United Galaxies Council. | REF RENORBY-Class AS (Supply Ship). |  United Galaxies Council. |
The RENORBY-Class Supply Ships carry general supplies for the fleets; Spare Mecha, parts, personnel, etc. The only thing not carried by the RENORBY-Class is fuel, food, and munitions (which are already  | REF RENORBY-Class AS MAYFLOWER. |
carried by the TERRA-Class AOE (Fast Combat Support Ships). The majority of a RENORBY'S crew is government employees other than military; The Ships Operational and Engineering Departments are Spacy, but the Logistical Element Unit are GSC personnel (civilian).These ships may be non-combatants, but because of their unique cargos, they are often targeted by enemies; Therefore they ARE armed. Name: REF RENORBY-Class AS Model Type: AS/Supply Ship Crew: SHIPS COMPANY: Operational Department: 40; Engineering Department: 60 LOGISTICAL ELEMENT UNIT: 80 to 150, depending on situation. Passengers: 200-500 Troops as a reserve command. MDC By Location: |
Hull- Bridge- External Hatches (about 20)- | 10,000 1,000 150 each | Internal Hatches (up to 100,000)- Thrusters (10)- Solar Panels- | 100 each 200 each 200 each |
Speed and Statistical Data: |
Spacefold: Not equipped FTL: Factor 4 Cruising Speed: Mach 40 In Atmosphere: Mach 2.5 Clearance: 2,000 feet Beam: 200 feet Length: 200,000 feet Weight: 500 million tons. Cargo: 100 billion tons. Power Systems:Primary: Solar Panels; Output: 100 KHh (more than enough for station keeping and ship's work); Range: 50 light years. Note: No combat can be sustained on solar panel alone.Secondary: SRT 61 Fusion Reactors; Output: 20 Petawatts of power; Lifespan: 20 years; However, the systems can only run for forty-seven minutes at maximum power before overheating automatically shuts down the reactor, ruining it. | Tertiary: Emergency Batteries (100,000) Lifespan: 100,000 hours on emergency power status. Thrust Systems:Primary: RTT 416 Tractioning Drives; Output: 100 million lbs; Range: Unlimited.Secondary: 8 Fusion-plasma reaction thrusters around the hull; Output: Output: 22 million lbs (enough to keep up with the fleet); Range: 20 hours at full power before overheat.Tertiary: Quad Sparrowhawk HSP-24 Fusion-plasma Thrusters for emergency use, mounted as a quadruple bank in the central engine bay, directly behind the hull; Output: 10,000 lbs (enough for ships operations); Range: 200 hours. Flight System: Standard grav pods. Cost and Availability: 1 billion credits; 4 to 10 months for delivery. Black Market: Not available; Even re-habed T'sentraedi Warships are worth more. The REF couldn't even sell captured ones as Warehouses, and would be forced to scrap them out. |
Weapons Systems: |
1. DS-2 Full-Force Barrier System: An advanced force field system which covers the entire ship with a single yellow-greenish force field. This field will stop all solids and directed energy weapons. Excess energy is shunted from the field to large onboard capacitators, which is eventually discharged through the defensive laser batteries; In theory, this will occur in combat only, though occasional discharges happen even during Charlie periods (in port for repairs and maintenance). The storage wattage is high but not infinite, and the energy MUST be discharged BEFORE the stored energy overloads the field causing the equivalent of a nuclear missile- explosion ONBOARD and well inside the hull. Most of this damage will be to equipment surrounding the shield generators itself, so the vessel should survive; She will suffer severe damage to its internal electronics and power systems, and the systems affected will be inoperable until repairs are made. MDC: 200. Attacks/Actions per Melee: Per operators attacks per melee plus bonuses (generally 4 to 6 per melee). Range: 100 feet. Payload: Unlimited. | 2. Defensive Laser Batteries (15): A battery of defensive lasers dot the hull of these vessels. Mostly for anti-missile and meteorite defense. MD: 5D6 per blast. Rate of Fire: Per gunners attacks per melee plus bonuses (generally 4 or 5 per melee). Range: 500 feet. Payload: Unlimited.3. Ships, Fighters, Power Armor, and Robots: Each MONTGOLIFIER Repair Ship has a few robots and etc, mostly to forcibly muscle materials around. Shuttles- 02 Mecha and Fighters- Up to 12 Veritech Fighters are assigned to each as a defensive force. Robots- Each ship has up to 100 MPS MarkV's and another 45-50 Widerul's.
