Kobolese Confederation. | Zephyr-Class Space Station. |  Kobolese Confederation. |
Zephyr-Class Space Station. |
 |  |  |  | Type: | Civilian. |
FTL: | Yes. |
Propulsion: | Jets. |
Crew: | About 250. |
Capacity: | 1 million tons. |
CO: | Master First Class Licence. |
XO: | Master Second Class Licence, Master First Class Pending. |
Role: | Civilian, various purposes. |
Weapons: | Sheilds, anti-missile defences. |
Dimensions: |
Length: | 4,000 feet (1,219.2m). |
Diameter: | 1,250 feet (381m). |
Weight: | 1.2 million tons. |
Zephyr-Class Space Stations, also referred to as Space Parks, are a class of FTL-capable civilian passenger liners originally of Libran design and registry back in the era when artificial gravity was too expensive to utilize on a commercial ship of this size. The namesake of the class (currently the 5th to hold said name) serves as the interface point for the Gods of Kobol (where the Kobolese people come to interact with their leaders/gods). Typically, they use their FTL drives simply to get to where they will be permanently positioned, then shut them down and leave them standby in case they are ever needed again. Some hulls remove the FTL drive entirely, though this is not the common practice (and is frowned upon by the Lords Of Kobol.Delegates from the Quorum of Twelve routinely use Zephyr herself to meet and in fact Compartment 332 is the only space aboard the station that does NOT belong to the Gods; Listening devices are therefore banned. After whatever meeting is being had is concluded, the Quorum meets with the Gods themselves.This class is too big and oddly shaped to safely land, and to date there is only one record of any such attempt, thought possibly to be one of the original fleet that brought the Kobolese to the colonies (said ship is long gone, but the site of said landing is well known).Command And Control SystemsThe Zephyr-Class have one of the most aesthetically pleasing bridges in the known universe; Extremely spacious, the bulkheads are typically powdercoated in a calming green color, with a carpet that is very comfortable. The bridges are also very well-arranged, though this appears to have been evolutionary in nature; There are pretty clear records that the bridges were once very cluttered and not well arranged at all. It appears to have been the Third generation of the ships when the current arrangement was generally achieved, with small adjustments since then.Propulsion SystemsThe propulsion system designed for the Zephyr-Class, the Kobolese Vertrite macro nozzle cluster, uses hyper-energized gases (hyper-plasma) for propulsion. Vernier's at various places around the ship allow generally unlimited movement. All are fed from a series of common fuel bunkers located in the main hull.Defensive SystemsThe Zephyr-Class has very limited defenses, but they are typically sufficient to protect the ships from all but the most insistently dedicated attackers.Sand Casters:Sand casters throw a field of ordinary sand or other highly reflective fine grains of material into a sphere approximately 660 cubic foot (200 cubic m) across. Its primary effect is to scatter lasers, reducing their damage by 1/3. They also cause 1D4 damage to any craft which flies through the field at high speed; The sand lasts for five melee rounds (75 seconds) before it disperses.Anti-MissileEach anti-missile is actually a volley of ten fragmentation mini-missiles which automatically deploy to intercept other missiles. Make one strike roll per missile to see if any of the mini-missiles impact the incoming missile. A hit automatically destroys the missile. Note that anti-missiles are not effect as offensive weapons.Point Defense Lasers:A light laser cannon used on capital ships that are meant to defend against starfighter and missile assaults, although it is often used in ship to ship combat as well.ShieldsAlthough not originally designed with them, the Zephyr-Class were long ago upgraded with basic shielding; A single barrier field of 200 MDC gives 360⁰ protection. Though not nearly as impressive as many craft, it does get the ships though surprise attacks, which is enough time to escape- Ussually.Crew Support SystemsThe Zephyr-Class has the most extensive crew support systems in the Kobolese march, and is equally on par with even the best elsewhere; They in fact exceed pretty much everyone else.Medical FacilitiesThe Zephyr-Class were built from the ground up with a full, proper medical facility; A miniature hospital, in fact, complete with surgical and isolation rooms. In a radical departure from "normal" Kobolese attitude, the Zephyr-Class have been upgraded with several robots not native to the Kobolese march (the Kobolese are notorious for their hatred of robots, second only to the Landsraad), especially the FX-7 'Fixit', MOT-4 Med Table, 21-B Med Robot, and unsurprisingly Bacta and Rylca/Bacta Tanks (even the technophobes of the Landsraad appreciate Bacta-Rylca/Bacta). Every last ship in service was upgraded with this equipment inside of 7 years, mainly because it took that long to produce the numbers the Kobolese were ordering.Recreational FacilitiesAs luxury ships, the Zephyr-Class has extensive recreational facilities:EVA:Each passenger is required to wear an emergency vacuum expose suit and carry an emergency vacuum exposure at all times, but that doesn't mean they can't ENJOY a space walk. Light duty EVA vehicles allow for passengers to get out and hang in the stars without concern.Swimming:Each ship has at least "a" swimming pool; Most have a waterslide along their ring that's part of the forestry feed system, meaning the passengers must take "some" care not to swipe at the plants. Since