United Galaxies Council. | UGC SPACY. |  United Galaxies Council. |
The UGC Spacy consists primarily of thousands of ships and hundreds of thousands of interceptors, capable of annihilating all threats to the UGC's peace with little to no planned losses. It came of an amalgamation of the various Terran navies of the Global Civil War era, added to with the technology developed from the SDF-001, and expanded by the reconstructed parts of the T'sentraedi Forces. Over time, the size and technology of the Spacy has been expanded still more by the various empires annexed by the UGC.In her battle history, the Spacy has confronted literally millions of enemies; These include the T'sentraedi, Tiresians, Invid, Carbonarans, Palpatinians, and thousands of empires, large and small. The Lagunans proved to be the most dangerous in most ways, though the Invid came closest to destroying Terra and ending Human life; The Palpatinians continue to spread chaos and mayhem throughout the Rakatan Galaxy (and beyond), and the eternal Atorian terrorists.Strategically the Spacy hits hard, fast, and often, striking enemy bases of operations, shipyards, and other strategic bases. They tend to avoid command centers, instead breaking the enemy's means to resist, but never to such a degree that they could not be rebuilt afterwards. This is combined with interdiction (blockade) to prevent free travel, and therefore disrupt commerce, further breaking their means (and often their will) to fight.Tactically, the same basic principles are applied; The enemy fleet is surrounded to prevent escapes, then the distance is closed until individual melees occur. In ship-on-ship action (really relatively rare), a Spacy vsl will target first the drives, then the powerplant, then the weaps. This serves a three-fold purpose: One, to recover enemy ships for study; Two, to recover hulls for peripheral duties; Three, to demoralize the enemy (having spent billions on a ship, or fleet, only to have those same guns now pointed at you, can be very demoralizing). Indeed, the Inter-Planetary Alliance (the first formal body politic to unify the factions of the Plenipotentiary Council and the sentinel Alliance) had her Spacy tripled on the hulls of captured Atorian Empire ships, refitted with better weapons and shields.The Death Flag.
Officially "Pennant, Warning, Enemy/Opposition Forces #1," the banner is described in UGC Universal Code 66357583.2(a) as "A red banner 5 units wide by 3 high, with a white character 1 unit high and wide consisting of Unicode 2620, affixed where it can best be seen by non-UGC militry forces."It has several nicknames; The Jolly Roger, Joli Rouge (French, "pretty red"), Death Flag, Death's Head, Kill Flag, Totenkopf, Skull And Crossbones, Kidds' Flag or Issac Kidds' Flag, and Chuck or Chuckie (depending on the CO).Pennant, Warning, Enemy/Opposition Forces #1 is only authorized for ships that have engaged in combat "and inflicted injury upon enemy forces." It's a warning; "This ship has killed before." Whenever possible, the Spacy sends a Task Force entirely flying Death Flags as a strong warning, one rarely missed. Though specifics of skulls vary quite widely by species, no species is sufficiently isolated that they do not recognize 'a' skull when they see one, and the skull and crossbones motif is sadly universal for that reason- Every species instantly understands at least the skull part to mean 'death.'Though generally intended only for Spacy vsls, the Death Flag is flown by Patrol cutters that have been in combat with non-UGC forces other than smugglers and MerMar vsls that have been in combat and exchanged fire. Proof of specific deaths aren't always possible, and as such the standard is a verifiable and damaging strike on an enemy vsl; If your shot connected and clearly caused damage, then it's highly likely you killed someone too. Currently about one third of the Spacy rates a Death Flag as a result of the M'Harshian War and Dalek and Jollem Incursions, including two UDFs (UDF-5 ATRAN and UDF-8 TRIANGULUM).Agency History:General Information Name: United Galaxies Council Spacy (also called the Space Command).Commanding Officer: Chief Of Spacy Operations (once called the Chief of Naval Operations).Size and Orientation: Features: Size and Orientation: Large Mercenary Army (500)Features: |
A: Sponsorship: | B: Outfits: | C: Equipment: | D: Vehicles: |
