Tusken Raiders

Fast Facts:
Category:Semi-Sentient Savages
Status:Near Extinction.
The exact founding of the Tusken Clan is unknown; It's known they were the oldest continuous clan, and over eons had destroyed many other clans, absorbing their assets adding to their own power, but beyond that had been forgotten over time.
The Tuskens territory was a border region of the larger nation-states of Yanee and Urant. When the Atoria Clan launched their bid to gain control of Urant, they had hoped to use Tusken territory for a staging area, should it become a violent conflict. The Tusken Patriarch however refused them access to his territory, and warned them that anyone caught on his territory would be killed on sight. (Atoria had already become a matriarchal society, but were singular in this respect at that time.)
Atoria Clan eventually won their bid for power, and never forgot how 'those men to the south' had snubbed them. They renamed the nation-state Atoria, and consolidated their power- Partly by beheading the leader of all the clans within their territory who did not capitulate. (They also dictated new successors in the clans, ensuring only females would ascend to Leadership of the clans.)
As the Atorians launched their second bid for planetary power, the Atorians began imposing their values on all Clans worldwide. The Tuskens, amongst others, refused to capitulate, and at a secret summit they agreed to mount a coup against the 'bitches from the east.' The Tuskens were selected as the pointmen in the coup, due to their mutual border with the traditional Atorian territory, which was still their base of power. All 22 clans at the summit promised to support the coup.
When the war started, nobody showed. The Tusken Commando assigned to assassinate the Empress succeeded, but the Tuskens were instantly exposed as the usurpers; Legend still holds her security forces allowed them to succeed to justify a war.
The Atorian Army secured the border around the Tuskens and a dozen other Clans; Their orders were only to hem in the 'insurgents'. Atorian High Command had a special idea in mind- An anti-matter bomb.
The bomb itself had already been tested, in absolute secrecy, and High Command wanted a visual example of the weapons capability- A threat to the other clans what would happen to them if they tried something like this in the future.
The weap had a little more effect than the Ators expected. A bomb the size of a hand grenade blasted 200² miles, buffed only by the Jundland Mountain Range. This mountain range saved the Ators from their own foolishness, causing the blast wave to dissipate before it hit them as well.
A half million Tuskens survived the event, and devolved significantly. The once fertile Tusken area had become a desert, called the Jundland Wastes, and was interred.
The REF, after defeating the Atorian Empire, ran afoul of the Tuskens by dint of breathing; Unaware of the Tuskens history, the REF began a massive campaign to eradicate what they thought was a limited religious insurgency of true Atorians. The shame of the truth is something the REF has never forgiven the Ators, since the REF was working from information supplied them by Ator colabs.
The Tuskens are thought to have become extinct, but there is a possibility some survived. The REF's standing policy is non-lethals-only when confronted by Tuskens. However, the Jundland Wastes are being occupied currently, and there has been no sightings of them to date.
UPDATE: Live Tuskens HAVE been identified, moving at night and staying underground or in sand-covered, portable hotches by day to avoind the heat. Though still calssififed as savages by UGC standards, they are considered a "protected species" and are to be contained, not eradicated.