During the Cyclone Redesign Project of 2039 REF engineers and REF Intelligence took a close look at the capabilities of the Cyclones versus the missions they were being assigned to. Although the Cyclone was a marvelous mecha for reconnaissance, hit-and-run, infiltration, and extraction missions, it tended to be underpowered and underequipped for front-line confrontations with enemy main battle mecha. Often times 40-70% of a cyclone squadron would be destroyed while accomplishing mission objectives, simply because their armament and equipment was not sufficient to the tasks they were faced with. To combat this, the REF designed several different auxiliary units for use with Cyclones to augment their capabilities. The most common of these units are listed below.Contents: |
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Cyclone Heavy Weapons Systems: |
As the mobile infantry forces for the REF, Cyclone riders were often ordered on rapid strike missions to help take out enemy fortifications and defenses in advance of heavier forces (such as Veritechs and Destroids). The cyclone's incredible mobility made it ideal for these types of missions, but the light armament of the mecha sometimes hindered the success of the mission. To combat this, REF engineers came up with a series of external heavy weapon modules for use by cyclone forces during the Cyclone Redesign Project of 2039. In motorcycle mode these heavy weapons would be mounted on sidecars that could travel fairly quickly along with the cyclone, and in battloid mode the weapon would convert to an over-the-shoulder unit that increased the offensive capabilities of the cyclone.All HWS units have their own internal power supplies so as not to cause any unnecessary drain on the cyclone's own engine system. There are three different HWS units; a particle cannon similar to the one used by the Excalibur Destroid, a tri-barrel rapid-fire laser cannon similar to the one used by the Raidar X, and a disruptor cannon similar to the one used by Shadow Fighters. Unfortunately due to size considerations, the HWS units use an unshielded protoculture power system that can be easily detected by Invid sensors when active. Furthermore, because of their size and placement, the ground and flight speeds of a cyclone were decreased by 15% while the HWS was attached. The units can be instantly detached from the cyclone mecha after they have served their purpose. Often one HWS of each type was assigned to a cyclone infantry platoon (12 Cyclone riders) and the three cyclone riders who used them became the heavy weapons squad of the platoon. |
CA-102 Cyclone Heavy Weapons System (Particle Beam Cannon): |
Model Type: CA-102 Cyclone Heavy Weapons System (Particle Cannon).Class: External Cyclone Heavy Weapon System.Crew: None.M.D.C. By Location: |
Main Body- | 50 | Wheel (1)- | 5 |
Note: Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the unit.
Purpose: Heavy Assault/Anti-Aircraft and -Mecha. Mega-Damage: 3D4 times 10 M.D. per blast. Rate of Fire: Can only fire once every 60 seconds (4 melee rounds). Range: 2 miles. Payload: Effectively unlimited. Power Requirements: 4 Protoculture Cells.NOTE: Protoculture emissions can be detected by Invid sensors! |
CA-103 Cyclone Heavy Weapons Systems (Tri-Barrel Laster) |
Model Type: CA-103 Cyclone Heavy Weapons System (Tri-Barrel Laser).Class: External Cyclone Heavy Weapon System.Crew: None.M.D.C. By Location: |
Main Body | 50 | Wheel (1) | 5 |
Note: Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the unit.
Purpose: Anti-Aircraft/Assault. MD: 2D4 M.D. for a single shot, 4D4 M.D. for dual shots, 1D4 times 10 M.D. for triple shots. Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilot's total number of attacks per melee. The unit can fire one, two, or three shots at a time. Simultaneous firing counts as a volley regardless of how many cannons are shooting, and counts as one melee attack. Attack Bonus: The CA-103 has a built-in radar and advanced tracking system that provides a +2 bonus to strike any aircraft. Range: 1 mile. Payload: Effectively unlimited. Power Requirements: 2 Protoculture Cells. NOTE: Protoculture emissions can be detected by Invid sensors! |
CA-104 Cyclone Heavy Weapons System (Disruptor Cannon) |
The CA-104 is technologically the most advanced of the Cyclone HWS systems, and is also the most costly to produce and maintain. Because of these factors very few CA-104 systems made it to Earth with the forces of the Icarus Mission, and thus the HWS is VERY rare among resistance fighters. Only the largest and most organized of resistance groups (or the luckiest) even have a chance of ever seeing one of these units.Model Type: CA-104 Cyclone Heavy Weapons System (Destabilizer Cannon).Class: External Cyclone Heavy Weapon System.Crew: None.M.D.C. By Location: |
Main Body | 50 | Wheel (1) | 5 |
Note: Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the unit.
Purpose: Assault. Mega-Damage: 1D4 times 10 M.D. per blast. Rate of Fire: Can only fire once every 60 seconds (4 melee rounds). Special Bonus: When used against Invid Hive Shields, the Destabilizer will create a 10+2D6 ft hole in the force field, allowing troops to enter. Range: 4000 ft (1200 m). Payload: Effectively unlimited. Power Requirements: 4 Protoculture Cells.NOTE: Protoculture emissions can be detected by Invid sensors! |
CA-101 Cyclone Re-Entry Shield: |
The CA-101 was conceived and developed for the Icarus Mission by REF Intelligence, who wanted a quick and quiet way to land cyclone-clad agents on Earth to spy on Invid fortifications and troop movements. The result of their research was an external device that could allow a cyclone pilot to deploy high in the atmosphere (or even in orbit) and reach the ground without burning up in reentry. The CA-101 initially looks like a large box with thrusters that attaches to the back of any model cyclone like a backpack. In use, the cyclone rider is deployed at high altitudes and uses the cyclone's thrusters to begin descent toWards the Earth. Then the pilot turns around so his back is facing the ground, and activates the CA-101. The pack immediately deploys a series of canvas balloons that form an umbrella-shaped disk on the back of the cyclone. This umbrella is made of heat resistant materials and shields the cyclone pilot, his mecha, and his equipment from damage during reentry. The thrusters on the CA-101 are used to slow the cyclone's descent. Once the cyclone is low enough in the atmosphere, the CA-101 automatically jettisons the balloons and deploys a parachute to safely land the cyclone on the ground. The CA-101 contains chemical fuel and high-power batteries to power both its onboard computer and the cyclone's life support systems, so the entire procedure can be done while the cyclone's protoculture engine is turned off, making the cyclone essentially invisible to Invid scanners.The CA-101 was a tremendous success, and was used extensively during the Third Invid War once the REF discovered that it was virtually impossible to penetrate the Invid space defenses with their starships. During the War Beta fighters would be loaded with Cyclone troopers and then fly close enough to the Earth to deploy the troopers, and then rocket away from earth before the Invid Space Troopers could catch them. Thousands of cyclone riders managed to land on Earth this way during the War. The CA-101 can be used by any cyclone, old or new, without penalty.NOTE: The CA-101 can be used only in battloid mode! Should the cyclone switch to motorcycle mode then the CA-101 will automatically pop off the back of the mecha. | Model Type: CA-101 Cyclone Re-Entry Shield.Class: Disposable Re-Entry Shield.Crew: One fully-clad Cyclone Rider.M.D.C. By Location:NOTE: Destroying any part of the CA-101 will render the entire unit useless.
Main Unit 25 Thruster 10 | Heat Balloon 2 Parachute 1 |