Terran United Nations. | UES PROMETHEUS. |  Terran United Nations. |
UGS PROMETHEUS: |  | Production Information: |
Manufacturer: | UGC. |
Designer: | Major Samantha CARTER (lead). |
Technical Specifications: |
Length: | 640 feet. | Beam: | 263 feet. | Clearance: | 214 feet. | Maximum Speed: | 110,000 miles per second. | Engine Units: | Sublight engines;Maneuvering thrusters. | Fuel: | Protoculture;Solar Sails. |
Hyperdrive System: | Interstellar (original);Intergalactic (refit). | Power plant: | Solar Sails Lifespan;SARS-2,100 Reflex System;Emergency Batteries. | Shielding: | Equipped. | Hull: | Trinium alloy. | Sensor Systems: | Advanced. | Targeting Systems: | Terran targeting systems. | Navigation System: | Computer navigational systems. | Armament: | 24 Railguns;12 Missile launchers;Mark IX and nuclear missiles. |
Complement: | 8 F-302s. | Crew: | 115+. | Minimum Crew: | 20. | Usage: | Roles: | Cruiser. | Year Introduced: | 2502. | Affiliation: | UGC Diplomatic Corps. |
"It's a Greek tragedy, who wants that?"- Jack O'NEILL, who disapproved of the name. | OverviewPROMETHEUS was the first, and for a long time the only, deep-space battleship built by Terra. She was operated by the United States Air Force, and her crew consisted of Air Force personnel. Operationally, PROMETHEUS fell under the purview of the Office of Homeworld Security.CrewThe crew of about 115 was nominally commanded by a Colonel under her original configuration; After the formation of the United Earth Government this was converted to a Captain (same paygrade, but the naval terminology). About 75% of these were various types of engineers, but interestingly most were supposed to be fighter and bomber pilots. That the technology was highly influenced by a hybrid of the B-1 Lancer bomber and civilian airliners, for the purpose of supporting fighters, makes this not particularly surprising.HistoryIntroductionAs International Space Station Liberty was commissioned in 1995, it was quickly understood that she would need ships to attend her (mainly to find raw materials to work with). Unfortunately, the first fleet of support ships was attacked by pirates less than a month after the fleet's commissioning. These pirates were quickly caught and hung, but the lives of over 100 astronauts had been lost- This could not be allowed to happen again.PROMETHEUS was developed for this expressed purpose and constructed in Nevada by Area 51 R&D, with a great deal of work subcontracted to civilian companies without revealing the true nature of the project. She was commissioned not long afterwards, and began escorting supply ships through to the mining and water areas.Additionally, PROMETHEUS was envisioned as a technology demonstrator/development platform, In fact, she was outfitted with a new type of space drive, called a Traction Drive, which showed promise of potentially becoming an FTL drive.Over 100 such ships were envisioned, but by the time of The Visitor's arrival on Terra the war had drained the resources that might have been committed to this program.No further ships of this class were built for over 200 years. She had been decommissioned and landed on Luna's Advance Lunar Chemical and Engineering station (ALuCE)'s #5 yard. During the First Robotech War, this site was badly damaged (though whether this was intentional or not is still unclear) and the ship, along with everything else at the site, was assumed lost.During the reconstruction of Terra after the Third Robotech War, the site was explored for the first time; Having been decommissioned in May of 2002, and being found August of 2051, meant she had been sitting idle for nearly a half-century. Worse, during the Rain of Death (April 2011), she'd been buried in a forgotten cave, with dust forming all over her. She was in no condition to be flown, nor really to be anything but scrapped.The REF thought differently, however, and began a novel effort to reverse-engineer her for a new type of ship- Specifically, as a Diplomatic Ship.PROMETHEUS herself was fully decommissioned, now serving only as a historic ship inside of Sol herself, but over a thousand clones have been built with the most minimum of alterations; Firstly, her fighter wing has been substantially reduced to a half-dozen ASF-14 Viper Starfighters and a dozen CSS-228 Raptor Combat Shuttles, and her all-militry personnel replaced with a civilian ship's crew and a small Marine Security Detachment (about a dozen Marines, usually wearing their dress uniforms rather than Power Armor, or even camouflage). Some practical considerations were made, such as the replacement with her Global Civil War-Era armor with a modern alloy, but her weapons systems are all designed for defensive combat- Mainly anti-fighter/missile batteries, rather than the massive guns of a modern  |  |  |  | PROMETHEUS engages the Goa'uld (2 views). | The PROMETHEUS At A Black Hole. |
 |  |  | PROMETHEUS-Class Schematic View. | A PROMETHEUS-Class Reactor Core Explodes. | A PROMETHEUS-Class Over A World In the Goa'uld Galaxy. | Prometheus Bound |
