Clariont Flag Of The UGC. | Megaroad-Class Colony Ships. |  Clariont Flag Of The UGC. |
The Megaroad-Class Super Dimensional Ships (not fortresses) are, like the Zulu Destroid, another one of those transitional designs. Technically they are civilian colonization vsls, but they are 'colonization ships' based on every lesson Megaroad-Class Colonization Ships. |
 | Launch Of The Megaroad 01 in September, 2022. |
 | A Common Poster For A Colony Mission. This one is on Garuda. |
learned from UES MACROSS (SDF-001) during her transit from Pluto Orbit. However, their hull is almost a one-one copy of the SDF-001 as well, and therefore are warships in every sense of the word.The First Robotech War taught mankind one extremely painful and humbling lesson; The Human race was neither immortal nor omnipotent. Humanity came terrifyingly close to becoming extinct, with only several hundred thousand men, women, and children surviving the T'sentraedi's final assault on the planet Earth. Determined to ensure that the human race never came that close to destruction again, the new Unity Government publicly announced the Emigration of Humankind plan in September of 2011 (most of the plan had already been finalized and put into production in early 2010, unknown to Earth's surviving population). Protoculture cloning technology would be used to quickly rebuild Earth's population, and long-range colonization missions would be sent forth to find and settle on habitable worlds around the galaxy to ensure that humankind would never again be limited to one planet. The UN Spacy began sending forth calls for civilian volunteers who would be willing to take part in these historic journeys, and were quickly overwhelmed by requests from people who were ready to risk all to escape the recovering Earth.The Megaroad 01 was the first Terran colony ship to be completed. Construction of the vessel had began in June 2010. The Megaroad-01 was completed in September 2022 and launched during a planet-wide celebration. The ship departed the Solar System with an escort fleet of T'sentraedi warships, headed towards the center of the galaxy. Simultaneously with the launch of the Megaroad 01 the UN Spacy began construction of the Megaroad 02 and Megaroad 03, both based on the Megaroad 01's design. Both ships were completed and launched 2014. Thereafter mass-production of Megaroad-Class Colony Ships began and soon long-range colony fleets were routinely being launched from the Solar System at a rate of 1-2 per year.The Megaroad-Class colony vessels are immense ships, over 30% longer than T'sentraedi NUPEIET VERNITZS-Class Flagship and with much greater internal volume. The front part of the spacecraft is hollow and contains an entire city that is much larger and more spacious than the one constructed by the Macross citizens trapped aboard the SDF-1. The colony-city can hold up to 80,000 colonists in relative comfort, with citizens enjoying a fairly high (if not luxurious) quality of living. The aft portion of the Megaroad-Class vessels house the command tower, Veritech bays, power systems, and engines of the spacecraft, as well as living quarters for the militry pilots and crew. Megaroad-Class vessels are not designed to engage in direct ship-to-ship combat with enemy forces, as this would greatly endanger the civilian colonists aboard. The Megaroad-Class ships still serve as flagships for the colony fleets however, and contain an impressive array of sensors and communications gear to help them command and coordinate battles. Captains of Megaroad-Class vessels are sworn to do everything they possibly can to protect the civilian lives aboard their vessels, and will not place their ships in danger if they can at all avoid it.Not all these colonization missions have met with success, and several Megaroad-Class fleets have vanished without a trace in various parts of the galaxy.The Megaroad-Class is slowly being phased out in favor of fleets of smaller vsls, but hundreds are still in service, and unlikely to be decommissioned anytime soon. When they are, they will first find new life as pure cargo vsls, then probably as training ships or semi-permanent space stations/skyhooks, before finally being scrapped.Vehicle Class: Megaroad-Class Colony Ships.Type: Multi-generation Long-range Colony Vessel.Government: New Unity Government/Terran Authority (Earth).Manufacturer: ORTEC Company/UN Spacy.Crew:Command Tower: 110.Ship Crew: 5,830.VF Pilots: 324 + 192 reserve.Troops: 1,240.Civilian Colonists: 80,000.MDC By Location: |
