The Goa'uld. | Jaffa Weapons And Armor. |  The Goa'uld. |
As a general rule, the Goa'uld and Goa'uld-Spawned factions only use a few technologies; In terms of personal weapons, they are exactly identical. This has made using one's enemies weapons against them easier, and made training easier, but has also made one's enemies using one's own weapons easier.There is, currently, no intention by any faction to change this status quo; Offers of newer, more powerful/flexible/efficient/etc. weapons from the UGC have been refused by each faction- The simple fact is they like using what they already know.Very limited variation amongst these weapons exist; Armor is about the only thing that does sohow any great degree of variation, and this is limited to stylistic, not practical, variations. |
 The Goa'uld. | Ma'Tok Staff Weapon. |  The Goa'uld. |
Ma'Tok Staff Weapon. |
 | The Ma'Tok Jaffa Staff Weapon. |
Production Information: |
Manufacturer: | Goa'uld; Sodan. |
Model: | Personal weapon. |
Type: | Energy/Melee weapon. |
Technical Specifications: |
Discharge: | Plasma energy. |
Control Systems: | Trigger. |
Size: | 6½ feet. |
Power Source: | Liquid Naquadah. |
Range: | 131⅓ to 230 feet. |
Usage: |
Affiliation: | Goa'uld; Jaffa; Sodan; Tok'ra; Tau'ri. |
"This is a weapon of terror. It's made to intimidate the enemy."- Colonel Jack O'NEILL. | The Ma'Tok staff, known more commonly as simply a staff weapon, is the primary weapon of Jaffa warriors.OverviewThe Ma'Tok staff is a high-power, anti-personnel energy weapon. It is a 6½ feet staff shaped vaguely like a Goa'uld symbiote. The front end is oval-shaped, which opens to reveal the barrel of the weapon. The back end has a club, allowing the staff to double as a melee weapon at close range. It is activated by a small control spot near the mid-section and is powered by a small naquadah power cell which will furnish the weapon for a seemingly indefinite amount of time.The Ma'Tok staff fires a powerful plasma blast which can kill most humans with a single shot if it strikes near the center mass of the body (or other vital areas). Glancing blows will cause severe pain, but the victim may survive if the wound is treated. The high heat of the plasma blast will cauterize the wound instantly. At close range, the blast can go completely through a victim, and even blow off limbs. In addition to being lethal to humans, the blast can cause significant damage to solid objects. Staff blasts have been shown to be capable of leaving holes in a wall the size of a man's head, blow apart trees, and even damage blast doors.The Ma'Tok staff is noted for its short range of approximately 131.3 to 230 feet and low rate of fire (although Bra'tac was seen capable of firing a succession of low powered shots at a higher rate than usual). It's also rather unwieldy, given its large size and weight. Jack O'NEILL describes it as a weapon of terror, being made to intimidate rather than kill.The weapon is, like most projectile and energy weapons, useless against Kull armor. The weapon is also ineffective against Priors of the Ori and Replicators. The Tau'ri have also developed a type of ceramic polymer armor that is capable of blocking a staff blast, though it is not infallible.UsersThe Ma'Tok staff is used almost exclusively by the Jaffa, who use it as their primary weapon, occasionally complimented with zat'nik'tels and shock grenades. Even after gaining their freedom from the Goa'uld, the Jaffa continue to make use of them. They are also used by humans serving the Goa'uld, such as those in the armies of Ra and Apophis. The Tok'ra also utilize staffs. The Sodan use a modified version that is smaller and easier to carry, being about half the length of a normal staff. |
 The Goa'uld. | Zat'nik'tel Pistol. |  The Goa'uld. |
Zat'nik'tel. |
 | A Zat'nik'tel In Its Closed Position. |
 | A Zat'nik'tel In Its Open Position. |
Production Information: |
Manufacturer: | Goa'uld. |
Model: | Personal weapon. |
Type: | Energy weapon. |
Technical Specifications: |
Discharge: | Electrical energy. |
Control Systems: | Trigger. |
Power Source: | Naquadah. |
Usage: |
Affiliation: | Goa'uld; Jaffa; Tok'ra; Tau'ri. |
