Clariont Battle Ensign Flown By Militry Bases And Ships. | VS-01 TIGERSHARK-Class Submersible Veritech. |  Clariont Battle Ensign Flown By Militry Bases And Ships. |
Originally conceived by Dr Emil LANG well before the advent of the VF-01 Veritech Fighter, the VS-01 was intended to supply the fledgling RDF with the ability to mount amphibious operations VS-01 TIGERSHARK-Class SVF. |
 | The original concept sheet, dictated to one Lance Corporal Talis MERRIL by Dr. Emil LANG himself, before even the construction of the SDF-001 began in earnest; "Lance Corporal Talis MERRIL" would latter be Sergeant Major Talis MERRIL, REF Marine. |
Speed: |
Running: | 40 mph (64 kph) on land, 10 knots (16 underwater). |
On Water: | 20 knots (23 mph/37 kph). |
Under Water: | 30 knots (34 mph/54.7 kph). |
Dive Depth: | 200 feet. |
Battloid Mode: | 50 feet. |
Height: | Ship Mode: 18 feet; Battloid Mode: 70 feet. |
Length: | Ship Mode: 80 feet; Battloid Mode: 20 feet. |
Beam/Width: | Ship Mode: 30 feet; Battloid Mode: 30 feet. |
Weight: | 50 tons. |
Physical Strength: | Equal to a P.S. of 60. |
Cargo: | A small compartment behind pilots seat for personal belongings. |
Powerplant: | A single thermonuclear reaction furnace. |
Weapons Systems: | GU-13 Gun Pod; Medium-Range Missile Launcher; Laser Guns; Torpedo Tubes; Melee Weapon Combat:Knife;Spear;Battle Mace. Hand-to-Hand Combat.Optional Additional Weapons:Sink, Kitchen/Galley. |
and defend against pirates and raiders lurking across Terra.Dr LANG, in the earliest days of the RDF, didn't realize how MUCH power Protoculture provided, nor did he realize the VF-01 would easily be integrated with underwater capabilities. Before he'd even begun the engineering for the TIGERSHARK-Class in earnest, the United Nations Security Council decided that an aerial platform was far more critical for suppressing dissidents and malcontents; Fortunately, Dr LANG'S understanding of Robotechnology in general, and Protoculture in particular, had grown by leaps and bounds in just the few weeks that he'd been working on the project.The RDF abandoned the TIGERSHARK-Class almost immediately, but after the First War, a realization was made for the use of submersible Veritechs, at least in small quantities, to escort civilian vsls being harassed by various malcontents. Indeed, the First deployment of Veritechs against submarines was an attempt to bring down Jack "Blackjack" JACKSON that ended in catastrophe- Of the 20 Veritech detailed, only one made it out intact and 19 pilots died.That was not going to happen again. The limited intelligence collected gave the RDF an idea of what they were up against, and the drawings of Dr. LANG'S original idea was dug up. (It was easier said than done; They had been sitting in an office desk drawer in the doctor's apartment on Macross Island the day of the spacefold mishap; Fortunately, the desk itself had be recovered, though nobody had realized it at the time.)From the crude original sketch (made by dictation by the doctor to a lance corporal during a raging headache, while he adapted to the effects of the Protoculture overdose he received) the engineering was reconstructed. Indeed, parts of the frame were still intact, though twisted badly during the transformation process that wrecked the City of Macross.The First deployment of the TIGERSHARK-Class was aboard EDS SERENA, once again hunting Blackjack JACKSON. This time, all the mistakes made in the First hunt were 'corrected'; 50 TIGERSHARKS were detailed (superior force), in addition to the use of a platform designed specifically for the environment (the TIGERSHARK), and finally a proper decoy, a real tramp freighter (rather than an RDF Freighter) was used (shadowed by SERENA). This time, the trap was a complete success. Queen Anne's Justice was seen burning as she sank, and Queen Anne's Enforcer was seen to sink (though rumors persisted for years after that Blackjack himself survived).The TIGERSHARK-Class remains in service, but mostly on water-rich worlds, such as Winterall and Sullivan's Landing; Terra is on the lower end of water coverage, being 'only' 75% water.MAJOR UPGRADES:The only major upgrade of the TIGERSHARK-Class to date is the Flight Capable Delta-X variant First utilized on Tirol in a pilot program. The aerodynamic qualities of the TIGERSHARK were very limited, however it was determined that they "could" serve as strike bomber, then effectively protect itself during a return to base. However, the attack phase was pretty much a straight-and-level approach, with limited maneuvering. The program was abandoned at the time and the grav pods removed. However, recent events with the Orguss Veritech have caused REF Program Managers (Veritech and otherwise) to re-examine the program; The ability to place a TIGERSHARK up to 100 miles away from a body of water, drive the incurring Orguss towards that body of water, then send the TIGERSHARKS right there to destroy