Palpatinian Syhith Order. | Low Altitude Assault Transport Series. |  Geh 'Dia Order. |
Low Altitude Assault Transport (LAAT) Series. |
 |  |  | Production Information: |
| Low Altitude Assault Transport (LAAT). | Low Altitude Assault Transport/c. | Low Altitude Assault Transport/i. |
Manufacturer: | Rothana Heavy Engineering. |
Model: | Low Altitude Assault Transport (gunship). | Low Altitude Assault Transport/Carrier. | Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry (gunship). |
Class: | Supply Shuttle. | Walker/Tank Transport. | Infantry Insertion. |
Cost: | 58,000credit (42,000credit). |
Modified By: | None Reported. |
Technical Specifications: |
Length: | 57 ft 1 inch (XXm). |
Width: | 55 ft (XXm). |
Height/Depth: | 20 ft 1 inch (XXm). | Variable. | 6.1 meters. |
Maximum Speed: | 386 mph (XXkh). |
Maximum Altitude: | Low altitude (REF re-engineered as trans-atmospheric). |
MGLT: | 50. |
Armament: | 2 mass-driver missile launchers (atop the craft); 4 Wing-Mounted Air-To-Air/Air-To-Ground Missiles (hung below each wing, 8 in all); 4 composite beam pinpoint laser turrets; 3 Anti-personnel turrets. | Light Laser Cannons; 4 Wing-Mounted Air-To-Air/Air-To-Ground Missiles (hung below each wing, 8 in all). | Anti-personnel laser turrets (1 behind the doors and 2 at the front); Composite-beam laser turrets (2 behind the cockpit and 2 others on the wings); Mass-driver missile launchers (2)(30 missiles each); Light air-to-air rockets (4 under each wing); Droid busters launcher (later on in the Clone Wars; unknown amount). |
Complement: | Troops/Supplies. | Varies, can carry any ONE of the following: All Terrain Tactical Enforcer (1); All Terrain Experimental Transport (4); Republic Troop Transport (1); TX-130 Saber-class fighter tank (1); PX-4 Mobile Command Base (1). | Speeder bikes (4); IM-6 medical droid (1). |
Escape Craft: | Cockpit pod ejects from main body of Gunship (nicknamed bag-out capsule). |
Crew: | 4. | Pilot/Co-pilot. | 4. |
Minimum Crew: | 2. | 1. | 1. |
Passengers: | 30. | None. | 30. |
Cargo Capacity: | Variable. | Whatever vehicle it's carrying. | 563 ft (XX3m). |
Consumables: | Fuel for 8 hours. |
Usage |
Availability: | Militry. |
Roles: | Transport/Support. | Carrier. | Aerial assault; Troop transport; Boarding craft. |
Year Introduced: | 22 BBY. |
First Blood: | Battle of Geonosis. |
Eras: | Rise of the Empire era;Rebellion era. | Rise of the Empire era. | Rise of the Empire era;Rebellion era. |
Affiliation: | Galactic Republic;Galactic Empire;Alliance to Restore the Republic;Independent rebels. | Galactic Republic;Galactic Empire;Independent rebels;United Galaxies Council/Geh 'Dia Order. | Galactic Republic;Galactic Empire;Kaminoan resistance;Alliance to Restore the Republic;United Galaxies Council/Geh 'Dia Order. |
 |  |  | LAAT/i and LAAT/c flying into the Second Battle of Geonosis. | An LAAT/c dropping off an AT-TE during the Battle of Geonosis. | LAAT/i gunships on Orto Plutonia with their bay doors closed. |
"These gunships fly like butcherbugs and cut into us like Blood Carvers. We must have one."~Archduke Poggle the Lesser, quoted in The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels. | The "Low Altitude Assault Transport" ("LAAT"), also known as the "LAAT"-series gunship nicknamed "Larties" by commandos, was a gunship series used by the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. The series was produced by Rothana Heavy Engineering.Originally classified as a modified (or specialty) drop ship, they are used in a fashion similar to a helicopter gunship; It has been likened most to the Terran pre-UWA Russian Mi-24 Hind or the UH-1 Iroquois during the Viet Nam War, fulfilling the dual role of ground attack and troop transport.CharacteristicsUsesThe LAAT series gunships were designed to transport up to 30 clone troopers into combat and support them. It also had a rear hangar that could hold up to 4 speeder bikes to support reconnaissance