*Forward 2/3 of Ship (Colony) **Aft 1/3 of Ship (Command Section, Main Engines) Left Wing (Crew Quarters, Landing Bays) Right Wing (Crew Quarters, Landing Bays) Main Laser Cannons (2, front) ***Command Tower ****Main Thrusters (4) ****Secondary Thrusters (4) | 60,000 175,000 100,000 100,000 2,000 each 10,000 20,000 each 10,000 | ***Sensor Array (Top of Command Tower) Guidance Thrusters (30) Airlocks/Access Hatches (150) Semi-transparent outer hull per 40ft area (forward 2/3) Armored outer hull per 40ft area (rear 1/3, wings) Interior walls (per 20ft area) *****Pin Point Barriers (8) | 1,000 2,500 each 300 each
200 each 100 250 5,000 each |
NoteDepleting the MDC of the front 2/3 section of the Megaroad- ship will essentially destroy the city-colony contained within the ship. (2D4 times 10) percent of the colonists inside the city will be killed instantly due to explosive decompression, and all internal structures and facilities will be destroyed. The ship can still function and is maneuverable (for what it's worth) but its use as a colony ship will be lost. If the forward section is destroyed the main laser cannons will also be rendered inoperable.Depleting the MDC of the rear 1/3 section of the Megaroad- ship will destroy the ship, due to loss of the power systems and main engines. All internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The Megaroad-Class itself will be unsalvageable, and any surviving colonists must be rescued quickly or they will die as the heat and atmosphere of the city-colony drains into space.Destroying the command tower will instantly kill the command staff and deprive the ship of all forms of long range communications, radar and targeting. The range and targeting capabilities of the secondary systems are equal to that of a Veritech. The ship can still operate, but is at -3 on initiative, -3 to strike, and number of attacks per melee of the weapon systems are reduced by half. Destroying the main sensory array on top of the command tower will have the same effect, but the command staff will not be killed instantly.Depleting the MDC of the main engines will force the ship to rely on its secondary engines. Depleting the MDC of the main engines AND secondary engines will leave the ship adrift in space. In an atmosphere, the Megaroad- will still be able to land using antigravity engines (provide the rear 1/3 of the spacecraft is intact) but will not be able to take off again.The Pinpoint Barriers regenerate at a rate of 1,250 MD per second (2,500 MD per melee round). If destroyed, a barrier will completely regenerate within four seconds (2 melee rounds). See the Pinpoint Barrier System entry for details.Speed and Statistical Data: |
Speed (sublight): 0.16 speed of light (25,600 miles per second). Speed (auxiliary drives): Mach 2.5. Space Fold: Range Unlimited (1 light year every 6 minutes). Planet bound: Can land and take off if necessary but not designed to maneuver in an atmosphere for extended periods of time. Power Plants:Primary: ORTEC 22-41 Reflex Reactor (Protoculture); Output: 22 terravolts. Maximum Range: 30 year life span.Secondary: RDR-771 Mini Reactors; 14 of these reserve reactors are located strategically around the ship. Output: Each can put out 1 terravolts. Maximum Use Time: Each of these reactors has about 14 hours of Protoculture in a reserve supply nearby. More should be able to be brought in that time, if the damage can't be repaired. | Tertiary: Literally thousands of hydro-cell generators around the vsl for use in an atmosphere, or VERY short periods in space. Output: Each such generator produce one giga watt. Maximum Range: Each such generator has a 20-hour tank, and a few years worth of reserve fuel can be held on board. Length: 17,160 feet (5,200 m). Length (command tower only): 792 feet (240 m). Weight: 285,000,000 tons (empty)/351,000,000 tons (standard). Fold System: Equipped. Sublight Drive: ORTEC/Rolls Royce/Shinnakasu Impulse Drive Cluster. Gravity Control System: Internal. Auxiliary Engine: ORTEC Rocket Motor Cluster. Cost and Availability: 50 millioncredit; Constant availability.