Features: |
ESM: Radar Detector. Passively detects other radars being operated. Radar: Combat grade radar. Range 1,000 miles, can track up to 50 individual targets. 95% reliability (24% against unfriendly stealthed vehicles). IFF Tracker: Identifies friendly forces in the area; However, it requires ACTIVE ASSISTANCE for other vessels, making it spottily reliable under battle conditions. Fortunately, these vsls stay WELL to the rear, sometimes even in a whole other system during the battle. FLIR: ForWard Looking Infrared. Allows pilot to get see other vessels when running dark. Recorders: Records from various ships sensors, etc; 500 hours of recording available. Full range optic sensory suite: Infrared, ultra violet, Magnification, night sight, color filters, thermal imager. Range: About 200 miles. ESM: Radar Detector. Passively detects other radars being operated. Blue Force Tracker: Identifies friend from foe. Overlays the information on both the radar and HUD, ensuring that friendly forces are not accidentally targeted. GPS: Standard tracking device. Ties into the Blue Force Tracker. Anti-Jamming System: Reduces Electronics Countermeasure by 3/4 (decrease skill level appropriately). HUD: Displays maps, radar, targeting information, and any OTHER information the wearer wants directly in front of the user. FLIR/SLIR: ForWard and Side Looking Infrared. Allows pilot to get visuals on targets at night. Recorders: Records from various ships sensors, etc; 500 hours of recording available. Full range optic sensory suite: Infrared, ultra violet, Magnification, night sight, color filters, thermal imager. Range: About 200 miles. Motion Detector: Activates a loud wailing when an object is coming at the user fast, and a soft ringing if it's coming slowly. Activation ranges must be specified by the operator. Type-11 wide band radios: Effective 10 mile range, auto encrypt/decrypt. Works on standard radio band wavelengths, so it can still be jammed (if the enemy knows the frequencies). 1 MC (loudspeaker): Internal loudspeaker (naval and spaceships). Oxygen Rebreather System: Extends air supply to triple the ships air supply. Cartridge MUST be replaced periodically, however. Internal temperature and humidity control: Automatically maintains crew's desired heat, humidity, and other personal comfort settings. Heat And Radiation Shielding: Special shielding prevents the penetration of life threatening heat and radiation. Variable Tint Veiwports: Adjusts tinting to light conditions, up to an including a black dot if the sun is directly on the viewers face (only covers eyes). Vacuum Seal: Permits use in hard vacuum (such as outer space), and other hostile environments. Holographic and Plasma Display Screens: A collection of over-sized displays set around the vessel at several strategic places allow the crew to know whatever information is required; One battery is set into the bridge for dedicated ship's operations; Another set a ventral compartment overlooking whatever ship is being repaired. Spotlight: Useful Range: 200 feet. Covers an area about 20 square feet effectively.
| Launched Decoy Pods: Located on the dorsal amidships main hull. Each is a specially designed radar lure that creates a radar image to mimic the machine. If decoys are not destroyed, they can be recovered and repaired. This system has been successfully deployed against SEVERAL alien radar-type sensors (including one that works off of sound).MDC: 5Effects: The decoy has a 98% chance of fooling ordinary non military radars and non smart guided missiles, and a 90% chance of fooling military grade radars and advanced smart missiles.Range: Released to go wherever it wants; Can fly independently for about 30 minutes.Rate of Fire: Up to 10 times per melee.Payload: 20 Decoys each pod (10 pods; 200 total). AMC/FD (2): Anti-Missile Chaff/Flare Dispensers. Actually launches a glob of burning magnesium/aluminum alloy to confuse both radar AND heat sensory systems. Fires off 04 chaff/flares each time it is activated. The system is KNOWN to work on all KNOWN radar and infrared systems except Protoculture sensors, but concerns continue that somewhere out there their MIGHT be a system that will be totally unaffected by the system. Reduce effects by 20% against smart missiles (add +20% to rolls for smart missiles).Effect:01-50 Enemy missile or missile volley detonates in chaff cloud- Missiles are all destroyed.51-75 Enemy missile or missile volley loses track of real target and veers away in wrong direction (may lock onto another target).76-00 No effect, missile is still on target.Also note that the chaff cloud will also blind nearby heat sensors (and optically based sensors at night) for 1 melee. They will suffer the following penalties: Reduce melee attacks/actions, and combat bonuses by half.Duration: 1D4 melee rounds.Payload: 60 chaff/flares. Each time the system is engaged, the system fires off 04 chaff/flares. Survival Pack: Each crew member is required to keep a survival pack on their person at all items; Additional packs are kept at various locations around the ship, including escape pods. Infantry carry their survival packs with them in their backpacks, and tank and RPA crews keep them in their rides, usually stowed under a seat or etc. Half Tent; Sleeping bag; Black light; GPS; First aid kit (bandages, gauze, bandage tape, pads, antiseptic/analgesic); Plasma torch (for small repairs and starting fires); Repair kit (with MDC Repair Spray); Sewing kit (a small spool of thread and 5 needles); 14 Star flares (250 foot apogee); 500 feet of green, black, brown, or olive-drab Parachute cord (150 lbs tensile strength); 10 days emergency rations; 5 gallons emergency distilled water and purification kit (good for about 200 gallons); Survival radio (10 mile range, and can not be scrambled or secured, so enemies can listen in on and jam the signal; A 25 lbs Type 3 (general purpose) inflatable life vest; All in a single pouch on the small of the back of the spacesuit. Spacesuit: Protects the wearer in space for up to 200 hours IF not damaged; Can be repaired for SMALL breaches only (included with the suit), and sacks for holding survival kits are built into the spacesuits. MDC: 30, AR: 20. Escape Pods: 20 escape pods can each carry 20; Each pod carries 30 additional survival packs.