it is a RING slide, most ships have instituted a "two rotation limit" policy when others are waiting.Shuffleboard:Shuffleboard and games like it are quite common.Gambling:No passenger ship can financially survive without some games of chance it seems; About 25% of ships revenues come in this way. The casinos run the gamut from low to high stakes, with most types of games available; Dabo has recently come into popularity, and billiards is catching in some circles.Dancing:Naturally, there is a disco on each ship, but most boast several, catering to different tastes in music.Music:Speaking of which, each Zephyr-Class has three dedicated concert halls; different types of music are played throughout the day.Theater:Zephyr-Class ships flagged from the Kobolese march invariably have their Kobolese' First Run Movies, and some even play the movies on-board BEFORE they're out in planetside theaters. Zephyrs flagged to other systems will typically run their home system movies first, then others as they arrive in those systems.Stage:And not to be outdone, Zephyrs have a dedicated theatrical stage, usually boasting a homeport playwright's production. These are most often classics, though from time to time a new offering is made.BerthingAs luxury ships, each Zephyr-Class has staterooms easily on par with the finest hotels around; Many staterooms even have PRIVATE galleys and messdecks, and accomodations specifically for a passenger's personal staff.Auxiliary CraftThe Zephyr-Class ISN'T a militry craft by any stretch of the imagination, but they do keep some auxilleary craft for purpses other than recreational:Historic FootnotesAt least one of these ships, identified as the original Zephyr, made the journey to the colonies; There are even pictures of her having landed, and is "thought' to be the only deliberate, planned landing of a ship of this class.The trial of one Gaius BALTAR (for treason after claiming to have found the 13th Colony, an act of religious reformation and therefore treason) was held aboard Zephyr (the fourth one); He was eventually exonerated and his cult has survived his passing (an event shrouded in controversy). The Baltar is another of this class and named for him (owned by the Baltarians themselves). The trial was actually held on the stage deck (the theatrical stage hosting the judges' and witnesses).This class was so successful that it was adapted for scientific use by replacing passenger accommodation with laboratories, auxiliary power generators, and computer cores. The (usually) vastly reduced passenger manifest means that there's no loss of luxury in the staterooms, and the messing facilities are also improved, since there's fewer people to feed.The needle-like nose cone of the strictly passenger variant hides the presence of dozens of antennas and probes. These cones are removed for scientific conversion, and "can" be removed for freight conversion. The antennas themselves are typically removed for Warehouse conversion or scrapping. |
General Information |
Name: Zephyr-Class Space Staion; Also "Space Parks."Location: Many systems around the UGC; Every planet in the Kobolese Confederation.Size and Orientation: Large Station (400). | Function: Private Business (+20 Independent Business, +20 Supplies, +20 Environmental Systems) and Scientific (+10 Sensors, +10 Medical Facilities, +10 Power Systems).
Features:Because each station is it's own little world, they vary to some degree; They will never be more than 1 level below the standard listed here. Environmental Systems is fixed, and requires 100 points PER LEVEL of reduction, since the machinery is specifically designed to encourage plant life; If not tended to (part of "Station Maintenance"), they can get pretty gnarly, becoming nasty entanglements. The Sagitarion Flagged TYROL LINES Nykee Kuliine was abandoned for 150 years when the company downsized; When a salvage crew boarded her to put her back in service, they found a nasty jungle had grown, which alone took them 2 weeks to clear a way through- All this, IN SPITE OF there being no power, little gravity, and the water moving only on inertial forces. |
A: Power: | B: Defenses: | C: Sensors: | D: Communications: |
- Solar and Battery Power (0)
- Matter/Anti-Matter (20)
| - Shields (3 pts every 3,000 MDC)
- Point Defense Weapons Systems (5)
- Space Fighters (15pts./1 Squadron)
- Armored Hull; 20pts. 25%
| - Short Range Satellites 2pts./6 Sats
- Scouts (10)
- Enhanced sensors (20)
| - Galactic Standard (5)
- Long Range Satellites 6pts./3 Sats
E: Station Maintenance: | F: Supplies: | G: Internal Security Personnel: | H: Medical Facilities: |
I: Security Systems: | J: Environmental Systems: | K: Independent Business: | L: Transients: |
- Medium Security Measures (10)
| | | - Varies by individual station.
MDC By Location: |
Laser Turrets (30) Shuttle Bay Doors (2) Airlocks/Access Hatches (many) Outer Hull (per 12 foot area) | 150 each 300 100 each 100 | Interior bulkhead (per 66 foot area) * Forward 1/3 ** Main Thrusters (2, Rear) Secondary Thrusters (1, rear) | 25 5,000 8,000 each 6,000 |
Notes:* Depleting the MDC of the forward section means that the forward Third of the ship has been destroyed. This includes the main cannon and the command center. Nothing on the ship, including life support, engines, and weapons will work, leaving the ship a floating wreck.** Depleting the MDC of the main engines will force the ship to rely on its secondary engines. Depleting the MDC of the main engines AND secondary engines will leave the ship adrift in space. If in an atmosphere, the ship will crash (destruction of the main engines will render the antigravity system useless due to loss of power).
