In keeping with the traditions that this site was built on, please feel free to use, abuse, copy, and distribute it as you see fit. All I ask is that you give credit where credit is due and not claim that it is your own work (and much of it is not mine, either). However, painful experience has taught me not to "write by committee" as Admiral Myhkell REDDSON put it.
United Galaxies Council.
UGC Ships
United Galaxies Council.
The UGC still has need for ships of all types and descriptions; No ships, No UGC. That simple. The ability to get from one planet to another, let alone one system to another (nevermind one galaxy to another) is the only thing that keeps the council in power; If they were to lose this category of assets, the individual systems would, by necessity, be forced to deal with their issues themselves. Whole star systems, such as Assumption and Greiner, would starve, while others would die off to raging viruses. Even such "breadbasket" systems as the Georgia Colony would starve, since they manufacture none of the equipment that they use to grow all that food; Grain and fruits die off, animals starve.
In an independent assessment by several groups, the UCG was informed that in the best case scenario the empire would last 06 months if all the starships and/or shuttles were, for whatever reason, to be out of commission. This is why the Council has increased spending on building reserves of fleets, most especially cargo vsls (both starships and shuttles).
Any given system deploys as many as 200 NEW CLASSES of ships every year, including warships native to that system, and not likely to be deployed by any other system any time soon. However, the ancient IPA-Era designs have, by and large, served the UGC's needs very ably, requiring only routine upgrades over the centuries. For brevity and due to the extensive numbers, only a few of classes (militry or civilian) are listed.
The oldest of the designs presented here are the VEROCHA-Class Frigates, a Unification War holdover. (This is, in fact, only technically correct; The BLOCKADER-Class are based on the Atorian Empires IRANDUIA-Class corvettes; However, the VEROCHA-Class Frigates met the IRANDUIA-Class Corvettes, not the BLOCKADER-Class Pickets.) Even the GARFISH- and IKAZUCHI-Class are still in service; The HORIZONT-Class, though still in service, has largely been supplanted by the PLANETMASTER-Class Assault Shuttle for assault (they remain in service for re-supply, medivac, and et cetera). Also, the YOUNGER-Class Troopships are slowly taking over more of the GARFISH-Class' traditional duties as an escort, and the GARFISH-Class may be taken out of service at some point in the future. However, the GARFISH-Class has greater speed and firepower, and will NOT be taken out of service until a specific replacement is designed, and no such action is currently happening, nor is it in the near offing.
The UGC's civilian sector shipping community has developed several simple vessels for various uses. Some designs were paid for or supported by the UGC directly; Only these appear here.
These vessels are available from the UGC directly, but only for the purposes designed for. They are sold at a DRASTICALLY reduced cost (the profit is less than 01%) to ensure the system has the ability to carry out basic functions.
NOTE: In keeping with the tradition of mariners dating to antiquity, all vsl names are written in ITALICS; MILITRY VSL NAMES ARE IN CAPS. Civilian vsls are not.
Some vsls belong under multiple categories; In these cases, the PRIMARY working circumstances are where it is listed, though the SECONDARY working circumstances will be covered in discussion.
REF Civilian Ships.
These are the vsls with strictly CIVILIAN applications; That is, they can not realistically be used as militry vsls.
Einstein-Class Research Experimental Ship
Hollywood-Class Amusement Ship
Megaroad-Class Colony Ship
Three Star-Class Factory Ship
Indomitable-Class SSTOS
Valley Forge-Class Agricultural Ship
Sojourner-Class Cargo Ship
Galactica-Class Exploration Ship
Chairman-Class Executive Ship
Miner Ship
Tanker Ship
Toxic Waste Transfer Ship
Warehouse Ship
Riviera-Class Marine Resort Vsl
The Megaroad-, Three Star-, and Einstein-Class vessels were engineered by the UWA (the predecessors to the UGC) and the Hollywood- and New Macross-Class vessels were collaborative efforts with civilian companies.
REF Militry Ships.
These are capital ships. Auxiliary vsls are listed below. Militry vsls continue to be critical, in every sector, to the UGC, yet despite there being almost twice as many CLASSES of militry vsls as general civilian vsls, civilian vsls outnumber militry vsls almost 1,000 to 1.
RIN NADOW LOJM-Class Monitor
ARK ROYAL-Class Escort Battle Carrier
WARRIOR-Class Destroyer
ADMIRALTY-Class Patrol Cutter
BLOCKADER-Class Picket Ship
EMSTAR-Class High-Speed, Long Range SAR/LE Ship
MIRIYA PARINO-STERLING-Class Interdiction Ship
ALLIANCE-Class Corvette
PLANETMASTER-Class Assault Shuttle
AZONIA LAPLAMIS-Class Fast Reaction Ship
ANDROMEDA-Class Medium Cruiser
FOLSOM-Class Detention Ship
CONSTELLATION-Class Battleship
ARMOR-Class Space Carrier
VEROCHA-Class Frigate
YOUNGER-Class Troopship
BREETIA TULL-Class Ultra-Dimensional Fortress
KHYRON KRAVSHERRA-Class Support Carrier
Super Dimensional Fortresses (SDF's).
TUATHA-Class General Purpose Ship
VOR'CHA-Class Battlecruiser
B'REL-Class Bird-Of-Prey
GALOR-Class Battlecruiser
V'GER-Class Light Attack Crusier

REF Auxillery Ships.
"To kill and be King? Is that all?"
"Perhaps not even that."

