Lucian Alliance: |
 | Political Information: |
Type Of Government: | Alliance of various criminals and mercenries. |
Head Of State: | Netan (formerly). |
Legislative Branch: | Advisory Councils of Seconds. |
"Societal" Information: |
Capital: | Lucia;Formerly Netan's HA'TAK. |
Official Language: | Goa'uld. |
Currency: | Naquadah. |
Historical Information: |
Formed From: | Various species and groups that had survived the collapse of the Goa'uld Empire. |
Date Of Establishment: | 2285. |
Date Of Fragmentation: | Not applicable. |
"...Let it be known that no one defies the Lucian Alliance."~Vosh. | The Lucian Alliance is a coalition of former smugglers and mercenaries who have banded together to take advantage of the power vacuum left by the demise of the Goa'uld Empire."They're a coalition made up of smugglers, pirates, etc. from various Goa'uld planets that formed in the power vacuum left behind by the Goa'uld. They're criminals, mostly... Street gangs with spaceships."~Nicholas RUSH. | Following the collapse of the Goa'uld regime, much of their resources and technology fell into the hands of the humans whom they oppressed. Some of these humans banded together to form the Lucian Alliance, an organization comparable to the Mafia on a galactic scale. Though the prominent race that operates the Alliance is Human, it also has members from other races, including Oranians.The fact that the Lucian Alliance has managed to form a coherent group makes them unique among the scattered humans in the Milky Way, but this alliance is not without its weaknesses. As its ranks are comprised largely of mercenaries, smugglers, and other criminals, its leadership is tenuous at best, with much dissatisfaction within the ranks. Members live dangerous lives, prone to being killed for failure or simply when a rival desires their territory (in this respect, they are much like the Goa'uld). The Alliance rules with fear and intimidation, and punish defiance with swift retribution.The Lucian Alliance is headed by a single leader, who divides responsibility, territory, and resources among his "Seconds." About 20 such Seconds oversee operations including smuggling, extortion, racketeering, and trafficking in kassa, a corn-like grain with addictive properties. The Alliance controls a sizable armada of Goa'uld vessels, including several HA'TAK-Class Battlecarriers, over a hundred Al'Kesh-Class Multi-Purpose Ships and Tel'tak-Class Shuttles, hundreds of Udajeets (Death Gliders), and even a few Ori Fighters. They normally use standard Jaffa weapons and armor, though exceptions have been seen, the most noteworthy being P-90's and the Ma'Tok-Peh Nihteh, which is a Ma'Tok Staff Weapon with a P-90 "shell." This unique weapon has been seen before, but as of now only the Lucians are using it.They have informants and supporters all over the known univers, which despite their loose power structure makes them a credible threat, especially to Tau'ri (the UGC, et el) and the Free Jaffa Nation.Most of the Lucian Alliance believes the Tau'ri to be a threat to their organization. One Second, Anateo, thought that they caused the Alliance more grief than any other adversary, including the Ori. All the Seconds, including Anateo, begged Netan, at the time the leader of the Alliance, to go after them, but he refused; he felt it would be unwise to provoke their wrath. In an effort to rid himself of Anateo, he sent Anateo on what was meant to be a suicide mission. Anateo's unexpected success, however, brought about the very thing he feared; the Tau'ri decided to deal with them. When the Tau'ri began sabotaging their operations on a large scale, he tried to have SG-1 killed, but this only led to his downfall.HistoryThe Lucian Alliance was formed in 2005 on the planet Lucia, possibly earlier when the Goa'uld System Lords started to be eliminated one by one.When the Prometheus was captured by Vala Mal Doran, she had been attempting to complete a transaction with Tenat, a smuggler allied with the Lucian Alliance. When the deal fell through, a price was put on Vala's head, and after she and SG-1 once again eluded Tenat and his partner Jup and stole their Tel'tak, SG-1 also became a target of the Alliance.The Tau'ri's first direct encounter with the Lucian Alliance occurred during the mission to investigate a kassa smuggling operation on P6G-452. SG-1 was captured by Worrel, one of Netan's operatives, but following their escape, their investigation into the theft of Stargates from all over the galaxy ultimately led to a battle between the Lucian Alliance and Ba'al.Despite the adversarial relationship between the Lucian Alliance and the Tau'ri, Teal'c turned to Netan to propose a temporary alliance and to seek support in battling the forces of the Ori that had entered the galaxy. Although suspicious, Netan reluctantly agreed, and he sent three Ha'taks into the battle, but their disastrous defeat at the hands of the Ori convinced Netan that Earth had intentionally dragged the Lucian Alliance into the battle with the Ori knowing that it would deplete their forces. He angrily confronted the Odyssey and the forces of Bra'tac before escaping into hyperspace, having failed once again to defeat SG-1.Netan and the Lucian Alliance faced difficulties from droughts and floods ravaging their kassa plantations, armies of the Ori usurping planets on which they had established trade, and losses from the strategic mistake of committing ships to cooperate in the fight against the Ori invasion. As dissent over Netan's leadership continued to mount, there were rumors of betrayal and possible mutiny among Netan's Seconds.In particular, Anateo believed that Netan had failed the Alliance and that his position