A: Power System: | B: Defenses: | C: Sensors: | D: Communications: |
Protoculture (equivalent to Fusion- 10); Back up Nuclear, Solar, and Battery Power (0) was also installed. | - Shields;
- Point Defense Weapons Systems;
- Short Range Weapons;
- Medium Weapons;
- and Heavy Weapons;
- Space Fighters (as many as 5 Squadrons);
- TRIPLE Armored Hull.
| - Short, Medium, and Long Range Satellites: Over 200 total;
- A Dozen Interstellar Satellites: The Strike Forces;
- Scouts: The rest of the battle fleet;
- Superior Sensors.
| Satellites:- Short, Medium, and Long Range Satellites (over 100 plus relays through other ships);
- Stellar Communications through the hyperspace communications relay. However, typically all inter-stellar traffic is relayed via "MA BELL."
| E: Station Maintenance: | F: Supplies: | G: Internal Security: | H: Medical Facilities: |
Top Priority; Remember this IS a militry vsl, not your daddy's fishing boat. | Dependent (0); Even more so than "average" dependence, as the ship can hardly go a full month while deployed on operations without getting re-supplied, especially on fresh foods. | Magic Security, supplemented by a Company of Marines. | Advanced Medical Ward, but NOT a true hospital. | I: Environmental Systems: | J: Independent Business: | K: Transients: |
Basic with artificial gravity (through Fehran grav pod technology). | None (0), though the ship does have a "ship's store", a smallish "mini-mart" that sells a variety of sundries. | Closed (60); Remember this IS a militry vsl, not the Love Boat. | Since most of the vsls of the fleet have about the same stats less comms (no other vsl has interstellar comes other than "MA BELL") and no other vsl has the bow-mounted main cannons, these stats (less applicable variances) can be applied to all vsls in the fleet; most vsls in the fleet as far less fighters- Unless otherwise noted (here or elsewhere), not more than a flight's worth (six to eight ships). Also, each vsl has "a" function, and should be increased to the MAXIMUM for that category. For example, ISS RECOVERY (TA-AH 14-13-023570987359847543) is a DAVID ESTEP-Class Hospital ship; Consequently they would NOT have much in the way of weapons (though they do have satellites equipped with a variety of decoys and other anti-weapons systems), but does have the equivalent not just of a "Full Hospital", but in fact of a full medical center- That is, five to six SEPARATE hospitals, with different functions (the ESTEP-Class in fact has an in-patient violent psychiatric unit- In other words, a psychiatric brig). These variations are only briefly covered in the vsls's discussion. | General Information: | Size And Orientation: |
14TH Fleet.Colors: Standard UGC yellow on blue.Symbol/Crest/Banner: Above.Owner: The United Galaxies Council via The Spacy.Commanding Officer: Fleet Admiral.Executive Officer: Admiral.Duties: As a Fleet 14TH Fleet is resposible for executing a full campaign. | Large Army (500). | The Main Battle Fleet:UGS CAPE MAY (SDF-014): Direct Units: Any three to 10 BLOCKADER-Class Picket Ship at any given time.03 IKAZUCHI-Class Battlecarriers: UGC SURPRISER, MICHIGAN, and CI'VOL. Direct Units: Each is assigned 02 BLOCKADER-Class at any given time.Spaceways Patrol And Enforcement Services Ships: Though the Patrol Ships WILL engage in combat if ordered to (indeed, all BLOCKADER-Class vsls are Patrol Ship), the vsls listed below typically are kept separate from the main battle fleet to do what they do best; Interdiction and SAR.06 MAXIMILLIAN STERLING-Class SAR Ships; Direct Units: Each is assigned 02 BLOCKADER-Class at any given time. Modifications to the standard baseline: As described above.02 MIRIYA PARINO-STERLING-Class Interdiction Ships; Direct Units: Each is assigned 12 BLOCKADER-Class at any given time. Modifications to the standard baseline: As described above.06 DAVID ESTEP-Class T-AH; Direct Units: Each is assigned 12 BLOCKADER-Class at any given time, and each is assigned crews with established psychiatric issues; Basically these vsls are expected to commit suicide, if necessary, to protect the hospital ships. WARNING: SHOOTING AT A HOSPITAL SHIP IS DEFINITELY CONSIDERED A BAD IDEA; EVEN A STRAY, ACCIDENTAL SHOT HAS A TENDENCY TO DRAW THE ATTENTION OF THE FULL BATTLE FLEET. FIRING ON A HOSPITAL SHIP IS ESTABLISHED UNDER UGC LAW AS CLEARANCE FOR WEAPONS HOT WITH REFLEX WEAPONRY. (In short, don't shoot the Docs.) Modifications to the standard baseline: Basically no weapons at all, but extensive defensive anti-weapons systems.200 ADMIRALTY-Class Patrol Ship; Assigned to long-range patrol and zone security. Direct Units: Each of these vsls are assigned any 02 ALLIANCE-Class Fleet Pickets. Modifications to the standard baseline: As described above.Strike Forces: Strike Forces are a little different, on account of no two Strike Force Deployments are the same. Therefore, all that can be said definitively about them is there are four of the, UGC ELAINA (FRV 14-102-455644564),UGC RUSH (FRV 14-102-455644565), UGC EVENT (FRV 14-102-455644566), and ISS BEAR (FRV 14-102-455644567- note that the BEAR is an Patrol Vsl, not a Spacy Vsl), and that each of them has at least two ANDROMEDA-Class Medium Cruiser, plus whatever is necessary for the Strike Force mission.AZONIA LAPLAMIS-Class FRV's; Each is attended by at least two ANDROMEDA-Class Medium Cruiser, plus whatever is necessary for the Strike Force mission. Modifications to the standard baseline: As described above.14 CONSTELLATION-Class Battleships; Assigned as needed. Modifications to the standard baseline: As described above.24 KHYRON KRAVSHERRA-Class Ships: Also assigned as needed. Note- The KHYRON KRAVSHERRA-Class is NOT capable of extended space operations independently of a space ship. Modifications to the standard baseline: As described above.Support Fleet309 BLOCKADER-Class Patrol Ships protect the following assets:04 MONTGOLIFIER-Class; UGS WRENCH (ATFRS 14-10-343985893754), UGS ANVIL (ATFRS 14-10-343985893756), UGS IO (ATFRS 14-10-343985893757), and UGS COUFE (pronounced "coope") (ATFRS 14-10-343985893758). Direct Units: Each is assigned 02 MULE-Class Fleet Tugs. Modifications to the standard baseline: As described above.24 TERRA-Class AOE's. Modifications to standard baseline: As described above.30 Renorby-Class AS; Modifications to the standard baseline: As described above.01 FOLSOM-Class Detention Ship (APB/R-58, property of 1138TH Modifications to the standard baseline: Far more defensive features; Improved shields, far more extensive anti-weapons defenses, etc due to the fact that these vsls are used to hold those who can not defend themselves in the event of an attack.WARNING: Shooting at the Detention Ship is a really bad idea. The original UES FOLSOM was attacked and destroyed some 200-odd years ago, and that incident continues to haunt the UGC. Only attacking a Hospital Ships is considered a greater insult, and ANY attack on the Detention Ships is considered authorization in and of itself for weapons hot for anything SHORT of reflex and nuclear weaponry (except in defense).Direct Units:24 pickets provide both protection and to discourage escape attempts.02 Forger-Class Agricultural Ships; The fleet still has to eat, and fresh foods are safer than extended stored foods, though the lack of fresh meat on campaign does effect moral after a while.01 Sojourner-Class Cargo vsls: UGS STARWATCH (AO-14-82-431) carries the bulk of the fleet's supplies, including the desperately needed fresh meat. Direct Units: These ships are protected by the same HUNTER-Class Pickets that protect the Forger-Class vsls.
06 Galactica-Class Exploration Vsls: Protected by up to 04 HUNTER-Class Pickets at any given time. Typically these vsls are underway doing exploration work, but will respond to any emergency if ordered (more than once they have responded on their own initiative and were ordered back to their normal duties). UGC Intelligence Ships: 01 EMPORER-Class AGF (C3I); UGS QUEEN ELIZABETH THE VIII and UGS ARCHDUKE FREIANORE. Direct Units: only the fleet's 02 BATTLESTAR-Class Spyships report to the EMPORER-Class intelligence vsls. Of the two, QUEEN ELIZABETH THE VIII is the superior vsl, ARCHDUKE FREIANORE is the back-up vsl. Shuttles: Every vsl big enough to have a shuttle has the full complement of these vsls. 'Nuff said. UGC Landships: With the exception of thos elsewhere enumerated on this list, all Landships belong to XIV Corps. Other Assets: Most of these vsls are part of the support fleet, and protected by the Support Fleet Security. These vsls rarely get underway at any rate. 01 Three Star-Class Factory Ship, ISS FACTORY (FFV 14-92-0934903284093284900993274837). 01 Hollywood-Class Amusement Vessel; ISS RELEASE (T-AH 14-93-9459435947238654354642174212) is treated as a hospital vsl, though it is also a rest and relaxation vsl. Attendance can be mandated by medical personnel and/or superiors- It's status as the "play house" of the fleet is understood, and is justifiable on its own right (indeed, it was the COUNCIL'S idea, not the REF's, to include these vsls). 01 Einstein-Class Research Ship: BOS JOHN HOPKINS (RSS 14-43-544978441351574) typically reverse-engineers captured enemy mat'eri'el; This is a Brotherhood Of Steel vsl. SACPAKs: 14TH Battle Group has 200 SACPAKs (effectively the equivalent of Corvettes).