UGC combat ship. Ironically enough, the guns eventually selected for the PROMETHEUS-Class were fairly similar to those originally installed, though slightly higher power-to-target and, in the case of her main guns, greater range. However, they still are considered insufficient, at least realistically, for anything other than self-defense; Her main guns are too few in numbers to attack anything of interest, and her secondary and tertiary batteries simply don't have the range nor power-to-target to threaten much, certainly not a warship.Fortunately, this isn't their mission; Their mission is simply to transport a diplomatic corps, usually an ambassador or charg'e d'affaires, and in some cases serve as a temporary Embassy (or other diplomatic mission). Towards this end, they do have certain materials and equipment on board not normal to any other types of ships, including and most especially a dedicated comms link to President's Point (the capital of the UGC), the standing Chairman's own ship, and the ability to tap into REF comms systems for any REF units in the sector. What they lack, however, is any significant militry power to back up statements, threats, or etc. that might be issued; To this end, however, they CAN order REF personnel in the area to come to their assistance.The PROMETHEUS-Class are also often kept at UGC Embassies as a kind of fall-back option; If all goes bad, the embassy's door are locked, and personnel working there (UGC and local) are directed to the ship; She then takes off and the embassy itself is set alight (to prevent classified materials from falling into unfriendly hands).Historic ReferencesIn Greek mythology, Prometheus was a Titan who stole fire from the gods and gave it to the human race. It's fitting that humanity's first deep-space vessel, incorporating new technology, would be named after him. However, PROMETHEUS was then punished by having a hawk come every day and eat his liver, and every night have it regrow. He was also exposed to the elements by being chained to a cliff. Both of these punishments supposedly will continue infinitely. PROMETHEUS was the name of one of two super carriers attached to the SDF-1 MACROSS. Coincidentally, the other carrier was christened as the DAEDALUS.Government: United Galaxies Council.Users: UGC Diplomatic Corps.Ship Type: Diplomatic ShipCrew: 115 total (plus Marines and Diplomats).MDC By Location: |
* Hull Shields (6 sets) Access Hatches (30) Airlocks (20) | 150,000 100,000 each 250 each 120 each | Launch Bay Hatches (2) Bridge Superstructure ** Main Engines/Power Plant (2) | 200 each 1,000 25,000 50,000 each |
NOTES:* Depleting the MDC of the hull will essentially destroy the vessel. All internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The colony ship itself will be an unsalvageable floating wreck, and any surviving colonists (and marine life) must be rescued quickly or will die from asphyxiation as the remaining atmosphere drains into space.** Depleting the MDC of the main engines will force the ship to rely on its auxiliary engines. Depleting the MDC of the main engines AND auxiliary engines will leave the colony ship adrift in space. If in an atmosphere, the colony will crash (destruction of the main engines will render the antigravity system useless due to loss of power).Speed and Statistical Data: |
Speed (sublight): 0.16 speed of light (25,600 miles per second). Speed (Auxiliary Drives): Mach 3 Space Fold: Range Unlimited (1 light year every 6 minutes). Planet Bound: Mach 1 max; No stall speed. Maximum Range: Unlimited (estimated 30 year life span). Length: 640 ft (XX m). Beam: 263 feet. Clearance: 214 feet. | Weight: 10 million tons standard. Power System: ORTEC/General Galaxy Main Reactor. Fold System: Advanced Fold System Cluster. Sublight Drive: MM-86 Tractioning Drive. Auxiliary Engine: Quadruple Dual-Phase Aeration JES-56 Hydro-Cell Scramjet Engines. Cost and Availability: 20billioncredit; Takes about 06 months to build. Since this is NOT restricted militry technology, it can be (and is) sold on the open market, however ONLY Ambassador Ships are authorized to present themselves as such. |
Weapons Systems: |
1. Full-Force Barrier Field: The UGC did not want to arm these vessels at all, but some defense was necessary in the end; However, the primary means of self-defense rests squarely on the DS-1 Full Force Barrier fields, which have been geniusly modified with a series of SIX generators; As one comes close to collapse (reaches 10% of total MDC), the next generator is activated and the last one shut dowwn. For 1D6 attacks THAT MELEE ONLY the ship is fully vulnerable to attack, but only standard weapons or misssiles already launched (those launched in the last melee attack) can strike the ships. The control systems that make this possible are far too expensive (millions per generator) for use on any other platform, but this may change over time.G.M.'S: Players and NPC's can time the use of missiles to attack these ships, but they have to fire the missiles just before the shields fall to get through the defensive feature. This requires them to keep a tab on how much punishment the shields 'should' have suffered so far, then make a natural 10 to strike, AND a total strike of 15 (using any bonuses), or the missiles will either catch the old or new shields.This shield completely envelops the ships providing protection from attack from any angle. Purpose: Defense MDC: 200 Range: 20 feet. Payload: Effectively unlimited until destroyed.