as leader was hanging precariously by a thread. Knowing that Anateo was considered to be his most worthy challenger, Netan ordered Anateo to capture the Odyssey, believing that he would fail and be eliminated as competition. However, Anateo lured the Odyssey into an ambush and succeeded in capturing the ship, certain that his success would ensure Netan's downfall and his own succession with one of his men even killing the Odyssey's commanding officer, Colonel Paul Emerson. In a scheme to retake the ship, Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell impersonated Kefflin, one of Netan's most reclusive seconds, and infiltrated the organization. As SG-1 regained control of the ship, Anateo was killed, his men captured, and Tenat and his ship were destroyed. Earth and the Lucian Alliance were officially at war, and Netan's grasp on the Alliance continued to weaken.SG-1 continued to plague the Lucian Alliance, targeting and destroying kassa transport trains and in retaliation, Netan placed a bounty on their heads. During a mission to destroy a cargo transport, SG-1 was hit by what they thought was a scanning beam, but which was instead sophisticated technology that temporarily tagged them with a particularly exotic form of radiation, allowing them to be tracked. A Female Assassin attempted to assassinate Dr. Daniel JACKSON in a library, but as she pursued him into the street, she was hit and killed by a bus. On Chulak, Teal'c was wounded in an ambush by Staff weapon fire, and he captured a second assassin who approached him as he slept. Lt. Colonel Samantha Carter was targeted during a presentation at a scientific conference, but was spared when the assassin fired instead at her holographic image. Several prospective bounty hunters who sought the reward for Mitchell were eliminated by Odai Ventrell, who pursued Mitchell to his high school reunion in Auburn, Kansas. There, he held the guests hostage, and captured Mitchell, using him as bait to bring in all of SG-1. However, SG-1 used a clever holographic diversion to capture Ventrell instead.Netan's failure yet again to capture or kill SG-1 would only make him appear weaker to his Seconds, and he again faced the threat of mutiny among his own lieutenants. Seizing the opportunity, SG-1 encouraged Ventrell to take advantage of the unrest within the Lucian Alliance and to seek a reward for capturing Netan instead. SG-1 released Ventrell, who confronted Netan and aimed his weapon, claiming his reward, and leaving the leadership of the fragile Alliance once again in doubt.In 2009, the Lucian Alliance launched an attack against Icarus Base, since according to Carter, the three Ha'tak vessels who attacked the base did not introduce themselves and just started firing. While they send Death Gliders, the personnel of the base evacuated to aboard the George Hammond and through the Stargate to Destiny. The planet's core then overloaded, which destroyed the entire planet, and the three Ha'taks were destroyed in the blast zone.In 2009, or before, the Alliance managed to obtain Goa'uld brainwashing technology, and used it to turn Colonel David Telford into a spy for them while he was working undercover for Stargate Command. He gave them all the information available on the Icarus project. Dr. Nicholas Rush discovered this when the Long-range communication device left fragments of Telford's memory in his mind, and attempted to infiltrate the Alliance. He was discovered by Commander Kiva, and was forced to assist in recreating the experiment to dial the ninth chevron. On Destiny, Colonel Everett Young managed to break Telford's brainwashing. Telford informed Young of the impending invasion, including the location of the Icarus-like planet they were launching from. The George Hammond was dispatched to stop them, but the attempt only forced the Alliance to deploy early. They made it to Destiny, but the planet was destroyed and they lost over 100 people, more than two-thirds of the their personnel. Rush in Telford's body was brought with them, severing the connection between him and Telford, thus returning them to their original bodies. Telford remains in Kiva's ranks as a mole.Upon arriving on Destiny, the Alliance escapes containment and mounts an assault on the crew. They take numerous hostages, including Lt. Tamara JOHANSEN, Sgt. Hunter RILEY, and Cpl. RIVERS, resulting in a standoff between the two groups. Rivers is executed after a failed attempt by Young to end the standoff. Simultaneously, the arrival of the Alliance has placed Destiny within range of a binary pulsar system emitting dangerous levels of gamma rays which will eventually kill the crew. A plan is devised to deal with the problem, but it requires Kiva's cooperation, and she uses this to force Young to relinquish control of the ship. Telford, having planned ahead with Young, attempts to return control to the Destiny expedition, but is caught in the act by Kiva. They shoot each other, mortally wounding Kiva and non-fatally wounding Telford. Dannic, one of her underlings, assumes Young's people to be responsible and orders all the Earth military personnel rounded up to be executed.Before Dannic can carry out the execution, Varro manages to convince him not to and to use the communications stones to call in a team of doctors from Earth. The doctors save Telford and TJ, but Kiva was hit in the liver and dies despite the doctors best efforts. Dannic banishes the crew to an inhabitable planet, but growing increasingly unstable, banishes Varro and the soldiers loyal to him there too. After Rush starts pulling power away from the shield so it will collapse with the next burst and kill everyone except himself, Dr. Adam Brody, Eli