| XIV Corps. |
XIV Corps is the ground element of Fourteenth Fleet. It is centered on 2212TH Headquarters Regiment with many subordinate elements of its own.Funding for XIV is separate from Fourteenth Fleet, but XIV Corps is subordinate to the fleet overall. They may or may not be detailed to a given mission.XIV owns unto itself a few ships; UGS NORFOLK (MQQ/DLS-111), 1138TH's brig ship, UGS MORGAN (MTR/CSS-14), UGS ALISON (HSTC-217), UGS GARZIAN HORAN (MQQ/DLHS- 02),UGS ANDREW BLOUNT (TR/SS-1421), UGS FOLSOM (MRNL/M-211), UGS MA BELL (FT/REP-144413), UGS TITANIC (CC-216), UGS VIRGINIA (CC-7220), and UGS DORCHESTER (AT-21289) a troop transport (and former luxury liner). These ships (and a few others) belong to XIV Corps alone, and can not be detailed to any other mission; In fact, UGS ALISON belongs solely and exclusively to 271ST Dragoon and can only be re-tasked from her primary missions (delivering 271TH and providing fire support for them) by request to the Dragoon; To date, only 451ST T'sentraedi Kerugadorasu Zugara and Kuarrebou Gran'lare Zugara Nous-Gran'diel (T'sentraedi Ninja) Company have successfully made such a request for a non-urgent ("urgent" meaning under immediate fire) support. | General Information: | Size and Orientation: |
XIV Corps.Colors: Standard UGC yellow on blue.Symbol/Crest/Banner: Owner: The United Galaxies Council via 14TH Fleet; Although they are separate entities with separate funding and therefore technically equals, XIV is subordinate to 14TH Fleet on campaign.Commanding Officer: Lieutenant General.Executive Officer: General.Duties: As a Corps XIV is resposible for executing a full campaign. | Large Army (500). | Vehicles and Equipment: UGS LONDON (MNV/FS-12): The UGS LONDON, a rebuilt NUPETIET-VERGNITZS-Class T'sentraedi Flagship, is the home of 2212rd Headquarters Battalion. She has been rebuilt with mi'cronne (micronian, ie human/etc) crews, water was pumped in between the hulls and allowed to freeze (adding armor and potable water), the armor itself overhauled, etc. Just the usual stuff. | Subordinate Commands |
2212TH Headquarters Regiment VPB-6 "Greenland Patrol" (aka "T'sentraedi Patrol") Kuarrebou Gran'lare Zugara Nous-Gran'diel (T'sentraedi Ninja) Company 1138TH MP Battalion
255TH Transportation Battalion 216TH Engineer Regiment 271st Dragoon 104TH Infantry; The "Timberwolves" 19TH Armored Divisio
229TH Mobile Surgical Hospital 663TH Subsistence Battalion 507TH Bio-Maintenance Battalion 50TH Signal Battalion
313TH Militry Intelligence Battalion
451st T'sentraedi Kerugadorasu Zugara 551ST Light Artillery 929TH Field Artillery Battalion 14TH Faith Command.
The REF had a great many commands; This collection is but a small number thereof. The are, nominally all part of one, larger, command, 2212TH Headquarters Regiment.As a GENERAL rule, REF units were made of several other units from several nations, to avoid the RDF-era tradition of transferring a unit intact to the force, then leaving them in separate chains of command (which helped to foster internationalist resentments).However, T'sentraedi units were kept separate from the Human commands, and separated from each other by placing one or two such units within a larger command as a check against organized, large scale rebellion. (Though no such rebellion formed, it was nevertheless a concern.) | 2212TH Headquarters Regiment |
2212TH Headquarters Battalion, which is the overall command vessel of 2ND Detachment, which includes 1138TH MP Division, VMF-212 Chesty Squadron, 1130TH Mechanized Battalion, 2511TH Maintenance Battalion, Kuarrebou Gran'lare Zugara, 451ST T'sentraedi Kerugadorasu Zugara, VAF-306, VF-41, VMB-20, 663RD Subsistence Battalion, and their attendant ships less UGS NORFOLK (which, being a brig ship, is wholly separate, though she can easily dock with LONDON), and her assigned units (1138TH MP, VPB-6, VF-41, and VMB-20).Attached Units: 49TH Quartermaster Company: Master supply company. Has over-all supply and distribution authority. Though they work CLOSELY with 255TH Transportation Battalion, 255TH is a separate unit. | General Information: | Size and Orientation: |
2212TH Headquarters Regiment.Colors: Standard UGC yellow on blue.Symbol/Crest/Banner: Above.Owner: The United Galaxies Council via 14TH Fleet, XIV Corps.Commanding Officer: Lieutenant General.Executive Officer: Major General.Duties: As a Headquarter Regiment, the unit is responsible for management of subordinate commands; Supply, pay, etc. | Large Army (500). | A: Sponsorship: | B: Outfits: | C: Equipment: | D: Vehicles: |
UGC (Government). 2212 was entirely formed under the Interplanetry Alliance, and had no prior history. However, almost all of the original members had been prior RDF, and many had been member of various Terran armies (GCW veterans). | Utility Outfits (5). | - Electronic Supplies and Good Gear (5);
- Medical Clinic (20).
| - Company Fleet of Vehicles (10);
- Specialty Vehicles (30);
- Unlimited Vehicles (50).
| E: Weapons: | F: Communications: | G: Internal Security: | H: Permanent Bases: |
Advanced Weaponry (20). | Secured Service (10). | Paranoid (40), especially on personnel matters. | Partial Headquarters (2). | I: Intelligence Resources: | J: Special Budget: | K: General Alignment: | L: Criminal Activity: |
Special militry Operatives (10).Large Loans (25). | Scrupulous and Principled (8). | None (0). | |
M: Reputation/Credentials: | N: Salary: |
Known/Unknown (5). | Good Salary, as standard for all REF personnel (10). | Vehicles and Equipment: UGS LONDON (MNV/FS-12): The UGS LONDON, a rebuilt NUPETIET-VERGNITZS-Class T'sentraedi Flagship, is the home of 2212ND Headquarters Battalion. She has been rebuilt with mi'cronne (micronian, ie human/etc) crews, water was pumped in between the hulls and allowed to freeze (adding armor and potable water), the armor itself overhauled, etc. Just the usual stuff. | Subordinate Commands: |
2212TH Headquarters Regiment VPB-6 "Greenland Patrol" (aka "T'sentraedi Patrol") Kuarrebou Gran'lare Zugara Nous-Gran'diel (T'sentraedi Ninja) Company 1138TH MP Battalion 255TH Transportation Battalion 216TH Engineer Regiment 271st Dragoon 104TH Infantry; The "Timberwolves" 19TH Armored Division | 229TH Mobile Surgical Hospital 663TH Subsistence Battalion 507TH Bio-Maintenance Battalion 50TH Signal Battalion 313TH militry Intelligence Battalion 451st T'sentraedi Kerugadorasu Zugara 551st Light Artillery 929TH Field Artillery Battalion 14TH Faith Command. | VPB-6 "Greenland Patrol" |
VPB-6 Patrol Bombing Squadron SIX (RDF/CG), aka "Greenland Patrol" (or "T'sentraedi Patrol") was originally a SAR and Ice Patrol Unit, but off and on was used as a bomber and sub chaser unit. The entire unit was transferred to Macross Island at the request of the government of Greenland and the RDF, and was on Macross Island the day of the fateful space fold operation. On Zor's Ship, the SAR and Ice patrols found new life, though "SAR" had now come to mean "Salvage And Recovery", due to the tolls space combat caused. Rarely was a rescue mission successful. The Ice Patrol missions became a meteor, asteroids, and other debris patrol (especially at the battle of Jupiter's Rings), and just after the battle of Mars Sara Base. The bombing and sub chasing mission continued as well, launching harassment attacks against T'sentraedi Salan Scouts. VT's were assigned to the squadron as a flanking shield, while modified Cat's Eyes actually conducted the attack runs. The rotor disk would be removed to reduce the ship's overall weight and take strain off the engines, while bomb racks were mounted to the wings. Usually another VF Squadron, VF-41 "Black Aces" worked with us and our sister unit, VB-20 "Screaming Indian", especially on larger, group-formation attacks.VPB-6's sister units were VF-41 "Black Aces" (flanking squadron) and VMB-20 "Screaming Indian", and use essentially the same stats. The only major difference is that VMB-20 used Titan Tunnys instead of Assault Shuttles, and the numbers of Veritech fighters was pretty much inverse, as VPB-6 was used primarily in space and VMB-20 was used primarily in atmosphere. VF-41 didn't have any bombers, but had 10 times as many VAF-6's and VBF-8's. An interesting aside to the VPB-6 story is the patent lack of racism in this unit; The Commanding Officer, Capt Jericho, and XO, Com. Moran, had served in VPB-6 aboardrd the SDF-1, but had transferred to other units during the Reconstruction Era. During that time, they had served with T'sentraedi under other officers, some of whom showed complete racist attitudes towards the aliens; This had the effect of breeding an anti-racist attitude in them, as both saw the T'sentraedi that they had served with fight well and hard and serve honorably. Because of this, they actively recruited T'sentraedi to VPB-6, though REF policy restricted them to non-Veritech vehicles. T'sentraedi pilots instead flew just about everything else, from recon craft to rescue craft to Guardians and Destroids; All of the Destroids and rescue craft and MOST of the Guardians were pilots by T'sen. The T'sen serving under Capt Jericho and Com. Moran showed their appreciation for their commander's faith and trust by being the most fanatical of fighters and rescuers; Not a SINGLE REF or Sentinel pilot was ever lost do to T'sentraedi mistakes, and many T'sen warriors paid with their lives protecting their Micronian allies. It is little surprise, then that T'sentraedi from other units, including 451 st and Kuarrebou Gran'lare were welcomed at VPB-6 moral events (keggers). | General Information: | Size and Orientation: |
VPB-6 Squadron SIX (RDF/CG), aka "Greenland Patrol" or "T'sentraedi Patrol" (depending on the combat status).Colors: Standard UGC yellow on blue.Symbol/Crest/Banner: Above.Owner: The United Galaxies Council via 14TH Fleet.Commanding Officer: Captain.Executive Officer: Commander.Duties: Searching for hazards to navigation and medium bomber squadron. | Army (300). | Features: |
A: Sponsorship: | B: Outfits: | C: Equipment: | D: Vehicles: |
UGC (Government) | Utility Outfits (5) | Electronic Supplies and Good Gear (5) | Fleet Vehicles (10) | E: Weapons: | F: Communications: | G: Internal Security: | H: Permanent Bases: |
Extensive Weaponry (40) | Superior Communications (40) | Paranoid (40) | Partial Headquarters (2) | I: Intelligence Resources: | J: Special Budget: | K: General Alignment: | L: Criminal Activity: |
Scout Detachment (5); They were originally formed as a scouting unit, and continued as one. | Large Loans (25) | Scrupulous and Principled (8) | None (0) | M: Reputation/Credentials: | N: Salary: |
Famous/Infamous (50) | Good Salary, as standard for all REF personnel (10). | Vehicles and Equipment: |
Shuttles and other small ships= 10 TotalHorizonts= 10Non-Combat Aircraft= 14 TotalVC-27 Tunnys= 10EC-33a AWACS= 04
| Combat Aircraft= 220 TotalSea Sergeants= 10 (All T'sen piloted)LVT Adventurer IIs= 10 (All T'sen piloted)QF-3,000 Ghost Fighters= 200
Combat Spacecraft= 210 (All T'sen piloted)RDF Space Shuttles= 10Lancer II Space Fighters= 200
| Guardians= 350 TotalREF Super Aggressor= 200REF Super Guardian= 150
