UGC Clariont Flag. | OUTLAW-Class Repair And Salvage Ship. |  Fourth Reich. |
The OUTLAW-Class Repair and Salvage Ship was developed from the pirate ship Outlaw Star, used by the pirate clan Fourth Reich to harass and terrorize OUTLAW-Class Repair And Salvage Ship. |
 | A STAR-Class Racing To The Rescue. |
Production Information: |
Original Manufacturer: | The pirate clan Fourth Reich. |
Major Current Manufacturer: | Various Spacy/Patrol contracted shipyards. |
Type: | Salvage And Repair. |
Technical Specifications: |
Length: | 410 feet. |
Maximum Acceleration: | 22,000 G. |
Maximum Speed (Atmosphere): | 589 mph. |
Powerplants: | Four plasma fusion Unsen engines.One Munchhausen Reactor. |
Hyperdrive Rating: | Class 12. |
Shielding: | Warship-grade shielding with independent power. |
Hull: | Dalutinium. |
Sensor Systems: | Warship-grade sensors. |
Armament: | Point Defense Laser Turrets (10)Short-Range Missile Batteries (variable)Medium-Range Missile Batteries (variable)Heavy Laser Turrets (10-20). |
Complement: | Repulsorlift vehicles (2)WIDERULClass Repair Shuttle (10) (in lieu of cargo). |
Crew: | 100. |
Cargo Capacity: | 90,000 metric tons. |
Consumables: | 2 years. |
Other Systems: | Hypercomm ArrayMedical EquipmentType 1 Recyclers. |
Usage: |
Roles: | Salvage And Repair. |
The ABG-20 Thunderbolt cockpit-inspired helm of a STAR-Class Repair/Rescue vsl. |
the Inertia System in an attempt to force them to pay a hefty ransom to the clan to stop the attacks; However, the Patrol Ship HUSSLER put an end to the Outlaw's career, and in a highly complex 6-week campaign eventually broke the clan. As a result, over 300 various ships were captured or recovered (mostly the later) to be disposed of (recovered vsls, whenever possible, were returned to their rightful owners, or next of kin, but over 100 had no living rightful owner nor next of kin to be returned to). | The OUTLAW-Class Repair Ship MONROVIA in port being refueled after a particularly harsh mission (over 200 bodies recovered from a civilian cruise liner). |
 | The ABG-20 Thunderbolt cockpit-inspired helm of a STAR-Class Repair/Rescue vsl. |
The REF's R&D found the design to be quite clever indeed- It was more like a huge, legless Guardian than a "true" starship, but with berthing and messing capability (placing it quite squarely in the ship category). Eventually, the REF researched the Outlaw and determined she might be the perfect form for a new class of repair and salvage ships. They are "grappler ships," that is, a spaceship with manipulator arms.The XGP15A-II (the hull frame of the OUTLAW-Class) uses a powerful Munchhausen Reactor for its four "sub-ether" FTL Drives, giving it unparalleled range for a single jump capable ship. Its four large pylons hide triple-barreled laser turrets and enormous banks of missile launchers, enabling it to take on entire squadrons of smaller vessels. However, as a Repair and Salvage vsl, they typically come in AFTER that battle is fought, on only 'slide' in, running up to grab disabled vsls and drag them away. Arms, weapons, landing gear, and other tools are all hidden under retractable hull plates, making the ship all but seamless while in flight. Additionally, the flight control system can be run almost completely by an autopilot system, though manual control is critical to active salvaging operations.OUTLAWS are equipped with basic recycling systems, able to separate plastics, ceramics, metals, wood, rubber, and separating chemicals far more refinedly; Chemicals often have a habit, when combined, of have 'interesting interactions', and therefore MUST be separated for safety. Most solids do not have such interactions, though they can corrode if left together too long; However, it rarely happens that metals would be in contact long enough to make this a concern for an average OUTLAWUnfortunately, a very real part of "salvage" is the presences of bodies- Dead bodies. Often many of them. The crews of OUTLAW-Class have to deal with these as well, and this is very stressful. In many ways, more stressful than for those who caused the body to be