Lackland Station herself. | SR-71 Blackbird Spy Plane. |  Lackland Station herself. |
An SR-71 Blackbird. |
 | Model Type: | Strategic Reconnaissance/Bomber. |
Class: | SR-71. |
Crew: | Two. |
Passengers: | None normally. |
Top Speed: | Mach 30. |
Height: | 18.5 feet. |
Wingspan: | 55.6 feet (the wings can NOT fold up). |
Length: | 107.4 feet. |
Weight: | 30 tons. |
Cargo: | Only the pilot's emergence supplies can be carried. | |
Power System: | Twin JER-m11 Hydro-Cell Jet Engines (33,000 pounds each engine). |
Flight Systems: | Grav Pods;Normal Aero-Foil effect and Hydro-Cell Jets. |
Thrust Systems: | TD-050 Traction Drives;Twin JER-m11 Hydro-Cell Jet Engines. |
Weapons Systems: | Fixed Forward Mini-Missile Rail Launcher; MRM Launchers (2);<.li> Ball Turret Laser;Piggyback Load. |
Space Fold: | The smallest craft, and one of the VERY few aero-space craft so equipped; NOT powerful enough to from galaxy to galaxy. |
The United States Air Force build about a dozen of these planes in a joint program with the CIA. All but 02 are known to still exist, and all of them SOLIDLY in REF control. The REF has also built 2 dozen additional clones of this
 | Another Blackbird Pic; This was during the Second Robotech War. |
craft, and added a few details not seen before, most important of which was a dual-station ball turret, equipped with twin laser cannons. The ball turret can be positioned either on the dorsal OR ventral side of the craft.In addition, a modified LRM can be piggybacked on the vehicle. The missile TYPICALLY is rigged with a surveillance version of the CS/A-013(a) Satellite. This satellite can then relay the data to the ship and keep a copy on board and the missile recovered (by recoupling to the ship), or be released to strike a target (doing the equivalent of a high-explosive MRM). Alternately, any type of LRM warhead EXCEPT nuclear, multi warhead can be carried. (Nuclear single warhead is possible.) Finally, a pair of modified F/A-22 Raptors are available, and one can be connected to the SR-71 in place of the CS/A-013(a) Satellite. (This variation, however, is a little unstable at supercruise speeds: Reduce pilot by 15%.)Myths surround this craft, some including outrageous tales about it's abilities; Most of these are true. Some surround it's construction, including a pact with an a demon from a rift; This is not true (though the best of rumors have a certain truth to them).The SR-71 also has been upgraded with the space-drop re-entry shield used on the U-2 Dragonlady. Unlike the Dragonlady, the Blackbird's wings do NOT have to be folded down. It also has space fold drives (the smallest craft to be so equipped) for strategic reconnaissance and bombing. Due to the small size of the Blackbird, her spacefold is TINY, and consequently has a spacefold signature too small to detect. The Blackbird is fully interstellar and transatmospheric, one of VERY few such craft.Another option available to Blackbird, borrowed from the Aurora, is "piggybacking" a U-2 or X-29b; This secret, like the inter-stellar capabilities of Blackbird, is classified.Name: BlackbirdModel Type: Strategic Reconnaissance/BomberClass: SR-71Crew: Two.Passengers: None normally; However, one VERY RARE occasion someone can be carried, but only if DESPERATELY necessary.MDC By Location: |
Main Fuselage- 250 Fuselage- Cockpits (2)- Engines (2)- Wings (2)- | 250 600 200 200 each 200 each | Variable Thrusters (2)- Tailerons and Rudder (2 each)- MRM Launcher (ventral)- Ball Turret- Piggyback Missile- | 100 each 10 each 100 50 100 |
Speed and Statistical Data: |
In the air: Mach 30. Range in the air: 100,000 miles. Can be refueled in the air. On the ground: 1 MPH Range on the ground: 100 miles.