operations or search and rescue missions. Early LAAT were in-atmosphere-only vehicles, requiring cruisers to land somewhere on the planet in order to launch. Although, with their range, it was common practice for cruisers to dip into the atmosphere, let the LAAT fly to the target zone, and be gone before combat even started. Later versions allowed it to fly through space and actually be used for boarding in ship-to-ship battles. Also sometime after the battle on Geonosis, an Alpha-Class Arc Trooper/Special Ops gunship was introduced with a new paint style, increased maneuverability and more flight time.WeaponsThe gunship's many weapon systems were designed for both air-to-air combat and air-to-ground support. For long range or slow/fixed targets the LAAT used 2 mass-driver missile launchers (atop the craft) which held a variable payload depending on the mission. 4 light air-to-air missiles hung below each wing (8 in total) for any inflight targets. 4 composite-beam pinpoint laser turrets - 2 of which were manned by clone troopers and the other two remote controlled by the co-pilot/gunner (on each wing) had a wide field of rotation and could serve in both air-to-air and air-to-ground operations. 3 anti-personnel turrets (2 at the front, one at the rear of the craft) supported further ground operations by ensuring a clear path for the deployment of troops or vehicles.PerformanceThe gunship was proven excellent in its performance; so maneuverable, in fact, that only the most mobile of enemy craft could keep one in its sights. Even experienced pilots found it impossible to avoid its numerous weapons. These Clone transports were effectively used on the first battle of Geonosis when the Jedi found a droid manufacturing plant on the planet. VariantsThe most common LAAT-series model was the Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry (LAAT/i), an infantry transport and mobile gun platform used throughout the Clone Wars. The LAAT/i could carry up to 30 clone troopers into combat. Because they could carry so many troops into combat, they were used to get recon troopers down before bringing in the larger craft. Variants were modified to carry additional militry speeders or deploy larger war machines, such as walkers, onto the battlefield. Later versions of the LAAT/i removed the gunnery balls for forward doors, allowing them to drop from an orbital cruiser, instead of needing the cruiser to enter the atmosphere, allowing for much faster and stealthier troop deployment.In addition to the LAAT variants, there were several other gunship models that both pre- and post-dated them and were designated with similar acronyms. Most notable were the AIAT/i gunship, the VAAT/e transport, and the HAET-221 gunboat.LAATs continued to be used well into the era of the Galactic Civil War, for example during the Kamino Uprising, where clone anti-Imperial troopers and Kaminoans attempted to escape the planet in these transports. Notable ModelsSupport Models:Gunship fighterLow Altitude Assault Transport/infantryAdvanced gunship fighterBomber modelsGunship BomberGunship Bomber EnhancedGunship Bomber AdvancedLow Altitude Assault Transport/carrierLow Altitude Assault Transport/stealthLow Altitude Assault Transport/vehicleMulti Altitude Assault TransportLow Altitude Assault Transport/carrier (LAAT/c)The "Low Altitude Assault Transport/carrier (LAAT/c)", was an LAAT Carrier Gunship variant employed by the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. These atmospheric transports were also referred to as AT-TE carriers or Republic Dropships.CharacteristicsThe Rothana Heavy Engineering LAAT/carrier variant was designed primarily to airlift assault walkers and other heavy cargo into battle. Similar in design to the LAAT/i version, the carrier gunship removed the infantry model's troop hold, and featured heavy-lift agrav drives that held payloads in place under the main hull.A wide wingspan allowed for maximum