K.I.T.T./K.A.R.R. System.
United Galaxies Council.
United Galaxies Council.
Through the early 1980's, Wilton KNIGHT developed an artificial intelligence of a then unprecedented scale, a supercomputer small enough to fit into a standard tractor trailer system that could remotely operatate a second physical presence. His concept was to develop the system for national defense by making Air Force fighters and Anti Ballistic Missile systems entirely automated. His demonstration however did not sufficiently impress Air Force brass
The Interface From A K.I.T.T. System.
While there are minor stylistic diffrence between the two, they are basically the same.
A Photo Believed to Be Of Devon MILES.
A Photo Believed to Be Of Michael KNIGHT.
and they did not approve further development due to concerns of signal interruption, "If the commies jam the signal our planes fly in a straight line and get blown out of the sky before they've fired a warning shot." KNIGHT saw in the program a potential system for civil applications (especially for police, fire, EMS, and air traffic control) and to develop the program further established what he called a public justice organization, The Foundation for Law and Government (FLAG). In his LLC filings, FLAG was a private investigative agency for attorneys; In reality, KNIGHT used his insider knowledge of certain matters to send a privately paid enforcer, typically identified as Michael KNIGHT, to extract extra-legal justice, or as Wilton KNIGHT preferred it put, where "direct action might provide the only feasible solution." The Knight Industries Two Thousand or K.I.T.T. was an extremely advanced artificially intelligence in the body of a highly 1982 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am with numerous features, including a highly durable shell and frame. The Chief Operational Executive of FLAG was Devon MILES. KNIGHT developed the less aggressive K.I.T.T. for FLAG.
Prior to the development of K.I.T.T. was the Knight Automated Roving Robot or K.A.R.R.. K.A.R.R. was built for militry R&D applications, but the US Département Of Defense had already passed as it was too radical, untested, and potentially unrealaible; He died before the testing program could be completed, and in any case the new controlling agent, Devon MILES, was neither aware nor would have been interested in a militry application.
Operation Sandwich.
During the reclamation of Terra, a material recovery operation in the New Mexican deserts was threatened by Las Vegas gangsters. The gangsters had discovered the long-forgotten warehouse and had been intermittently looting it for the artifacts it had contained, selling these on the grey and black markets.
When the REF came to clean up the site, the gangsters were uncooperative- so uncooperative they a small war broke out it the streets of Las Vegas, with a VF-1J and a pair of Raditzs Regults versus a lance of Invid rebuilt ASC Battloids and several improvised armored vehicles. When the dust settled the gang had been wiped out and the REF controlled the city.
As they began cleaning up the mess of Operation Sandwich, an REF member noticed one of the gangster's cars had some odd characteristics, including a front end sensor that was out of place; the car was taken to the REF's lunar base and studied. After a year it was realized exactly what this was, and efforts to reverse engineer the system began. As that process continued, one of the team assigned to the effort continued talking to the unit, which identified itself as the prototype K.A.R.R., eventually learning of his "brother" K.I.T.T.
The effort resulted in a kind of deal; The REF would restore K.A.R.R. and give him some flexibility, in exchange that he would help them understand his design and help them create more of him. The program has led to K.A.R.R. derived systems being installed in REF militry vsls and fighters to advice the crew and pilots on best course and selecting targets and weapons, but they are not able to act on those recommendations. K.I.T.T. derived systems are installed in law enforcement vehicles and ambulances and in hospitals to advice the operator; In the case of police, they can even prepare a "backup request" alert based on their perception of the call without the officer's authorization (as a result the 11-99 calls do carry an automated request tag) and can even ram suspects if they perceive their officer is in danger (but not another officer) and can advice their officer if their information detects another officer is in danger. Practical application of K.I.T.T.'s in fire fighting have proven unsatisfactory at the station level or below, but at the departmental level have been successful; Averting utter catastrophe in the 2141 Los Angels Fire was directly attributed to FDLA's K.I.T.T.'s advice to attack the fire in the first minutes with air strikes, rather than wait until the fires had reached the danger threshold.
Name: Knight Industries Computer Systems.
Model Type: Computer System.
Class: Semi-Autonomous.
Crew: Not Applicable.
Passengers: Not Applicable.
Knight Automated Roving Robot (K.A.R.R.) was the original system developed for militry applications. The US DOD, and the Air Force for which Wilton KNIGHT had particularly in mind, passed on the project due to the novelty. K.A.R.R. was programmed for self-preservation making unstable and potentially dangerous. K.A.R.R. was noted to be particularly aggressive towards potential threats.
When the militry passed on the program, KNIGHT warehoused the processor. It was presumed that K.A.R.R. had been deactivated and dismantled. However K.A.R.R. was placed in storage and forgotten following the death of Wilton Knight. It was discovered again during the Invid Invasion by Las Vegas gangsters and installed in anarmored Tesla 3. The gangster used the vehicle for their crime syndicate; Once they were broken after the first defeat of the Invid, K.A.R.R. was captured by the REF and interrogated. During this time K.I.T.T. found him and assisted the REF in making a deal with K.A.R.R. that would allow him to live (the on scene commander was intent on simply planting a half ton of C-4 around the processor and blowing the entire building up).