Statistical Data: Height: 18.5 feet Wingspan: 55.6 feet (the wings can NOT fold up) Length: 107.4 feet Weight: 30 tons Cargo: Only the pilot's emergence supplies can be carried. Power System: Twin JER-m11 Hydro-Cell Jet Engines (33,000 pounds each engine)
| Flight Systems: Primary: Grav Pods. Secondary: Normal Aero-Foil effect and Hydro-Cell Jets. Thrust Systems (other than Space Fold): Primary: TD-050 Traction Drives. Secondary: Twin JER-m11 Hydro-Cell Jet Engines (33,000 pounds each engine) Cost and Availability : Each cost 25 million credits to build; Currently only about 2 dozen are available. Black Market Cost and Availability: An equivalent jet or nuclear powered system COULD be made available, but it would be VERY rare, and would not have space fold drives, for an estimated cost of between 25 million and 100 billion credits, depending on buyer and seller.
Weapons Systems: |
1. Fixed Forward Mini-Missile Rail Launcher: Mini-Missiles fired from the rail launcher either quadruple their range OR triple it and gain +2 to strike. Only Plasma or Hi-Ex MM’s can be used. Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft Secondary Purpose: Ground Attack Damage: Varies by type. Rate Of Fire: Per pilots attacks per melee. Effective Range: Varies by type used and bonus selected. Payload: 2,000
2. MRM Launchers (2): A ventral-mounted MRM Launcher is used to add to the crafts combat capabilities(despite having once been taken out). Purpose: Anti-Ship/Aircraft MD and Range: Varies by type used. Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 5, or 10 per pilots attacks per melee. Payload: 5 MRM's. | 3. Ball Turret Laser: A retractable ball turret used to discourage blind-side attacks. Purpose: Defense/ Anti-Aircraft/Missile MD: 4D6 per blast. Rate of Fire: Per gunners attacks per melee. Payload: Unlimited.
4. Piggyback Load: The craft can carry either an LRM, a CS/A-013(a) Satellite with MRM warhead, or an F/A-22 Raptor on the dorsal side. Either missile can be equipped with stealthing characteristics; Although the modification doesn't add to the overall stealth effect, it does negate the added radar signature.
Features: |
- Space Fold: The smallest craft, and one of the VERY few aero-space craft so equipped. Allows the Blackbird to travel from star system to star system, but is NOT powerful enough to from galaxy to galaxy. Note: The Blackbird’s interstellar abilities are considered absolutely top secret; Only Blackbird pilots, sensor/weapons operators, and command staff know this secret. Even the ground crews that service, fuel, and repair them do not know this secret.
- Stealth: Gives the aircraft the radar cross-section equivalent to that of a snowball, hides the infrared signature to that of a bad cough, and minimizes other radiation from the craft to essentially nil. The acoustic signature also has been minimized using various techniques.
- Chameleon System: Pleizio-ceramic tiles darkened or lightened as necessary to render the craft invisible. Minimum effective distance: 2 feet.
- ESM: Radar Detector. Passively detects other radars being operated.
- Radar: Combat grade radar. Range 100 miles, can track up to 50 individual targets. 95% reliability (24% against unfriendly stealthed vehicles).
- Blue Force Tracker: Identifies friend from foe. Overlays the information on both the radar and HUD, ensuring that friendly forces are not accidentally targeted.
- GPS: Standard tracking device. Ties into the Blue Force Tracker.
- Anti-Jamming System: Reduces Electronics Countermeasure by ¾ (decrease skill level appropriately).
- HUD: Displays maps, radar, targeting information, and any OTHER information the wearer wants directly in front of the user.
- FLIR/SLIR: Forward and Side Looking Infrared. Allows pilot to get visuals on targets at night.
- AJP: Active Jamming Pod. Causes -25% to detection but when it is active, other vehicles/bases can detect that it is jamming, and some missiles will home in on jamming signals. Jamming also causes a -4 penalty to all radar guided weapons. The jamming pod is only mounted inside the port taileron.
- AMC/FD (2): Anti-Missile Chaff/Flare Dispensers. Actually launches a glob of burning magnesium/aluminum alloy to confuse both radar AND heat sensory systems. Fires off 04 chaff/flares each time it is activated. The system is KNOWN to work on all KNOWN radar and infrared systems, but concerns continue that somewhere out there their MIGHT be a system that will be totally unaffected by the system. Reduce effects by 20% against smart missiles (add +20% to rolls for smart missiles).
