United Galaxies Council. | UGC Agencies. |  United Galaxies Council. |
It should be noted that some organizations have more points than they 'should' by rights; This is because the UGC has been around for over 500 years, and because assets (points) not used by one agency can be transferred to another. |
 United Galaxies Council. | UGC Civil Agencies. |  United Galaxies Council. |
The largest (and most important) agencies in the UGC are the Federated Bank, The Office Of The Council, the Galactic Investigation Services, the Galactic Survey Agency (needed to expand the empire), the Merchant Marine (mostly a licensing and oversight agency), and curiously the Patrol (to maintain safe operation of starships, needed to ensure the economy of the empire remains strong). The Merchant Marine is small in size and scope, but without it the UGC would actually die away. |
The Office Of The State The Office Of The Council Galactic Investigation Services Galactic Information Bureau | Galactic Survey Agency Merchant Marines Federated Bank Prison Authority (Page Not Ready) |
 Clariont Battle Ensign Flown By Militry Bases And Ships. | UGC Militry Armed Forces. |  Clariont Battle Ensign Flown By Militry Bases And Ships. |
The UGC is primarily protected not by massive walls of steel, but by the knowledge that the UGC Militry Armed Forces will retaliate, with extreme (even excessive, if circumstances permit) force against anyone who attacked her.The Patrol very much IS a part of the MAF, and though small in size, is massive in scope; There is no aspect of the MAF not influenced in one way or another by the Patrol; When Marines or Army need to make a landing, that's the Patrol. Under fire. Heavy fire. The fact that they have a job in peacetime does not effect this. |
The Spacy The Marine Spaceways Patrol And Enforcement Services (aka The Patrol) | The Army The Aero-Space Forces The Robotech Defense Forces |
Related: Militry Training. |
Recruit Basic Indoctrination (Boot Camp).Each galaxy has a system reserved for the enlisted recruits of that galaxy for training.Basic training consists of 8 weeks of "boot camp," with all 5 main branches (and 6 sub-branches) serving together at this point in companies roughly comprised of the numbers supported by the services as percentages. Very often, ASF Recruits will be asked to spend an extra 8 weeks going through boot camp a second time as "advanced recruits" just to ensure there are ASF recruits in the company.Upon graduation from boot camp a recruit is promoted to E-2 and could theoretically be dropped into any billet in any service at the E-2 rank, even though their branch of service may never warrant many of the skills developed; For example, the Patrol and Spacy have little or no use for infantrymen, and the Marine has little or no need for a ship's helm/lookout, however the graduating recruit can fill the roll of a Marine Rifleman (any Marine that is not infantry or armor), and a Marine could take the helm of any UGC ship or shuttle and steer a course ordered by the OOD. This applies to all E-2 equally; You can go anywhere and do anything any other E-2 might be tasked to do under supervision.It may not look it from a first glance, but the services are separated to a degree even in the company. Firstly, recruits are given uniforms of their branch. Secondly, the recruits are formed up in formation and marching in ranks by service; However, as companies file into various building, they are split up as branches. This was intended to foster comradery across the services, and has mostly proven successful. Recruits will still make fun of each other across services, but an underlying respect remains well after boot camp and indeed time in service is completed. Recruit Instructors are referred to as Recruit Company Commanders, but the colloquialism of Company commanders and Drill INSTRUCTORS is still used nevertheless (Recruit Instructors are not allowed to discipline recruits for using the wrong title). The term Drill Sergeants has been stripped from Recruit Companies and is used in the Operational Units for training and disciplinary staff in the Army and Marine.The commander of any given boot camp is billeted to an O-6 (Captain or Colonel) and is referred to as the Recruit Training Command Commandant.The ROBOTECH Academy.There is only ONE ROBOTECH Academy, Khyron Kravsherra Militry Academy/UGS BREETIA TULL UDF-001. Over time the academy's needs far outpaced what the ship alone could do and she was moved into permanent orbit over a habitable world, DdHX-303. The planet below was named Breetia-Kravsherra, the ship remaining as a training ship and administrative complex.UGC Militry Officer Cadets are run through ONE academy so that all are trained exactly the same way. Additionally, they get a lot more exposure to the other branches than they do at Basic Training; For a few years at least, you are not a Soldier, Marine, Spacer, Aerospace, or Patrolman. You are a Cadet, exactly the same as all the others. They all wear the same uniform with only their nametags differentiating them, showing their future branch of service. As