"This is a Goa'uld Zat'nik'tel. A weapon using a different form of energy, less powerful than that of a staff weapon. Less destructive, but still quite deadly." -Teal'c | The Zat'nik'tel, nicknamed Zat or Zat gun by Colonel O'Neill, is a handheld weapon used by the Goa'uld and their Jaffa. It is in the shape of a serpent and was first encountered by SG-1 on Apophis's ship. Its energy output, in the form of blue electrical energy, is less powerful than that of a staff weapon. It's an extremly efficient weapon, used extensively by the Goa'uld, Tok'ra, Jaffa and the Tau'ri.OverviewThe Zat gun is a weapon of Goa'uld design. The safety is active when the zat is not in use and lays flat like a snake, but when it is turned on it stands up, alert like a snake. The weapon is unique in how it affects objects, animate and inanimate. Zats have been in production for at least five thousand years. The technology itself may be similar to an Ori stun weapon.Both the zat'nik'tel and the staff weapon resemble Goa'uld symbiotes.Zat gun specifics"The Goa'uld take great pleasure in discharging the weapon only once on a subject. Causing great pain, disabling them, but not killing them. The second shot will kill most subjects."-Teal'c | Zats are fired by squeezing the bottom curve where the gun is held. The Zat gun is unique in the way it works. One shot is shown to incapacitate a victim and causes immense pain, while a second shot kills them. The shots do not have to be right after the other, as some have been killed several minutes after the first Zat blast; however, an extended period of time between shots will cause the effect to wear off and two new shots are necessary to kill (as evidenced by O'Neill being shot a variety of times throughout SG-1's various exploits). A third shot will disintegrate the victim and their clothing, and also small inanimate objects with low densities, leaving no visible trace of their existence.The Zat gun has also shown to conduct through objects, stunning victims indirectly. The weapon has also been used as a tool to boost hyperdrive speed when Jack O'Neill used Ancient knowledge and required a short, powerful jolt to the modified engines, but is used as a tool to overload electronics in most cases as many conduits are not designed to handle that much energy in one blast. It is capable of disabling Aschen defense drones with one shot.Zat guns have been shown to have little or no effect on Kull Warriors and Replicators, but they affect all other known species, including the Wraith. It also appears that repeated attacks by this weapon causes most people to not suffer the same effects with such severity, as seen where certain people are able to withstand the effects and remain conscious after a single shot. The second shot, on the other hand, is invariably fatal (on non-immune species) with only a single exception shown: When Samantha Carter's consciousness was replaced by an alien entity, two shots left her body only brain-dead, allowing her consciousness to be transferred back into it. |
 The Goa'uld. | Staff Cannon. |  The Goa'uld. |
Staff Cannon. |
 | Production Information: |
Manufacturer: | Goa'uld. |
Model: | Heavy weapon. |
Type: | Energy weapon. |
Technical Specifications: |
Discharge: | Plasma energy. |
Control Systems: | Control crystals. |
Power Source: | Liquid Naquadah. |
Staff Cannon, Tripod Mounted (multiple views). | Usage: |
Goa'uld Staff Cannon: Powerful ship-based energy weapons providing higher discharges; Can be rigged as single-shot portable weapon. Also used as artillery weapons in tower- and tripod-mounted and wheel-mounted versions. A very dangerous weapon, not to be ignored. | Affiliation: | Goa'uld; Jaffa; Tok'ra; Tau'ri. |
Staff Cannons are powerful energy weapons used by the Goa'uld. Apparently derived from the same mechanics behind the staff weapon, cannons provide higher discharges and are primarily ship-based weapons, mounted on HA'TAK-Class Battleships, Tel'tak-Class Shuttles, and Udajeet Fighters. They 'can' also rigged as a portable weapon, but are far too heavy even for a Jeffa over an extended period of time; Also, they require significantly more power than a Ma'Tok, meaning their capacity is limited- Essentially a one-shot weapon.In addition to their use as anti-ship weapons, staff cannons are also used as artillery weapons by Jaffa, either for guarding locations or attacking a fortified position. Variations include tower- and