Combat Bonuses from REF RENORBY-Class Combat Elite: Limited; The RENORBY-Class simply ISN'T a Warship. 2 attacks per melee. +3 Parry. +5 Roll. +1 Dodge. |
 United Galaxies Council. | REF RENORBY-Class AS (Supply Ship). |  United Galaxies Council. |
The RENORBY-Class Supply Ships are excellent, but were limited by capacity. After about 100 years of testing, the Merchant Marine (which owns and operates the REF's RENORBY-Class developed the RENORBY-Class articulated barge system. The stern of a normal RENORBY  | RENORBY-Class Barge. |
 | RENORBY-Class Barge In Tandem; REF regualtions limit a set to 5 under normal conditions. |
was cut off, then reinforced to allow it to mate to the bow of a normal ship; The powerplant was removed, with a much smaller powerplant installed (since the barge doesn't need as much power as a full ship), and the rest of the space was converted to additional cargo space. Despite being an articulated barge system (the barge is solidly clamped to the ship, in this case as a pusher-puller configuration), these barges make the ship very unwieldy, and as such they move slow, turn slow, stop slow. Name: REF RENORBY-Class Articulated Barge Model Type: Articulated Barge Crew: None. A crewmwmwber should make a round through the barge every hour, and most do.Passengers: None. These barges can only be used for passengers in the most grave circumstances, as they are prohibited by REF regulation. MDC By Location: |
Hull- Bridge- External Hatches (about 20)- | 10,000 1,000 150 each | Internal Hatches (up to 100,000)- Thrusters (10)- Solar Panels- | 100 each 200 each 200 each |
Speed and Statistical Data: |
Spacefold: Not equipped FTL: Per the Power Unit (the ship). As these are only intended for use with the RENORBY-Class, Factor 4. Cruising Speed: Per Power Unit. In Atmosphere: 100 mph max; Any faster will cause the barge to yaw and swing unpredictably. Clearance: 2,000 feet Beam: 200 feet Length: 200,000 feet Weight: 310 million tons. Cargo: 150 billion tons. Power Systems:Primary: Solar Panels; Output: 100 KHh (more than enough for station keeping and ship's work); Range: 50 light years. Note: No combat can be sustained on solar panel alone.Secondary: DDRT 8 Fusion Reactors; Output: 3 Petawatts of power; Lifespan: 10 years. | Tertiary: Emergency Batteries (100,000) Lifespan: 80,000 hours on emergency power status. Thrust Systems: 4 Fusion-plasma reaction thrusters around the bow; Output: Output: 22 million lbs (enough to keep up with the fleet); Range: 20 hours at full power before overheat.Flight System: Standard grav pods. Cost and Availability: 1 billion credits; 8 weeks to 1 month for delivery. Black Market: Not available; Even re-habed T'sentraedi Warships are worth more. The REF couldn't even sell captured ones as Warehouses, and would be forced to scrap them out. |
Weapons Systems:The barges don't have real weapons systems, only minor self-defense defenses. The primary defenses come from the power unit. |
| 2. Defensive Laser Batteries (15): A battery of defensive lasers dot the hull of these vessels. Mostly for anti-missile and meteorite defense. MD: 5D6 per blast. Rate of Fire: Per gunners attacks per melee plus bonuses (generally 4 or 5 per melee). Range: 500 feet. Payload: Unlimited. |
Features: |
1 MC (loudspeaker): Internal loudspeaker (naval and spaceships). Oxygen Rebreather System: Extends air supply to triple the ships air supply. Cartridge MUST be replaced periodically, however. Internal temperature and humidity control: Automatically maintains crew's desired heat, humidity, and other personal comfort settings. Heat And Radiation Shielding: Special shielding prevents the penetration of life threatening heat and radiation. Variable Tint Veiwports: Adjusts tinting to light conditions, up to an including a black dot if the sun is directly on the viewers face (only covers eyes). Vacuum Seal: Permits use in hard vacuum (such as outer space), and other hostile environments.
Combat Profile from REF RENORBY-Class With Barge: Extremely limited; The RENORBY-Class isn't a warship, and the barge makes it even MORE difficult to control. One movement action every 2 turns. +5 Roll. +1 Dodge.The ship's laser batteries each have 4 attacks per melee, but since they are automated they will target missiles, fighters, and shuttles only. |