dead. To deal with this, OUTLAWS have a very large freezer, to hold the remains without destroying them. This allows for an eventual internment, IAW the decedent's customs and traditions.OUTLAWS have very limited militry capabilities; Little more than a fighter, and far too big to be used as one. They 'can' be upgraded to combat vsls, but to do so is a waste- Not worth the cost, really, and they lose 90% of their efficiency in salvage. Though not useful for direct action, they are fully able to defend themselves against most threats, and are very useful by pirates and others in the same function they serve the UGC- Salvaging prize ships to rend them down to the usable components. One or two can be found in most pirate fleets, just as a few dozen would be found in a Spacy fleet (a pirate fleet rarely is more than a dozen vsls, while a Battle Fleet has up to 200 vsls). However, in their own right OUTLAWS make piss-poor pirate vsls. As the pirate leader "Commodore BOROL" put it, "A fool might try, but run an Outlaw against mom and pos runabout all by herself, and my money's on the puddlejumper. And, as everyone knows, I'm nobody's fool." (BOROL did have a point- She was never captured, and in fact buried with 'full honors' by her cohorts on Blue Heaven.) Consequently, civilian ownership and use of OUTLAWS is fairly unrestricted, since their limited combat use makes them practically no threat.Someone involved in the initial development of the original pirate vsl Outlaw Star must have been in the ASF, as the ship's helm EXACTLY replicated the cockpit of the A/BG-20 Thunderbolt Guardian Attack; In truth, this was not the most efficient layout, and in production was changed slightly to greater pilot's comfort and skills.Name: OUTLAW-Class.Type: Repair/Salvage Ship.Crew: 100Passengers: None.MDC By Location: |
Hull- Bridge- Hatches (6)- Access Tube- | 1,000 800 250 each 750 | Var. Force Fields (6)- Engine Compartment- Thrusters (4)- Weapons Pods (30)- | 800 each 800 600 each 250 each |
Notes: Usual penalties apply.Speed and Statistical Data: |
Speed: 589 mph. Hyperdrive Rating: Class 12. Maximum Range: 450,000 light years. Clearance: 104 feet Width: 98 feet Length: 410 feet. Weight: 200 tons. Cargo Capacity: 115,000 tons. | Power and Thrust System:Primary: Four plasma fusion Unsen engines; Output: 630 MGw at 12,000 hsp each; Range: 15 years.Secondary: One Munchhausen Reactor; Output: 685 MGw at 28,000 hsp; Range: 8 years. Cost and Availability: 300millioncredit and takes about 6 months to build. Black Market Cost and Availability: Don't bother. They are available on the open market, and aren't worth the risk. |
Weapon Systems: |
1. Point Defense Laser Turrets (10-100): An anti-fight/missile weapon. Purpose: Anti-Aircraft MD: 1D4 per turret. Rate of Fire: Per gunners attacks per melee.Range: 1 mile Payload: Unlimited.AUTOMATED TURRET (special): About 5 years ago, the Aces-21 Verbobrain was rated out as 'acceptable for defensive fire duties'; That means that the turrets can be automated. However, each turret must be individually equipped with an Aces-21, and to get the maximum effect you have to buy another one to coordinate the various turrets (+2 initiative, since they can now 'talk' to each other), and yet another to coordinate with the sensors (automatic initiative). Otherwise, they have NO imitative.Cost Each: 600credit (that 600credit per turret, plus 1,200credit to have them properly working).
2. Short-Range Missile Batteries (variable): Installed as a defensive feature against fighters and MRMR's. Purpose: Defense Missile Type: Short Range. MD, Blast Area, and Range: Per Missile. Rate of Fire: Per pilots attacks per melee. Payload: Up to 200, depending on configuration; Generally around 10. | 3. Medium-Range Missile Batteries (variable):Exact numbers, arramgement, and type varies by ship, but the most is 4 (ARS 19-214463 RECOVERY). Purpose: Assault Missile Type: Andy medium- to heavy- Medium Range Missile. MD, Blast Area, and Range: Per Missile. Rate of Fire: Per pilots attacks per melee. Payload: Up to 10 is possible; Generally 3.
