House Atreides, The God Emperor. | The Petty Houses. |  House Atreides, The God Emperor. |
It really is as simple as this: Some Houses are too small to count as such. The larger ones are listed here. |
Boro family House Ecaz House Fenring House Hagal | House Moritani House Mutelli House Novebruns House Taligari |
BORO FamilyBORO is the surname of Camie BORO, the last descendant of the last Emperor who ruled the original Old Empire before its downfall at the hands of the Titans.During the Butlerian Jihad, Iblis GINJO married Camie as part of his plan to ascend in the League of Nobles. Their great-granddaughter Jessica BORO-GINJO would later marry Faykan CORRINO, the first Padishah Emperor, making future members of House Corrino, House Harkonnen and eventually House Atreides descendants of the ancient BORO family. |
House EcazHouse Ecaz rules the fourth planet of their local star, named Ecaz. The head of the House is the Archduke Ecaz; House Ecaz is in kanly, or vendetta, with House Moritani. |  |
House FenringAnother of the Petty Houses, House Fenring was allied to House Corrino; At the close of the Muad'Dib Jihad, Count Hasimir FENRING and Lady Margot FENRING expected to be stripped of their titles and exiled to who knew where, but Paul ATREIDES chose instead to keep the Count in his position, subservient to himself.When the UGC first came calling, House Fenring was an early "open ear," but not willing to oppose the God Emperor openly for fear of the consequences; They waited until House Hagal defected, then followed right along with them. House Fenring had hoped for a DÆDALUS-Class Battlecruiser, but received a Babylon-Class Governatorial Station instead (the FTL systems are intact, a fact known only to the ruling Count and the station's commander). Babylon Fenring (28) is the primary anchorage for UGC vsls enroute to the Landsraad. |  |
House HagalHouse Hagal allied itself with the Imperial House Corrino when Padishah Emperor Elrood IX wed Yvette HAGAL. Their daughter Edwina is later the great-grandmother of Paul ATREIDES. The planet Hagal had once been rich in gems before being "mined out in the time of Shaddam I."House Hagal was the first House to openly defect, closing their planet to Imperial Ships "upon pain of death." This threat had much graver implications than implied; They didn't close the planet to "just" the God Emperor's ships, but to the Spacing Guilds' ships should they be carrying Imperial Frigates. This threat meant firing upon Spacing Guild Heighliner-Class ships, and as a result the Spacing Guild closed Hagal to Spacing Guild ships; To this day, not a single Heighliner has returned to Hagal, which suits the Baron perfectly fine; It means no more of the Muad'Dib's attention. In fact, they trade with the rest of the UGC instead. |
House MoritaniHouse Moritani of Grumman, the "second planet of Niushe," is noted "chiefly for its feud with House Ginaz"- A fued that ended centuries ago with the massacre (by poison) of the entire GINAZ family after some of their students were sent home in disgrace from their renowned Swordmaster School.In the year 10,175 A.G., the Viscount Hundro MORITANI allied with House Harkonnen in an attempt to conquer House Atreides homeworld of Caladan; The attempt failed when the Atreides Mentat Thufir HAWAT tricked the Moritani/Harkonnen forces into believing that the Atreides have a gigantic water fleet, which were actually harmless fishing boats.When the UGC arrived, House Moritani refused to yield, even when the Emperor did so; They not ever do so since, as Corrinites, they oppose the Muad'Dib. To this day they declare themselves independent of either side, and have in turn suffered for it, as the system is declare interdicted (making direct trade with any Landsraad World impossible).GM INFO: House Moritani secretly descended from House Tantor, the renegade house who had devastated Salusa Secundus with nukes and who had been subsequently "exterminated" by Padishah Emperor Hassik Corrino III, their name erased from written history. Prior to the Butlerian Jihad, the TANTOR family had adopted an orphaned Xavier HARKONNEN, who's descendants repaid the debt by sheltering a few dozen survivors of the Emperor's retribution under assumed names. House Moritani descendants know their familial history, and hope for the day they can reclaim their heritage. |  |
House MutelliHouse Mutelli also weds one of its own, Barbara, to Padishah Emperor Elrood IX prior to the Dune Wars.House Mutelli joined the UGC in lock step with the Muad'Dib. |
House NovebrunsThe planet Novebruns was owned by House Mutelli in fief for centuries, but according to the Muad'Dib Jihad General Gurney HALLECK it was purchased for "three hundred and twenty-one twawds (of melange)" for "half of Novebruns Planet from the Mutelli family." With this, House Novebruns, the family that bought the deed, was established. The Lord of House Novebruns formally requested Shaddam IV grant the destroyed House Taligari world of Zanovar to him so that he can mine it for "valuable raw materials." With this deal, House Novebruns was able to earn enough money to purchase the rest of their homeworld a generation later, leaving them independent from House Mutelli. Over the next generation, House Novebruns continued to mine the planet, but secretly assisted the survivors of House Taligari as well. |
House TaligariHouse Taligari is the adoptive family of Tyros REFFA, illegitimate son of Padishah Emperor Elrood Corrino IX and his concubine Shando BALUT. The Taligari homeworld was the recreational planet Zanovar, devastated by Elrood's son Shaddam in an attempt to eliminate Tyros.Despite this act of outright treachery, some of House Taligari survived in underground caverns and warrens, from which they emerged 250 years later. Muad'Dib Leto II restored House Taligari by Imperial Order, restoring their world to them and working to rebuild the planet; Though nothing compared to her once grandeur, and with many of the relics of the old days scattered across the planet like festering scars of Shaddam's crime, the planet has largely recovered in terms of habitability.When the Muad'Dib acceded to the UGC, House Taligari did not, despite remaining loyal to the God Emperor. They have forbidden the Clariont from flying on their world... Despite the same flag flying at the Imperial Palace...The UGC is somewhat concerned that House Taligari "might" rise up against the UGC, but this would place them in opposition of the God Emperor; As a result, nobody takes this treat terribly seriously.The UGC is trying to win over House Taligari, but very little progress has been made. House Taligari's only loyalty is to the God-Emperor. |  |
One Of House Taligari's Warrens. |