United Galaxies Council. | MAD-069 Timberwolf Heavy Assault Destroid. |  United Galaxies Council. |
In late 2017, 104TH Infantry Battalion, through a Tireasian firm, began to develop a Mecha specifically to their needs. The Mecha, which was developed off the frame of the T'sentraedi Glaug Officer's Battle Pod, it melded with Human technologies, adding Excalibur-inspired PBCs, Spartan-inspired missile pods, MAC II/III style Lasers, and Gnerl Fighter Pod-style shielding. This shield was latter augmented with SDF-3 Style Full Force Barrier Field, toggled to the Mecha's weapons systems; Pull the trigger, and the shield drops that fast.The Mecha, named the Timberwolf, was intended for assaulting Invid Hives en masse, with the idea being that any one of these was as powerful as the entire hive in some sectors. The 104TH would then assault with as many of these Mecha as the Hives total numbers, creating a steel tsunami.The Mecha was, unfortunately, not as effective as originally hoped; It's inability to do much more than a power hop made in horribly vulnerable to flying Mecha. This discrepancy was later addressed with the Scorpion, and the two, working together, would finish out the War, seeing action First in the Third year of the War, and seeing the most action in the last year when cooperative tactics between the two designs had been perfected.That War is long since over, but the two remain in service to this day. 104TH Infantry Battalion has a few, but most of theirs were transferred to other, heavy-Mecha commands (such as 19TH Armored Division).PowerplantThe MAD-069 Timberwolf uses twin JES-01 Hydro-Cell Jet Engines, not protoculture, making it technically a robot, not a Destroid or other class of Mecha. However, these produce enough power to run the Mecha at peak capacity for extended periods.Weapons Systems The MAD-069 Timberwolf was designed with a mix of Excalibur PBCs, Spartan missile pods, MAC lasers, and Gnerl shielding in an attempt to blend the best medium/low-end heavy weapons together. The comprimises made to get this array working together weren't too unacceptable; The missile launcher is fixed position, but the slight loss of elevation is generally compensated by a simple torso elevation, and the other weapons systems work very well together.Name: TimberwolfModel Type: Heavy Assault MAD-069Class: MAD-069Crew: One or two.Passengers: None.M.D.C. By Location: |
*Torso- *Crew Compartment- Upper Legs (2)- Lower Legs (2)- Feet (2)- | 600 100 400 each 350 each 300 each | Upper Gun Arms (2)- Lower Gun Arms (2)- Manipulator Arms (per section; 6 total)-
| 350 each 300 each
100 each
*Usual conditions apply.Speed and Statistical Data: |
Maximum Running: 50 MPH Range: 1,000 miles Power Hop: 50 FPS Maximum Height: 100 feet Range In The Air: 5,000 feet (100 seconds; 1.5 minutes). Height: 100 feet Width: 40 feet Length: 60 feet Weight: 75 tones Cargo: Pilot's emergency gear only. All pilots wear power armor when operating the T-wolf. Power Systems: Twin JES-01 Hydro-Cell Jet Engines Power Hop System: Grav Pods/Leg Actuators Cost and Availability: 120 millioncredit each/Always Black Market Cost and Availability: Between 10 and 150 millioncredit/Black market versions are rarely available.
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A Timberwolf In Action On The Factory Planet XXT-5K. |
Weapons Systems: |
1. Twin Main Particle Beam Cannons (2): These are ultra-max PBC, meant for Warship armaments, not Mecha. Purpose: Anti-Mecha M.D.: 2D6 times 10 Rate Of Fire: Per Pilots attacks per melee. Range: 24,000 feet Payload: Unlimited
2. Forearm 25MM Auto Cannons: Left Arm mounted, under the PBC. Purpose: Assault MD: Short Burst: 1D6; Long Burst: 2D6 Rate Of Fire: Per pilots attacks per melee Range: 4,000 ft Payload: 2400 rounds; 100 Full melee bursts, 200 long bursts, and 400 short bursts.
