![]() Clariont Battle Ensign Flown By Militry Bases And Ships. | ![]() Clariont Battle Ensign Flown By Militry Bases And Ships. | ||||||||||
The Veritech Fighter is the oldest continuous Mecha in the UGC arsenal; Though some Destroids date back further, proto-Veritechs actually PRE-DATE the crash of the SDF-001 MACROSS by
Nevertheless, even the Veritech underwent various upgrades, even in the relative brevity of the First Robotech War; The most critical of these was the development of the Fuel And Sensor Tactical (FAST) Packs, designed to increase the performance capabilities of Veritechs. An early proposal was to simply make all VT's permanently rigged with FAST Packs; This was eventually scuttled in favor of the VF-06 Alpha Fighter and VB-08 Beta Bomber. However, during the Second Invid Invasion/Atorian War, the Inter Planetary Alliance (formerly the Sentinel Alliance/Plenipotentiary Council) reconsidered the idea of being able to deploy the Veritech Fighter in the Super Augmentation Configuration; The Super Veritech had effectively the same missile load as the RDF-Era Spartan, and equal or better than the REF-Era Spartan, in terms of Medium Range Missiles; Combined with the Veritech's flight capabilities, these became equal to the range of an ICBM, with greater accuracy and smaller Warheads, decreasing collateral damage. Their other weapons systems combined had the range of anything short of the Raidar X and Mac-Series, with damage generally commiserate to the Excalibur and Gladiator Destroids; Slightly behind the curve in terms of RDF versions due to the much heavier firepower of the TZ-IV, but the head lasers were on independent turrets (the heads themselves) and at any rate have unlimited payload (the TV-IV also has a laser for the same reason). The Atorian War exposed the need for cheaper platforms in vast numbers; The Atorians would throw thousands of their robots at a single Alpha not to destroy the Alpha or kill her pilot, but to destroy the buildings and kill the civilians around them, creating enormous collateral damage- Collateral damage they would then blame on the REF. More REF Mecha meant more Atorians robots destroyed faster, meaning less collateral damage. Additionally, the much lower cost per unit meant they could be replaced more easily. Although the VF-06 Alpha and VF-07 Shadow remain in-service, the SVF-01 Super and SVA-1 Strike Veritechs have taken over the duties of the VB-12, as well as many of the more mundane duties once covered by the (much more expensive) VF-06/-07. Whether or not the Alphas survive the resurgence of the Veritechs or not remains to be seen- But probably not in the end. It should be noted that the SVF-01 is NOT the VF-1; Though most of the airframe and significant percentages of the mechanical, electrical, and electronic systems are very similar to their ancient counterparts they are not the same; Someone trained to overhaul a VF-1 would barely be qualified (or competent) to apprentice to someone qualified to make basic repair to the current craft. There are really two basic models; The one-seaters, A, J, S, and Z, and the two-seater D models. The D models were originally intended as trainers, but shortly into the First Robotech War were re-developed for additional missions (mainly with the advent of the FAST Packs that eventually would lead to the VE-1 Enlit Seeker Veritech). | |||||||||||
*Torso Pilot's Compartment Legs/Thrusters Arms Hands GU-11 Gun Pod | 300 200 200 each 100 each 50 each 100 | Head Head Mounted Lasers Retractable Utility Arms Wings Tailerons Backpack-style Pods (2) | 100 30 each 3 each 150 each 50 each 200 | ||||||||
Note: * Destruction of the main body will shut the unit down completely. Speed and Statistical Data: | |||||||||||
Speed: Running: Battloid Mode: 100 mph (160 kmph). Guardian Mode: 60 mph (160 kmph). Leaping (either mode): 30 ft (9 m) high or 50 ft (15.2 m) long without thrusters. Running: Guardian Mode: 312 mph (500 kmph) maximum speed limit in an Earth-like atmosphere. Can also hover in place indefinitely. Jet Mode: Mach 3.87+ (2593 mph/1621 kmph). Operational Ceiling: Trans-Atmospheric. Height: Battloid Mode: 47.0 ft (14.10 m). Guardian Mode: 29.0 ft (8.70 m). Jet Mode: 12.8 ft (3.84 m). Width: Battloid Mode: 18.2 ft (5.45 m). Guardian and Jet Modes: 49.3 ft (14.78 m) with wings at maximum extension. | Length: Battloid Mode: 16.0 ft (4.80 m). Guardian Mode: 37.3 ft (11.30 m). Jet Mode: 47.4 ft (14.23 m). Weight: 45,000 kg. Physical Strength: Equal to a P.S. of 50. Cargo: Small compartment behind pilot's seat for personal belongings. Powerplants: Twin Shinnakasu/P&W/Roice FF-2001 thermonuclear turbine engines (FF-2001D in VF-1S). Quad Shinnakasu NBS-1 vernier thrusters. Eighteen P&W LHP04 vernier thrusters. Shinnakasu Industry Super Valkyrie FAST Pack space booster system. Twin P&W+EF-2001 booster thrusters. Twin leg/engine-pod-mounted CTB-04 conformal propellant tanks. Numerous high-maneuverability burner thrusters in two dorsal-mounted. Twin leg/engine-pod-mounted systems. | ||||||||||