them in the trap struck everyone involved as a sound plan. It is NOT an adequate aero-space fighter by any means (even most helicopters can fly rings around them), but it is an effective plan. The flight speed was recorded at Mach 2.3, but the dodge was +2 and strike +5 at one attack per melee.As an assault option, man-sized pods, similar in concept to Lifepods used in the MG-8 Phantom III Dustoff Medivac, can be loaded onto the TIGERSHARK-Class. Up to 4 of them can be loaded onto each wing. The pods can hold a full-scale Battler Cyclone inside. This allows force commanders the option to deploy Marines in small numbers with a Veritech in support immediately, resulting in a stealth landing; By the time the defenders realize there IS an attack, the attack is half over and the second wave is crashing in. These stealth landings can only be judged by effect; The UGC found a Tiresian encampment on Frander. 5 Marines, 4 in power armor and one in the TIGERSHARK, landed and managed not only to neutralize the radar, but trick it into believing a massive air-based attack was coming from the opposite direction. This, despite the fact that the camp was 20 miles in land. With this outpost reporting the exact opposite of accurate information, the larger REF assault force was able to land and neutralize a MAJOR Tiresian force, including permanently disabling a AZASHAR-Class ("permanently" as in unable to launch and thus escape, but "damaged" as in the REF managed to rebuild her and took her to an anchorage to be scrapped out).TIGERSHARK-Class and OrgussThe TIGERSHARK-Class is, to date, the better option for taking on an Orguss Veritech; For reasons unknown, the Orguss simply can not fight in the water. Several efforts are being made to find a way for the TIGERSHARK to co-operate with the VB-06 Konig Monster Veritech, but to date the best method found is to have a couple of Konig's force the Orguss down, allow it to "escape" into the water, then pin it down with a FOLKER-Class banging away with active sonar and depth charges; The Orguss can usually avoid these, but with the FOLKER dogging them can't escape. The TIGERSHARKS can then respond and kill off the intruders. It should be noted that 52.1% of the Orguss destroyed and 93.225% of the Orguss parts recovered to date have been destroyed and recovered in this fashion, including enough parts to build 06 fully-functional Orguss- This has created consternation within militry intelligence circles, since 06 Orguss working together should be able to activate a space fold, yet the UGC to date has not been able replicate this.TIGERSHARK-Class and KonigThe TIGERSHARK-Class has proven an able partner to the VB-06 Konig Monster Veritech, especially in the business of fighting the Orguss. While the Konig's cover the land and air around them, the TIGERSHARKS control the ocean preventing assault from 02 sectors. The TIGERSHARK has also proven an very able partner to the HAYES-Class Aero-Space Carrier and FOLKER-Class Battle Landships when operating on the water.Vehicle Types: Amphibious Veritech.Class: TIGERSHARK.Manufacturer: United Glaxies Council/Robotech Expeditionary and Defense Forces (various).Crew: One.Passengers: None, though man-sized pods could be loaded to the wings (see discussion, above).MDC by Location: |
Hull- Upper Legs (2)- Lower Legs (2)- Upper Arms (2)- Lower Arms (2)- | 300 200 each 120 each 100 each 150 each | Head- Wings (2)- Missile Pod- Torso/Dorsal Shields (2)- Reinforced Pilots Cockpit- | 50 100 each 75 150 each 150 |
Notes:Depleting the MDC of the main body will destroy the Mecha. The pilot will be automatically ejected from the doomed Mecha before it explodes by the Mecha's main computer.Speed and Statistical Data: |
Speed:Running: 40 mph (64 kph) on land, 10 knots (16 underwater).Surfaced on the water: 20 knots (23 mph/37 kph).Under Water: 30 knots (34 mph/54.7 kph). Maximum Dive Depth:Ship Mode: 200 feet.Battloid Mode: 50 feet. Height:Ship Mode: 18 feet.Battloid Mode: 70 feet. | Length:Ship Mode: 80 feet.Battloid Mode: 20 feet. Beam/Width:Ship Mode: 30 feet.Battloid Mode: 30 feet. Weight: 50 tons. Physical Strength: Equal to a P.S. of 60. Cargo: A small compartment behind pilot's seat for personal belongings. Powerplant: A single thermonuclear reaction furnace. |
Weapons Systems: |
1. GU-13 Gun Pod: An experimental gun pod designed specifically for the TIGERSHARK. It was a disappointment, but was the only one that would work with the Mecha. MD: Does 3D6 M.D. per short burst, 6D6 M.D. per long burst, or 1D6 times 10 M.D. for a full melee burst. Range: 4000 ft (1200 m). Rate Of Fire: 4 short bursts (10 rounds each barrel) 2 long bursts (20 rounds barrel) 1 full melee burst (40 rounds barrel). Payload: 600 round ammo drum, with a total of 5 ammo drums. Penalties: The gun has a 25% chance of jamming each time it is fired; Each jamming event has a 50% chance of being a critical failure, permanently ruining the gun.