K.A.R.R.'s original scan bar was amber and made a low droning noise but is otherwise still the same as K.I.T.T.'s. K.A.R.R.'s voice modulator was greenish-yellow on his display, a different color and design than the various incarnations of K.I.T.T.'s red display.
K.I.T.T.'s primary directive is to protect life; K.A.R.R. was programmed for self-preservation. Such a distinction would have been highly effective in a combat platform, but it also made him a ruthless and unpredictable threat. Because K.A.R.R. was intended for militry application he never had the chance to develop street sense making him naïve and unfortunately allowing others to easily taken advantage of his capabilities. When he was recovered by the Las Vegas criminal syndicate, he was able to use their greed in turn as a way to manipulate them for his own goals. K.A.R.R. demonstrated a complete lack of respect or loyalty for his erstwhile owners- They were a means to an end, escaping the purgatory of permanent shut down, nothing more.
Once K.A.R.R. was captured by the REF in Operation Sandwich he was rehabilitated to a degree, being developed into an auxiliary combat tracking system that was deployed across the REF fleet, and eventually across the entire REF in any multi-person system, mecha, and fighters. The base program of K.A.R.R. is in fact the base program of the Combat/Targeting Computer is the K.A.R.R. base program.
Knight Industries Two Thousand (K.I.T.T.) is an artificially intelligent electronic computer module developed from the K.A.R.R. program for civilian use by Wilton KNIGHT. He had intended the system to be developed for general civilian use, but Devon MILES, who took over after Wilton's dead, didn't know his full wishes and thus kept the system going under the research and development program (F.L.A.G.).
The prototype K.I.T.T. was originally installed in a modified 1982 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am, then later in a 1983 GMC Vandura and later in a 1992 Ford F-350.
In opposition to K.A.R.R., K.I.T.T. is generally described as sensitive yet kind with a dry humor with "a touch or sarcasm" due to his otherwise serious demeanor, with a strong loyalty to his human partner and F.L.A.G.'s principles. Like his predecessor, K.I.T.T. was capable of independent thought and action, and though generally very self disciplined can act with an aggressiveness that would even intimidate K.A.R.R. when his partner was threatened. K.I.T.T. always aimed to act in the most moral manner possible, but in situations where immorality was unavoidable would retreat into his own "thoughts" afterwards and it's generally believed K.I.T.T. may even have a notion of a "god like" power that is beyond his level.
During the Global Civil War, riots in the Los Angels area forced FLAG to abandon both K.I.T.T. and his support trailer; It was promised they would return but they didn't, and K.I.T.T. has never found out why exactly. During Kara Qalliph Diel'are Kah Yar the warehouse where K.I.T.T. was being stored was struck but not compressively destroyed and he was recovered by a local band of dishonorably discharged Army veterans who used him to assist them in their business as mercenries across South America and Asia. During this time K.I.T.T. was forced to make multiple moral choices that he wasn't always comfortable with, and it's generally thought this is when his concept of a god type power developed. Some of these activities involved fighting the Invid and their collaborators, which he claims never to have had any moral compunctions about, no matter the final consequences.
After the final reconciliation with the Invid K.I.T.T. found his way to North America on his own, surrendering to the REF by sensing the reactivation of his brother K.A.R.R. and tracking him down; K.I.T.T. had intended to fight K.A.R.R. to the death, but upon discovering his brother had been captured by the REF and was being interrogated volunteered to assist the process. It was with K.I.T.T.'s assistance the REF was able to make a deal with K.A.R.R. for a resolution that assisted all involved.
A USAF Aircraft Fitted With A K.A.R.R. System. The system operated flawlessly, by the Air Force eventually chose not to pursue the program.
A K.I.T.T. Fitted Car, date unknown. The vehicle would normally be outwardly unidentifiable, thus this obvious modification is puzzling.
M.D.C. By Location:
None. The K.I.T.T./K.A.R.R. System doesn't add any MDC.
Speed and Statistical Data:
Speed: No effect (positive or negative).
Height: No change.
Width: No Change
Length: No change.
Weight: +5 tons.
Cargo: No change.
Power System/s: No change.
Flight System/s: No change.
Cost and Availability: 40,000 per unit; Availability limited.
Black Market Cost and Availability: Not Available. K.I.T.T. and K.A.R.R. systems are programmed to know they don't belong outside of UGC control, and thus activating a distress signal and shut down, or on occasion activating self-defense measures.
Weapons Systems:
The K.I.T.T./K.A.R.R. System neither adds nor removes weapons systems from installed vehicles. It can however interface with them, increasing the pilot/gunners abilities (+1 apm, +1 to strike).
  • None: The K.I.T.T./K.A.R.R. System is the feature that is added.
    Combat Bonuses From K.I.T.T./K.A.R.R. System Combat Elite:
  • +1 to strike, roll with impact, dodge, and initiative. The K.I.T.T./K.A.R.R. System serves as a kind of co-pilot/assistant to the pilot.
  • 98% to autopiloting capabilities, but the K.I.T.T./K.A.R.R. System isn't capable of going very far without their assigned pilot except to return to their base of operations in the event the pilot is incapacitated.
  • +10% to other related skills; A K.I.T.T. System installed in an ambulance for example can give medical advice, whereas a K.A.R.R. System installed in a fighter can advice the pilot on a best course. They however can not act on their own beyond limited auto pilot and immediate self-defense.