Government (UGC). The Council fully funds the service, down to the last credit. | Open Wardrobe (10); Basic uniform with some specialty outfits, but nothing real special. There are nice uniforms (see Uniform Manual for more information), but not exactly whatever you want. | Unlimited Equipment (50). For the most part what they want, they get. There are some limits. | Company Fleet of Vehicles (10). While some vehicles (especially combat vehicles) are definitively set, most non-combat vehicles are regionally procured, with only standards set (speed, accel, etc.). |
E: Weapons: | F: Communications: | G: Internal Security: | H: Permanent Bases: |
Maximum Firepower (60): All of the forward-deployed Reflex weapons are in the Spacy's control, including all the Reflex and Synchro Cannons, and about 90% of the total Reflex weaponry. | Deluxe Communications Network (25); In fact, the Spacy is the primary communications service for the UGC Militry and State Department and carries a great deal of other governmental communications. They do NOT carry civilian communications (except the Office Of Public Communications). | Tight (10); However, even the best-disciplined units tend to let things slip, especially through social media networks. There have also been varying levels of traitors and would-be thieves, for reasons ranging as far from base money to ideology to anything in between. However, these are few and far between, and usually dealt with before they become too great a threat. | Company City (60); On a company world, in a company SYSTEM; The spacy owns outright the entire DDL-485 system, and it's marked as militry reservation on every star chart. There's really only two reasons to go there; You have legitimate business there, in which case you were invited in some fashion, or you're there to start a war, in which case, you will have it. DDL-485 is also home to over a thousand various space stations, dockyards, dry docks, etc. that are use to repair, refit, and maintain Spacy assets. |
I: Intelligence Resources: | J: Special Budget: | K: General Alignment: | L: Criminal Activity: |
Scout Detachments (5): Several dozen fleets exist specifically for this purpose; Additionally, the BATTLESTAR-, EMSTAR-Class High-Speed, Long Range SAR/LE Ship, MAXIMILLIAN STERLING-Class SAR Ship, AZONIA LAPLAMIS-Class Fast Reaction Ship, and TUATHA-Class General Purpose Ship (specifically for the Brotherhood of Steel) as well as several types of aero-space platforms exist for specifically for this purpose.Special Military Operatives (10): Several dozen units exist for this specific purpose. These units would require sheets entirely of their own. | Large Loans (25); More precisely, the equivalent of large loans; Keeping in mind that the Spacy is almost half again as large as the rest of the REF COMBINED, a "big loan" for the Spacy is equal to the next largest branch of the militry, The Marines, whole budget- For two years. | Scrupulous and Principled (8). Not every single member of the organization is so upright and moral, but the entity itself seeks to maintain its overall high character. Those that can not or will not conform find themselves out on their ass- Without money, rights, or even citizenship. | None (0). No criminal activity is officially permitted, and very little unofficially permitted. |
M: Reputation/Credentials: | N: Salary: | Personnel: |
Famous (50); There is NO ONE who "hasn't" heard of the Spacy; The PIONEER-Class SDF is practically a symbol of the UGC, and rare is the day that goes by when a UGC vsl isn't in any given system. In fact, budgetary planning centers around exactly this; To have 75% of the various systems able to be occupied by "a" Spacy vsl, as a direct marker of the UGC's interests, while at the same time being able to keep 75% of the fleet in port. The Spacy isn't quite able to keep to this optempo, being forced to deploy at least 30% of the fleet (for a few years they were able to keep 33% of the fleet in port), and often going as high as 50% (when the Council is unwilling to pay for new ships). | Good Salary (10); Pay is based on rank and time in service. | Commanding Officer: Chief of Spacy Operations (CSO)1Executive Officer: Assistant Chief of Space Operations (ACSO)Other Ranks: Fleet Officers: Generally Admirals and Vice Admirals. Typically flagged on an SDF (or increasingly a UDF)Task Force Commanders: Typically Captains or Commanders; Referred to as "Commodore."Strike Force Commanders: Typically Lt. or Lt Commanders. | Other Key Staff (R&D specialists, secretaries, etc.):Office Of Strategic Development: Tasked with developing new technologies and hardware.Office of Budgets: Tasked with developing the Spacy's budget (accounting).
1 Occasionally the Chairman of Joint Chiefs Of Staff is a Spacy officer; In this case the Commanding Officer is the CJCOS |