Veritechs= None. | Ground Vehicles= 63 TotalAAT-40 Assault Transports= 10AMR-10 Mecha Retrieval Units= 02ML-3 Forklifts= 01Hovercyles= 50Power Armors= NoneDestroids= None | Kuarrebou Gran'lare Zugara: Nous-Gran'diel (T'sentraedi Ninja) Company |
They were called negronta, T'sen-mot, mićronnei, even hajoca; What NOBODY forgot was THEY WERE EFFECTIVE. None could question their, their… Their gadoraraskas. Very often they were the derurigaadom (the "sacrificial lamb" used to evacuate a larger unit, even a whole army, when the battle was lost). More often, however, they were used as their name implied; Sabotage and infiltration of Invid Hives. This was the ONLY unit more accustomed to being miconized, than they were to being full sized, and had made for them a suit of body armor just for that purpose (see end).However, despite all their success, the REF continued to treat them as second-class citizens; So blatant was the racism, that they were denied even a ship of their own, but were forced to work out of UGS TITANIC (CC-216); At that, they were only authorized a pair of FRAND'LAR TILUVO-Class Shuttles (T'sentraedi Re-entry Pods). Despite this, they remained HIGHLY loyal and dedicated, and driven to not only complete the mission, but on-time (which always meant "ahead of schedule", unless operationally required to restrain themselves), and at all costs. This unit, before the end of the war, would suffer 58% casualties defending their Micronian allies; The worst of Human/Sentinel casualties by unit was 271st Dragoon at 31% casualties. (It is no coincidence that 271st's members were more than willing to hang out with Kuarrebou Gran'lare Zugara and 451st members, as both pulled 271st out of the fire on more than one occasion. That, and the fact that the T'sentraedi had no problem getting into fist-fights with the micronian friends. It is also little surprise to anyone that both the all-T'sen commands were generally persona non-grata with other units outside combat-related duties.)NOTE: Stats indicate REF-era company arrangement, not Robotech Master-era arrangement.For the sake of Terran readers, a list of T'sen terms is included; Unfortunately as is so common with the T'sentraedi language, nothing really translates "properly."Kerugadorasu: Attack/rush/charge/storming squad/unit; StormtroopersGadoraraskas: Fighting spirit; Machismo; Balls.Derurigaado: Rear-Guard (can also mean "reconnaissance use" or "reconnaissance work").Zugara: UnitNegronta: WorthlessT'sen-mot: Anti-T'sentraedi behavior (a violation of the T'sentraedi Imperative/treason; Calling a T'sen a T'sen-mot is fighting words, and NO T'sen can help but hit someone who calls them that, no matter HOW "civilized" they have become (even New Bloods can't help it; it's genetic). It is NEVER written or spoken with a capital "T."mićronnei: Micronian (anyone other than a T'sentraedi, though non-T'sentraedi who are as tall as full-sized T'sentraedi wouldn't be called mićronnei easily)Hojoca: Outright traitor. | Kuarrebou Gran'lare Zugara Nous-Gran'diel (T'sentraedi Ninja) CompanyColors: Standard UGC yellow on blue; Secondary colors: Yellow on black T'sentraedi Sigil on a gree glag (generaic T'sentraedi flag with Kuarrebou Gran'lare Zugara's emblem).Symbol/Crest/Banner: Above.Owner: The United Galaxies Council via 14TH Fleet and XIV Corps.Commanding Officer: Lt Colonel.Executive Officer: Captain.Duties: Infiltrate enemy territory and identify utile information, disable enemy defenses and infrastructure, kidnap or kill enemy commanders, rescue allied personnel, organize resistance forces, identify and isolate or assassinate enemy spies, destroy REF and allied equipment lost behind enemy lines, etc. | Large Company (200). | Features: |
A: Sponsorship:B: Outfits:C: Equipment:D: Vehicles: | | | |
UGC (Government) | Utility Outfits (5) | - Electronic Supplies and Good Gear (5)
- Medical Equipment (10)
| Company Fleet of Vehicles (10) | E: Weapons: | F: Communications: | G: Internal Security: | H: Permanent Bases: |
Maximum Firepower (60) | Full Range Systems (15) | Impregnable (60) | None (0). | I: Intelligence Resources: | J: Special Budget: | K: General Alignment: | L: Criminal Activity: |
Scout Detachment (5); They inherently are a Scout Detachment. Special militry Operatives (10); They inherently are Special Operatives. | Nickels and Dimes (5) | Unprincipled and Scrupulous (6) This isn't the "place" for people who are too good or too bad. If you're not able to slit a few throats and beat a few prisoners you won't make it here, but if you're a psychopath you won't either. | None (0) Per se. That is, everything they do is criminal, but not to the UGC. | M: Reputation/Credentials: | N: Salary: |
Known (5) And feared- Even by allies. | Good Salary, as standard for all REF personnel (10). | Vehicles and Equipment: | Shuttles and other small ships= 10 TotalRobotech Assault Carrier= 10
Ground Vehicles= 600 TotalHovercyles= 200Chariot Motorcycles= 400 | Power Armors= None Destroids= None Guardians= 100 TotalREF Strike Aggressor= 100 | Veritechs;Though technically banned, Nous-Gran'diel units possession of VT's has been quietly ignored in light of circumstances. These are generally used to cover a retreating Nous-Gran'diel unit and for precision strike actions. 48 Total | RDF LVR-588 Veritech Car= 3RDF VF-1S= 10Super Veritech Argumentation Pack= 20VHT= 5Super VHT Augmentation Pack= 10
| Nous-Gran'diel Body Armor: A special suit made STRICTLY for Nous-Gran'diel, it originally had 10 M.D.C. (1,000 SDC). The new REF version has 75 M.D.C., and no penalties to movement. Weighs 100 lbs and has all the features of CVR-3 (as that is what the new style is based on), but with the old-style T'sentraedi Body Armor form.NOTE: Nous-Gran'diel Body Armor and the Nous-Gran'diel Kah yar are restricted items; Anyone can buy them but only Kuarrebou Gran'lare Zugara can CARRY them. (Non-Kuarrebou Gran'lare Zugara commonly obtain the armor, paint it a very different color scheme, and change the helmet, this meeting the legal standard.) | 1138TH MP Battalion |
The 1138TH MP Battalion is a major subordinate command of 2212TH Headquarters Battalion. 1138TH MP Battalion is a combat ready, deployable force which stands ready to support UGC interests, most especially those related to militry law enforcement. During peacetime, it conducts daily 24-hour continuous enforcement and security support to all of2212TH HQB's subordinate commands. The mission of 1138TH MP Battalion is to alert, marshal, and deploy MP units anywhere to provide combat militry police support; To prevent crimes and accidents, investigate those that occur, and if necessary to arrest those responsible. The unit also assets local emergency services (law enforcement and otherwise) when requested, and takes custody of militry personnel arrested/detained my local law enforcement agencies. 1138TH MP Battalion typically assigns a squad to a given associate unit for their use during a given mission, though a full company can be deployed if necessary. There are several types of Militry Policemen, including Forward Ground Control (aka "traffic cops"), Security Detachment (guards), Investigators (who often, if not usually, wear civilians clothes when on the job), analysts, and several other sub-categories.FIRST COMPANY:THE DOGS: The original 1138TH Militry Police COMPANY was formed ad hoc from whatever law enforcement, civilian or militry, had survived the Space fold accident on Macross Island to serve as body guards for Captain GLOVAL, Commanders HAYES and FOLKER, Macross Mayor Tommy LUAN, and other key figures of the SDF-1. The press took to calling them "GLOVAL'S personal attack dogs" after an incident in Macross City; 1138TH took that insult and made it their name (to Captain GLOVAL'S annoyance).First Company continues on as the personal body guards of 14TH Fleet and XIV Corps Flag Staff, as well as visiting VIP's. Every single DOG would happily put themselves in front of a bullet for their principles (the person they're assigned to protect), but more than once a DOG has given their principle a bunch of bruises in the process of protecting them.Second through Twentieth Companies: General MPTwenty-First Company: Heavy Weapons Second Platoon, Delta Squad/Third Platoon, Mike SquadTwenty-Second Company: Undercover-Unsanctioned Mecha Retrieval Program (Mod Squad)Twenty-Third Company: IAD (Rat Squad) First Platoon: General Internal Affair Second Platoon: IAD-U/C (Dirty Rat Squad, their tag actually being a debris and dirt/mud/sewage encrusted large sewer rat)Twenty Fourth through Eighth Companies: Base SecurityAttached Units: Detachment 1/450TH Civil Affairs Battalion; Defense Attorneys for the command. JAG Officers are rotated into 1/450TH for a few months at a time; After extremely LONG cases, an officer will not, typically, be reassigned to 1/450TH unless they request it. 1/450TH also is responsible for civil (tort) actions, and has some (though not all) responsibility for civil affairs (civil rights) issues. | 1138TH Militry Police Battalion, aka The Dogs.Colors: Standard UGC yellow on blue.Symbol/Crest/Banner: The 1138TH MP Badge.Owner: The United Galaxies Council via 14TH Fleet.Commanding Officer: Marine Colonel.Executive Officer: SPaeS Captain.Though the same rank and technically equals, 1138TH's highly unusual multiple service leadership meant someone had to take the lead; The Marines took the lead on SDF-1 due to their long history of law enforcement and body guard duties, and the fact that they were shoot first and ask questions later.Duties: General Law Enforcement, Correctional, and Body Guard duties. | Large Army (500). | Features: |
A: Sponsorship: | B: Outfits: | C: Equipment: | D: Vehicles: |
UGC (Government) | Utility Outfits (5) | Unlimited Equipment (50) | Specialty Vehicles (30) | E: Weapons: | F: Communications: | G: Internal Security: | H: Permanent Bases: |
Maximum Firepower (60) | Superior Communications (40) | Impregnable (60) | None (0) The NORFOLK could be considered a permanent base. | I: Intelligence Resources: | J: Special Budget: | K: General Alignment: | L: Criminal Activity: |
Infiltration Network (50) In the form of undercover work. | Large Loans (25) | Unprincipled and Scrupulous (6) | Con Man (5X10: 50 total): Mostly in Third Company and Fourth Company, Second Platoon. 09 Smugglers and Sellers of Contraband (15X2: 30 Total): Mostly in Third Company and Fourth Company, Second Platoon. Expert Assassin (15X3: 45 Total): Snipers assigned to Second Company, Fourth Platoon, Bravo Squad (SRT/Sniper Team) Safecracker/Locksmith (25): Fourth Company, Second Platoon (Dirty Rat Squad). Expert Forger (10): Can not only forge, but they can create entirely real, completely fictional documentation that will pass even another law enforcement agency's inspection. | M: Reputation/Credentials: | N: Salary: |
Excellent Reputation (25) | Good Salary, as standard for all REF personnel (10). | Vehicles and Equipment: |