distribution of repulsorlift vanes when carrying heavy weights. Most of the LAAT/i's weapons were not present, leaving only the three anti-personnel laser turrets. Its heavy magnets could hold AT-TEs, AT-OTs, and more.VariantsA modified version of the LAAT/c had a troop deck that could hold up to 40 troops.HistoryAt the Battle of Geonosis, these carriers transported walkers onto the front lines. Some four hundred LAAT/c gunships were deployed during the battle.Through the rest of the first stage of the Forgotten War, the LAAT served, before being retired by the galactic government; Hundreds of thousands were sold, many finding their way to rebel possession for a time, having been retrofitted with hyperdrive capabilities. The majority of these ended up the LAATi variant, though a few LAATc's were deployed as well.Low Altitude Assault Transport/vehicle (LAAT/v)The "Low Altitude Assault Transport/vehicle", or "LAAT/v", was a modified LAAT/i gunship manufactured by Rothana Heavy Engineering. They were specially made to hold up to 16 74-Z speeder bikes, among other means of transportation. It was similar to the LAAT/c, in the sense that they both carried vehicles into battle. Each LAAT/v had three anti personnel laser cannons and, in some variants, two composite beam laser cannons in the wings.Low Altitude Assault Transport/stealth (LAAT/s)The "Low Altitude Assault Transport/stealth", or "LAAT/s", was a stealth version of the Low Altitude Assault Transport. They were used by the Republic during the Forgotten War. These didn't see extensive service, and there in fact may have only been one (lost on Tirahnn).Advance Gunship FighterThe "Advanced Gunship Fighter" was the successor of the gunship fighter used by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars.CharacteristicsThese gunship fighters were armed with a single laser cannon and wing rockets, missiles, and bombs. Unlike the earlier incarnation, this gunship fighter had more advanced laser weaponry and armor.Operational HistoryThe Advanced Gunship Fighter actually only saw service for a few years before they were withdrawn from service; Most were converted to LAAT/c's.Gunship BomberThe "Gunship Bomber" was a bomber employed by during the Forgotten War.Characteristics It was similar to the LAAT/i in appearance and probably manufactured by Rothana Heavy Engineering. It was a predecessor to the Enhanced Gunship Bomber.Operational HistoryLike the Advanced Gunship Fighter, only a few LAAT/b saw service; Most were converted to LAAT/i's, and it is believed the first LAAT/i's were in fact converted LAAT/b's.ResurrectionThe LAAT Series languished in obscurity for over 5,000 years, forgotten except for one model and a single-page notation in one book, both in the Main Geh 'Dia Library on Yahvein. When Galaxy was annexed, this small model caught the eye of Robotech Expeditionary Forces General Hotas MHINDHAOZI (Firse Fljyt). With this tiniest of leads to go on, she began a Galaxy-wide search for any clues to the craft. Rothana Engineering had a few half-destroyed documents, and a largely forgotten planet called Gheno held a large number of heavily rusted wrecks. More records searches revealed this was the "Geonosis" where the LAAT supposedly first appeared in combat; The lack of weapons compared to what appeared later on seems to support this (and is the current presiding historic opinion).The UGC spent several million credits trying to re-engineer the design from what remained, in terms of scraps of metal and paper, and mostly succeeded (the mass-driver technology could not be recovered). The blueprints thus developed were handed over to Galactic Heavy Industries (the Geh 'Dia Order's manufacturing concern) for mass-production. They remain in service with the Geh 'Dia, many defense forces, and many more private concerns (in unarmed variants).Though not described as such, the UGC engineers strongly believed that the LAAT-Series was intended as