tripod-mounted versions; Tower mounted for extended use in a fixed defensive position, tripod mounted for both defense and attack. The Free Jaffa Nation makes use of staff cannons mounted on wheels for ease of movement, typically using wooden platforms with the gun's carriage bolted to this. The Lucian Alliance has recently started fielding Staff Cannons mounted on light, unaramored vehicles for infantry support, however these vehicles are proving fairly vulnerable to of all things, staff weapons.MD: Per barrel: Short Blast: 1D10; Long Blast: 2D10; Maximum Blast: 3D10.Range: 10 miles (double in space)Rate of Fire: Per pilots attacks per melee.Payload: Effectively Unlimited (1,000 shots). |
 The Goa'uld. | Jaffa Battle Armor. |  The Goa'uld. |
Jaffa Armor. |
 | Production Information: |
Manufacturer: | Goa'uld. |
Model: | Personal armor. |
Type: | Combat. |
Technical Specifications: |
Discharge: | Electrical energy. |
Control Systems: | Bio-reflex. |
Power Source: | Naquadah. |
Armor Type: | Powered. | Usage: |
Affiliation: | Goa'uld; Jaffa; Tok'ra (limited). |
Jaffa Armor, Male. | In Service: | 2200 BC-Present. |
 | Jaffa Armor, Female. |
Standard Jaffa Armor is tough and resilient, designed to repel all but the most powerful forms of kinetic damage. The exact design varies from System Lord to System Lord (and minor variations exist between Underlords as well), but they all provide the same benefits. Made of trinium, which is hundreds of times harder than steel, it had to be powered simply to make it light enough for the average Jaffa (or System Lord) to even be able to wear- Trinium was intended as ship, rather than person, armor. They also have a radoi, night vision equipment, pressure seal, and proximity alarm and provide a measurable intimidation to those not familiar with it or slaves who know the System Lord's style, and thus fear whether they will live or die in the next few seconds. They do, however, suffer from limited vision; It restricts the wearer's field of view, making him more vulnerable to the unexpected.Many pieces make up the Jaffa armor:CollarThe helmet rest upon the collar. This collar is made of a hard rubber-like flexi-resin. This makes the collar lightweight and flexible. This piece is painted to match screen used pieces.Chest/BackThese pieces of chest and back armor are made of the same hard rubber-like flexi-resin that forms the collar. The front pieces is made of dozens of segmented pieces over tight woven synthetic material giving excellent protection from most frontal attacks; The back piece is made in the same fashion, but wider to protect the Jaffa from an attack from behind.BeltThe belt is a lighter piece of the flexi-resin and is made to fit the wearer. The belt's main purpose was to keep the armor tight against the wearer's body, making it something of a vulnerability; If it came undone, the armor wouldn't fit properly, and gave tiny gaps in the armor that a quick enemy might exploit.Forearm/WristThe wrist armor is made of fiberglass reinforced resin, like the helmet. The pieces are laced together with black chord. The wrist piece that fits over the back of the hand is attached with a piece of flexi-resin.LegThe leg armor is made of the tougher flexi-resin and laces up the back. The bottom of these pieces of armor cover the laces of the boots worn with this armor.Jaffa HelmetsA basic helmet. Most System Lords had a particular style, but they didn't really vary much, since most people didn't see the back of a Jaffa's head often. Some degree of rank would be denoted on the helmet, but only identifying them as significantly senior.Face MaskWhile in the service of the Goa'uld System Lords, the Jaffa guards wore masks that hid their faces and intimidated the System Lord's slaves. The helmets could be retracted into the body armor of the Jaffa, or taken off the armor completely. In addition, the System Lords themselves would often wear masks to deceive their slaves, or on the (rare) occasion where they would personally join their Jaffa in battle.Female armor was primarily for show only, and rarely provides any real protection, though this is changing in certain circles; The Hak'tyl in particular have disposed of "the fake garbs meant to make men's eye draw away from their blades." (It lost something in translation.) |