1138TH's original home was UGS NORFOLK (MQQ/DLS-111) REF Brig Ship, a converted QUILTRA QUELEUAL-Class Dock Landing Ship. In her unique case, she has was modified to be a brig ship, holding law-breakers temporarily (until the return to Earth is complete). As many of the sentences were completed long before the return to earth occurred, those that could be were released on either Tirol or one of several dozens of colonies the REF had established during the war. NORFOLK was never intended to be a prison; However, circumstances being such as they were, she ended up being one. Fortunately, her brig was never more than about 10% full, and NORFOLK ended up pulling a collateral duty as storage space for Mecha and Warship parts. The reason for her special status, as part of a Detachment but not inclusive thereof, was the special status of her operational crew. Due to their unusual position in society, 1138TH was granted a ship unto themselves, allowing them the autonomy to enforce IPA UCMJ and REF Policy upon their own Detachment (which was, in fact, their mission).Unfortunately NORFOLK was destroyed in a rather brazenly cowardly attack; The incident haunts REF leadership 250 years later. As a result, the FOLSOM-Class Detention Ship was developed in part using advice from the surviving 1138TH MPs and NORFOLK crew.The new NORFOLK has a command crew, but her Commanding Officer is the Marine Colonel in command of 1138TH. The XO of NORFOLK is a SPAES (Patrol) Commander, who answers to the Colonel; The XO of 1138TH is a wholly separate chain of command. The Marine Colonel is also wearing three other covers at the same time as CO of VPB-6, VF-41, AND VMB-20, which collectively serve as NORFOLK'S protective fighter/bomber detachment. The three wings XO's report to the Marine Colonel; The successful 1138TH CO's treat their XO's as CO's in training, rather than try to actually manage the chaos they've inherited intervening only as absolutely necessary (Capt's masts are actually carried out by the XO's, then the Captain holds a Mast to review the case, ensure all matters have been attended to, then, if so, approves it).As a result, the XO's have to be HIGHLY cooperative; Any of them can be canned on the spot without so much as a reason (they are typically re-assigned to another like unit without the prison adding to their troubles); Rather than hold an Officer's Call the ship holds a a Captain's Call in NORFOLK'S cabin once a day (after the subordinate Officer's Call). To date, only the Patrol Captains have proven troublesome; Patrolmen might trace their history to the Terran Coast Guards, but like their ancient counterparts they are "second" to God. (More than one Spacy Admiral has learned "don't fuck with the Patrol, they don't fight fair, they don't play fair, and they don't like losing.") | Shuttles and other small ships= 25 TotalRobotech Assault Carrier= 10 Horizonts= 15
Ground Vehicles= 1,106 TotalAAT-40 Assault Transports= 25 AMR-10 Mecha Retrieval Units= 10 ML-3 Forklifts= 250 Hover Cargo Hauler= 50 Hover Transport Truck= 21 Hovercyles= 500 Chariot Motorcycles= 250 | Power Armors= 500 TotalMicronian Power Armor MkII= 100 VR-052 Battler= 200 VR-041 Saber= 50 VR-038-LT= 150
| Destroids= 000 TotalDestroids= 477 Total RDF Gladiator= 10 REF Gladiator= 20 RDF Excalibur= 15 REF Excalibur= 30 RDF Raidar X= 100 REF Raidar X= 150 RDF HAS I= 2 (both with Spartan Missile Pod upgrades) RDF Gladius= 150 TBP-Z1 Raditzs Regult Tactical Battle Pod= 50
Guardians= 100 TotalREF Super Aggressor= 50 REF Super Guardian= 50 | Veritechs= 412 TotalRDF LVR-588 Veritech Car= 50 RDF VF-1A= 5 RDF VF-1D= 2 RDF VF-1J= 2 RDF VF-1S= 2 Super Veritech Argumentation Pack= 61 Strike Veritech Argumentation Pack= 61 Armored Veritech Argumentation Pack= 2 VAF-6C= 100 VAF-6J= 50 VBF-1C= 100 VBF-1J= 50 Super VHT Augmentation Pack= 25 Logan= 2 | 255TH Transportation Battalion "REX VIae" (King of the Road). |
Convoys are the most efficient way of moving large amounts of cargo. Truck and small shuttlecraft convoys moved thousands of tons of cargo to combat troops and fire bases daily, while larger vessels held hundreds of thousands of tons of material awaiting distribution. Road travel was always hazardous and strict precautions were taken to ensure the safety of each convoy so that vital food, ammunition and other supplies got to their destination safely. Daily, engineers cleared the roads and searched for mines. Artillery at fire bases stood ready to fire in support of the convoy and Alphas maintained aerial surveillance to ensure a rapid response in the event of an attack, usually with Betas/Legios units near the area. In some cases, Special forces stood by to counter attack enemy units attempting to ambush vital convoys. | 255TH Transportation BattalionMotto: "REX VIae" (King of the Road).Colors: Standard UGC Yellow On Blue.Owner: UGC via 14TH Fleet, XIV Corps.Commanding Officer: Lt. Colonel.Executive Officer: Major.Duties: Transportation of equipment and personnel. | Army (300). | Features: |
A: Sponsorship: | B: Outfits: | C: Equipment: | D: Vehicles: |
UGC (Government) | Utility Outfits (5) | Electronic Supplies and Good Gear (5) Medical Equipment (10) | Unlimited Vehicles (50) | E: Weapons: | F: Communications: | G: Internal Security: | H: Permanent Bases: |
Basic Equipment (5) | Full Range Systems (15) | Iron-Clad (20) | None; The UGS MORGAN (MTR/CSS- 14) could be considered their permanent headquarters. | I: Intelligence Resources: | J: Special Budget: | K: General Alignment: | L: Criminal Activity: |
Scout Detachment: VF-1D's, VAF-6R's (5) | Nickels and Dimes (5) | Anarchist and Unprincipled (4); In fact, a lot of their assigned personell were disciplinry cases from other units. | None (0); This was one of the few units that didn't partake in "drugs deals" (as weapon and Mecha swapping was called), though they knew about it, as they carried the materials around. | M: Reputation/Credentials: | N: Salary: |
Known (5) | Good Salary, as standard for all REF personnel (10). | Vehicles and Equipment |
UES MORGAN (MTR/CSS-14); A TOU REDIR-Class (Salan Scout) modified to simple cargo storage. No mods except as absolutely necessary for crew comfort and mission performance (though a monorail and 2 lane road system connected all the deck and compartments together). Originally this vessel was a drogue, so most of the conversions were easily accomplished. | Shuttles and other small ships= 200 TotalRobotech Assault Carrier= 50 Horizonts= 150
| Ground Vehicles= 480 TotalAAT-40 Assault Transports= 50 ML-3 Forklifts= 200 Armored Hover Cargo Hauler (Guntrucks)= 200 Hover Transport Truck= 1,000 Hovercyles= 50 Chariot Motorcycles= 20 Dragon Assault Hovercyles= 50 10-Wheeled Guntrucks= 150 Hover Guntrucks= 50 Half-track Guntrucks= 200 | Power Armors= 925 TotalMicronian Power Armor MkII= 200 VR-052 Battler= 500 VR-038-LT= 225
Destroids= 200 TotalREF Gladiator= 200
| Veritechs= 195 TotalVeritech Car= 10 (used as command cars) RDF VF-1D= 5 (ECM/AWACS Variants) RDF VF-1J= 50 Super Veritech Argumentation Pack= 20 VAF-6C= 50 VBF-1C= 50 Super VHT Augmentation Pack= 10 | 216TH Engineer Regiment. | "How do you get equipment to the troops when there is a river between them?" "YOU BUILD A BRIDGE." |
 |  | 216TH Engineer Regiment Emblem. | A "Bailey Building" Partially Built. |
The REF 216TH Engineer Regiment's mission is to build all the support facilities needed by the REF on a secured worlds, including directing the construction of fortifications, harbors and channels on planet side rivers, dredge and fill operations, preliminary Underground Mines (used in mining operations, most notably for iron which is turned to steel), establishing mine field (planet side and, in conjunction with the fleet orbital), building roads and bridges (permanent and temporary, including Bailey Bridges, pontoon and ribbon bridges), power plants and dams (for hydroelectric power), aero-Space ports, Pipelines, Planetary defense construction programs (including LRM sites, anti-ship batteries, and etc), storage depots, hospitals, and barracks, and in planning and coordinating siege operations, including undermining (sapping) enemy fortifications, clearing enemy mine fields, penetrating Hive walls, etc.The 216TH also maintains four laboratories, for the development of new materials and chemicals for the REF (it was 216TH's Delta lab that came up with the new plasma propellant as a replacement for cordite).Of particular interest to 216TH Engineers is their emblematic Bailey Bridges; They've become so adept at the Bailey bridges that they don't even build bridges anymore- They build EVERYTHING (including bridges). They typically construct buildings by making stacking twin 2,000 square foot "boxes" on top of each other over a ground level of three sets of Bailey sections that have been anchored by 12 specialized panels (called Dodson Panels) in squares stacked triple high at the corners and mid-spans; Over this is laid wood, sheet metal, or etc. to form a shell. The sections are decked, then the decks are partitioned as needed. 216TH Engineer is so good at this, that they built Sander space Port's ground side just out of Bailey Bridge sections- A complex of 20 acres and over 100 buildings, including warehouses, berthing, office buildings (in fact the largest building is the 12 deck, 5.2 million square foot Anders Hall, which is entirely administrative), workshops, and even a bowling alley (that nobody uses) and gym (that everyone uses, so much so that they added a second deck). | Colors: Straight UGC Clarion Flag; 216TH doesn't even fly the Blood Flag (black on red), even in combat zones.Owner: The UGC through 14TH Fleet.Commanding Officer: Colonel.Executive Officer: Lt. Colonel.Duties: Build It. 216TH Engineer Regiment builds EVERYTHING, bridges, roads, buildings, fortifications (they built the wall around Sander Space Port out of Bailey Bridge segments, sheet metal, dirt, and constantina wire), they even built a channel (and used Bailey Bridge sections to shore up parts of banks). | Army (300) | Features: |
A: Sponsorship: | B: Outfits: | C: Equipment: | D: Vehicles: Specialty Vehicles |
UGC (Government) | Utility Outfits (5) | - Electronic Supplies and Good Gear (5)
- Medical Equipment (10)
- Medical Clinic (20)
| Specialty Vehicles | E: Weapons: | F: Communications: | G: Internal Security: | H: Permanent Bases: |
Basic Equipment (5) | Full Range Systems (15) | Tight (10) | None (0) | I: Intelligence Resources: | J: Special Budget: | K: General Alignment: | L: Criminal Activity: |
Scout Detachment (5) | Small Potatoes (15) | Anarchist and Unprincipled (4) | A COUPLE OF Con Man (10) | M: Reputation/Credentials: | N: Salary: | Special: 216TH Engineers has a factory where they can build their favored consruction material (Bailey Bridges) IF they can get the raw metal parts (mostly 4 inch square tube, 2 inch T-beams, and 2.5 inch flat stock steel). |
Known (5) | Good Salary, as standard for all REF personnel (10). | Vehicles and Equipment: |
Shuttles and other small ships= 200 TotalRobotech Assault Carrier= 08 Horizonts= 10
| Ground Vehicles= 480 TotalE-664 Badger Engineering Vehicle= 500 ML-3 Forklifts= 20 Armored Hover Cargo Hauler (Guntrucks)= 20 Hover Transport Truck= 1,500 Wyvern Assault Hovercyles= 50 | Power Armors= 100 TotalVR-052 Battler= 450 VR-038-LT= 50
| Destroids= 200 TotalRDF Gladiator= 100 REF Gladiator= 100
