| New Technology of the UGC. |  |
UGC Clariont Flag. | UGC Clariont Flag. |
The REF and civil agencies have had need for various tools over time, few, if any, of which are covered in any detail. I now attempt to solve this misstep. |
Cutting Stick Identity Tags Emergancy Escape Breathing Device Genereic Tools Vehicle EquipmentPersonal Gear Uniforms Duty Gear, Bags, and Writing Equipment Other Misc Gear Issue. | |
Cutting Stick: |
Essentially nothing more than a blunt-tipped, heavily serrated knife on an approximately 3 foot pole. Ideal for cutting lines without getting too close. Purpose: Cutting line under tension. Damage: 1D4 SD; No PS bonuses apply. Range: 1 to 3 yards, depending on who made it and what mood he was in at the time. Attacks per melee: Per user. Payload: Unlimited (until some asshole breaks it). |
Identity Tags. |
All UGC Militry personnel are issued identity cards AND a set of tags. Though they look and mostly feel like the old "dog tags" of Terra, no other culture in the original founding Inter-Planetary Alliance had anything like it. Better still, the REF has long since developed a method for using the identity tags AS the ID itself- A process that involves inserting a macrochip IN the metal itself. Just put your tags in the slot, making sure to keep the legible part up (so it fits down correctly). With it, you can unlock a computer equipped with access control using password-protection, access controlled-areas, etc.; It is the general key, though oddly they can't seem to figure out why the tags can't be used as car keys; It's always a problem of either too much access or not enough. The best example to date was when they first came out. A Lt Col couldn't get into her office, couldn't get her tank nor her unlock her computer; But she COULD activate any Destroid on the command. A Staff Sergeant, on the other hand, could get literally anywhere on the command, start any Mecha or vehicle, and basically had all access. He should have had restricted access, and NO Mecha access on his tags. The problem, they think, is understanding the access update methodology, but to date the answers they've tried have caused more problems; On Mars, a nuclear reactor almost overloaded when the system locked out an authorized user. In the meantime, the tags have been de-authorized as car/Mecha keys, but otherwise they work fine. (An oddity on the oddity, they DO work on aero-spacecraft, ships, etc.) They are also available for civilian use, but are kinda expensive. Purpose: Identification and access control. Cost: Individual tags cost about 5 credit each pair, and come with chains, chain covers, rubber silencers, and a short second chain, as depicted. Most soldiers, however, after a while take all that crap off, use a small piece of cord, and tape the damned things together. The control system, what makes the tags work, however, cost about 500,000 credit per planet. |
Emergency Escape Breathing Device. |
Studies of fire casualties have proven that most casualties are the result of smoke and toxic fumes and not from the fire itself. For this reason, the EEBD's were developed for emergency escape. The R-615 is the galaxies smallest and most durable EEBD using proven compressed oxygen technology. It can be donned in seconds; Simply unlatch the case, pull out the unit, and insert the mouthpiece and nose clip. The attached hood can be donned at anytime during the escape for eye protection. They are only meant to be worn until you can get topside during evacuation from below deck spaces. The EEBD is designed to provide respiratory protection in an atmosphere that will not support life. With the proper training you should be able to activate and don an EEBD in less than 10 seconds. The R-615 has a number of unique selling points which makes it the preferred EEBD solution: Certified for 15 years service life- Only visual inspections by shipboard personnel once every two years. The sealed watertight case protects against harsh marine conditions. Superior performance with automatic activation, complete protection from life threatening atmospheres and the highest respiratory protection factor available. Small and compact EEBD- Weighs only 3/4lb. Typical performance duration is between 15 and 32 minutes.Purpose: Emergency Escape Breathing Equipment; Not to be confused with SCUBA/SCBA equipment. Gives the users between 15 and 32 minutes to evacuate from a smoke/gas filled area before asphyxiating. Will not protect eyes from gasses (such as tear gas) unless the hood is donned.Cost: 50 credit per unit. |
Box Openers. |