drop ships, at very least meaning they could take on cargo aboard a ship in orbit, then drop down to the planet and disgorge this, but not return to orbit. The UGC's engineers could not understand why this was so, since the engineering required was so elementary to the intrinsic design; Therefore, they made it fully trans-atmospheric. It remains highly probable they were originally intended as full fledged shuttles.Critical AnalysisThe LAAT is a basic, cheap, reliable trans-atmospheric transport fully suitable for all but the most extreme needs. The current LAAT/I variant leaves the side doors permanently shut (in fact they're not doors at all, but just a box; there aren't even fittings for hinges, servos, etc). The REF is field-testing LAAT's for humanitarian duties to possibly even replace the MC-31 Angel Air Ambulance (though this will not happen soon).Name: Low Altitude Assault Transport (series).Model Type: Shuttle (tactical).Crew: 2 or 4 (depending on version).Passengers: 30 or none.MDC By Location: |
Fuselage- Cockpit- Crew/Cargo Compartment- Aft Doors (3, 1 each side, 1 aft)- | 250 150 200 100 each | Powerplant Housings (2)- Forward Main Guns (2)- Ball Guns (6)- Wings (2)- | 100 each 50 80 each 50 each 100 each |
Speed and Statistical Data: |
Driving on the Ground: 0.5 MPH. Range On Land: 0.5 Miles. Flying: 386 mph (XXkh). Maximum Height: 10,000 ft. Range In The Air: 600 miles. Height: 8 ft. Width: 20 ft. Length: 57 ft 1 inch (XXm). Wingspan: 55 ft (XXm). | Height: 20 ft 1 inch (XXm). Weight: 18 tons. Cargo: Pilot supplies only. Power System: Twin Jrl-461 Hyrdo Cell Scramjets; Output: 210,000 hp. Flight System: UGC Grav pods (origianlly used Rakatan Repulors). Cost and Availability: About 20 million credit each; Always. Black Market Cost & Availability: None; It's legally available. Stolen ones are a rarity.
Weapons Systems:The UGC really couldn't recover the LAAT's original weapons systems; Too much time had passed. The "Mass Drivers" appear to possibly have been some sort of Particle Beam weapons, the ball turret guns certainly were.Unable to recover this technology, the UGC has improvised, using rail launchers in place of the original weapons systems. |
1. L-08 Rail Launcher: The LIMA-08 (said "LEE-MA zero ate") is fed from twin 100-round magazines (the starboard gun is rotated 90 degrees for this reason). The system is radar controlled, but manually fired and designed for Mini-Missiles. Nickname: "The Sniper." They got this nickname from their use to precisely take out aircraft and make pinpoint shots on Mecha, without destroying the whole machine (just the cockpit). Purpose: Heavy Assault. Damage and Range: Varies by type used. Rate Of Fire: Per gunner's attacks per melee. Payload: 200. Bonus: Either quadruples the normal range of the missile OR triples it and adds +3 to strike.
2. L-02 Rail Launcher (6 total on most models): The LIMA-02 (said "LEE-MA zero too") is fed from six 100-round magazines; Because of the unusual configuration of the LAAT, these magazines can not share. The system is optically controlled. Designed for Micro-Missiles. Two of the L-02's are kept on ball turrets that are kept inside the fuselage until ready to deploy troops. Purpose: Heavy Assault. Weight: 1.2 tons Damage and Range: Varies by type used. Rate Of Fire: Per gunner's attacks per melee. Payload: 100 per magazine. Bonus: Either quadruples the normal range of the missile OR triples it and adds +3 to strike.
3. Door Guns: Though it's not "really" practical, the LAAT can support doors guns; There's even pre-tapped deck fittings for the M-3 pintle. The two ball turrets on armatures "typically" serve in this capacity, but on occasion door gunners have been used during troop insertion, to varying degrees of efficacy. E-cables couplings are provided, but energy weapons are seldom used in this position, and more often another set of L-02's are found here. A gunner's retention strap clip is also mounted.