4. Variable Full-Force Barrier Field: The Variable Full-Force Barrier Field provides additional protection for the vessel. Purpose: Defense. MDC: 800 per panel; 1,600 total available. NOTE: Each panel MUST still have 1 MDC for the system to continue working. Effect: Provides 800 MDC in each of 06 panels. Range: 40 feet. Coverage Characteristics: A full 360 degree coverage area around the ship.
5. Heavy Laser Turrets (10-20): Praxeum and Militry ONLY. Purpose: Assault MD: 3D6 time 10 per turret. Rate of Fire: Per gunners attacks per melee. Range: 10 mile Payload: Unlimited. |
Vehicle Complement: |
Features: |
- Video Recorder: Records from sensors and the cockpit itself. 500 hours of recording available.
- Radar: Civilian grade radar. Range: 20,000 miles, can track up to 250+/- individual targets. 95% reliability (00% against stealthed vehicles).
- FLIR/SLIR: Forward and Side Looking Infrared. Allows pilot and weapons officer to get visuals on targets at night.
- ESM: Radar Detector. Passively detects other radars being operated.
- AJP: Active Jamming Pod. Causes -25% to detection but when it is active, other vehicles/bases can detect that it is jamming, and some missiles will home in on jamming signals. Jamming also causes a -4 penalty to all radar guided weapons.
- Decoy Pods: The Steneirian style decoy pods were installed on the ships for self-defense. The decoys themselves are specially modified Mini-Missiles that produce burning globs of magnesium/aluminum alloy to confuse both radar AND heat sensory systems, obscuring the ship. NOTE: Reduce effects by 20% against smart missiles (add +20% to rolls for smart missiles.)
- Effect:
- 01-50: Enemy missile or missile volley detonates in chaff cloud - Missiles are all destroyed.
- 51-75: Enemy missile or missile volley loses track of real target and veers away in wrong direction (may lock onto another target).
- 76-00: No effect, missile is still on target.
- Also note that the chaff cloud will also blind nearby heat sensors (and optically based sensors at night) for 1 melee. They will suffer the following penalties: Reduce melee attacks/actions, and combat bonuses by half. Also, a cloud of smoke approximately 252 feet.
- Duration: 1D4 melee rounds.
- Rate of Fire: Once per melee.
- Payload: 6 chaff/flares.
| - Full Range Sensory Suite: Infrared, ultra violet, Magnification, night sight, color filters, thermal imager. Range is about 2,000 miles for MOST sensors.
- Motion Detector: Activates a loud wailing when an object is coming at the user fast, and a soft ringing if it's coming slowly. Activation ranges must be specified by the pilot.
- Anti-Jamming System: Reduces Electronics Countermeasure by ¾ (decrease skill level appropriately).
- Electronic Counter Measures (ECM): These systems disrupt enemy radar and tracking systems, making it difficult for them to lock onto the ship with weapons. The countermeasures give the Mecha a +3 to dodge, +2 to strike and +1 on initiative in combat.
- Fire resistance: Fires external to the craft have no effect on it.
- Grav Clamps: Electro magnets in the underside of the hull allow the unit to adhere to the hulls of warships and the exteriors of SOME buildings.
- MRA 6 Radios: Allows real time, continuous radio link up with friendly forces in the area via satellite relay over laser radio signals, preventing jamming, and automatically encrypts/decrypts same to prevent eavesdropping.
- Type-11 wide band radios: Effective 10 mile range, auto encrypt/decrypt. Works on standard radio band wavelengths, so it can still be jammed (if the enemy knows the frequencies).
- HoloNet Hyperradio Rectenna :Gives the ship instantaneous links to HoloNet transceivers and can cataloged many thousands of transmissions from across the galaxy.
Purpose: Communications System Type: Radio Effect: Carries video signals. Range: Intra-galactic.
Combat profile For An OUTLAW-Class Rescue/Salvage Ship:- Up to 8 defensive actions per melee.
- Up to 3 aggressive actions per melee.
- Up to +4 Parry, Dodge, and Roll.
- Up to +2 Strike.
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OUTLAW-Class Cocpit Console. |
OUTLAW-Class Repair And Salvage Ship; Multiple aspects. And inset image shows some details of the Canadarms used primarily for salvaging. |