3. Forearm 32MM Auto Cannons: Right Arm mounted, under the PBC. Purpose: Assault MD: Short Burst: 1D6; Long Burst: 2D6; 6D6 Full Melee Burst:6D6 Rate Of Fire: Per pilots attacks per melee Range: 4,000 ft Payload: 2400 rounds; 100 Full melee bursts, 200 long bursts, and 400 short bursts.
4. Laser Auto Cannons: Normal lasers emit a short, hyper-intense beam of light which incinerates everything in a small area; Laser Auto Canons emit a full-melee beam of energy, like a rod of energy; This can either be placed on a particular spot for the full melee, or tracked to the target (+2 strike). Either way, this is the most powerful laser battery ever put on a Mecha to anyone's knowledge. Purpose: Anti-Armor MD: Tracking Blast: 1D6 times 10; Concentrated Blast: 1D4 times 50 Rate Of Fire: Once per melee Range: 30,000 feet Payload: Unlimited
5. MM-100 Multi-Missile System: The evolution of the MM series. Originally the MM-50 was used. Purpose: Assault/Anti-Personnel Missile Type: Short range. M.D. and Range: Varies by type used. Rate of Fire: One at a time or volleys of 2, 4, or 8. Payload: 5 per launcher; a total of 20 launchers were stategically placed around the Mecha. Cost: 2,000credit each. Availability: Fair availability
6. MSM-441 (2): Exactly like the missile pods used on the Super Veritech operationally, but simplified because it's housed inside the Mecha. The missiles are fired off at a 60 degrees angle; Then the missile streaks down on the target. Purpose: Assault M.D. and Range: Varies by type used. Missile Type: Medium range Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, 4, or 8 per pilots attacks per melee. Payload: 20 per launcher; 80 total. Cost: 10,000credit each. Availability: Occasionally available.
| 7. Shoulder Missile Launchers (2): The design is a hybrid of the Excalibur and Spartan missile pods, the mountings and frame barrowed from the Excalibur, the Missile Rails from the Spartan. Purpose: Assault M.D. and Range: Varies by type used. Missile Type: Long range Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, 5, 10, or all 15 per launcher. NOTE: Only 10 per melee can safely be fired at one time; More than that and you can overheat the Mecha, leading other ordinance to "cook off," or the Mecha can fall down. (Roll pilot skill at -10%; 01-50: Cook off, 51-00: fall down). This MAJOR flaw has never been explained. Payload: 15 per launcher. Cost: 10,000credit each. Availability: Occasionally available
8. Cobalt Limpet Mines: Mounted on the legs, these mines are used to prevent forced boarding. There's also a ring of explosive packs around the cockpit door. Mecha takes NO damage. Purpose: Anti-Personnel Damage: 1D4 times 10 Rate Of Fire: One Time Only Effective Range: 20 feet Payload: Each leg can have up to 20 of these mines. Bonuses/Penalties: Automatic strike against anyone in range. Cost and Availability: About 500credit per mine; Good availability. Ammunition/Spare Clip Cost & Availability: N/A
9. Door Packs: A second ring of anti-boarding defenses, these are mounted on and around the door to prevent entry a little more. Any number can be detonated the pilot wants; Mecha takes NO damage. Purpose: Anti-Personnel Defense Damage: 5D6 Rate Of Fire: One time only. Effective Range: 12 feet Payload: 100 packs surround the door.
10. Laser Turret: Basically a modified VF-1S Head Lasers. Located on the underside of the torso. Purpose: Anti-Personnel Damage: 4D4 Rate Of Fire: Per pilot's attacks per melee. Effective Range: 2,000 feet Payload: Unlimited
11. Hand to Hand Combat: A HIGHLY effective option, but the Timberwolf was never really meant for fist fighting. Swat- 1D6 M.D. Kick- 1D6 M.D. Body Block- D MD Leap Kick- 2D6 M.D. Stomp- 1D6 M.D. (only effective against small objects).
Features: |
- Radar: Combat grade radar. Range: 200 miles, can track up to 250 individual targets. 95% reliability (24% against unfriendly stealthed vehicles).