Speed and Statistical Data: |
Speed (Sublight): 0.02 speed of light. Speed (Conventional Drives): Can maintain 0.23g for 5 hours 6 minutes; Capable of 1.1g for 38 minutes; and the emergency thrusters can propel the vessel at 2.1g for 10.8 minutes. Space Fold: Range Unlimited. Planet bound: Can land if necessary but not designed to maneuver in an atmosphere; It's a controlled crash, if you're lucky (-45% to piloting skill÷number of crewmembers running the emergency landing evolution). Maximum Range: Matter/Anti-Matter Reaction: Up to 6 months.Solar: Unlimited while in range (range is approximately 5.2 AU in a typical yellow dWarf (G-type main-sequence star). Length: 4,000 feet 1/2 inch | Diameter: 1,250 feet. Displacement: 250,000 tons. Cargo: Varies; From as little as 21 tons as a luxury line to as much as 2 million tons as a Warehouse ship. FTL: Fact 14. Fold System: Not equipped. Sublight Drive: Kobolese Tri-Dirion Drive (tractioning drive). Gravity Control System: Centrifugal force; Grav pods are also possible, but most ships simply use rotation. Auxiliary Engine: Kobolese Vertrite macro nozzle cluster. Cost And Availability About 100millioncredit; Fairly common. So much so that it's not available on the black market.
Weapons Systems: |
1. Point Defense Lasers: Scattered across the ship. Unlike most luxury ships, the Zypher-Class' defensive systems are NOT concealed. Each turret can rotate 360 degrees with a 180 degrees arc of fire. Purpose: Anti-Fighter/Missile Defense. MD: 5D6 per blast. Rate of Fire: Per gunners attacks per melee plus bonuses (generally 4 or 5 per melee). Range: 500 feet. Range: 2,000 feet. Rate Of Fire: Per gunner's attacks per melee. Payload: Unlimited.
2. Anti-Missiles: For reasons even the Kobolese themselves do not understand, they are obsessed with anti-missile defense; Kobolese anti-missiles really are considered amongst the best there are. Each anti-missile is actually a volley of ten fragmentation mini-missiles which automatically deploy to intercept other missiles. Make one strike roll per missile to see if any of the mini-missiles impact the incoming missile. A hit automatically destroys the missile. Note that anti-missiles are not effect as offensive weapons.Payload: 100 missiles (10 shots per launcher). Can be fully reloaded at a rate of once per melee. | 3. Sand Caster: Sand casters throw a field of ordinary sand or highly reflective fine grains of material into a sphere approximately 660 cubic foot (200 cubic m) across. Its primary effect is to scatter lasers, reducing their damage by 1/3. They also cause 1D4 damage to any craft which flies through the field at high speed, and have a 60% of confusing missiles (causing them to careen off-course, prematurely detonate, or etc.); The sand lasts for five melee rounds (75 seconds) before it disperses.
4. Mecha:20 Guardians.50 Destoids.200 Space Fighters.20 Shuttles. Exact types of each varies by ownership.
Features: |
- ESM: Radar Detector. Passively detects other radars being operated.
- Radar: Combat grade radar. Range 100 miles, can track up to 50 individual targets. 95% reliability (24% against unfriendly stealthed vehicles).
- Blue Force Tracker: Identifies friend from foe. Overlays the information on both the radar and HUD, ensuring that friendly forces are not accidentally targeted.
- GPS: Standard tracking device. Ties into the Blue Force Tracker.
- Anti-Jamming System: Reduces Electronics Countermeasure by 25% (decrease skill level appropriately).
- HUD: Displays maps, radar, targeting information, and any OTHER information the wearer wants directly in front of the user. One is located at each weapons control station, and another makes up the majority of the bridge.
- FLIR/SLIR: Forward and Side Looking Infrared. Allows pilot to get visuals on targets at night.
- 1 MC: Internal loudspeaker.
| - Virtual Map: Displays a continuously-updating map of local terrain for the bridge. Takes data from and gives data to other friendly units in the area. Effective navigation of 85% as updates come. Good to 500 miles. Specific range can be adjusted in 10,000 mile increments.
- Video Camera: Records from the HUD. 5,000 hours of recording available.
- Full range optic sensory suite: Infrared, ultra violet, Magnification, night sight, color filters, thermal imager. Range is about 200 miles for MOST sensors.
- Survival Pack: A pack of simpler emergency survival supplies: Pup tent, sleeping bag, black light, GPS, First aid kit (bandages, gauze, bandage tape, pads, antiseptic/analgesic), plasma torch (for small repairs and starting fires), repair kit (with MDC Repair Spray), sewing kit (a small spool of thread and 5 needles), 7 star flares (250 feet apogee), 2 white parachute flares (1,500 feet apogee), 100 feet of black or brown parachute cord (150 lbs tensile strength), 2-5 days rations, 2 gallons water, water purification kit- good for about 10 gallons.
Combat Profile for an average Zypher-Class:- 6 total attacks per melee.
- +4 Strike.
- +2 Dodge.