| 2. Defensive Laser Batteries (20): Each vessel has 2,000 defensive laser batteries for anti-missile and meteorite defense. MD: 5D6 per blast. Rate of Fire: Per gunners attacks per melee plus bonuses (generally 4 or 5 per melee). Range: 500 feet. Payload: Unlimited.
3. Four Laser Turrets: On the dorsal and ventral hull and the outboard sides of the launch tubes. The cannons are actually the retractable T'sentraedi style, however the UGC decided that to keep them visible was diplomatically more expedient; Also, the ship wasn't designed for these, and the refits needed to make them retractable was cost prohibitive. Each turret can rotate 360 degrees with a 180 degree arc of fire overall, and a 200 degree arc over most of their effective area (this does, however, put the lasers pointed AT the ship in a large area). MD: 1D4 times 100 MD each. Range: 198,839 miles (half in an atmosphere). Rate Of Fire: Each turret can fire twice per melee. Payload: Effectively unlimited.
4. Fighters And Mecha: The PROMETHEUS was originally designed specifically as a space fighter platform; Hence it is unsurprising that the PROMETHEUS-Class would support some fighters and Mecha. However, these have been significantly downgraded, as they are intended as floating embassies, rather than combat ships.ASF-14 Viper Starfighters: 6 to 8.CSS-228 Raptor Combat Shuttles: 8 to 12.PA-02 Rifleman Power Armor: 50 sets.PASS-451 Wyvern Assault Hovercycle: 25 |
Features: |
- ESM: Radar Detector. Passively detects other radars being operated.
- Radar: Combat grade radar. Range 100 miles, can track up to 50 individual targets. 95% reliability (00% against unfriendly stealthed vehicles).
- Blue Force Tracker: Identifies friend from foe. Overlays the information on both the radar and HUD, ensuring that friendly forces are not accidentally targeted.
- GPS: Standard tracking device. Ties into the Blue Force Tracker.
- HUD: Displays maps, radar, targeting information, and any OTHER information the wearer wants directly in front of the user.
- FLIR/SLIR: Forward and Side Looking Infrared. Allows pilot to get visuals on targets at night.
- Virtual Map: Displays a continuously-updating map of local terrain for the pilot. Takes data from and gives data to other friendly units in the area. Effective navigation of 85% as updates come. Good to 500 miles. Specific range can be adjusted in 1 mile increments.
| - Loudspeaker: Amplifies voice 1 to 100 times. 100' in normal crowds.
- Video Camera: Records from the HUD. 50 hours of recording available.
- Full range optic sensory suite: Infrared, ultra violet, Magnification, night sight, color filters, thermal imager. Range is about 200 miles for MOST sensors.
- Escape Spheres: Can hold up to 10 survivors for one week.
- Survival Pack: A pack of simpler emergency survival supplies: Pup tent, sleeping bag, black light, GPS, first aid kit (bandages, gauze, bandage tape, pads, antiseptic/analgesic), plasma torch (for small repairs and starting fires), repair kit (with MDC Repair Spray), sewing kit (a small spool of thread and 5 needles), 7 star flares (250' apogee), 2 white parachute flares (1,500' apogee), 100' of black or brown parachute cord (150 lbs tensile strength), 2-5 days rations, 2 gallons water, water purification kit-good for about 10 gallons.
Combat Profile for an average PROMETHEUS-Class Diplomatic Ships:- 6 defensive attacks per melee.
- +1 to roll with the punch, strike, and dodge.
- One additional attack at levels 5 and 10.