Weapons Systems: |
1. Macross Cannons (2): Although not intended to engage directly in ship-to-ship combat, Megaroad-Class vessels carry two heavy lasers on the front of the hull that can do impressive damage if necessary. These cannons are modelled after the main laser cannons used on most T'sentraedi warships. The cannons are fixed forward and can only fire at targets directly in front of the ship. MD: Absolutely destroys EVERYTHING in the beam width, and does an additional 1D6 times 1000 MD to anything within 50,000 feet beyond that. Range: 5,000 miles (8,040 km) in an atmosphere. Double in space. Rate Of Fire: Each cannon can fire once every other round. Payload: Unlimited.
2. T'sentraedi Style Heavy Laser (04): Still a highly effective design, it is an REF standard weapon throughout the fleet. At most 21 lasers can be brought to bear on a single target. MD: 1D4 times 100 per blast. Rate of Fire: Twice per melee. Range: 200,000 miles. Payload: Unlimited.3. Automated Missile Battery (1): Each vessel has one automated missile battery in a fixed-forward position. Missile Type: Any MRM or LRM Purpose: Anti-Ship Defense. MD and Range: Varies by type used. Rate of Fire: Twice per melee. Payload: Up to 10.
4. Defensive Laser Batteries (100): Each vessel has at least 100 defensive laser batteries for anti-missile and meteorite defense. MD: 5D6 per blast. Rate of Fire: Per gunners attacks per melee plus bonuses (generally 4 or 5 per melee). Range: 500 feet. Payload: Unlimited.
5. Ships, Fighters, Power Armor, and Robots: Shuttles- 20 Space, Guardian, and Veritech Fighters- 4,000. Other Mecha- Litterally thousands of Destoids can be carried.
 Abeam View Cutaway. | 6. Pinpoint Barrier Defense System: Originally developed by researchers onboard the SDF-001 MACROSS during the First Robotech War, the Pinpoint Barrier System is a standard defense system on board all UGC Flagged-starships and colony vessels. The system generates four small disc-shaped force fields that can be positioned anywhere along the ship to deflect missiles, energy beams or projectiles. Each pinpoint barrier is about 200 ft (61 m) in length and can absorb up to 5,000 MD in damage, which then regenerates within four seconds (2 melee rounds). The barriers can also be layered on top of each other to generate a field which provides 20,000 MDC and can even deflect heavy particle beams (usually).The four barriers are controlled by operators in the command tower of the carrier. These operators are instructed to defend (1) any breaks or weaknesses in the main hull, (2) the engineering section/battle carrier docking section, and (3) the main and auxiliary engines, in that order. The operators primarily concentrate on defending the ship against larger spacecraft and leave defense against attacking Mecha to the VF pilots.The Megaroad-Class vessels carry two PPB systems as opposed to a single system on most UGC vsls. If one group of four is disabled or destroyed (e.g. by deflecting a heavy particle beam) the other will continue to function. The barriers are controlled by operators in the command tower of the ship.These operators are instructed to defend (1) the command tower, bridge, and sensor array, (2) any breaks or weaknesses in the front 2/3 of the ship around the city-colony, (3) main engines, and (4) hangar bays and weapon systems, in that order. The operators primarily concentrate on defending the ship against larger spacecraft and leave defense against Mecha attacking the carrier to the VF pilots and laser turrets. Purpose: Defense (the pinpoint barrier system cannot be used as a weapon). Range: Up to 300 feet (91.5 m) from the surface of the vessel. MDC: Can sustain up to 5,000 MD per round. Regenerates at a rate of 2,500 MD per melee round. Radius: 200 ft (61 m). Attacks Per Melee: Can move from one end of the vessel to the other in less than a single round. Trained operators can attempt to block attacks up to 8 times per melee (counts as a parry) and are at +7 to block. Untrained characters can parry up to their number of hand-to-hand attacks with their normal parry bonuses only. Payload: Nearly inexhaustible. Will work as long as system is functional (see below) and engines are intact. If main engines are destroyed, the barrier will loose power and not function.Note: If all four barriers are grouped in a single spot they can deflect a heavy particle beam attack, such as the one generated by the Macross Cannon and Tśentrædi command warships. However, the beam will completely destroy all four barriers and put incredible strain on the pinpoint barrier system, to the point where it may short out. After deflecting an energy beam, roll percentile dice on the table below to determine additional effects/damage.01-15: Lucked out, system will be operational in 1D6 hours.16-30 Minor damage, system will require 4D6 hours to repair.31-45: Major damage, system will require 2D6 times 10 hours to repair (yes, DAYS of work).46-60 Completely destroyed! System can be rebuilt, but will require new parts and 2D6 DAYS of work to replace.61-75: Major damage, system will require 2D6 times 10 hours to repair.76-90: Minor damage, system will require 4D6 hours to repair.91-95: Lucked out, system will be operational in 1D6 hours.96-00: It's a miracle! Trivial damage only, system will be operational again in only 4D6 melee rounds!