This is the classic line of a Terran movie, when a king is faced with the decision to hand over his child. The REF's answer: NO. Killing may be part of the REF's mission, but the REF is NOT the T'sentraedi Forces; And even the T'sentraedi had SOME auxiliary ships.
The REF has a full range of non-combat vessels, including construction and repair, hospital, fast fleet support, C3I, general cargo, and variants of each.
The TOKUGAWA's suffered from a relatively weak armaments selection, especially the lack of a one-shot-kill weapon, and a lack of sufficient hangar space for their Veritech wing. Also, the T'sentraedi were capable of picking off ships with much the same armament as the TOKUGAWA'S from beyond the range where these could answer the attack effectively. At first, the REF deployed them as jeep carriers, launching VAF-6 Alphas and VBB-7 Beta Bombers into battle, without intention of recovery; However, this quickly proved to be impractical, and recovery operations were developed. Automated space drones were tried next, to little effect; Invid Mecha could easily defeat any automated platforms the TOKUGAWA'S threw at them. After that, they were tried as missile ships, but the missile launchers on them were woefully inadequate to sustain battle, and installing additional missile launchers was impossible. The TOKUGAWA'S were designed as the systems of the SDF-1 were still being deciphered, so unfortunately these elements could not be fully understood.
The TOKUGAWA'S shortcomings as warships did not fully dampen enthusiasm, however; 8 of these vessels were built, and 5 went to Tirol. However, this was more a reflection for the urgent need for hulls and the simplicity of construction than the adequacy design. In a fit of genius, the REF realized that the TOKUGAWA'S could reasonably cheaply be converted to auxiliary ships; The first of these was the MONTGOLIFIER-Class Repair Ships (listed separately). Next was the Fast Fleet Support Ship TERRA-Class, which carried food, fuel, and munitions to combat-active units, allowing them to stay in the fight longer.
The second type was the CHRISTIAN REEVES-Class Troopship; Almost a luxury liner when compared to other infantry/ground forces transports, CHRISTIAN REEVES doubled as an R&R base. A second vsl, the ELISIA HUGHES, was built over Tirol in time to see action in the battle for Garuda. The next was the JAMIE WRIGHT-Class Hospital Ship, which also saw action at Garuda. The CHRISTIAN REEVES and JAMIE WRIGHT-Class vsls have finally been withdrawn from service, with the WRIGHT-Class being replaced by the far more capable DAVID ESTEP-Class Hospital Ships; The REEVES-Class is not currently planned to be replaced, though a modified version of the GALACTICA or VALLEY FORGE-Class vessels are being considered as a possible replacement.
The MONTGOLIFIER and TERRA-Class vsls remain in service, and consequently are listed here; The DAVID ESTEP-Class is also included.
Auxiliary vsls have both militry and civilian applications, such as supply and repair vsls, and therefore while they won't have enough in the way of fire power to engage directly in combat, will be able to defend themselves, and won't carry enough cargo to make them economically viable but would keep a fleet fighting. Often, auxiliary vsls are used by civil fleets for fleet support, performing much the same mission their militry counterparts are.
CS/A-013 and CS/A-013(a) Satellite
MONTGOLIFIER-Class ATFRS (Fleet Salvage/Repair Tug)
DAVID ESTEP-Class T-AH (Hospital Ship)
Olympic-Class Hospital Ship
TERRA-Class AOE (Fast Combat Support Ship)
CAPRICA-Class Refueler
RENORBY-Class AS (Supply Ship)
UGC Prison Ship
BATTLESTAR-Class Spyship
OUTLAW-Class Repair And Salvage Ship
UGC Landship.
The Landship program began in 2060 when an enterprising ships captain, Marc IAN, took grav pods off a wrecked T'sentraedi warship and installed them on an abandoned river barge. He then installed a locomotive engine for power, and named her Louisa (for his daughter).
Capt IAN'S Louisa.
Louisa became a popular sight at many lonely outposts of civilization, carrying all sorts of products (livestock and meats, produce and seeds, metals, plastics, lumber, every sort of finished goods, etc). Trader Marc did a brisk business, until he fell ill of pneumonia; Consigned to his bed, and facing the loss of LOUISA under several legal actions (including piracy for using T'sentraedi grav pods to outfit the ship), he sold her to the EDF for an undisclosed sum (both sides would confirm only that it was 8-digits, and didn't mention that it included guaranteed health benefits for himself and his children not already 21).
After about 10 years, a few of these vessels, called "ELEPHANT-Class" under EDF control, have been so radically altered they really no longer qualify as ELEPHANT'S, nor even as cargo platforms; The most glaring of this being the MULE-Class Tugs.
All Landships are spaceworthy to a LIMITED degree; Though only the FOLKER- and MULE-Class are independently transatmospheric, any other these types can be either vacuum sealed or automated for MOST functions, or both. ELEPHANT'S used on Luna and other zero-atmosphere bodies are routinely slaved to a MULES flight controls, and LANGS are rarely, if ever, built without vacuum sealing.
The Landship Program promises to be a vital part of UGC defense for a long time to come, especially for the RDF's.
ELEPHANT-Class Cargo Landship
EMIL LANG-Class Repair Landship
FOLKER-Class Land Battleship
HAYES-Class Aero-Space Carrier Landship
MULE-Class Fleet Tug Landship

Other Ships.
There are some ships that were either too small or too little understood to include above.
SOME ADDITIONAL IMAGES for clarification.
Point Defense Lasers: This one is a planetary-bound one (which is why it is manned).
Escape Pods: Typically 10- to 20-man SWL.