- ESM: Radar Detector. Passively detects other radars being operated.
- AJP: Active Jamming Pod. Causes -25% to detection but when it is active, other vehicles/bases can detect that it is jamming, and some missiles will home in on jamming signals. Jamming also causes a -4 penalty to all radar guided weapons.
- Anti-Jamming System: Reduces Electronics Countermeasure by 3/4 (decrease skill level appropriately).
- Full Range Sensory Suite: Infrared, ultra violet, Magnification, night sight, color filters, thermal imager. Range is about 2,000 miles for MOST sensors.
- MRA 6 Radios: Allows real time, continuous radio link up with friendly forces in the area via satellite relay over laser radio signals, preventing jamming, and automatically encrypts/decrypts same to prevent eavesdropping.
- Type-11 wide band radios: Effective 10 mile range, auto encrypt/decrypt. Works on radio band wavelengths, so it can still be jammed (if the enemy knows the frequencies).
- Loudspeaker: Amplifies voice 1 to 100 times. 100' in normal crowds.
- Smoke Emitters (2): Throws out smoke flares which emits enough smoke to cover an area about 20 cubic feet in calm weather; Special chemicals block IR sensors and radar signals (scatters them so the enemy cant get a good fix), however does not totally interfere with enemy sensors (enemy is -2 strike). Note: The smoke can be replaced by ANY chemical agent, from tear gas and pepper sprays to "Dragon's Breath", a noxious chemical that produces a smell so foul it's been known to cause people to visit the hospital, but is really quite harmless.
- Combat/Targeting Computer: Records all enemy and friendly activity over the course of time; Can replay that activity for the pilot, assign target designation numbers, and track likely damage based on mathematical formulas (i.e. "Right leg red" badly damaged/destroyed, "head green" not damaged, etc). Displays this information as a pop up in the HUD on request by the pilot. It can also track the status of other police in there area if thier bio-monitor are on line.
- AMC/FD (2): Anti-Missile Chaff/Flare Dispensers. Actually launches a glob of burning magnesium/aluminum alloy to confuse both radar AND heat sensory systems. Fires off 04 chaff/flares each time it is activated. The system is KNOWN to work on all KNOWN radar and infrared systems, but concerns continue that somewhere out there their MIGHT be a system that will be totally unaffected by the system. Reduce effects by 20% against smart missiles (add +20% to rolls for smart missiles).
- Effect
- 01-50: Enemy missile or missile volley detonates in chaff cloud - Missiles are all destroyed
- 51-75: Enemy missile or missile volley loses track of real target and veers away in wrong direction (may lock onto another target).
- 76-00: No effect, missile is still on target.
- Also note that the chaff cloud will also blind nearby heat sensors (and optically based sensors at night) for 1 melee. They will suffer the following penalties: Reduce melee attacks/actions, and combat bonuses by half.
- Duration: 1D4 melee rounds.
- Payload: 60 chaff/flares. Each time the system is engaged, the system fires off 04 chaff/flares.
- Electronic Counter Measures (ECM): These systems disrupt enemy radar and tracking systems, making it difficult for them to lock onto the ship with weapons. The countermeasures give the Mecha a +3 to dodge, +2 to strike and +1 on initiative in combat.
- CBR Protection: Complete chemical, biohazard, and radiological protection.
- Vacuum Seal: Permits the fighter to be used in hard vacuum (such as outer space), and other hostile environments.
- Motion Detector: Activates a loud wailing when an object is coming at the user fast, and a soft ringing if it's coming slowly. Activation ranges must be specified by the pilot.
- FLIR/SLIR: Forward and Side Looking Infrared. Allows pilot and weapons officer to get visuals on targets at night.
- LDP (4): Launched Decoy Pods. Located at various locations around the ship. The ship carries special pods that carries advanced decoy drones. These drones are launched and fly off in various directions away from the ship. Each is a specially designed radar lure that creates a radar image to mimic the vessel. If decoys are not destroyed, they can be Recovered and repaired. This system has been successfully deployed against SEVERAL alien radar-type sensors (including one that works off of sound), but not against Invid Protoculture sensors. (They will sometimes attract Invid, however.)
