart missiles.
- Range: Released to go wherever it wants. Can fly independently for about 30 minutes.
- Rate of Fire: Per pilots attacks per melee.
- Payload: 16 Decoys total.