Each Mand'alor has the right to select whatever advisors, secretaries, ministers, etc. they want. | The clans has the right to set whatever titles they choose; However, most Mandalorians rally around "a" member, usually referred to as a rallymaster, who serves the equivalent of a sergeant in the UGC system. |
The Mandalorians use a standardized body armor system within the Mandalorian Army; Those operating outside the Mandalore are known to modify their armor to varying degrees. | EE-3 Carbine Rifle;WESTAR-34 Blaster Pistol. | Almost all Mandalorians carry a Darksaber, most carry various clan-identifying edged weapons. | Journeyman Protectors carry various stun weapons and restraints, most carry various other weapons based on clan, faction, or mission. |
MandalMotors |
 | Organizational Information: |
Founder: | Gustav Zenlav. |
Leaders: | Gustav Zenlav;Jir Yomaget. |
Headquarters: | MandalMotors tower, Keldabe, Mandalore. |
Primary Roles: | Starship and speeder manufacturer. |
Major Products: | Aka'jor-Class Shuttle;KELDABE-Class Battleship;KOM'RK-Class fighter/transport;LUX-3 Landspeeder;M3-A Scyk Fighter;Pursuer-Class Enforcement Ship;QV-3 Disruptor. |
Chronological And Political Information: |
Affiliation: | Mandalorians. |
MandalMotors was a Mandalorian company located on the Outer Rim world of Mandalore. Founded by the Mandalorian general Gustav Zenlav, MandalMotors grew to be a large corporation, headed by a board of executives under the authority of a single CEO. The company was headquartered in Mandalore's capital city, Keldabe, where its hundred-meter-tall tower adorned with their unmistakable business logo became a well-known landmark around the city. MandalMotors was primarily a manufacturer of starships, although the Mandalorian corporation was also notable for the creation of several speeder models, gunships, and at least one class of ground-based tank. Over time, MandalMotors developed a reputation for its outstanding ship designs and powerful military vessels.A largely neutral company, MandalMotors was a driving force behind the economy of Mandalore, and sold its many products to any interested party willing to pay the necessary credits. Mandalorian police units took to the company's Pursuer-class enforcement ships, while the radical Mandalorian Death Watch group were known to make use of Kom'rk-class fighter/transports. When Mandalore the Resurrector came to power late in the Clone Wars, the Mandalore and his army seized MandalMotors' facilities solely for use by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, with whom he had aligned the Mandalorians against the Galactic Republic in their galaxy-spanning war. Under the Galactic Empire that was born from the Republic, MandalMotors came under the sway of an Imperial Advisor forcefully placed on the company's board, and produced dungeon ships for the galactic regime. After the Empire fell, MandalMotors became an ally of the New Republic, supplying several member worlds with military craft. When a lode of the precious and incredibly resistant iron ore known as beskar was found on Mandalore in the aftermath of the Yuuzhan Vong War, MandalMotors' work with the rare metal became the catalyst that elevated the Mandalorian world into a state of economic resurgence.HistoryGeneral Gustav Zenlav founded MandalMotors several hundred years before the Battle of Yavin. The company created numerous starships including the Pursuer-class enforcement ship, one of which would come into the ownership of the famed bounty hunter Boba Fett and eventually be known as Slave II. They also manufactured the StarViper-class attack platform, one of which would become Prince Xizor's Virago.During the Clone Wars, Mandalore the Resurrector and his new army of Mandalorian Protectors took control of the MandalMotors facilities for use by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, with which Mandalore was then aligned.Under the auspices of the Galactic Empire, MandalMotors was not allowed to do business until an Imperial "advisor" was placed on the company's board of directors, although this did not stop the sale of weapons to Tyber Zann's criminal organization. Following the Battle of Endor, this "advisor" was ousted in favor of support for the New Republic.During the Battle of Mandalore, in the midst of the Yuuzhan Vong War, MandalMotors' hundred-meter tower sustained heavy damage, but remained standing in spite of it. By the time of the Second Galactic Civil War, the company was headed by Jir Yomaget and had donated MandalMotors Hall, a communal building where clan chieftains could gather to discuss Mandalorian politics and matters of importance, occasionally with the Mand'alor, to the community of Keldabe. After the discovery of a new vein of beskar ore outside the settlement of Enceri, production began on two new beskar-reinforced designs, the Bes'uliik-class assault starfighter and the Tra'kad-class assault vessel.With the arrival of the UGC, MandalMotors was thought to be out of business, as the Galactiques had their own technology and hardware and took no interest in Mandalorian hardware; Also, the megaannum of the Forgotten Times had lead MandalMotors to deteriorate to levels that were thought to be unrecoverable.It came as a slight surprise that the UGC dumped billions of credits to tear down and completely rebuild the factories and warehouses MandalMotors needed, and rebuild the freighter fleet needed to support the company, and despite this hasn't demanded any products from MandalMotors- The company pays a fair service to the enormous loans, but otherwise hasn't been used by the UGC to project their power, it's merely being used to rebuild the Mandalorians themselves.The terms of the loan that rebuilt MandalMotors forbids the company from producing armor or personal weapons, and can in fact only produce vehicle-mounted weapons, but it is not against the terms to produce armed vehicles, and the REF has been encourage them to produce more armed ground warfare platfroms, a fact that has alarmed most other factions with the question about why the Mandalorians need "more" armored vehicles in a galaxy that's generally abandoned them, The company has been producing GR-75 Medium Transports, Academy-Class Freighter/ACADEMY-Class Frigates (primarily in the freighter configuration), and ACCLAMATOR-Class Command Ships in conjunction with Geh 'Dia Heavy Industries.MandalMotors is a common retirement option for Mandalorians that are either too old or too injured to continue fighting directly, and for who, ability or temperament makes training future warriors a non-option.Size And Orientation: Super Agency (200)Features: |