These devices are intended to aid in the opening of boxes, cutting twine, and other light-duty cutting while remaining perfectly safe in all circumstances. In theory they can be worn all day long, and are designed specifically so they can no be used as a weapon under any conditions- Moreover, they are designed to be completely suicide proof, as the blade is shorter than the figner segments they would be worn on, the tip is rounded to prevent penetration, and the edge is turned inwards. So critical are these devices that they have a specific line-item in the yearly UGC budget, typically around the 25,000 area.Cost: 0.5 credit per unit, due to volume of sales to the UGC; Individually they run about 5 credits each. |
Generic Tools. |
Never covered in any depth in any book, I present them here: |
Vehicle Equipment: |
Flashlight Recharger- 30 credit Basic Tool Kit- 200 credit Vehicle Tool Kit- 500-1,000 credit | Mechanics Shop- 10,000 to 15,000 credit Portable Shop- About 30,000 credit for tools, vehicles, and modifications to the truck. |
Personal Gear: |
Gunbelt- 18 credit Flashlight Ring- 4 credit Expandable Baton Holster- 10 credit Baton Ring- 12 credit Dual Cuff Case- 13 credit Dual Pistol Magazine Pouch (revolver, automatic, or energy)- 10 credit | Dual Rifle Magazine Pouch (all types)- 15 credit Small Pouch- 17 credit Radio Pouch- 30 credit Hip and Thigh Holster- 65 credit Silent Key Keeper- 4 credit Straight Handle Baton- 11 credit Side Handle Baton- 20 credit | Collapsible Baton- 45 credit Flashlight- 60 credit A-Frame for Pack (requires Gun Belt)- 10 credit A-Frame Pack- 15 credit Belt Keeper (pack of 4)- 6 credit Uniform Belt- 15 credit | Handcuffs- 26 credit Shoulder Holster- 70 credit Basic Body Armor (100 MDC, AR 15)- 200 credit Uniform Badges (wings, quals, etc.)- 25 credit to 50 credit
Uniforms. |
Combat Boots- 60 credit Zippered Combat Boots- 70 credit Zippers For Combat Boots- 15 credit Knee-High Riding Boots- 200 credit | Combat Riding Boots (Steel Toed)- 300 credit Long Sleeve Dress Uniform Shirt- 46 credit Short Sleeve Dress Uniform Shirt- 40 credit Dress Uniform Pants- 37 credit | Dress Uniform Shoes- 30 credit Dress Uniform Skirt- 40 credit Dress Uniform Coat- 150 credit BDU Pants and Shirts- 30 credit | BDU Jacket- 75 credit 1 Piece BDU Coveralls- 60 credit Shooting Glasses- 10 credit Badge Holder- 15 |
Duty Gear, Bags, and Writing Equipment: |
Duty Gear Bag- 45 credit 3 by 5 Notepads (pack of 5)- 6 Waterproof- 8 credit 5 by 8 Notepads (pack of 5)- 8 Waterproof- 11 credit Pack of 10 pens/pencils- 3 credit Pack of 10 erasable pens/mechanical pencils- 4 credit Climbing Kit (2K' of line, hooks, braces, etc.)- 2,000 credit | Spare ink, lead, and erasers for erasable pens and mechanical pencils- 3 credit Ear Mufflers- 20 credit Paramedic Kit- 150 credit Doctors Kit- 700 credit First Aid Kit- 20 to 25
Other Misc. |
Average Shirts and pants- 20 credit Plainclothes Armor (each piece provides 25 MDC, AR as listed): Dress Uniform Cover (AR 5)- 20 credit Long Sleeve Dress Uniform Shirt (AR 10)- 46 credit Short Sleeve Dress Uniform Shirt (AR 8)- 40 credit Partial Body Armor (AR N/A)- 500 credit Dress Uniform Pants (AR 10)- 37 credit Dress Uniform Skirt (AR 8)- 40 credit Dress Uniform Shoes (AR 2)- 30 credit Dress Uniform Gloves (AR 2)- 20 credit | Dress Uniform Coat (AR 10)- 150 credit BDU Pants and Shirts (AR 10)- 30 credit BDU Jacket (AR 15)- 75 credit Combat Boots (AR 5)- 60 credit Zippered Combat Boots (AR 5)- 70 credit Combat Riding Boots (Steel Toed/AR 10)- 300 credit Battle Helmet (AR 10)- 150 credit Battle Gloves (AR 5)- 10 credit 1 Peice BDU Coveralls (AR 15)- 60
Gear Issue. |
Note: The AR from multiple items CAN be overlapping as long as it does not COVER the other item. For example, wearing BDU Pants and shirt gives an effective AR of 20 is needed to simply penetrate the armor without damaging it. Wearing BDU Pants, Shirt, and Jacket, you can NOT add the shirt and jacket, only the pants and jacket, giving you an effective AR of 25. Additionally, you can wear BDU's and regular body armor, or Dress Uniform and partial armor (main body only) underneath. UGC regulation also allow BDU Pants and short sleeve dress shirt.Layering armors DOES effect MDC, however. Wearing Dress Uniform Pants, Long Sleeve Shirt, and Coat gives the wearer and AR of 20, but main torso MDC of 50 and legs MDC of 25. Wearing partial body armor underneath increases the MDC, but doesn't effect the AR. As layers of MDC are worn away, the next layer becomes the AR.Example: Jack is wearing BDU Pants, Shirts, and Jacket, and Combat Riding Boots. His AR is 25. He takes 25 MD on a stike roll of 15 from a laser blast. His Jacket is destroyed, so his AR is NOW 20. Next the takes 26 MD on a strike of 10 to the legs. His AR is now only 20 and he's in trouble, but his boots saved his life. He needs to get out of here, and fast! |