Faction: ______________________
Spacestation Worksheet.

Faction: ______________________
Use Space Station Construction Rules, The Rifter #, page.
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General Information:
Size and 0rientation:
Name: __________________________
Director: ________________________
Assistant Administrator: ____________
Location: ________________________
Small outpost (150)
Medium Station (300)
Large Station (400)
City Size (500)
    Militry (+20 defense, +10 Internal Security, +10 Supplies)
    Industrial (+10 Power Systems, +10 Supplies)
    Private Business (+20 Independent Business, +20 Supplies, +20
    Environmental Systems)
    Scientific (+10 Sensors, +10 Medical Facilities, +10 Power
A: Power System:
B: Defenses:
C: Sensors:
D: Communications:
Nuclear, Solar, and Battery Power (0)
Fusion (10)
Matter/Anti-Matter (20)
Magic (40)
Experimental (50)
None (0)
Shields (3pts every 3,000 MDC)
Point Defense Weapons (5)
Short Range Weapons (10)
Medium Weapons (20)
Heavy Weapons (40)
Space Fighters (15pts/Squaron)
Armored Hull:
5pts= 10%
10pts= 15%
20pts 25%
Basic 0
Short Range 2pts/6 Sats
Med Range 4pts/6 Sats
Long Range 6pts/3 Sats
Interstellar 10pts ea.
Scouts (10)
Enhanced sensors (20)
Superior Sensors (40)
Very Basic (0)
Galactic Standard (5)
Short Range 2pts/6 Sats
Medium Range 4pts/6 Sats
Long Range 6pts/3 Sats
Interstellar 10pts ea.
Advanced Communications (15)
Stellar Communications (40)
E: Station Maintenance:
F: Supplies:
G: Internal Security:
H: Medical Facilities:
Low Priority (0)
Secondary Priority (3)
High Priority (8)
Top Priority (15)
Automation (35)
Dependent (0)
Semi-Self-Sufficient (10)
Self-Sufficient (25)
Super-Sufficient (40)
Undermanned (0)
Minimal Security (5)
Local Law Enforcement (10)
Private Security Force (20)
Crack Security Force (35)
Magic Security
Squad (10)
Platoon (20)
Company (30)
None (0)
Basic Sick Bay (5)
Full-Staff Medical Sleep (10)
Advanced Medical Ward (25)
Psychic/Medical Ward (40)
Full Hospital (75)
I: Environmental Systems:
J: Independent Business:
K: Transients:
Primitive (0)
Basic System (10)
Advanced System (25)
Super Advanced (40)
Complete Ecosystem (100)
None (0)
Small Business (5)
Trading Post (10)
Market Place (20)
Big Business (50)
40% (0)
30% (5)
20% (10)
10% (20)
5% (40)
Closed Station (60)