Note: Despite the ubiquity of force fields, especially variable force fields, the LAAT doesn't usually have them, and no REF LAAT does.
| 4. Wing Pods: each wing can support up to 4 pods. |
A) TM-12 Fuel Pod: Essentially a modified version of the M-11 Torpedo Pod. In this case, however, it is used as a fuel pod to double the normal range of the craft. B) Type M-7 Rocket Launcher: 24 2-inch rocket tubes in 12 rows of 4 each. Each rocket tube has 4 rockets. Purpose: Heavy Assault MD: Each rocket does 2D6 MD Rate of Fire: Volleys of 6 or 12 times pilots attacks per melee. Range: 12,000 ft Payload: 96 per pod. Up to 6 pods can be carried. C) M-11 Torpedo Pod: An ASW torpedo pod. Carries the Mk-82 Airborne Torpedo, essentially a modified version of the Mk-81 Submarine Launched Torpedo. The initial launch is by a nothing so complicated as releasing it from the latches that hold it to the pylon. The on board hydro-cell motor then takes over as soon as the torpedo splashes. Each pod hold 3 Mk-82's. Purpose: Offensive/Anti-Ship MD: 4D6 times 10 per torpedo Blast Radius: 40 ft Maximum Range: 80 miles Minimum Range: 5 miles Rate of Fire: 1 torpedo per pilots attacks per melee. Payload: Each pod holds 3 Mk-82's. D) TM-9 Fixed Autocannon: A pair of fixed-forward autocannons; Most helicopters carry these units in pairs on the ends of their weapons pylons. Some pilots elect to use only this weapon, carrying up to 6; Others only carry 1, and use their remaining mounts for rockets and other weapons. MD: 1D4 times 10 per 40 round burst (can only fire bursts). Rate of Fire: Per Gunner's attacks per melee. Range: 9,000 ft. Payload: 600 per pod. E) External MRM launchers (4): Mainly for shooting down hostile aircraft, though are excellent for shooting down MRM's and LRM's. Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft Secondary Purpose: Anti-LRM. Damage: Varies by type used. Rate Of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, 3, or 4 per pilots attacks per melee. Effective Range: Varies by type used. Payload: 32 (4 per launcher, 6 pods per wing).
| G) A-11/a Anti-Radiation Pod: A radar and other detection system jammer. Effect: While active, enemy radar will have a "wash" effect, where a large, highly unstable cloud of radar paint will appear. An experienced (5ᵗʰ level and above) radar operator can SOMETIMES use the flow of the wash to narrow down the source of the jamming, but typically this does little good. NOTE: This IS a form of radar signal, and can therefore by tracked by some ESM systems (-10%). H) A-11/v Radiation Detector Pod: This pod passively detects various types of Radiation, most importantly radio signals (for eavesdropping). I) C-441 Canister Pod: Basically a hollowed out version of the M-7 pod, used to drop highly sensitive and extensive messages. A nose-mounted device using GPS or laser detection guides the pod to within 1/8 of an inch of the intended target. D) A-11 Tracker Pod: This simple 63 ft pod is an expanded version of the XTNDR RADAR/Radio Antenna Extender used on almost all UGC Destroids; The A-11 is a 25 lb. pod, released to fly independently within a 100 ft area of the Skymaster. A laser communications system relays the data collected from the A-11 Pod to the parent craft or to an EC-66. Because it is so much larger than the XTNDR Pod it can have a grav pod without interfering with sensors.MDC By Location:Pod: 70Full-Force Barrier Field: 100Grav Pod: 50 Effect: Effectively serves as a second EC-66, giving a second viewing area, doubling or tripling sensor area 3 to 4 times (or defeats other penalties in a 5 mile area). The A-11 has all the same sensors as an EC-66, except MRI and radar; The radar is a combat grade radar, with a range of 20 miles and tracking ability of 50 targets and an 80% reliability (10% against unfriendly stealthed vehicles). This system also gives a second view angle, so unfriendly stealthed vehicles can't hide AS easily (roll against the plane AND any pods in the air at +10% each). Due to the proximity of grav pods, MRI could not be installed. |
A C-441 Canister Pod (indistinguishable from TM-12 Fuel Pod, M-11 Torpedo Pod, and A-11/a Anti-Rad/A-11/v Rad Detector Pods). |
Features: |
- ESM: Radar Detector. Passively detects other radars being operated.