- M.D.C.: 5
- Effects: The decoy has a 98% chance of fooling ordinary non military radars and non smart guided missiles, and a 90% chance of fooling military grade radars and advanced smart missiles.
- Range: Released to go wherever it wants. Can fly independently for about 30 minutes.
- Rate of Fire: 10 every melee.
- Payload: 16 Decoys each pod.
- Mine Detector (in feet): Gives effective 85% Detect Mine/Trap OR increases skill by 10% for pilots that have that skill (whichever is more). Works on density composition, so non-metallic objects cant hide, and displays a visual assessment and danger probability (based on a mathematical formula) for the pilot on request.
- Blue Force Tracker: Identifies Friend from Foe. Overlays the information on both the radar and HUD, ensuring that friendly forces are not accidentally targeted.
- Video Recorder: Records from sensors and the cockpit itself. 500 hours of recording available.
- GPS: Standard tracking device.
| - HUD: Displays maps, radar, targeting information, and any OTHER information the wearer wants directly in front of the user.
- Virtual Map: Displays a continuously-updating map of local terrain for the pilot. Effective land navigation of 85% as updates come. Good to 50 miles. Specific range can be adjusted in 1 mile increments.
- Survival Pack: A pack of simpler emergency survival supplies: Pup tent, sleeping bag, black light, G.P.S., First aid kit (bandages, gauze, bandage tape, pads, antiseptic/analgesic), plasma torch (for small repairs and starting fires), repair kit (with M.D.C. Repair Spray), sewing kit (a small spool of thread and 5 needles), 7 star flares (250' apogee), 2 white parachute flares (1,500' apogee), 100' of black or brown parachute cord (150 lbs tensile strength), 2-5 days rations, 2 gallons water, water purification kit- good for about 10 gallons.
- Internal temperature and humidity control: Automatically maintains users desired heat, humidity, and other personal comfort settings.
- Heat And Radiation Shielding: Special shielding prevents the penetration of life threatening heat and radiation.
- Variable Tint Cockpit Canopy: Adjusts tinting to light conditions, up to an including a black dot if the sun is directly on the pilots face (only covers eyes).
- XTNDR RADAR/Radio Antenna Extender: A simple, 2 3 foot helium balloon lofts a 10 lb. pod 100' into the air. Hanging from this payload is a fiber-optic cable that relays the data collected from the XTNDR Pod to the Vehicle/Mecha/Vessels computers. Note that using this system under heavy foliage will allow the radar, etc to work there, at no penalties, but it will not break the canopy either.
- M.D.C. By Location:
- Pod: 50
- Fiber Optic Cable: 10
- Effect: Extends range of any sensors 10 times (or defeats other penalties in a 5 mile area).
- Survival Pack: A pack of simpler emergency survival supplies: Pup tent, sleeping bag, black light, 1st aid kit (bandages, gauze, bandage tape, pads, antiseptic/analgesic), plasma torch (for small repairs and starting fires), repair kit (with M.D.C. Repair Spray), sewing kit (a small spool of thread and 5 needles), 7 star flares (250' apogee), 7 white parachute flares (1,500' apogee), 100' of black or brown parachute cord (150 lbs tensile strength), 2-5 days rations, 2 gallons water, water purification kit- good for about 10 gallons.
A Timberwolf In Action On FBX 21555320. This May Have Been Before The General Civil Breakdown, As It Seems To Be Standing In Lava (during the early stage of the disaster); However, It Was Not Believed Any Mecha Became Involved Until After The Natural Disasters Ended. Marine War Museum. |
Combat Bonuses from Timberwolf Combat Elite:- 3 additional attacks per melee.
- One additional attack per melee at levels 6 and 11.
- +5 Strike.
- +3 Parry.
- +4 Dodge.
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A Timberwolf In Action On Eirana 14; This Was During The Famed Assault On The Capital During The Civil War. |