Features: |
- ESM: Radar Detector. Passively detects other radars being operated.
- Radar: Combat grade radar. Range 100 miles, can track up to 50 individual targets. 95% reliability (24% against unfriendly stealthed vehicles).
- Blue Force Tracker: Identifies friend from foe. Overlays the information on both the radar and HUD, ensuring that friendly forces are not accidentally targeted.
- GPS: Standard tracking device. Ties into the Blue Force Tracker.
- Anti-Jamming System: Reduces Electronics Countermeasure by 25% (decrease skill level appropriately).
- HUD: Displays maps, radar, targeting information, and any OTHER information the wearer wants directly in front of the user. One is located at each weapons control station, and another makes up the majority of the bridge.
- FLIR/SLIR: Forward and Side Looking Infrared. Allows pilot to get visuals on targets at night.
- Holographic Projection System: The semi-transparent windows surrounding the city-colony contain a sophisticated holographic projection system which is used to generate images of Terran skies over the windows. These images help to calm colonists and make them feel like they are living in a city on Earth and not on a ship voyaging through space. The holographic system is often used to divide time on the vessel into day and night segments. During the day the holographic system blocks the outside view and projects artificial sunlight over the city, and at night the system is turned off to provide an uninhibited view of the passing stars.
| - Highways And Public Transportation: The city-colony inside the Megaroad-Class has an extensive series of roadways for quick transportation of supplies and troops throughout the area. The city also has an extensive public transportation system of buses and subway lines to help citizens get around. Usually only colony officials, maintenance/transport staff, and military personnel are allowed to own vehicles.
- Virtual Map: Displays a continuously-updating map of local terrain for the bridge. Takes data from and gives data to other friendly units in the area. Effective navigation of 85% as updates come. Good to 500 miles. Specific range can be adjusted in 10,000 mile increments.
- 1 MC: Internal loudspeaker.
- Video Camera: Records from the HUD. 5,000 hours of recording available.
- Full range optic sensory suite: Infrared, ultra violet, Magnification, night sight, color filters, thermal imager.Range: 200 miles for MOST sensors.
- Survival Pack: A pack of simpler emergency survival supplies: Pup tent, sleeping bag, black light, GPS, first aid kit (bandages, gauze, bandage tape, pads, antiseptic/analgesic), plasma torch (for small repairs and starting fires), repair kit (with MDC Repair Spray), sewing kit (a small spool of thread and 5 needles), 7 star flares (250 feet apogee), 2 white parachute flares (1,500 feet apogee), 100 feet of black or brown parachute cord (150 lbs tensile strength), 2-5 days rations, 2 gallons water, water purification kit- good for about 10 gallons.
 Average Combat Profile For A Standard Megaroad-Class Colony Ship:- 5 movement actions (dodges) per melee.
- 4 defensive actions (parries, typically with Point Defense Shields) per melee.
- 8 (!) aggressive actions (attacks) per melee.
- +5 Strike with laser batteries.
- +3 Strike with missile batteries.
- +8 Parry with shield.