Veritechs= None. | 271ST Dragoon | As you well know, a Dragoon is horse mounted infantry. However, in the case of the 271st, called "The Hammers", the "horse" was a GARFISH-Class transport. They would land on a planet targeted for assault in an area far from the garrisoning forces, land, dismount, then hold their position. Sometimes this was done in preparation for a larger forces assault; Sometimes as a decoy; Often only to hold a vital, but safely remote, area. This by no means implies they were anything less than warriors. They were usually send several DAYS ahead of the main assault force, drawing massive attention to themselves. Their first commanding officer, Col Thomas D. MAKEPEACE, reveled in this. A fighter's fighter, Col MAKEPEACE mandated that ALL members of his command take boxing, hovercycle, and Cyclone combat elite training, as well as their normal Mecha (the 271ST was equipped MOSTLY with VHTs), a policy that remains in effect.Once the force was landed, the ALISON (the 271ST's GARFISH) would return to orbit to provide some cover fire against Invid and Invid allied warships), but the 271st was basically on their own.The 271ST also experimented with "glider boards" during the war with the Regent; Though not nearly as effective as would be desirable, the wingboards did allow them an incredible advantage in surprise, which more than justified their continued use until the advent of improved Mecha-sized grav pods late into the war with the Atorians. 271ST Dragoon still has these boards, and still, on occasion, uses them for special demonstrations. See "WB-417 Disposable Poly-Carbonate Wing Boards" for more details. | Colors: UGC standard yellow on blue.Owner: UGC through 271ST Fleet, XIV Corps.Commanding Officer: MajorExecutive Officer: Major (junior seniority).271ST's size technically should rate it a full Colonel (and at first it did); However, due to their unusually high number of disciplinry members (it is a disciplinry unit), a lesser grade is selected to command it.Duties: Ride in hard and hold the line long enough for heavier conventional forces to arrive.Tactics: 271ST is XIV Corps' "battering ram" to land on contested worlds; They literally fly Veritech Hover Tanks out of spacecraft like paratroopers of ancient days. For ceremonial purposes they still ride wingboards, though the advent of improvements in grav pods makes this mostly unnecessry (every 271ST is required to qualify on them, though).Typically they land distal to the enemy's main bases, forcing the defenders to come out and meet them, but on at least two occaisions just during the Battle Of Terra 271ST flew into Invid Hives (at a 50% attrition rate). | Large Company (200) | Features: |
A: Sponsorship: | B: Outfits: | C: Equipment: | D: Vehicles: |
UGC (Government) | Utility Outfits (5) | Medical Equipment (10) | Fleet Vehicles (10): 271ST had several dozen armored and unarmored REF vehicles, and every member was assigned either a Human-designed Hovercycle or a Perytonian air skimmer. | E: Weapons: | F: Communications: | G: Internal Security: | H: Permanent Bases: |
Maximum Firepower (60) | Full Range Systems (15), including fleet and vehicle to vehicle satellite linkup through Alison, secured by laser and auto-encryption. | Paranoid (40) and a hair trigger happy. A simple constintina wire fence marked their boundaries. If you touched that, you would get ONE warning shot. Then they shot to kill. Any Mecha they saw ANYWHERE around them that they could not identify as REF immediately was shot on sight. | None (0) UES ALISON could be considered a "permanent base", if you want to call it that | I: Intelligence Resources: | J: Special Budget: | K: General Alignment: | L: Criminal Activity: |
Scout Detachment (5): Constantly out. Included mounted (hovercycle) and foot (power armored, battle armored, and sometimes NO armored) scouts. Special militry Operatives (10): Used to penetrate nearby areas that an enmy may be hiding in. Sentinel Race Specialists (20): Karbarans and Garudans; Karbarans knew hardware, and Garudans were bar none the best of the best of trackers the REF had, other than Native Americans. (The friendly competition between the two groups was never fully settled). | Nickels and Dimes (5), but they could apply for more money for "ultra special" projects, and did so from time to time. | Anarchist and Unprincipled (4), and borderline Diabolic Sociopaths. Remember, these guys drop TANKS out of perfectly good SPACESHIPS. It takes a seriously disturbed mind to do something that extreme. | Smugglers and Sellers of Contraband (15); An unfortunate necessity of the 271ST, as they were short-changed in many ways on hardware; They learned to swap hardware as fast as a blizzard ("drug deals" as some of their better people called them). By this system they were able to augment the VHT's with MM-50's, though not the MM-60's Col MAKEPEACE wanted. | M: Reputation/Credentials: | N: Salary: | ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION:271ST Dragoon is also a disciplinry unit, and not for the low-grade misconducts; Most of these are people facing real time (5 to 15 years). At the completion of a tour with 271ST, their case is dismissed- IF they can make it through without screwing up again. Not quite Sierra Bravos but close. |
Excellent Reputation (25) in combat. However, they were restricted to ALISON (and to specific areas aboard her) due to their nature of getting hellasiously drunk and picking fights "just for the Hell of it." | Good Salary, as standard for all REF personnel (10). | Vehicles and Equipment: |
GARFISH-Class UGS ALISON (HSTC-217): A standard stock GARFISH-Class refitted only in the respect that the launch rails in the number 5 and 6 Legios Launch Bays were trimmed to WB-417 Wing Board fitted VHT configuration. | Shuttles and other small ships= 35 TotalRobotech Assault Carrier= 20 Horizonts= 15
Ground Vehicles= 2,452 Total150 AAR-Recon II (the old RDF style)= 150 ARV= 300 ASC Hovercycle= 1,500 Perytonian Air Skimmer= 200 Perytonian Assault Skimmer= 300 AMR-10 Mecha Retrieval Units= 02 | Power Armors= 865 TotalRDF Micronian Power Armor MkII= 500 REF VR-052 Battler= 200 REF VR-041 Saber= 15 REF VR-038-LT= 1500
Battloid= None. | Destroids= 62 TotalREF Raidar X= 10 REF HAS II= 02 TBP-Z1 Raditzs Regult Tactical Battle Pod= 50 Guardians= 01 TotalREF Strike Aggressor= 01 | Veritechs= 426 TotalRDF LVR-588 Veritech Car= 000 RDF VF-1J= 01 RDF VF-1S= 01 Super Veritech Argumentation Pack= 03 VAF-6C= 10 VHT= 200 Super VHT Augmentation Pack= 211
| 104TH Infantry "Timberwolf" (or "T-Wolves") Division |
104TH Infantry is an all-power and body armor infantry brigade, which includes its own airborne infantry and field artillery battalions, used mostly as a temporary garrison force on newly-secured positions on planets that have just been secured. They additionally conduct humanitarian assistance, disaster relief, assist in construction (both militry and civilian critical necessities, etc.In major assaults, 104TH serves as a screening force for tanks, which in turn serve as a screening force for Destroids and other ground pounding Mecha. In the field, they are equipped to survive, totally unassisted, for up to 14 days at a time. Like most infantry unit, 104TH has its own Destroids, but they typically go much further ahead of the main column, searching through cities abandoned by the robot-equipped forces, and thus usually leave theirs behind.Later in the war, the 104TH developed their own Destroids, the Timberwolf Heavy Main Assault Destroid and the Marauder Light Cavalry Destroid. Though these only saw limited action, they were employed very successfully after the war by other units later on, especially during the late-war holding action in Granish on FBX 21555320, when the decision was made to evacuate the planet. This was also to be one of 104TH Infantry's finest hours, as the Division, at half-strength, held the north side of the the city against an insurgency four times their own numbers, AND reinforced 451st T'sentraedi Kerugadorasu Zugara (which had been nearly destroyed when their Destroids were re-deployed due to the east front feint).Attached Units:504st Parachute Infantry Regiment: Parachute equipped Cycloners.782ND Combat Support Battalion: Specialists in tank/infantry combined action. | Colors: Grey On Green.Owner: UGC via 14TH and XIV Corps.Commanding Officer: Colonel.Executive Officer: Lt Colonel.Duties: Take and hold ground in protracted contests. | Large Army (500) | Features: | A: Sponsorship: | B: Outfits: | C: Equipment: | D: Vehicles: |
UGC (Government) | Utility Outfits (5) | Electronic Supplies and Good Gear (5) Medical Equipment (10) | Company Fleet of Vehicles (10) | E: Weapons: | F: Communications: | G: Internal Security: | H: Permanent Bases:Advanced Weaponry (20) | Full Range Systems (15) | Paranoid (40) and described as "schizophrenic" by some, due to their habit of changing access rules on an hour-by-hour basis, based on intel developed in the field. Because this was their OWN intelligence workup, it often did not mesh with the higher divisional intelligence analysis. | Partial Headquarters (2) 19TH Armored. | I: Intelligence Resources: | J: Special Budget: | K: General Alignment: | L: Criminal Activity: |
Scout Detachment (5) Psionic and Magic Operatives (20) Sentinel Race Specialists (20) | Nickels and Dimes (5) | Scrupulous and Principled (8) | Con Man (1); Again, a necessity of an operational combat unit. (5 points) Prostitutes (1); It happens in even the best-disciplined unit, and combat units aren't necessarily the best disciplined. (5). | M: Reputation/Credentials: | N: Salary: |
Known (5) | Good Salary, as standard for all REF personnel (10). | Vehicles and Equipment: |
Just a few thousand Cyclones, several hundred MAD-03R Marauder Light Destroid, and several dozen MAD-069 Timberwolf Heavy Assault Destroid. Nothing special.Note that the MAD-069 was developed by and for 104TH Infantry. | 19TH Armored Division |
The Fighting Nineteenth Tank Division, as it came to be called, is 2212TH Headquarters Regiment (most especially 104TH Infantry) main Mecha Battalion. It has served in every major campaign, and most minor campaigns, of the war against the Regent. In this time the battalion destroyed enemy equipment equivalent to ten times it's own size, PER PLANET. It also has had the lowest percentage of vehicles abandoned in combat on the front lines. The 19TH has suffered 250 battle casualties: 40% killed in action or died of wounds and only 25% wounded in action-unfit for duty. An impressive record, especially one routinely targeted for major, all-out assault by enemy Mecha. Most injuries have resulted from injuries caused by accidents, pneumonia, dysentery, trench foot, battle fatigue and other causes.The 19TH is an independent Mecha battalion; This does NOT mean it operates without tank or infantry screens. During the war it has become standard operating procedure in combat operations to attach a Destroid squad to each front-line infantry company. Mecha provided support to the infantry in suppressing enemy Mecha, while tanks smash strong points and bunkers, providing close-in artillery fire, combating enemy tanks and vehicles, and suppressing enemy infantry not able to deal effectively with tanks.On 01 November2011, the 750TH was attached to the 104TH Infantry Division and was ordered to move to the vicinity of Gimerh'h on Garuda. In a commendation issued on 21 December2011 at the conclusion of the battle of for the city, General GRANT stated, "The services of the 19TH Armored Division have been characterized by the highest degree of cooperation, unselfish devotion to duty and by the greatest degree of aggressiveness, and combat efficiency. We consider the 19TH Armored as being a tried and true Timberwolf unit, battle tested and combat proven."Attached units:1012TH Combat Support Company: Maintenance and repair of vehicles and supply.60TH Ordinance/Ordinance Disposal Detachment: All ammunition handling is by 60TH personnel outside of combat; Mecha are re-armed and "duds" disposed of by 60TH. In combat, duds are dealt with by throwing them at the enemy and them shooting them, in the hopes that will make it explode. 60TH also un-loads any unexpended ordinance. 60TH is a CBR/Reflex cleared unit. | Colors: UGC standard yellow on blue (red on black).Owner: UGC via 14TH Fleet and XIV Corps.Commanding Officer: General.Executive Officer: Colonel.Duties: Armored support to infantry forces. | Army (300) | Features: |