- Radar: Civilian grade radar. Range 100 miles, can track up to 50 individual targets. 95% reliability (00% against unfriendly stealthed vehicles).
- AMC/FD (2): Anti-Missile Chaff/Flare Dispensers. Actually launches a glob of burning magnesium/aluminum alloy to confuse both radar AND heat sensory systems. Fires off 04 chaff/flares each time it is activated. The system is KNOWN to work on all KNOWN radar and infrared systems, but concerns continue that somewhere out there their MIGHT be a system that will be totally unaffected by the system. Reduce effects by 20% against smart missiles (add +20% to rolls for smart missiles.)
- Effect:
- 01-50 Enemy missile or missile volley detonates in chaff cloud- Missiles are all destroyed.
- 51-75 Enemy missile or missile volley loses track of real target and veers away in wrong
- direction (may lock onto another target).
- 76-00 No effect, missile is still on target.
- Also note that the chaff cloud will also blind nearby heat sensors (and optically based sensors at night) for 1 melee. They will suffer the following penalties: Reduce melee attacks/actions, and combat bonuses by half.
Duration: 1D4 melee rounds. Payload: 60 chaff/flares. Each time the system is engaged, the system fires off 04 chaff/flares.- Blue Force Tracker: Identifies friend from foe. Overlays the information on both the radar and HUD, ensuring that friendly forces are not accidentally targeted.
- GPS: Standard tracking device. Ties into the Blue Force Tracker.
- Anti-Jamming System: Reduces Electronics Countermeasure by 3/4 (decrease skill level appropriately).
| - HUD: Displays maps, radar, targeting information, and any OTHER information the wearer wants directly in front of the user.
- FLIR/SLIR: Forward and Side Looking Infrared. Allows pilot to get visuals on targets at night.
- Virtual Map: Displays a continuously-updating map of local terrain for the pilot. Takes data from and gives data to other friendly units in the area. Effective land navigation of 85% as updates come. Good to 500 miles. Specific range can be adjusted in 1 mile increments.
- Video Camera: Records from the HUD. 50 hours of recording available.
- Full range optic sensory suite: Infrared, ultra violet, Magnification, night sight, color filters, thermal imager. Range is about 200 miles for MOST sensors.
- Survival Pack: A pack of simpler emergency survival supplies: Pup tent, sleeping bag, black light, GPS, first aid kit (bandages, gauze, bandage tape, pads, antiseptic/analgesic), plasma torch (for small repairs and starting fires), repair kit (with MDC Repair Spray), sewing kit (a small spool of thread and 5 needles), 7 star flares (250 ft apogee), 100 ft of black or brown parachute cord (150 lbs tensile strength; This is in addition to several hundred ft from their parachute itself), 2-5 days rations, 2 gallons water, water purification kit (good for about 10 gallons), manual-inflating liferaft (for at-sea abandonment), self-inflating lifevest (15# buoyancy). The liferaft can also double as a Pup Tent if so desired (though most pilots prefer to use a parachute for that, if anything, due to the fact that it is easier to hide). NOTE: Because the craft does not have rotors, it can not auto rotate for a crash landing.
- Smoke dispensers (8): Throws out smoke flares capable of covering a 50 ft area. Special chemicals in the smoke obscures IR and heat sensors, and defeats visual tracking of the vehicle. Note that it DOESN'T make the vehicle invisible, but simply negates ALL bonuses to strike.
Combat Bonuses from Low Altitude Assault Transport Combat Elite:- 2 additional attacks per melee.
- +2 Strike.
- +3 Dodge.