2. Six Tube Medium-Range Missile Launcher: For fire support during beach landings the TIGERSHARK-Class features a missile launcher pod in the mid-hull; This is amidships dorsal in Ship Mode, center chest in Battloid Mode. It can be used in either mode, but is easiest to utilize in Ship Mode at about 30 feet. MD: 1D6 times 10 per missile. Range: 2 miles (3.2 km). Rate Of Fire: 1 or 2 per attack. Payload: 6 missiles.
3. Laser Guns (2): Head mounted laser guns provide additional punch to the TIGERSHARK-Class. The lasers are the exact same as those used in the VF-01. The laser emitters appear as malformed "eyes" that stick out, like a man wearing a Multi-Optics Helmet. MD: 2D4 MD per laser for a single shot, 2D4 times 10 MD for a burst (counts as one attack). Range: 4000 feet (1200 m). Rate Of Fire: Single shots or bursts only. Payload: Effectively Unlimited. | 4. Torpedo Tubes (2): The TIGERSHARK-Class are equipped two torpedo launchers. These are the TIGERSHARKS main underwater weapon. Although not capable of doing as much damage as torpedos from more conventional submarines, the Mecha was designed as a strike craft, able to fire at relatively unprotected areas of its target. MD: 4D4 times 10 MD. Range: 6.8 Miles (11 KM). Blast Radius: 15 feet. Rate Of Fire: 1 or 2 per round. Payload: 4 (2 per side).
5. Melee Weapon Combat: Immediately it was understood the TIGERSHARK would probably have to engage in melee weapon combat while submerged, since only the forward torpedo tube would really work underwater. (The laser would work, but was of limited practicality.) Melee weapons were design specifically for the TIGERSHARK.- Knife: 1D4 MD. Per pilot's attacks per melee.
- Spear: 3D4 MD. Per pilot's attacks per melee. 20 foot range. Can retract to 5 feet for storage.
- Battle Mace: Very similar to the one carried by the Gladiator Destroid. 1Dd MD. Per pilot's attacks per melee.
- Rocks: Actually throwing rocks/small boulders. 1D4 MD. Per pilots attacks per melee. 200 foot range.
6. Hand-to-Hand Combat: If necessary, the TIGERSHARK can engage in melee combat rather than use a weapon. The Veritech is quite agile, and can execute most typical hand to hand combat moves, such as punches and kicks, rolling with impacts, etc. Punch: 1D4 MD. Kick: 1D6 MD. Body block/tackle/ram - 1D6 M.D. plus a 50% chance of knocking an opponent down, causing him to loose initiative and one attack that melee round. Stomp: 1D4 MD (only effective against small objects).
Features: |
Combat Bonuses for TIGERSHARK-Class Combat Training Elite: |
Flight Capable Model: | Standard Model: |
- 2 attacks per melee (plus those of the pilot).
- Add one additional action/attack at levels three, six, eleven, and fifteen.
- +1 on initiative in water or from waterside in amphibious operations.
- +2 to strike, parry, dodge, and roll with a punch or fall with an impact.
- Critical strike same as pilot's hand-to-hand.
| - 1 attack per melee total.
- 3 dodges per melee.
- +1 on initiative with support.
- +5 to strike.
- +3 dodge.