A: Sponsorship: | B: Outfits: | C: Equipment: | D: Vehicles: |
UGC (Government) | Utility Outfits (5) | Electronic Supplies and Good Gear (5) Medical Equipment (10) | Specialty Vehicles (30) | E: Weapons: | F: Communications: | G: Internal Security: | H: Permanent Bases: |
Maximum Firepower (60), and they like to USE IT. A lot. | Secured Service (10) | Tight (10) | Partial Headquarters (2) with 104TH Infantry. | I: Intelligence Resources: | J: Special Budget: | K: General Alignment: | L: Criminal Activity: |
Psionic and Magic Operatives (20) Sentinel Race Specialists (20) | Large Loans (25) | Scrupulous and Principled (8) | A few con men (15), but nothing to get excited about. | M: Reputation/Credentials: | N: Salary: |
Excellent Reputation (25) | Good Salary, as standard for all REF personnel (10). | 229TH Mobile Surgical Hospital |
The 229TH was formed as an ad-hoc field hospital, drawing people from the SDF-3 and several others ships, plus some medical services personnel who survived the Invid assault on Tirol. The 229TH utilized the GARZIAN HORAN, an former T'sentraedi Dock Landing ship converted to a hospital ship until a new DAVID ESTEP-Class hospital ship became available; she too was named GARZIAN HORAN.The 229TH WAS troubled in some areas, however, mostly noticeably discipline and morale; Too little of one, too much of the other. Unauthorized uniforms was pretty much the norm (as Major General HUNTER and Admirals HAYES-HUNTER and STERLING were all, separately and identically, to recall in their memoirs, during their first tour of the camp, they thought they'd been lead into a very orderly refugee camp), and officers and enlisted routinely referred to each other by first name (Major General HUNTER would recall this was the main reason for his mistaken impression of the unit).On the moral front, they had FAR too much. Illegal stills were common enough throughout the REF (Admiral HAYES-HUNTER was rumored to have had one in her cabin aboard the SDF-3)- But few and far between were the tents in 229TH that DIDN'T have one. And many, and commonly to be found, were the empty prophylactic containers in trash cans- And unlike other units (such as 467TH Rangers), the need for this equipment did NOT have anything to do with keeping weapons free of debris.Attached Units:812TH Medical Company (Air Ambulance); Primary response to hot-LZ medivac. 02 Commanchero helicopters and 01 Reentry Pods. 20 personnel.379TH Medical Detachment; A reserve pools of extra medics, nurses, and doctors who would be assigned to the other units as need. Mostly it had combat-qualified medics. 250 personnel.44TH Medical Hospital (Evacuation); Primary duties were transporting stabilized personnel to rear area hospitals and hospital ships. 30 personnel.422ND Medical Detachment; Optical/hearing, health maintenance, and etc. Also had primary long-term care duties. 25 personnel.9TH Psychological Operations Battalion (Command and Control Team); Ensure REF personnel mental/emotional health, and study enemy psychology to develop strategies to combat them. 24 personnel. | Colors: Standard UGC yellow on blue; 229TH DOES NOT fly the red on black "blood flag" under any circumstances.Owner: UGC via 14TH Fleet; 229TH doesn't answer to XIV Corps.Commanding Officer: Colonel (despite their chain of command); Must be a Doctor or Nurse.Executive Officer: Lt Colonel; Must be either the Doctor or Nurse that the CO isn't.NOTE: Many of 229TH's CO's and XO are both Doctors and Nurses (ie they have both sets of training).Duties: Treating the sick and injured. They do not refuse to treat enemy combatants, but only if they've surrendered.Large Company (200) | | Features: |
A: Sponsorship: | B: Outfits: | C: Equipment: | D: Vehicles: |
UGC (Government) | Specialty Clothing (20); Members of 229TH were authorized to wear non-standard uniforms, including medical smocks, in their duties. These "medical smocks" were not always uniform in color, including floral prints, for it's "soothing effects" (and because often they had brought these along intending to use them for personal reasons, when their issued smocks wore out on them). This was especially true amongst Tiresean survivors working at the camp. | Electronic Supplies and Good Gear (5) Medical Equipment (10) Medical Clinic (20) | Specialty Vehicles (10); 229TH had several dozen armored and unarmored REF vehicles, and select members were assigned either a Human-designed Hovercycle or a Perytonian air skimmer. | E: Weapons: | F: Communications: | G: Internal Security: | H: Permanent Bases: |
None (0); This was, in theory, a non-combat unit. However, most personnel had standard-issue small arms (which were usually left in their gear lockers and sea bags). | Full Range Systems (15), including fleet and vehicle to vehicle satellite linkup through a modified T'sentraedi Reentry Pod, secured by laser and auto-encryption. | None (0). A simple nylon line fence marked their boundaries for the most part, although constantina wire was used in some near-front areas. | None (0). UGS GARZIAN HORAN was their "permanent base", if you want to call it that. | I: Intelligence Resources: | J: Special Budget: | K: General Alignment: | L: Criminal Activity: |
None (0). This wasn't a combat unit. | Nickels and Dimes (5). But they could apply for more money for "ultra special" projects, and did so from time to time. | Scrupulous and Principled (8), despite their relatively lax nature. | None (0); Although there was EXTENSIVE extra-curricular activity, none of it was of a criminal nature (as confirmed by MANY investigations). | M: Reputation/Credentials: | N: Salary: |
Excellent Reputation (25) | Good Salary, as standard for all REF personnel (10). | Vehicles and Equipment: |
UGS GARZIAN HORAN (AHC/S- 663); A DAVID ESTEP-Class hospital ship and the third ship to bear the name GARZIAN HORAN.Like her namesake, this GARZIAN HORAN always lands belly-down which is fairly unusual for an REF ship (typically they land stern-down into combat, and settle onto their bellies latter on). Unlike her namesake though AHC/S-663 rarely lands. | Shuttles and other small ships= 12 TotalRobotech Assault Carrier= 02 T'sentraedi Reentry Pods= 10
| Ground Vehicles= 1,307 TotalAAR-Recon II= 300 ML-3 Forklifts= 02 Hover Cargo Hauler= 05 Hovercyles= 500 Perytonian Air Skimmer= 200 Perytonian Assault Skimmer= 300 | Power Armors= 400 TotalREF VR-052 Battler= 200 REF VR-041 Saber= 50 REF VR-038-LT= 150
Destroids= None. | Guardians= 02 TotalREF Super Guardian= 02
Veritechs= 20 TotalRDF LVR-588 Veritech Car= 20 (used as command cars) |
Special Hisotric Equipment:
229TH has a near-original condition Terran WWI Ford Model T in militry ambulance configuration and a near original condition WWII Dodge WC-54 Ambulance. The only modficications to the two vheicles are to the powerplants, which were given the least about of modifications necessary to make the fuel cell based, and the wheels which were modified to accept Cyclone wheels due to availability issues. Nobody's really sure how these got into the unit's inventory; One day they just sort of appeared in the REF's inventory and were given to 229TH to "use." The mabulances now are kept in display on GARZIAN HORAN'S Quarterdeck and run ahead of the unit during parades. |
663RD Subsistence Battalion |
The 663RD was a combined Food Services/MRW/Laundry battalion; Their job was to provide food, laundry, and moral to other units. It was originally formed pre-GCW by the US Army, and had remained through the GCW, the First Robotech War, and the Malcontent Uprisings. They also had a TOU REDIR-Class (Salan Scout) which was used to transport the unit (see UGS BLOUNT under Vehicles and Equipment).Security was generally handled by other units; Lack of security was the 663RD's stock-in-trade, as people were ALWAYS hungry, and few, if any, outsiders targeted them for anything. Theft and pilfering was an occasional problem, however.Despite 663RD's non-combatant status, they were never so far in the rear as to qualify as "safe"; In fact, detachments were occasionally sent right into combat areas to assist the regular infantry, especially in areas where civilians were involved. Whenever planet-side, they were ALWAYS close enough to the front lines to hear the shelling, though far enough back to say out of harms way (the better to remind them why they were, and how lucky they had it). | Colors: Standard UGC yellow on blue.Owner: UGC via 14RD Fleet.Commanding Officer: Major.Executive Officer: Captain.Duties: Cook food and supply forward units with food; Also attends to ensuring water supplies arrive. | Large Company (200) | Features: |
A: Sponsorship: | B: Outfits: | C: Equipment: | D: Vehicles: |
UGC (Government) | Utility Outfits (5) | Electronic Supplies and Good Gear (5); Medical Equipment (10) | Fleet Vehicles (10) | E: Weapons: | F: Communications: | G: Internal Security: | H: Permanent Bases: |
Basic Equipment (5) | Full Range Systems (15), including fleet and vehicle to vehicle satellite linkup, secured by laser and auto-encryption. | Lax (2) | None (0); They moved with the fleet or battalions. | I: Intelligence Resources: | J: Special Budget: | K: General Alignment: | L: Criminal Activity: |
None (0); Didn't need any. | Big Bucks (45); They always had "moral money," raised from selling extra goods to other units (including more than a few kegger parties). | Unprincipled and Scrupulous (6) | Prostitutes (5): Though officially banned outright, and said ban was enforced to the best of command's ability, prostitution in this unit happened quite a bit, as over-stressed troops (male and female, straight, gay, and other) rotated to rear areas for well-earned R&R. Enforcement of the ban amounted to a slap on the wrist (dock of 10 days pay, which was generally LESS than the amount earned by those "entertaining the troops"). Smugglers and Sellers of Contraband (15): Mostly selling kegger parties and other unauthorized activities. However, as the funds thereof raised were mostly put back into food services, it was quietly ignored. Selling of anything ELSE, however (especially illicit drugs), when discovered brought HEAVY punishments, including demotion to E-1 and transfer to Fantoma Penal Battalion (where EDWARDS' squadron was sent en-masse). So long as it wasn't outright dangerous, nobody wanted to know. | M: Reputation/Credentials: | N: Salary: |