Wallace and Chloe Armstrong who are in the Hydroponics lab, he demands the Alliance forces surrender in exchange for their lives. Dannic, now completely insane, refuses and tries to kill Telford. Ginn, realizing that Telford is right, shoots Dannic several times in the back, killing him and takes control of the remaining Alliance forces. Under Ginn's command, the Alliance forces surrender and the shield is restored. The invasion fails with all of the forces, including the ones retrieved from the planet they were sent to, made prisoners on Destiny. Most were later abandoned on an inhabitable planet, but a small group, including Varro, Ginn and Simeon are allowed to stay on board and are slowly integrated into the crew, albeit under guard.It's eventually revealed that the Lucian Alliance are planning an attack on Earth and in order to get information, the remaining Alliance members on board Destiny are questioned. Homeworld Command ultimately determines that a clan from Ginn's planet are likely to be responsible and question her, but Simeon kills her and Dr. Amanda Perry to prevent this while the two are connected, but not before its revealed that Simeon, also from the same clan, holds the information that they need. Simeon escapes from Destiny, killing two crewmembers and injuring several more while being chased down. While taunting Rush, Simeon indicates that the attack is in fact retaliatory, but doesn't disclose anything else. Simeon is eventually killed by Rush and all the information he possesses dies with him leaving Earth at a disadvantage as there are no other members of that clan aboard Destiny.Later, using Naquadria bombs, the Alliance destroys two Tau'ri outposts and launch their attack on Earth by sending a Tel'tak armed with a Naquadria bomb in the 50 to 70 megaton range to Earth, presumably with the intention to land on Homeworld Command, allow the pilot to escape and then have the bomb detonate. Something goes wrong and the ship crashes into the building instead. Camile Wray and MSgt. Ronald Greer, in the bodies of Senator Michaels and Dr. Andrew Covel meet up with Airman Evans, in reality the Tel'tak pilot and head off to try to disarm the bomb. Evans is exposed by Wray and killed by Greer and the two reach the ship and bomb, but don't know how to disarm it and are exposed to a fatal level of radiation in the process. Thanks to an FTL jump temporarily severing the connection, Varro is able to give them partial instructions, but doesn't have enough time to tell them everything and the two are unable to finish. Rush is able to sever the connection between the four after Varro gives Michaels and Covel the instructions they need and the two are able to disarm the bomb. Later all Alliance members on Destiny but Varro are killed trying to rescue TJ from a group of creatures and at Greer's recommendation, Varro is fully integrated into the crew.Military StrengthThe allaiance has moderate militry strength, though a bit heavy for its overall size:Fleet- HA'TAK-Class Battlecarriers: About a dozen or so. These were rare before, and not particularly useful to the Allliance's main business of smuggling, so they're only used now to prevent otehrs from aquairing them.
- Al'Kesh-Class General Purpose Ships: Over a hudred, but most configured for cargo duties. 12 are known to be configured exlusively to bomber duty.
- Tel'tak-Class Shuttles: Several thousand. Most are configured for pure cargo, but many are configured to "hostile environment" use (combat cargo duty and/or gunships).
Planets under Lucian Alliance controlThe alliance doesn't really "control" the plantes so much as operate there and can influence local government leaders.- Lucia: This is where the alliance formed, and they have a rather significant presence there, including their only openly acknowledged base of operations, the Lucia Lesser Shipyards. The alliance's mebers paid for the building of he shipyard, and it is privately controlled.
- P6G-452
- Rolan
- Ginn's planet
ContactsOne of their former trade partners was a certina con artist named Vala malDORAN (mal is a suffix, like "von" or "d'", who planned on giving the Alliance a large ship in exchange for weapons-grade Naquadah. She hijacked a UGC State Prometheus-Class but she was stopped, leaving her on bad terms with the Alliance who then placed her on a "wanted list." About a year later two members of the alliance tried to collect on the bounty but ended up getting airlocked.This setback in relations however led to a thawing of UGC/Lucian relations, as it was Vala who first made contact with the alliance to open negotiations. While her (unauthorized) operation wasn't successful in and of itself (though her other operation, delivering a load of unknown containers in exchange for a very large amount of Naquadah, which she believed was probably kassa), it did convince the alliance to unlock the door to the UGC.Because the alliance exists both as a mercenary and smuggling outfit, it is stated as both a mercenry army and secret agency.General InformationName: Lucian Alliance.Colors: None.Symbol/Crest/Banner: A stylized 5-point star.Owner: Member Owned.Leader: The current strongest member.Tactics: There are no "particular" tactics they employ.Size and Orientation:Mercenary Army (300)Features:Each crew is a little bit different; One might have a forger but no prostitutes, another might specialize in mercenary work but have a better alignment, another might have a small factory (C: Equipment) but no criminal activity, since they do nothing but support the other alliance members. These stats are generally correct for the alliance members, however. * Indicates elements that all have incommon (doesn't vary by crew). |