a Cadet is accepted to the Academy their future branch is normally known; However, the MAF reserves the right to change this if the needs of the services require it.The Cadets leave with at least a 4 years degree under their belt and an 8 year obligation before them. The degrees are in militry necessity fields, with essentially a 2 year Mathematics degree for everyone except Medical Corps personnel (this is a 7 year degree and 12 year obligation, but the obligatory period is counted towards residency and other requirements).Whereas an E-2 Basic Recruit is a jack of all trades under supervision from others with greater training and experience, O-1 Officer Candidate Graduates are specialized and while they can revert to their enlisted basic training if necessary, they are more likely to be the Supervisors.There are 12 cities on Breetia-Kravsherra, each set up for a class. As one class graduates a new class moves into the city. The city's suburbs serves the needs of the training staff and their families. The cities have names instead of numbers, but the suburbs do have names.The Commanding Officer of the Khyron Kravsherra Militry Academy is also the Commanding Officer of UGS BREETIA TULL, and is an O-8 (Rear Admiral (upper half) or Major General, typically the former) or 9 (Vice Admiral or Lieutenant General, also typically the former) and in that capacity is referred to as Commandant, Officer Candidate Command. The title is slightly more formal than their enlisted counterparts.There is a Recruit Training command on Breetia-Kravsherra at Point Grant/Fort Grant, but this is comepetely independent of the Officer Candidate School command.Selection to The ROBOTECH Academy.There is a continuous process of application and evaluation to the ROBOTECH Academy. As soon as a given applicant completes their first enlistment (generally 4 years, but sometimes 6), they may find orders to the Academy- If selected, their report date is the day after their reenlistment swearing in is completed. They remain at the command until the next class is formed performing duties as close to their previous duties as circumstances allow- This often leads to the unusual situation where future junior classmen are giving instruction to Cadets, since the enlisted member is knowledgeable on the subject. |
Mercenary Forces. |
Due to certain technicalities of law, "mercenary" forces must be the legal, lawfully established armies of UGC-Allied states*. How exactly those states choose to employ their forces is their own concern, with the exception of the RDF's (as the Council does pay for those).The only noteworthy exceptions are national guards and militias, which are at least theoretically an "army" of a state. |
The Brotherhood Of Steel.The Earth was in Chaos; Then Army "deserters" stepped forward to take control and re-establish order.Homeworld: Ceres.
| La L'egion 'Etrange're"La L'egion 'Etrange're" is literally the ancient French Foreign Legion of Terra, surviving to this day; It was not rebuilt, it SURVIVED four Robotech Wars. Such was the heroic efforts of the Legion that the UGC codified their existence as a state unto themselves.Homeworld: Montana (RTF-44371). |
Swiss Custodes (The Swiss Guard).The Swiss Guard is the Honor Guard and Militia of the Vactican. After "Conjugium Deos," it became the "official" defenders of all faiths.Homeworld: Terra (Vatican). | UGC Special Battalions ("Sierra Bravos" or "The Lost Battalions").Special Battalions are made up of UGC militry convicts.Homeworld: Tumper.
*: "State" refers to any lawfully established ruling entity; The legal definition is "a politically organized body of people usually occupying a definite territory, especially one that is sovereign or the political organization of such a body of people." This includes cities, counties, provinces, states, nations, systems, marches, federations, alliances, republics, confederations, leagues, and any other collections of systems that band together as one body politic, in the case of the UGC usually former empires.The Brotherhood Of Steel, Swiss Custodes, and a few other "mercenary" factions managed to dodge the stricter, finer points of the law by organizing under other states (in the case of the BOS as the 'militia' of Eureka, the Swiss Custodes under the Vatican). Le L'egion circumvented the matter by forming a political body unto themselves. | Because of confusion on chain of command, the REF established a definitive "pecking order" to these merc units:- Brotherhood Of Steel/Swiss Custodes Officer Corps (when acting in Mission Commander role)
- UGC Task/Strike Force Commander;
- All other UGC Officers;
- Brotherhood Of Steel/Swiss Custodes Officer Corps (when not in Mission Commander role);
- L'egion 'Etrange're Officer Corps;
- Special Battalion CO (XO as applicable);
- UGC/L'egion 'Etrange're Enlisted Corps;
- Brotherhood Of Steel/Swiss Custodes Enlisted Corps;
- All other mercenries/PMC's;
- Irregular Militias and other paramilitry entities;
- Any armed civilian;
- All other contractors;
- Pets and livestock;
- Sierra Bravos (aren't even in charge of themselves).