Excellent Reputation (25) for what they did, which was food services and moral raising. Their combat reputation, however, was little, as they were NOT a combat unit, and most of their members weren't even pistol qualified, let alone anything more advanced. However, what little combat-zone experience they DID have was generally EXCELLENT, as their people face what was coming well. (Very often, they were the last to run outside the medics and "real" soldiers, attending to civilian evacuees and carrying/attending to wounded personnel). | Good Salary, as standard for all REF personnel (10). | Vehicles and Equipment: |
UGS BLOUNT (MTR/SS-87) A modified TOU REDIR-Class Salan Scout, used for storage, growing/raising food, and, on occasion, as a refugee ship. The BLOUNT is thought to be the oldest ship in the UGC still in service. | Destroids= 10 TotalTBP-Z1 Raditzs Regult Tactical Battle Pod= 10
Guardians= 0 Total Veritechs= 02 TotalRDF LVR-588 Veritech Car= 02 (used as runabouts and command cars) | UGS BLOUNT: A modified T'sentraedi TOU REDIR-Class (Salan Scout) cruiser. The majority of her weapons (including ALL missile launchers and laser turrets) were removed (most being used to rearm other ships), and her hull armor overhauled (giving her effectively three times as much armor over two hulls), as well as the engines (main drives have .2 light, auxiliary drives Mach 30). She was named for the 663RD's only Medal of Honor recipient, Andrew BLOUNT, KIA 11 May 2010 by T'sentraedi Malcontents (he opened fire on them as his people escaped, saving the lives of almost 300 people).Her third and fourth decks were converted to hydroponics farms, and her first deck converted to holds, work spaces, and shuttle bays. Her second deck became crew's compartments, including live and movie theaters, berthing areas (small apartments), and etc.Assigned to BLOUNT was Delta Company, which was manned entirely by farmers. They were recruited right off of their old fields, given basic militry indoctrination (taught how to march, salute, and speak), and given orders to BLOUNT to grow the food the REF would need to survive. | 507TH Bio-Maintenance Battalion |
507TH Maintenance Company provides direct support vehicle and equipment maintenance and repair parts supply, and to provide technical support to their assigned units and assist in maintaining their operational readiness. The unit has over 20,000 Soldiers performing a wide variety of maintenance and supply operations.The 507TH Maintenance Company performed it's mission for the REF with pride and dedication for the duration of the war. Not only did the Company provide the REF with outstanding support in maintenance, over time it participated in many local, regional, and interplanetary relief/support efforts. Soldiers of the 507TH assisted civilians during several natural disasters, and assisted 555TH Transportation Command during a continent-wide evacuation during an Invid Incursion of Selentar Vegusii.Inspired by and dedicated to the REAL 507TH US Army Maintenance Company, ambushed in Iraq 23 MARCH, 2003. | Colors: UGC standard yellow on black.Owner: UGC via 14TH and XIV Corps.Commanding Officer: General (this is a very big unit in manpower and inventory terms).Executive Officer: Colonel.Duties: Repair REF Mecha and vehicles (limited repairs for ships). All of it. They also repair the non-protoculture powerplants, electronics, and weapons systems. In fact, they repair everything on anything smaller than a ship (and the protoculture and fold drives for ships). | Large Company (200) |
Features: |
A: Sponsorship: | B: Outfits: | C: Equipment: | D: Vehicles: |
UGC (Government) | Utility Outfits (5) | Electronic Supplies and Good Gear (5) Medical Equipment (10) | Specialty Vehicles (30) | E: Weapons: | F: Communications: | G: Internal Security: | H: Permanent Bases: |
Basic Equipment (5) | Deluxe Communications Network (25) | Iron-Clad (20) | None (0); UGS FOLSOM could be considered their permanent headquarters. | I: Intelligence Resources: | J: Special Budget: | K: General Alignment: | L: Criminal Activity: |
None (0); Didn't need any. | Large Loans (25) | Anarchist (2) | Con Man (5); They were CONSTANTLY trying to get something from somebody, and sometimes it worked. 4 Smugglers and Sellers of Contraband (15); Usually installing unauthorized weapons into other units Mecha (which, in turn lead back to the con men). | M: Reputation/Credentials: | N: Salary: |
Known(5) | Good Salary, as standard for all REF personnel (10). | Vehicles and Equipment:/th> |
NOTE; Most of the Mecha "assigned" to 507TH Bio-Maintenance Battalion are damaged and/or otherwise unfit for combat. Generally, these were used for parts, and more than a few units, listed as "totally destroyed," were spliced together to build a new, fully operational Mecha.UGS FOLSOM (MRNL/M-211): A modified RIN NADOW LOJM-Class (T'sentraedi Monitor; This very ship would be the engineering heritage behind the YOUNGER-Class Assault Shuttle) | Shuttles and other small ships= 12 TotalRobotech Assault Carrier= 7 (2 are still armed) Horizonts= 5
Ground Vehicles= 1,106 TotalAAT-40 Assault Transports= 25 AMR-10 Mecha Retrieval Units= 1,000 M.O.V. Moles= 200 ML-3 Forklifts= 250 Hover Cargo Hauler= 50 Hover Transport Truck= 21 Hovercyles= 500 Chariot Motorcycles= 250 | Power Armors= 4,406 TotalMicronian Power Armor MkII= 100 VR-052 Battler= 2,500 VR-041 Saber= 200 VR-038-LT= 500 Ultimax Medium-Weight Assault Robot= 100; 507TH Biomaintenance is the only 14TH Fleet/XIV Corps to routinely deploy the Ultimax due to its utility in front line repair duties AND relative ability to defend itself; However, the armor was upgrade by 50%. | Destroids= 1,205 TotalRDF Gladiator= 250 REF Gladiator= 300 RDF Excalibur= 20 REF Excalibur= 400 REF Raidar X= 20 RDF Gladius= 200 TBP-Z1 Raditzs Regult Tactical Battle Pod= 10 OBP Z-2 Glaug Officer's Pod= 4 CRP Z-3 Quel Qualie Theater Scout Recon Pod= 1
Guardians= 9 TotalStrike Aggressor= 2 Super Guardian= 7 | Veritechs= 1,381 TotalVeritech Car= 50 RDF VF-1A= 5 (ECM Variant) RDF VF-1D= 1 RDF VF-1J= 1 Super Veritech Argumentation Pack= 7 VAF-6C= 25 VAF-6J= 15 VBF-1C= 25 VBF-1J= 15 VHT= 2 Super VHT Augmentation Pack= 5 Logan= 25 | UGS FOLSOM; This is the same used by 1138TH MP as a brig ship, with her attended subordinate commands (the pickets and agricultural ships). | 50TH Signal Battalion |
50TH Signal Battalion's only reason to exist is to COMMUNICATE. And they do it well.Every second of every minute of hour of every day they relay as many as 2,000,000,0003 bytes of data, flying through both atmosphere and space- And they've never lost a call.They operate out of UGS MA BELL, a modified FRAND'LAR TIVUVO-Class Shuttle (T'sentraedi Re-entry Pod), equipped with Hyperspace communications relay system. Any time a team commander, even a lowly private, needs to "Phone Home," it first routes to their unit comms array, then to their attendant comms satellite, then to 50TH's MA BELL. Only fleet Command ships have their own hyperspace array, which they typically try not to use (both to for EMCON and because MA BELL'S crew is better equipped to organize the signals to maximize their chances of getting through).A vital secondary role of 50TH is signal interception and deciphering. They are the primary source of sigints for the force, and even learned to understand Invidia/Invidista communications (though far less than 10% can be translated into useable information). Most of what they are able to successfully intercept and interpret is the more mundane malcontent comms (starting with T'sentraedi and Tiresean, though Atorian comms were easy to decrypt; only Palpatinian and Wraith comms continue to baffle them for biologic enemies, and the Beorge for artificial life; the Cybermen and Daleks are not fully understood, either). This information is then passed to 313TH Intelligence Battalion (who can decipher more of the msgs, though Palpatinians and Beorge still isn't fully understood).50TH also handles all Public Affairs duties, and is the main element of the fleets Recruiting Command.Special Assets: Hyperspace Communications Relay System: Can span the void of hyperspace instantly to communicate with other fleets or commands in distant solar systems. QF-3,000 C Space Pods: Normal QF-3,000 Space fighters modified as communications satellites for instantaneous communications throughout the force. Gives the entire force effectively satellite communications. Note that all of 14TH Fleet's various communications satellites are 50TH's property, and therefore their problem to repair and maintain, no matter who it's assigned to or what modifications have been made to it. | Colors: UGC Standard yellow on blue.Owner: UGC via 14TH Fleet.Commanding Officer: Lt. Commander; Despite the importance of 50TH Signal's duties, the command is really quite small, and almost entirely Electronics Technicians and Operation's Specialists (once referred to as Radiomen).Executive Officer: Lieutenant (jg). When a Lt (jg) isn't available, a Senior Chief can step in as the acting XO, since they usually are the de facto XO anyways.Duties: maintain commusnitacations throughtout 14TH Fleet and XIV Corps, and with UGC Militry Headquarters, President's Point, Jove, Terra.A surprisingly important collateral duty is maintaining the mail, ensuring that postal service carriers know when and where to be to deliver and receive non-supply parcel shipments. | Army (300) | Features: |
A: Sponsorship: | B: Outfits: | C: Equipment: | D: Vehicles: |
UGC (Government) | Utility Outfits (5) | Unlimited Equipment (50) | Specialty Vehicles (30) | E: Weapons: | F: Communications: | G: Internal Security: | H: Permanent Bases: |
Basic Equipment (5) | Superior Communications (40) | Paranoid (40); They have to be FAR more careful with their security, as they receive all incoming hyperspace message traffic- Including classified militry information. Fortunately, the fact that they ARE a spaceship separated from the rest of the fleet, and all hands can live on board, increases their security. | None (0) | I: Intelligence Resources: | J: Special Budget: | K: General Alignment: | L: Criminal Activity: |
None (0); That's not their job. | Big Bucks (45); They get ANYTHING they want, as far as money goes. | Scrupulous and Principled (8) | None (0); They'd never get away with anything anyways. | M: Reputation/Credentials: | N: Salary: |
Excellent Reputation (25) as far as their own job, communications, goes. They have little combat experience, though, and most of that is getting out of the way of the shooting. However, on Deinta III, a civilian uprising almost took the MA BELL (the rebels even managed to get inside), and the crew fought long, hard, and bravely in hand to hand fighting. Some equipment was damaged (this was the aim of the rebels), but they managed to get that fixed in very little time at all (down only an hour). | Good Salary, as standard for all REF personnel (10). | Vehicles and Equipment: |