Weapons Systems: | |||||||||||
01. Jet Fighter High Powered Lasers (2): A pair of lasers are built into the nose of the Veritech Fighter for aerial dog fighters and assault. They are limited to a straight ahead line of fire, however, unlike the 1999-2020 version, the new series retains these lasers in both Jet and Guardian Modes. MD: 6D6 M.D. per twin blast. Range: 4000 feet (1200 m). Rate Of Fire: Equal to the pilot's combined number of attacks. Payload Effectively Unlimited. ![]() MD: 1D4 MD per laser; 4D4 MD for the S, 5D4 for the Z. One long, extended blast lasts one full melee and does double damage; Counts as two attacks that melee and can not be used against fast moving/dodging opponents. Range: 2000 feet (600 m). Rate Of Fire: Equal to the pilot's combined number of attacks. Payload: Effectively Unlimited. 03. Medium Range, Medium Warhead Missiles: Two missiles are housed in each forearm for a total of four missiles. MD: Varies with Warhead type, usually armor-piercing or plasma (2D6 times 10 MD). Range: Varies with missile type; 50-80 miles. Rate Of Fire: One or two at a time. Payload: 2 per arm; 4 total. 04. HMMP-02 Missile Launcher Pod: A single missile launcher pod is mounted on the left back of the Veritech, along with the left super rocket booster. It carries 20 medium-range, medium-Warhead missiles. It is identical to the the missile launcher pods of the Super Veritech. Missile Types: Any type of Medium Range Missile can be used. MD and Range: Varies with missile type, typically 2D4 times 10 MD at 60 miles (80.4 km). Rate Of Fire: Volleys of 2 or 4 missiles. One volley constitutes one melee attack, regardless of the number of missiles fired. Payload: 20 missiles. 05. GU-11 55мᴍ Tri-Barrel Gun Pod: The standard issue armament for VF series Veritech. MD: Does 3D6 MD per short burst, 6D6 MD per long burst, or 1D6 times 10 MD for a full melee burst. Range: 4000 ft (1200 m). Rate Of Fire: Equal to the pilot's combined number of attacks. Payload: 200 rounds per clip equals 20 short bursts, 10 long bursts, or 5 full melee bursts. Inserting a new ammo clip takes half a melee round; player forefits 1/2 of his attacks. One spare clip is stored in each leg of the Veritech. | 06. Medium- or Long-Range Missiles: The Super and Strike Veritechs can substitute it's nuclear missiles with standard UN Spacy medium- or long-range missiles. Three long-range missiles or nine medium-range missiles can be mounted per wing. Missile Types: Any type of Medium Range or Long Range Missile can be used. MD and Range: Varies with missile type. Rate Of Fire: 1 at a time or volleys of up to 6/18 (all) missiles. Payload: Up to 6 long-range missiles or 18 medium-range missiles. ![]() Missile Speed: 670 mph (Mach 1). MD: 3D6 times 1,000 MD at ground zero. Reduce damage by a factor of 10 for every 2,500ft (750m) the object is away from ground zero. (i.e. 3D6 times 100 MD at 2,500ft distant, 3D6 times 10 MD at 5,000ft distant, etc.). Range: 500 miles (804 km). MDC Of Missile: 25. Rate Of Fire: Volleys of 1-5 or All.. 08. Hand-To-Hand Combat: If necessary, the pilot of the Strike Veritech can engage in melee combat rather than use a weapon. The Veritech is extremely agile and can execute most typical hand to hand combat moves, such as punches, jump kicks, leap attacks, rolling with impacts, etc. Mega Damage: Restrained Punch: 1D4 MD Full Strength Punch: 2D6 MD "Booster" Punch: 3D6 M.D. (counts as two attacks) MD Tear or Pry with Hands: 1D6 MD Kick: 1D6 MD Leap Kick: 2D6 MD Body Flip/Throw: 1D4 MD Body Block/Tackle: 1D6 MD Stomp: 1D6 M.D. (only effective against small objects). | ||||||||||
Features: Unlike most Fighter and Mecha, the VF-1 Series was kinda light on the features; A disadvantage of the newness of the technology at the time. The new SVF-01 Veritech series drew directly from the originals, and therefore is light in these details as well. | |||||||||||
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Dorsal: NP-BP-01, NP-BP-02, NR-BP-T1, NP-BP-10 Arm: NP-AR-01, NP-AU-T1 | Leg: NP-FB-01, NP-FB-T1, NP-FB-10 | ||||||||||
Combat Bonuses For Super Veritech Fighter: Advanced training for militry pilots and Mecha specialists. |