- Effect:
- 01-50 Enemy missile or missile volley detonates in chaff cloud- Missiles are all destroyed.
- 51-75 Enemy missile or missile volley loses track of real target and veers away in wrong direction (may lock onto another target).
- 76-00 No effect, missile is still on target.
- Also note that the chaff cloud will also blind nearby heat sensors (and optically based sensors at night) for 1 melee. They will suffer the following penalties: Reduce melee attacks/actions, and combat bonuses by half.
- Duration: 1D4 melee rounds.
- Payload: 60 chaff/flares. Each time the system is engaged, the system fires off 04 chaff/flares.
- Video Camera: Records from the HUD. 50 hours of recording available.
| - LDP (4): Launched Decoy Pods. Located on the ventral side of the fuselage, the satellite carries advanced decoy drones, specially designed radar lure that creates a radar image to mimic the satellite. The drones are launched and fly off in various directions away from the satellite. Each is a specially. The decoys self-destruct at random times (multiples of 30 minutes, i.e. 30 minutes later, 60 minutes later, 90 minutes later, etc). This system has been successfully deployed against SEVERAL alien radar-type sensors (including one that works off of sound), but not against Invid Protoculture sensors. (They will sometimes attract Invid, however, at -50%.)
- MDC: 5
- Effects: The decoy has a 98% chance of fooling ordinary non militry radars and non smart guided missiles, and a 90% chance of fooling militry grade radars and advanced smart missiles.
- Range: Released to go wherever it wants. Can fly independently for about 30 minutes.
- Rate of Fire: 2 every melee.
- Payload: 16 Decoys each pod.
- Virtual Map: Displays a continuously-updating map of local terrain for the pilot. Takes data from and gives data to other friendly units in the area. Effective land navigation of 85% as updates come. Good to 500 miles. Specific range can be adjusted in 1 mile increments.
- Full range optic sensory suite: Infrared, ultra violet, Magnification, night sight, color filters, thermal imager. Range is about 200 miles for MOST sensors.
- Survival Pack: A pack of simpler emergency survival supplies: Pup tent, sleeping bag, black light, GPS, first aid kit (bandages, gauze, bandage tape, pads, antiseptic/analgesic), plasma torch (for small repairs and starting fires), repair kit (with MDC Repair Spray), sewing kit (a small spool of thread and 5 needles), 7 star flares (250 foot apogee), 2 white parachute flares (1,500 foot apogee), 100 feet of black or brown parachute cord (150 lbs tensile strength), 2-5 days rations, 2 gallons water, water purification kit- good for about 10 gallons.
- Sensory Systems: The craft is equipped with sensors the likes of which even the Robotech Masters has never imagined; Laser sensors that can listen in on spoken conversations, in crowded and noise-filled places; Cameras that can read the seconds on a digital wrist-watch in the dark; Signal interceptor systems that can not only eavesdrop on laser-secured radio systems, but in fact can even JAM them, causing a totally worthless signal to be received; Even a EMP-based dampening system that can tap into computers, copying all the data and leaving a blank computer in it's wake (does not work on hardened circuitry); Magnetic Resonance Imaging systems that can tell not only when one object is hiding amongst others (such as a power armor hiding in thick foliage with it's power plant off), but even near-alike objects intertwined (such as two different types of plants growing together); All from the edge of space.
- Smoke dispensers (8): Throws out smoke flares capable of obscuring IR and heat sensors, and defeats visual tracking of the vehicle. Mostly used to cover landing and takeoffs.
- Chameleon System: Pleizio-ceramic tiles darkened or lightened as necessary to render the craft invisible.
- Minimum Effective Distance: 2,910 feet.
Combat Bonuses from SR-71 Blackbird Elite:- 2 additional attack per melee.
- One additional Attack Per melee at levels 6 and 12 with any additional bonuses for the pilot.
- +3 Initiative
- +2 Strike
- +2 Roll
- +6 Dodge.
|  |
An SR-71 Blackbird during flight testing./td> |