NOTE: Mecha and vehicles outfitted in AWACS/Wild Weasel configuration are used to relay signals, not the more traditional roles.UES MA BELL, a modified FRAND'LAR TIVUVO-Class Shuttle (T'sentraedi Re-entry Pod). Curiously, the ship has never been replaced, despite now 500 years of technical innovations, despite extensive hull changes (including multiple through-hull fitting changes that have opened up and later re-closed through-hull penetrations). | Non-Combat Ground Vehicles= 23 TotalRDF Land Rovers= 02 ML-3 Forklifts= 01 Hovercyles= 20
Combat Ground Vehicles= 01 TotalRDF AAR Recon II= 01
Non-Combat Aircraft= 04 TotalVC-33 Glamours= 01 EC-33a AWACS= 03
Combat Aircraft= 202 TotalTurbo Fan Jets= 02 QF-3,000 Ghost Fighters= 200
| Combat Spacecraft= None Power Armors= 400 TotalRD/EF Micronian Power Armor MkII= 50 REF VR-052 Battler= 100 REF VR-038-LT= 250 | Destroids= 416 TotalREF Gladiator= 02 REF Excalibur= 04 REF Raidar X= 10 RD/EF Mecha Knight= 100 TBP-Z1 Raditzs Regult Tactical Battle Pod= 300
Guardians= 02 TotalNOTE: One is kept onboard at all times; The other is stored aboard UGS NORFOLK when not needed. RD/EF Super Guardian= 02 (outfitted in AWACS/Wild Weasel config)
| Veritechs= 42 TotalNOTE: These were stored aboard UGS NORFOLK when not needed. RDF LVR-588 Veritech Car= 02 RDF VF-1D= 10 (outfitted in AWACS/Wild Weasel config) Super Veritech Argumentation Pack= 25 VAF-6R= 20 (outfitted in AWACS/Wild Weasel config) VBF-1R= 10 (outfitted in AWACS/Wild Weasel config) | 313TH Militry Intelligence Battalion |
"Militry intelligence, now there's a contradiction in terms." Sign hung in front of "teh shack" |  | "How much do you think you've figured out?" "Well, I don't know... 10% mayb..." "10%? Matt, you're guessing!" (slight pause) "We like to call it analysis." Midway (1976)
| "There are three types of intelligence: The intelligence of man, the intelligence of animals, and the intelligence of the militry- In that order." - Unknown. | 313TH Intelligence Battalion is the fleet's PRIMARY information analyzation department. Their job is to take whatever facts they can get from the fleet on enemy movements, activity, strengths, and etc. and form this into a picture that command can utilize to form a strategy.Often, all they can present is a generalized idea of what the enemy (malcontent or otherwise) are planning, and how they plan to do it. 313TH has actually been maligned by MOST of the force, as their analysis, while rarely perfect, has always been pretty close to the mark, and no battle has been lost due to their mistakes. Indeed, few, if any, battles won could have been so, had it not been for 313TH.313TH is also a HIGH STRESS unit, as members are routinely called to look over something or another at all times of the day and night. It got to be so bad, a few members rebelled against it by simply not wearing clothes for days at a time. (This mini-mutiny began after someone showed an old Terran movie, "Midway," with an intelligence officer wearing a bathrobe. Unlike the presumptions made on said officer, however, they continued to bathe.) Though this "expression of discontent" was dealt with, it was realized that 313TH members were under an unusual amount of stress, and therefore were placed in a greater R&R rotation- Which none of them took, for fear about what might come up.Their main office is "teh shack," a compartment aboard UGS NINIVA which they converted to a full-fledged office building and berthing area, complete with infirmary, galley and messdeck, recdeck (with deck to overhead view panes), PT deck (with quarter mile track and view panes), 02 holds, separable potable water, grey water, sewage, and ventilation systems, generator, and fuzzy dice- Essentially, a ship within a ship. They don't "have" to step outside the shack unless they happen to want to for some reason. It is interesting to note that somewhere along the way, they deliberately re-named their offices "teh shack" (there are even photographs showing the original name, "the shack"). Nobody's really sure who, how, or when it happened, and since nobody outside 313TH cares, no one plans on doing anything about it. Ever.A strange aside is the unit's racial divisions; Though this was the singly most integrated until in the REF (composing member of EVERY known Sentinel and REF member race), it was also to most racist of units; Especially the T'sentraedi. The main focus of their racism: T'sentraedi. The leaders of this attitude: T'sentraedi. T'sen in 313TH were ABSOLUTELY convinced any T'sen NOT in the REF were beyond reason, and that detente or surrender was impossible, and that all T'sentraedi in the REF who weren't in 313TH are potential traitors who had to be watched OBSESSIVELY; At that, each of them believed their fellow 313TH members to be pro-Master spies. To say that the T'sentraedi in 313TH were obsessed with paranoia is not fair; They treated their paranoia as a very strict religion, and each treat themselves as the "True Prophet" of that religion.That attitude hasn't changed much, either. It's just expanded to Atorians, Palpatinians, Freng, etc.In short, 313TH hates anyone who isn't 313TH and is one of their own species. (There's a lot of stress-induced mental cases in 313TH...)"The Pinwheel:: Originally, jobs were assigned by placing them on a wheel, with the next 313TH available for assignment getting the next job; They would walk up, grab a little sheaf of paper with a job number on it, then take the appropriate folder. Nobody's really sure when or how, much less why exactly, but someone painted the wheel a rainbow scheme; After that it came to be called "the pinwheel" from an old Terran term. Much later on a computer system was installed that compared member's abilities (such as languages) to job requirements, but the original pinwheel itself was kept, and became the unit's statue; Their current emblem is also called the pinwheel, eight question marks of different colors radiating from a central white hub.Attached Units:92ND Chemical (Medical Response) Company: Determine what, if any, chemicals have been used on the battlefield and treat. 25 person.320TH Adjutant General Company (Postal): Deliver the mail, censor for militry secrecy. 10 person49TH Air Traffic Control Platoon: Control near front air traffic (Communications). 5 person.689TH Quartermaster Company: Procure, deliver (in conjunction with 255TH Transportation Battalion), and disperse material, from toilet paper and food to guns, ammo and Mecha parts. 25 person.132ND Militry History Detachment: Reporters and historians (communications). 10 person. | Colors: UGC Standard yellow on blue and a rainbow.Owner: UGC via 14TH Fleet.Commanding Officer: Vice Admiral.Executive Officer: Major General.Department Heads: Colonels and Captains.Note: 313TH is a combined services unit.Duties: Intercept and interpret data on enemies and potential enemies. | Free Company (145) | Features: |
A: Sponsorship: | B: Outfits: | C: Equipment: | D: Vehicles: |
UGC (Government) | Utility Outfits (5) | Unlimited Equipment (50) | Specialty Vehicles (30) | E: Weapons: | F: Communications: | G: Internal Security: | H: Permanent Bases: |
Basic Equipment (5) | Superior Communications (40); The only people with better comms than 313RD is 50TH Communications Battalion and Fleet Command. | Impregnable (60); Even being caught NEAR 313RD activity will get you killed. AFTER they torture you. (The torture isn't "really" necessary to get more info- They just do it because THEY CAN.) | None (0) | I: Intelligence Resources: | J: Special Budget: | K: General Alignment: | L: Criminal Activity: |
Scout Detachment (5) Special Militry Operatives (10) Psionic and Magic Operatives (20) Sentinel Race Specialists (20) Infiltration Network (50) | Large Loans (25) | Aberrant. (0) Every single member of 313TH IS a loyal REFer to the core. But they hate ALL life, especially each other's. | Safecracker (25); A necessary part of their business, the safecrackers would open locked containers believed to house useful enemy material. As a calibration study and routine security analysis, they'd also sometimes crack their fleet's various safes (after all sensitive documents were removed) to see how easy it would be to break in. As a result of these studies, the safes are routinely upgraded, making it harder and harder for even insiders to break in. (The day nobody could crack an ensign's safe they declared all safes "ironclad," and STILL recommended upgrades. Their recommendations were eventually carried out.) Expert Forger (10); Also a necessary part of their business, the forgers were put to work creating false orders, documents, and etc for distribution to T'sentraedi and other Master-allied forces. Forged documentation had no effect whatsoever on the Invid, and this tactic was never used in that capacity. However, they COULD create false Invid documents (meant for collaborators), including identity, marching orders/combat assignments, and etc. | M: Reputation/Credentials: | N: Salary: |
Unknown (5); Except by fleet command level personnel, their existence is pretty much secret. Even the lowliest infantry grunt boot recruit "knows" there's and intelligence unit somewhere (the same way they "knew" there was an Admiral HUNTER), but few realize where to find them. 313TH has worked very hard to keep it this way.Good Salary, as standard for all REF personnel (10). | | Vehicles and Equipment: | UGS NINIVA, a BATTLESTAR-Class spyship. Because NINIVA is 313TH's alone, her stats are included here as well.NOTE: All 313TH vehicles are outfitted to one degree or another for sigints and AWACS/Wild Weasel duties. | General Information: | Size and 0rientation: | Function: |
Name: UGS NINIVACommanding Officer: Vice Admiral.Executive Officer: Major General.Location: 14TH Fleet. | Large Station (400) | Militry |
Features: |
A: Power System: | B: Defenses: | C: Sensors: | D: Communications: |
Protoculture (equivalent to Fusion, 10) with nuclear, solar, and battery Power (0) backup. | Shields (3pts every 3,000 MDC) Point Defense Weapons (5) Short Range Weapons (10) Space Fighters (15pts/Squadron)Armored Hull: 20pts 25% | Long Range 6pts/3 Sats Interstellar 10pts ea. Scouts (10) Superior Sensors (40)
| Satellites: Short and Long Range 6pts/3 Sats, including courier satellites. Interstellar 10pts ea. Stellar Communications (40) | E: Station Maintenance: | F: Supplies: | G: Internal Security: | H: Medical Facilities: |
Top Priority (15) | Dependent (0); More so than most, the NINIVA doesn't even have a garden big enough to serve as filtration; Only water is recycled (and barely at that). | Crack Security Force (35): 313TH is made up of people who can kill a man for breathing too loud, on top of the people who's only job is to kill intruders… | Advanced Medical Ward (25): As much as possible they keep their activities in house; However, advanced injuries and elective surgery has to be transferred out, they simply don't have the capacity for that. | I: Environmental Systems: | J: Independent Business: | K: Transients: | Ships, Fighters, Power Armor, and Robots:These fluctuate over time; However, the following is a GENERAL assortment:Shuttles- 500Space Fighters- 500Guardian Fighters- 1,000Veritech Fighters- 1,000Veritech Cars- 10,000These numbers vary from normal BATTLESTAR-Class stats. |